
General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Quote from: Bosco on Feb 18, 2025, 21:08
If it all ends with a 2032 Asteroid, I think I can come to peace with that. I feel bad for the younger generations though.

Should be enough time for Horizon 3 to be released, so I'm fine with that.

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 18, 2025, 21:08
If it all ends with a 2032 Asteroid, I think I can come to peace with that.

You better start speedrunning your bucket list, like now! 7 years is like 3 chemical bros album releases and 2 live world tours.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 18, 2025, 21:08
I missed the Nirvana reunion (w/Malone) on the SNL 50 and unfortunately someone seems to be scrubbing significant footage of the reunion from the internet.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!


I acknowledge this is in fact your forum, and it isn't my wish to put you in a difficult spot or make you or anyone else to feel uncomfortable. But censoring/banning people for discussing politics while we are experiencing global anguish is not healthy.

I think what you said was bold and maybe an eye opener that a different opinion is present and to choose our words and battles more carefully. The fact you're handling this with a language barrier and express yourself in english, I very much respect.

Global politics is just an unavoidable subject at the moment no matter where you go. Banishing it as a topic of discussion on the message board, where we already struggle to create conversation,  just creates more stagnation. Why the hell are we even here then? Are we not a community of Chemical nerds? I'm not here to be your enemy. It's a beautiful thing we have representatives from all over the globe and hearing different perspectives. Is this not what you want?

Any way, if questioning your authority leads to my banning, I guess I misjudge my purpose here.

And if these are my final words, I had a whole bunch of fun geeking over our favorite band with you all. Please someone keep me up to date if we have a thread on @Csar.

Last Edit: Mar 02, 2025, 05:37 by Bosco

Friends, I must address the upsetting turn of events in the difficult discussions thread. I'd like to first apologize for not being more of a presence and being actively engaged when shit hits the fan in real time, especially throughout that thread. And there's been a lot of shit in there. Explud is the admin who makes sure this site is running and available - he's not a moderator. That's the role I accepted ages ago and I wasn't there to do that job effectively enough to prevent such measures be taken. Coulda shoulda woulda, as the saying goes. I am sorry about that. Explud isn't running this forum to ban people for having a difference of opinion. Am I disappointed and disheartened that this space became unsafe to the point where we are not free to discuss/express ourselves on global events that affect our lives? Sure am! It bums me out. It bums me out these are the times we're living in. Do I hope that in time, such restrictions on politics discussion can be eased when it feels right and safe to do so, while refraining from ill-will and bodily harm/violence/death? Yes! But I'm not an admin and it's not my call. Those who know me, know where I firmly sit on the political spectrum. I've been pretty vocal about it in the past. I might not agree with Explud and other folks opposite from where I sit, but I don't think there's anything that can't be worked out or discussed rationally amongst Chems nerds. I don't know about you guys, but I'd like to call the people that take the time to visit and share here, friends. I hope we can get back to that. Love you guys.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I don't want to get removed from the group. I want to stay. I am here for the Brothers, I am here for the music, I am here for the community. I am asking you to please hear what I am saying with friendship.

Americans have earned their reputation for being closed minded and arrogant. Yet, here I am, trying to be part of the only global community where I fit in, the only one where I am accepted as a long-time community member, and I cannot speak about the weight of the daily injustices around me, my family, and the various marginalized communities in general. I need to speak with my friends overseas about what is happening, and I need to get their take on what they see happening. We had a place to do that here, that single thread wasn't crossing over to any other.

The world complains that Americans don't look beyond ourselves, and that's fair. But, some of us do, and some of us are here. And we recognize our privilege and can judge world events in relative terms. But right now, what we need is outside perspective and candid discussion.

@Explud , I am asking you to please reconsider giving us that one small space back so we can communicate. We understand this is your group and you have made that clear. Now, you have an opportunity to display benevolence toward a community that has been together as long as 20 years or so. Thank you for listening.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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