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Discussions on difficult subjects

Started by Enjoyed, Mar 09, 2018, 23:11

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Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Sep 12, 2024, 21:53
Have they said why? Help us to understand!

They're invested in a cult of ideology surrounding the Republican party. Pretty sure they could give a shit about Donald Trump, but they cant untie themselves from the economic and social differences to support a Democratic candidate. They live in an area where they're encouraged for their beliefs, so they aren't exactly challenged amongst their neighbors or peers.

Maybe they watched this debate and changed their mind? Doubt it.

I'm afraid to admit they might have a mild dose of xenophobia, racism, and sexism, which Donald will gladly speak for on their behalf.

Not sure if the world is familiar with Rick Steves but he's been traveling to all of your countries for quite some time now and has educated Americans and bolstered your tourism economy... He's like the world traveling version of Mr. Rogers.

If your familiar with his work, this was no secret who'd he be voting for, but as far as I know this is the first time he's made a political endorsement and I'm thrilled he did it.

Last Edit: Sep 13, 2024, 08:41 by Bosco

After self-creating one of his most embarrassing weeks in presidential campaign history, Trump had one hell of a Sunday to cap the week:


a few hours later...


updating story here:


Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I was expecting that, as anyone with any sense would. 
Right won not because it's strong but because left is hilariously weak. 
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Nov 06, 2024, 09:45
I was expecting that, as anyone with any sense would.
Right won not because it's strong but because left is hilariously weak.

As someone who lives here, it honestly felt like the Left had huge momentum going into last night. And while I believed it would always be close, I didn't think it would be an eye-opening slaughter.

Disappointed in the closing tallies from my home state of Illinois. It looks like republicans made headway in my state which, I'm very surprised by. Which by the way, my parents home is in a suburban hotbed for business professional republicans, was victim of political terrorism, TWICE. First was a non-return addressed letter threatening to volunteer them in some bogus voluntary immigrant housing because of their Harris/Walz sign on their lawn, and the second being someone swiping their election sign on election day, which sounds petty to complain about, but really upsetted my Mom.

Feel awful for women and deeply embarrassed by my country. I'm sorry everybody. I did my part...

Such a depressing day

A new world over. Putin has truly won this election
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

Quote from: Bosco on Nov 06, 2024, 10:30
Feel awful for women and deeply embarrassed by my country. I'm sorry everybody. I did my part...

The BBC had roving reporters n the US in the past week asking passers by who they would vote for.
In one of the southern states, a young black female said: "I was at a party a while back and someone had a gun and started shooting, I wished I had a gun so I could protect myself". So she was "probably going to vote Trump".

Do Americans realise that the reason why Guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens is because everyone has a f**king gun?! Has this been spelled out to Americans? Do they all get that? It's an arms race and it leads to way higher gun deaths than in other countries. Maybe Americans think that the Canadian gun death rate is lower just cos they're boring?

I do NOT feel sorry for that young woman if she voted Trump. Fuck her.  I feel sorry for the rest of us. When America votes for its president we ALL get him to some extent. And I am pissed.

Other Americans talked abut the Economy/inflation. Do Americans realise that that shit didn't just happen in America? I saw a right wing commentator say on twitter, about 6 months ago: "Look at the price of a McDonalds meal now. This reflects badly on Biden [not yet ruled out] for the next election."
I replied: "Gretings from London UK, same thing here with McDonalds. Is that Biden's fault too?" -No reply.

Here's an article on the reasons for inflation and the true state of the US economy at the moment. It took me five seconds to google this. Was this made clear to Americans in the run up to the election?
Trump blames Biden and Harris for causing inflation, but they weren't the cause. The two main causes were the pandemic's closing factories and disrupting supply chains worldwide and Russia's war against Ukraine, which increased energy and food prices
Guess what. This shit affected people in UK and Ireland and other parts of Europe too!

The US economy has grown the fastest among major industrial nations since the pandemic began. Our economy has grown twice as fast as Canada's, three times as fast as France's and Japan's, and four times as fast as Britain's. Under Biden, the average unemployment rate has been lower than under any president since Lyndon Johnson.

Boo hoo, poor America! You have it soooo tough. Try grocery prices on this side of the pond. Absolutely mental! You are recovering better than us!
Article: Record number of food bank handouts in London last year - up 171% in five years

It took me literally seconds to find the first link (and the 2nd) in this post [EDIT: I meant the one about the economy]. SECONDS. Did Trump voters not know or not want to know?!

January 6th and the Giuliani "rigged voting machines" stuff should have fnished Trump forever. I am stunned that people didn't see how appalling that was. Regardless of their political leanings.

I remember hopping into a taxi in Dublin back around the time Trump first came to power. Taxi driver started talking about Americans and said "they're all stupid, the whole lot of them". Well taxi drivers have their opinions -quite often wrong, so I said: "You can't say that, you can't call an entire nation stupid - they have great universites there, they sent a man to the moon!"
But now, honestly if a taxi driver or anyone else offered that sweeping opinion, I'd just keep my mouth shut. How any democratic free-thinking nation could allow that guy to run again, I will never understand.

As for Sandelic's opinion:  the Left being weak. I don't really understand it. May need more clarification there.
I watched Trump pretend to fellate a microphone, and sway around to Sinead O' Connor for 40 minutes (no I didnt watch the full 40 mins!) at his poitical rallies, oh and tell casual lies, and host comedians happy to make racist attacks on Puerto Rico (Huh!?).

By contrast, I watched a Democratic party that acted decisevely in removing its candidate (Biden) and organising a new one. She appeared to put on good rallies, she came across as positive, clear thinking and reasonably honest. But hey, maybe she forgot to mention the good things about the US economy? That would -genuinely- be a mistake.

Here's a UK MP already talking about distancing the UK from the US:

And an extension (reinforcement?) of my Jan 6th thoughts:

And a re-tweet from Ed Simons:

Sorry if you're getting the brunt of this from me Bosco, but I am full-on angry at America right now.
For balance: Putin can go fuck himself too.
Last Edit: Nov 06, 2024, 13:55 by Wolkenkrabber

I am ashamed of my nation today. Here in 2024, I thought we were beyond all this, especially with the boomers dying off and the young people seeing what is at stake. But...the idiots and the assholes have spoken and will do damage that will last long beyond this Presidential cycle.

Worst of all for me? Kamala wasn't my perfect candidate, but she had a great campaign and was the first Democrat since Obama I was happy to vote for (as compared to being the lesser of the evils like Clinton and Biden). And now...I'm just devastated. I'd love to say a platform having a stronger stance against the horrors in Gaza would have made a difference, but in the end, it was simply about domestic fear, hate, racism, and misogyny. The knuckledraggers who voted against her probably couldn't even identify Israel on a map, let alone point to he strip. And now we shall buddy up with dictators instead, with a loyal cabinet and no checks and balances.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Damn you guys. I'm hardly engaged these days but I can't stop thinking of you all  in this little haven and corner of the internet. Seen a lot of elections cycles through your eyes here on the boards, over the years.

What a devastating past 24 hours it has been. It is weird in a boiling point sort of way, to process this. But... Thank you guys for being here. ❤️
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 06, 2024, 13:10
Do Americans realise that the reason why Guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens is because everyone has a f**king gun?!

A lot of us-americans know this. But the NRA is doing a lot on lobbying so everybody is shure that the only way of beeing save from gun violence is having your own guns (yes, that include for some more weird reason assault rifles). Rest of the world knows how it really is...

But even if the candidate who should be against weapons owns a gun (CLICK or CLICK), you know where you are on this topic. The NRA is force, and guns will be be a daily thing in the States.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 06, 2024, 13:10
Here's an article on the reasons for inflation and the true state of the US economy at the moment.

Thats a global problem. For example, here in germany inflation is going down since 3 years or so, but know one knows because prices remain high - still everyone blames our current government. No one is interesstet in why prices are high, no one blames the companies that wanted to keep profits high. But the Opposition is right there to make shure the people believe is the fault of the current government. Same in every country (if you live in country that has an opposition - which every country should have but a lot of countrys don't have even if you think you do have) - so here we are with the us and a. And sorry to to say that, but he democrats would done have the same saying if Trump was the current past president.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

According to these exit polls, I don't understand the enormous leap of Latino men supporting [)onald +rump. All campaign long he demeaned and belittled all latino countries south of the border, this is one of the most perplexing gains.
Last Edit: Nov 07, 2024, 20:00 by Bosco

What Bosco said is very important, in my opinion.
There should be honest talk among liberals why women and minorities flocked to elect drumpf. 
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Nov 07, 2024, 14:32
What Bosco said is very important, in my opinion.
There should be honest talk among liberals why women and minorities flocked to elect drumpf.

Yes, agreed. But I think it all boils down to this...

"It's the Economy, Stupid!" (James Carville)

Thus, Democrats are probably looking at future candidates built off of the idea of strong economic values like Gavin Newsom (governor of California) or J.B. Pritzker (governor of Illinois). Newsom is the leader of the 5th largest economy in the world (enough said). J.B. Pritzker is a jolly and likable Billionaire, who has done a great job of becoming allies with minority groups and center-Republicans.

Edit and *WARNING*: I noticed an unusual amount of "Guests" in this thread and I think it might be because of my complete use of THOU WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED in my previous post. I've since edited, and the guests list went down...

:takes off tinfoil hat:

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jan 08, 2025, 10:09
So Mister President-elect Orange Face is dreaming about using the US Army to take over Greenland & the Panama Canal? And he wants Canada to be the 51st State of the United States? And he wants the Gulf of Mexico to be renamed into Gulf of America?

It's not like anybody has said pre election he's a freak. Ok, everybody has said it, but still the majority of US citizens voted for him (like they've forget about his first 4 years as president)...

Meanwhile the world burns.
I really hope this instagram embeds.
I also kinda hope that this stuff might make America take climate change more seriously than it has done to date. But with Trump in charge... :-\

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jan 08, 2025, 21:07
make America take climate change more seriously than it has done to date

Not gonna happen...

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-01-07/jpmorgan-quits-net-zero-banking-alliance-following-citi-bofa ( https://archive.ph/mSQ6A )

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-01-08/rbc-bmo-signal-they-may-follow-wall-street-out-of-climate-club ( https://archive.ph/Yw3l4 )

this one's in german but maybe some will understand

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So that was the first week of 2025:
- Trump wants Canada & Greenland
- Höcke* wants the incitement of people to be legalised
- FPÖ** is probably becoming the government of Austria
- Merz*** wants expatriation if someone is getting violent
- No more fact checking on everything Meta
- Scholz**** finding it weird to ban private firecrackers for new year's eve

Stay tuned for the following 51 weeks

* Höcke is part of the german nazi party AfD (for some weird reason the AfD is praised a lot of times by Elon Musk)
** FPÖ is a very far right party in Austria
*** Merz is part of the larges party in germany, CDU
**** Scholz is our current Chancellor, but there are new elections in a couple of weeks. Background of the "Böllerverbot"-discussion ist that this year again too many people - mostly in Berlin - have died because of using firecrackers, many buildings where demaged and people where attacking paramedics, police and firefighters with them just for fun (or to show who has the largest dick, i don't know)

Last Edit: Jan 09, 2025, 21:50 by ThePumisher
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

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