Do It Again

2018/11/17 - Corona Capital, Mexico!!!!!!

Started by androidgeoff, Jun 08, 2018, 18:40

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WHAT THE FUCK!!! THE WORST STREAM EVER. Anyway, uploading it in a couple of minutes

Well, it's almost 3:30 am here... I left the download link in the facebook group. If anyone are not in that group, send me a PM.

wait what just happened, I was watching SNL & Ghost adventures.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

It was a 15 minute rebroadcast of the set from earlier in the evening. We got TNK, Go, DIA and Free Yourself before the stream switched to some little kid pressing buttons.

How was Mr Carell?

Now you know why they all held their phones up!

Fifteen minutes... it's like seeing your bus speeding off without you.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 18, 2018, 05:04

Everybody jumpin' out of their mind watching the show through their fucking phone camera.

It's like a solid 50% of the audience with their phones out. Jeez.
Quote from: nekoland on Nov 18, 2018, 05:09

But in all seriousness, although I'm generally with you guys, I think this one's different. This is sort of a one in a lifetime moment for the Mexicans given the Brothers's scarce appearance in Murica et al. (or they were just streaming by themselves because they knew what would happen :D)
Last Edit: Nov 18, 2018, 09:37 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I finally decided to make an account. Been following for years.

I flew down to Mexico City from Minnesota with my wife specifically to see this show. I've always had to travel to see the Chems except back in 1999 when they came to St Paul.

Anyway, the show was amazing. I danced every single moment of the show. I'm so grateful every time I get to see them live. I get in my own world from the second the lights drop until "Love is All" is displayed. I'll write a proper review when I get back home. Headed back to the festival today to see NIN and New Order amongst many others.

Welcome! Glad you enjoyed the show and I'm eager to read your review. Be safe on your travels.

Here's a short clip of Snow Surface. Why do they always cut it short, just two minutes more. Can't be that difficult  :'(

And here are some more

"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Nice Cell Phones
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I know how that poor guy with the snapback during Surface to air feels. RIP eardrums, but a way to go.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

I am back in Chicago

I will work on a review of the whole fest once I get some rest. Sunday, I was exhausted and did not get there until Digitalism. Very taxing trip for my first time out of the country

Will also look to upload pictures/video.

I honestly did not get very good pictures or videos, as I really just wanted to soak it in.

Main thing is I have not watched pretty much any live footage of current tour, so I may have "revelations" that are "uh huh bro we already know, get with the flow"
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh and just so nobody spends time looking, I am definitely not in the video. They never really filmed where I was

The crowds were the easiest, in my life, to film and see over... because of height differences
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review time!

Before getting into the review of the festival, I will say that CDMX is an interesting place. The weather was basically 45-75 degrees depending on time of day. Tacos in Chicago are just as good. I have a Mayan restaurant a block from me, so I have access to really good tacos (lengua lengua lenguaaaaa).

The festival had sooooo many installations. This definitely should become a 3 day festival, but I am sure the funds for that many days is out of the question. There were cool murals throughout the festival made by what I assume were local artists. There were others I did not get pictures with (like a Do It Again one, a Hey Boy Hey Girl one, and supposedly *according to my gf* a Sammy the Salmon one, which I am definitely disappointed I did not check out)

Yes, I had my face stapled to have the same expression ALL THE TIME. Or, I really am a Free Yourself robot that got out of the warehouse. I'll let you run with whatever story you got.

I did not go Riot Fest heavy with seeing as many acts as I could. My main goals were Sparks, Chemical Brothers, New Order. I did not see Lemon Twigs (seeing them in January, so I was OK with this casualty). In fact there were many casualties, of which Nathaniel Rateliff was the one that hurt most. I wish they had played at like 6:15.

Started it all off with SPARKS!!!

Engaging, quirky, and fun. Everything they stand for, they put out on stage. I hope they hit the US sometime within next few years, because I only just got into them, relatively speaking.

Next up was the magnificent Jenny Lewis.

The set was fun and upbeat. Her outfit was this crazy devil cowgirl outfit. I love performances like this, where it is strong without being crazy. The emotion was fully exposed. A++

After her set, I kind of floated around, looked at installations. Heard more Panic! At the Disco than I really ever wanted. Bastille was good, too, I just was not drawn in.

Jesus and Mary Chain brought it. Just a solid set, nothing to get super pumped about. I would have wanted to get closer, but most of my energy was being saved for some group called The Chemistry Brothers.

I checked out a little bit of the Kooks as I checked out some merch. Listened to Borns from far away for a small amount of time, as I was waiting for it to end so that I could get a good spot forrrrrrrrrr....

Wait the Chems review happens after I talk about Sunday.


look at that sweet wheel!! It did not work, but it represents the unity and connection of life or something. Symbolism is lost on me. Also, symbolism sounds like a health condition, so I recommend being as direct buki as possible.

Look at this guy! He broke on Sunday, his arms stopped moving ): but on Saturday he was grooving

Saw a good chunk of Digitalism (Live) (THIS ONE'S FOR YOU, WHITENOISE)

This tree got to see some cool shit this weekend. Bet as a seedling it never imagined getting to see Chem Bros, Digitalism, and New Order in one weekend at the same Corona Light™® stage. Here's to you, tree®. You know where your r®®ts are. I am not making an analogy that I am the tree. I don't believe in chl®r®phyll. The Earth was only made 500 years ago. Science is bunk. Long Live Corporate Cash$®

Man does Mexico love Electro and anything that screams 2008. Mexico loves Industrial, 2008, and synthpopwavectro (in 15 years, we get nu-synthpopwavectro, so start making it now and cash in on that sweet Spotify money when the time comes, or make a sweet bandcamp!!!).

Digitalism was spot on. Their background was asymmetrical, which was kind of distracting. Their music was not distracting, it drew that crowd in. Hands waving everywhere. The time of day for them was perfect. The sun had just set, they had those crazy blues/purples/yellows/oranges. Great duo. I was immersed in a lot of the soundscapes they provided. Very interesting synth work, unique noises.

Checked out a little of War on Drugs, they get played in my ears sometimes. Bowed out real quick though after like 2 songs because I was hungry. Got a turkey leg, because when in Mexico, Turkey Leg is the obvious choice. Surprisingly good, quite filling. I surgically took it apart, because I have some odd innate understanding of bird bone structure with how many pieces of fried chicken and wings I have had in my life. May have won a medal as I thoroughly impressed patrons surrounding me with the speed and accuracy in which I devoured this fucking leg. To the older couple who provided me with paper towels and well wishes, I appreciate your devotion to clean faces and hands.

MGMT! was next. You all know, that group with song about youth and the other one about an electric feel now. Did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did. I have not really delved into their discography after the second album, so I came in with open ears and an open heart. WOW there had to be like 20,000+ people in front of me or something. Sooooo many people. Great setlist, glad I got to finally see them (RIP Mamby on the Beach 2018, I had to work that whole weekend and still have not seen Spooooons)

Hey, what is up Nine Inch Nails? It is quite interesting. NIN and New Order played Riot Fest 2017 (what a Riot Fest) with the order going New Order -> NIN. I personally felt this was a disservice to both bands and this other order of NIN -> New Order was much better. Riot Fest NIN performance, I was just OK with. Really enjoyed NIN this time around. The crowd was just mental for them, I just knew this was going to be a madhouse. Closer was extra special. Muy caliente A+++

NEW ORDER. What needs to be said? 3rd time seeing them. They are just a pro's pro. Expressionless, because they've been doing this for so long it must be 2nd nature to the max. The crowd was ready, everybody knew every word. What a deserving crowd! I was really far back, my exhaustion was taking hold. I refuse to rank the times I have seen them as each has been with people I hold very dear in my life.


Chems time!

Hey, what a show. For reference, my location was centered, about 60 feet in front of FoH. Normally, I see them as close to FoH as possible, but wanted to be a little bit more in the crowd. Do not know if I will ever do front row, I really like the view of being close to FoH. This felt like a "superfans" show. Lots of nuances, what felt like experimentation, letting loose. I swear it was about 10-12 mins longer than normal. No encore (TPPR one day I will see you, goddamnit why do you elude me so???) I went in without having spoiled the setlist. Very open mind, especially with new material being presented, I wanted to not go in with a bias (new songs translated sooooo well live). Short review is

Hell Yes.

Standard DJ set during set up. Crowd was ready. Always that "oh shit, this is really happening" moment when Tomorrow Never Knows starts up. Best crowd I have been in for a chems show. Mexico fans really wanted this, I hope Tom and Ed sensed it. Language barrier aside, I had a great time with the strangers around me. So many "this is my first time seeing them" fans in the crowd. I am happy for them.


Love the dubby version they do. New visuals were cool! Kind of like a SIFSD hybrid. But, I do have to wonder, what happened to the old visuals? It is not that I have a preference, but the old ones were more unique. Favorite moment of old visuals was "GO" being broadcast out. Favorite moment of new visuals is the "playing" of the keyboard on the screen, as it all tied in with the weird boxes and pressing of things. Not going to lie, with the modulating, whirling synth, I thought it was going to be Galvanize being returned to the start (still my favorite opener). So, Tom and Ed, you tricked me!!

Oh, maybe I have never noticed it before, or it is new for this tour, but the Burst Generator white noise/kicks was a great touch in this song.

As an opener, Go is great! Very explicit start, commanding almost. HBHG would also have worked, as Mexico has a deep, entrenched love for that song!

Do It Again:
Wow new visuals are fun. The evolution of the visuals from 2007 to present day has been subtle and the latest iteration is definitely the most superior. Something about the ambiguity of it, the liquid feel, hearing that all-encompassing "HOO" "UH HUH" with new visuals really cemented it for me that yes, even after 11 years, this is still quite the song live.

Free Yourself:

Visuals for this are top notch. LOVE the interlocked legs in the box part. Live versus recorded, gonna have to give the medal to the live version. The breakdown translates soooo well live. Whoever that lady is that they recorded was a great choice. All of those weird panned whirring noises were a trip. The Coronas in my belly were also bubbling up to this song. The following burps also managed to free their selves. So maybe this song is actually about carbonation??? Burp Unity and Burp Rights are on the table for the 2020 election.


Yeah, check out this sweet transition (sorry that gf's hands are filming during it, vidception). Entrancing. All of this transition is smooch noise. I am definitely into erotic trash can kissing. Porn is seen as rubbish, I think I get the symbolism, I'm learning! I refuse to make canned responses.

What a build up. Fucking weird (in a good way) visuals. A general "why is this so good???" Acid synthline, those drums. RELEASE IT PLEASE
Mad as Hell that they made this song, because WOWEEEEE it is grand. I still am always gonna think of Kraak & Smaak.

DUDE THE LAZERS SHOOTING OUT OF THE FINGERS. What a touch. Genius decision, top moment. Like what the what

Still have a weird relationship with this song. Still want that Rolling Stones/Michael Jackson bit inserted in there (THIS REQUEST IS NEVER GOING AWAY)

Love the "house nation" sample in this (I think that was what it was? it was super quiet, so I may be wrong)

Mexico went bananas for this! This version felt so different, maybe a little more stripped back. Could you swap this out for Swiper?????? SWIPER

EML Ritual:
I was going to be super sad if this was not still in the lineup (RIP Ill see you there... ):   )
Not much input on this one, I just love this song live and recorded. Mouthed all them vox. Danced my tuckus off

Chemical Beats:

I felt this one coming, I was so excited to see the crowd reaction on this song. NOT DISAPPOINTED, wow did the crowd explode. Massive part of seeing chems shows is seeing the reaction. I love the moment when pretty much everyone realizes what is about to happen and I'm like "yeah baby, get it"

this song is the best, it is the best song, I love this song. It still feels rushed (higher BPM I am pretty sure, but I understand that it needs to be), but damn does it still hit.


Mr. Simons really started to come out in full force with the crowd guiding. I hope he saw my arms and hands from far away. Always a lovely time. I like when the crowd is like "woooo swoooon!" Standard review of this one, it pleases!

Temptation -> Star Guitar:

Uhhhhh best version to date. WHAT IN THE WORLD. Is that Bernard the whole time? The "ooooo-ooooo-hooo-ooo" almost sounds like Beck, I really could not figure it out, this is bothering me greatly if someone can tell me.

Beautiful, just a real treat. Those synths were nice and prickly, 2khz/4khz/8 ya bby you feel so gooood

The fill/retrigger drums aaaaa did not expect them so early and then I was like "star guitar time" Had such a great time with the whole ensemble, but I am super stuck on the Temptations part, that was such a treat

Got to keep on/ Keep on Getting me High/ Gotta Keep On? What is the official name??:

My favorite of the new live songs. I listened to it a few times as it was being dropped in DJ sets. Did not gravitate towards it at the time, but holy shit it's so different and nuanced. Visuals, the changes, aaaaaaaa

This song has to be this album's mainstay in the live set list. Don't get rid of this one, I cannot believe how well this translated live. What in the world?? The whole thing kept me guessing, what a fun time. The dancing people.

The breakdown "the rain, comes down, like tears" or whatever. What is this from? My video does not do that whole part justice. The buildup to THE BELLS was incredible live. It was a very fulfilling kind of "EVERY 16TH NOTE HAS A PAH PAH PAH PAH PAH" kind of thing as it all came together. Hard to explain, but the video I took really did not do that buildup justice.



Lights shooting out of hands, more of that. Give Ed a handheld light to shoot out of his hand, I don't care, more of that visual effect. Sort of like the introduction of smartphones, it is not something one could think of prior to its existence, but after being exposed, it's like "duh, how did nobody come up with this? It makes too much sense"

Damn, this song was great. BELLS. Very driving song. Please do not get rid of this one, I am sorry for not liking its first iteration nearly as much.

Hey Boy Hey Girl:

Mexico loves this song soooo much (I mean, I love it too, but this is Mexico's song)
The crowd was into the show up until this point, I am not arguing that. But when this started, the energy level went UP, as it always does (which is why it is such a great opener!). So happy to see my friend, the muppet harumph glasses guy. GREAT MERCH IDEA, SELL FOAM VERSIONS OF THOSE, I'm sick of those Kanye glasses anyways, we need a new style of glasses. While you work on that, perhaps we can get out of this fitted hat craze? Chem Bros what you got on that front?


Standard review. Always a great time getting to see this, really wish that I could get one of those balls. Would like to get a chance to "bop" one out, but I do not get close enough for that. Feels like a right of passage.

Elektrobank into Piku/Playground/Music:Response:


Seriously they have always been 2 of my favorites, they are examples I use to show people who do not know Chems beyond Galvanize/Star Guitar. FUCKING A this was a dream come true. I have always liked the concept of Piku Playground, so glad it is back. Would like the return of the Open Up synth though. Nonetheless, WOWEEEEEEEE

What made this especially fun was the fact that I did not know this was coming at all. I was like "Elektrobank is slowing down, is this going into UTI/IDM?? Are they gonna do the slow part of Elektrobank and have a quick break after??" and then BOOM
Yeah, keep this!!!

Escape Velocity:

Love this song, it is my gf's favorite. We were getting a little worn out and then this livened us the fuck up. Standard review, never get rid of this one, I love its placement in the set list. some kiind oooof reeeaaaaaaaaaaaliiiiiityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Yeah this is who da what now territory of awesome. I love this version so much (and the 2015 version was so HOUSE NATION CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP goodness). RIGHT AFTER I STOPPED RECORDING it went into fucking Eric's House fuck this is some good acid house levels of Acid House. The visuals in the 2nd half of this were really fun, like these emanating boxes of funk. Hard to describe, I really hope they one day revisit EBW7, call it you are all my grandchildren now or something. Big ups brothaz. The Eve of Destruction vocals were cool, hoping they expand on this? Not sure where they are going, liking it a lot though.

Under the Influence, Did I Pass the Test? oh... it Doesn't Matter?:

This is just getting to stupid levels of insanity. Just so much happening all at once, fantastic overload of senses on this. I wish I did not know the robots existed. I want that "first experience" again. Glad they worked, had no issues, had their legs (north cooooaaaast). This was my first time seeing them fully work, sooooo happy about that

Snow/Surface to Air:

Been waiting a loooooong time for this one. Only way to describe it is you have to see it. Just a beautiful moment. Oh, but thanks to the people in the crowd who just had to buy gum from a merchant and had this fucking bright ass light in my face. Come on now, this was a moment to soak in, not buy chewy "don't break my teeth while on drugs" time.

Everything about this grouping of songs is perfect. I also still believe Surface and Wonders of the Deep were supposed to be flip-flopped. Would really like to the bottom of this yo. Was Further the "The Information" to Push the Button's "Guero"??? WAS BLACK TAMBOURINE SUPPOSED TO BE FOLLOWED BY LANDSLIDE???????? Oh, the HORRIBLE LANDSCAPE HOW FAR WE'VE COME

Yeah buddy
Never leave me, I need this song in every live set. This is now always a very bittersweet moment for me. I know the show is ending soon. I know that I am not going to get to see TPPR, so I just rock out. Melancholy... love this song though.

Leave Home/Sirens:

Standard review, just such a heavy hitter. More
Justin Warfield
needed (ahem ahem

Block Rockin' Beats:

What a cap
Who is this doin this
We all were, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

one day

My pictures came out pretty bad. I had really bad timing with this show lol

Last Edit: Nov 20, 2018, 20:15 by androidgeoff
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heartfelt part:

Wanted to give a big thanks to Tom and Ed for this show. I have had a very difficult 3 years since seeing you all at North Coast. Lots of intense work, moving to new industries and climbing the ranks in each one. It was very necessary to work hard to get to Mexico and see this show. I was not going to wait another damn year (at the time did not know of 2019 dates and did not want to chance it). Especially after hitting a goose egg on a hopeful 2016 Europe trip (finances, vacation time, WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS???)

You and the crew made that 90 minutes make everything worth it.

To the Mexico and Central American fans. I am sorry we did not meet up. Internet was just so iffy, and you all helped me navigate CDMX a lot better than I was going to be able to. You deserved this show and the announcement for the 2019 show. I am so happy for all of you.

To the leader of the Brotherhood facebook group, Ed, I especially wanted to meet you. You helped me out a lot with understanding how things work. I hope we do cross paths one day.
Last Edit: Nov 20, 2018, 20:38 by androidgeoff
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forgot to add this video initially

so pretty
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, misc:

My GF (her second time seeing, last time was North Coast 2015) happened to bring this shirt that has all these birds on it, and wore it at the show. I thought she did it on purpose, because it literally looks like KDB, but it was brought without a reason. Amusing as hell the whole situation

Got her a tanktop version of the circuitry  t-shirt and it says Chemical Brothers Mexico 2018 or something on the back. I got a FREE YOURSELF t-shirt and a DYOH t-shirt. There were a lot of great ones, I really should have gone crazy on those. Favorite one was this one that looked like an advertisement for the Robots. I just don't like wearing clothes with that much clutter on them.

Adam, what did you do to improve this light show? Everything felt a lot "cleaner" and crisp. Each tour is getting significantly better (and they are already the best), it is remarkable.

It was great to see Ed play again.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

very cool Kayne..I.mean Androidgeoff  ;D

Felt the vibe on your review, especially the love from one of the best crowds in chem history. When people are in sync with your energy, things become 1000 percent better.

I never really thought about Further being the 'Information' of their discography or PTB being the 'Guero'! Funny observation that you made and I'll look into once I get home.

In my mind I would love to see the BG kicks from GO and then transition straight into Burst Generator. But I can dream.


All in all, glad you had a blast.

Those murals are badass. Digging the WATN one!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Classic review. Although, I must admit I'm disappointed your dingy WATN shirt did not make your photo shoot...

I told you already, but I'll say it again, really happy you made it out there!

Quote from: Bosco on Nov 20, 2018, 23:41

Classic review. Although, I must admit I'm disappointed your dingy WATN shirt did not make your photo shoot...

I told you already, but I'll say it again, really happy you made it out there!


yo I'm getting buried in that shirt

Gotta retire it and my horsepower shirt (that I did wear that day)
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

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