Feels Like I'm Dreaming

Album #9: No Geography

Started by Charco, Nov 19, 2018, 12:15

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"Real" singles with b-sides?

Off course
12 (23.5%)
That would be great but i don't think so
15 (29.4%)
If the album is great i don't need singles with b-sides
5 (9.8%)
0 (0%)
3 singles. All in two version. Every version has at least one b-side and one remix.
17 (33.3%)
K+D+B is godlike
19 (37.3%)

Total Members Voted: 51

Loving the new Album... but what's the story behind Bango? Why is it called that? What is it about?

Hi everyone! Long time, no post. Thanks to Csar for reminding me of my login deets! 

I'm just popping back in to join the chat about the new album  :music

Like a few of you have mentioned in this thread, I was disappointed with the last album. I felt it was quite disjointed and didn't really have much of a flow to it. There were stand-out tracks (EML Ritual & I'll See You There) but for me the rest felt like a collection of B-sides and didn't really work as an album.

Anyway, on first listen I'm really impressed with No Geography, which comes as a bit of a relief if I'm honest! I'm inclined to agree with Ben_j's review. Also, I'm pleased to hear the programming is much more like their earlier albums... open with a few bangers that nicely flow into one another > then take a rest with a melodic tune or two > then pick up with a couple more bangers > before a melancholic finale. It's a true Chemical archetype. Tried and tested, it works.

*edit: Oh yeah, the opening combo of Eve of Destruction and Bango is especially brilliant! Takes me back to the EPD and DYOH days. Ace  ;D

I only have one question regarding the bonus tracks on the Japanese release, as well as the extended tracks and instrumentals on the vinyl: does anyone know if these will be released in the future digitally? I'd especially love to get hold of a copy of the EBW version of MAH for my DJ sets  :music

Ok that's enough rambling from me for now. Big ups brothers and sisters. Love is all x
Last Edit: Apr 12, 2019, 14:12 by hubie

i'm confused by the hate..gravity drops is brilliant—the track that really struck me on the first listen. they have absorbed and understood contemporary techno & ambient, then produced a chemical twist on it, very nice.
Eight or over.

Quote from: Bango on Apr 12, 2019, 13:45

Loving the new Album... but what's the story behind Bango? Why is it called that? What is it about?

Tom gave a rundown of each song to Apple Music. It seems Bango isn't about any one thing in particular but an idea collaborative that evolved and took form. Not sure the screenshot of my iTunes will attach to this post, but this is what it says about Bango:


"Auroroa's Response to playing her bits of music was so unexpected, brilliant, and inspiring. [For 'Bango'] I'd play her something and she'd come back and with angular words and ideas about unbalanced relationship dynamics and gods bringing thunder upon you. That's the excitement of collaborating with someone - arriving at something neither of you could have thought of on your own."

Edited: Screenshot worked! I will add the rest of the iTunes bits for y'all!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

OK, so I confessed to my husband that I was too excited to sleep last night because Chems, and he kinda made fun of me this morning.

I'm still letting the glory of this new release sink in. Thank the heavens for the weekend!

Here's a low down from Tom for each song, from Apple Music.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: hubie on Apr 12, 2019, 13:59

I'd especially love to get hold of a copy of the EBW version of MAH for my DJ sets  :music
The price you must pay for returning here is that you must read the forum. Jump back to pages 13 & 12 of this very thread and take a look at the photo of the Japanese CD - that should answer your question.
Last Edit: Apr 12, 2019, 15:15 by Wolkenkrabber

Been listening to Bango quite a bit. Not much of a tune but really fun production.
Listening to the bit from 2.40 to 3.10, I'm thinking this sounds strongly influenced by
. Both the bleepy bits and the mad staccato/jerky sounds. Not saying it's sampled but am saying: influence/inspiration.
I don't care if y'all disgree with me. This is the hill I am prepared to die on. Fight me.


No Geography has got me quite emotional. On my second listen right now. Every single song hits the mark for me. Elation

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 12, 2019, 15:00

The price you must pay for returning here is that you must read the forum. Jump back to pages 13 & 12 of this very thread and take a look at the photo of the Japanese CD - that should answer your question.
Yeah I spotted that. It's on a Japanese import CD. I was referring to an mp3 we can download from the internet  ::)

In the past the lads have released digital-only tracks - Don't Think springs to mind - so I was curious to know if anyone had any inside knowledge before I spunk the best part of 40 quid on importing a CD just for three tracks. Fair?

^ There are no known plans to separately release EBW12 digitally (they didn't with EBW11).
As for the instrumentals that come with the triple vinyl as downloads...
Different nationalities on the forum were given different info about what bonus instrumental tracks they would get.

I see Ben_J (France) has been redeeming his bonus tracks today. I'll be interested to see if people in other countries get the same bonus tracks that Ben did. At some point in the next few days/weeks perhaps people on the forum can pool their knowledge/results?
Again Hubie, there are no known plans to release these separately. I guess they're meant to be a reward for spending big bucks on the vinyl.

BITE had not one but two different Japanese CD releases. Those of us who bought the first one (me) may have been a bit miffed when they later released a second version with even more bonus tracks. Who knows what they'll do? But I suspect these tracks will end up on the internet sooner or later. 

Ps Is it really 40 quid? I'm seeing £17.20 + postage on CD Japan.

Quote from: Csar on Apr 12, 2019, 12:00

Thank you Universal for giving me the ultimate "No" Geography experience on a release date! I decided to go walking to my store instead of driving just to get a breeze of fresh air and clear my mind before taking all in. But of course, you weren't able to supply my MediaMarkt store with anything this morning. Well, at least I was able to have a look at the LP because that's what you managed to deliver the day before according to the clerk there but which I didn't care about. What a classy move.

What added to all of this was the depressing mood the CD shelves were giving me. Most of the artist labels are replaced by generic alphabetic letters and rough genre categories. MAH!

Two local record stores near me don't carry the album. Your kidding me! Sigh! Gotta drive out further tonight to get my damn copy after work.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 12, 2019, 16:20

^ There are no known plans to separately release EBW12 digitally (they didn't with EBW11).
I guess we will have to wait for Brotherhood 2 with EBW 11-20 for that (keeps fingers crossed)

Damn man, the drums on the title track are just life altering. And I'm hearing sounds that I haven't heard since Come With Us. PLEASE COME TO CHICAGO!!!!!

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Apr 12, 2019, 16:22

Two local record stores near me don't carry the album. You're kidding me! Sigh! Gotta drive out further tonight to get my damn copy after work.
That store wasn't even a record store but a BestBuy kinda one. I hope you're able to pick one up tonight, fingers crossed!

Just went out to get mine and you know what? It was kinda a redeeming experience! While picking it up they had some background music playing and I was like, "Hm, sounds a bit like an remix of M83's Steve McQueen I haven't heard yet." And the next thing you know is a voice from above does whisper the lines from the Geography poem we were discussing the other day. Ha, and indeed, looking at the demo stand it was right there! Although I was happy as f**ck, I checked out as fast as I could to not get spoiled, but what I heard was euphorigenic! Waiting until tonight to give this a proper and conscious spin!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

It's on Spotify for anyone who hasn't bought or illegally downloaded it...


It's the strongest start for an album of theirs, possibly ever. First 4 tracks are mind blowing
The title track is possibly the best title track they've done.
That track is going to sound fucking enormous live.
It has got a definite feel, not as dark as last album but definitely edgy
Shorter than usual.  Can tell Eds fully focused again.
Really enjoyed it, wanted more so job done I guess

I am liking more and more No Geography (the track), The Universe sent me and Catch Me I'm Falling.
I think I already love this album more than Born in the Echoes.

Am I right believing that 'Got to Keep On' was intended to be the album stalwart?

If so, it visually looks fun from a live perspective, but the track doesn't leave a huge impression on me. And since that track doesn't do the heavy lifting (for me), I think this is where the album might escape me.

Wow, just put it on. Crazy shit.  :music
Eve, you're too short. When you end, I want more of you! And you left out the
, why??
No, wait, what are you doing to me? The title track is over?  Are you kidding me???? THis could be an anthem! Fuck.
Anyways, The Eve of Bangography suite is awesome!
Got to Keep On! Yeah, with No Geography for crying out loud!!! GTTKO misses the sweet
like they used in their live sets. Why isn't it in there??? Would have given it a little more edge. Too bad. But it's nice.
Gravity Drops, interesting, simple. Maybe a little too simple? Undecided. Argh, fuck it, there's something about it I dig. Reminds of stuff I came up in FL studio back in the day.
Universe Sent Me, cool, this synth sounds like my Abakos VST I used to use. Expanding the Chems Universe, indeed. Too many Kevins at the end though. Five or six less would have been fine with me (where was Ed to tell Tom to cut it shorter?!).
Acid Dogs! Real vinyl clicks! Violins! And headbanging!!
Odd transition to Free Yourself. Hm. Too sudden? Wrong place? Did anyone mention context?
Mah-oh-yeah-oh-leeee, hahahahaha. I'm mad as hell - wha. Holy moly. Studio session for the win! Oh, plot-twist. Interesting. Darn, it's over too. I take it one more time! With the EBW.
Last track already. Sweetness follows. That is different for the chems. But radiates straight from the heart. A dreamy outro.

Uff. Over and out. Lots to digest. Don't get the comparisons to previous or esp. early releases yet, though, this is almost something I've never heard from them before. I'd argue, it's even less traditionally chemical than anything they've released so far. The one thing I miss, however, is a complex track of the likes of EV, TSU, TPPR etc, some wild ride type of tune. Univers Sent me is almost there but could use some more synth bleeps and bloops (it's banging nonetheless).
Last Edit: Apr 13, 2019, 00:18 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

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