Me, You, And Me, Him And Her, And Them Too

A strange album by "The Chemical Brothers"

Started by UnknownWeaponBattle, May 05, 2018, 20:19

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The other day I found a strange album of "The Chemical Brothers" on a page called "" (Argentine page to buy things of all kinds) that I never saw, it seemed strange to me since I am a fan of them. Then I bought it and after searching the internet I found it to be a pirated version of an album of them that was released in a cassette, when the disc arrived I realized that it was false since from the windows player the names were badly written and I did not have photo but still get to hear 3 songs that I never saw of them which are: "Flashback", "Enjoyed" and "Studio K". The album is called "B-Sides" was released in 2000 by Russia and the cover is like the single "Music: Response" only the words "Music: Response" are replaced by "B-Sides" and the Booklet is the image of the single from "Let Forever Be". The list of topics are:

01 Freak Of The Week
02 Enjoyed
03 Music: Response (Gentelman Thief Mix)
04 Music Response (Futureshock Mains Response)
05 Out Of Control (Live From Glastonbury 2000)
06 Got Glint (Live From Glastonbury 2000)
07 Flashback
08 Scale
09 The Diamond Sky
10 Studio K
11 Piku Playground (Live from Glastonbury 2000)
12 Setting Sun (Live from Glastonbury 2000)






If you are interested in this album or want to listen to the topics:

I'll answer questions you have about this album :)


El otro dia me encontre un extraño disco de "The Chemical Brothers" en una pagina llamada "" (Pagina argentina para comprar cosas de todo tipo) que nunca vi, me parecio raro ya que soy fan de ellos. Entonces lo compre y despues buscando por internet encontre que es una version pirata de un album de ellos que lanzaron en un caset, cuando llego el disco me di cuenta que era falso ya que desde el reproductor de windows los nombres estaban mal escritos y no tenia foto pero aun asi llege a escuchar 3 temas que nunca vi de ellos los cuales son: "Flashback", "Enjoyed" y "Studio K". El album se llama "B-Sides" salio en 2000 por rusia y la portada es como la del sencillo "Music: Response" solo que las palabras "Music: Response" estan remplanzadas por "B-Sides" y el Booklet es la imagen del sencillo de "Let Forever Be". La lista de temas son:

01 Freak Of The Week
02 Enjoyed
03 Music: Response (Gentelman Thief Mix)
04 Music Response (Futureshock Mains Response)
05 Out Of Control (Live From Glastonbury 2000)
06 Got Glint (Live From Glastonbury 2000)
07 Flashback
08 Scale
09 The Diamond Sky
10 Studio K
11 Piku Playground (Live from Glastonbury 2000)
12 Setting Sun (Live from Glastonbury 2000)






Si les intereza este album o quieren escuchar los temas:

Contestare sus preguntas sobre este album :)

Yes, it is most definately a bootleg compilation of single b-sides and live moments.

Flashback and Scale appear on the single Hey Boy Hey Girl, Diamond Sky and Studio K (which is an instrumental edit of the Sunshine Underground) were b-sides on Let Forever Be and Freak of the Week and Enjoyed were part of the Music:Response single.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on May 06, 2018, 09:34

Yes, it is most definately a bootleg compilation of single b-sides and live moments.

Flashback and Scale appear on the single Hey Boy Hey Girl, Diamond Sky and Studio K (which is an instrumental edit of the Sunshine Underground) were b-sides on Let Forever Be and Freak of the Week and Enjoyed were part of the Music:Response single.

Yes ... I thought it was weird anyway because the one who sold it to me said that he found it in a record store in "La Plata", "Buenos Aires"

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