You Are All My Children Now

General Bullshit Chat (pt 2)

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 08, 2015, 01:11

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Inasmuch as I can share...

How do I feel about getting paid to lose... Well, honestly, it's kind of a lot of money, so I feel decent about it.

I love getting paid to win; I really do. But sometimes, well, when you're straight forward with your clients and you literally say to them: "Look, if you go through with this, there's a good chance you walk away with nothing."

And then they say, "I'd rather pay you than accept a shit offer."

So, sure. I'll do my job. I'll do my job to the best of my ability. I'm no miracle worker and I'm not going to tell you that justice will prevail, that there are facts there that are simply not there...

I'm going to tell you, "I'll represent you until the end. I promise you that."

And then we'll see how badly the blaze burns afterward.

Quote from: sandelic on Jun 07, 2017, 13:29

UK, good luck today (tomorrow?)
A little early but thanks anyway.
Ed Simons also getting prematurely excited on twitter tonight - based on an Exit poll.
Let's see what the real results are before making any pronouncements. Early reports suggest Theresa May's snap election *might* backfire on her. Maybe.

Well, it kinda did, no landslide victory for May :)
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

So now she's in bed with the DUP having slagged off Corbyn for his supposed allegiances with the other side of the Northern Ireland divide. Or to put it another way:

Politics eh? BTW the picture below has NOT been photoshopped. That's Lord Buckethead.
Last Edit: Jun 12, 2017, 18:15 by Skyscraper

Heard that the queen is not amused with the whole situation and brings back the absolute monarchy
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Let me just echo Skyscraper's post; if you find time for latest Last week tonight with John Oliver, look it up, it's hilarious, Lord Buckethead is a genius!
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

And how the blaze does burn.

They don't teach you in law school how to deal with your client literally breaking down in the middle of trial. They don't prepare you with what to say, how to cut through that pain spilling out after years of acrimony.

I think I made two predictions, two possible outcomes. One of them came true, and it was, indeed, emotionally draining.

The good news is that I managed to make the best of a bad situation, and at the end of the day I got paid *rather well* to do my job, and even more good news--I managed to get repeat business out of the same client.

Somehow, somewhere, someone decided that I was supposed to be an attorney. I don't know why or how, but apparently this was it. It took me 23 years to even begin to think about doing what I'm doing now, and then it took me another 7 years to even begin the *process* of becoming an attorney.

Now that I'm here, it's surreal. But I do love this shit.

Oh, and God bless John Oliver. That man is a fucking genius.

Ten years ago today Justice released Cross.
Ten years ago today SMD released Attack Decay Sustain Release.

Here's a track that wasn't on either of them.


Still two great fucking albums.

Two of the best.

::raises glass::

So I just saw Dunkirk to warm me up for my most anticipated concert of the year tomorrow night, Hans Zimmer! I even put some good money down to get some excellent seating. I did see the Coachella stream he played earlier this year along with various youtube clips from his 2016 tour, but I'm not fully sure what to expect.

I've been a big fan of his soundtracks from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, to his work with Christoper Nolan movies, and then dating all the way back to the 90's with Lion King, Broken Arrow, The Thin Red Line, and more (seriously he's done a ton of stuff).

I guess I just want to say, Im very excited and hope to be blown away (I'm sure I will)  ;D!!!!!

My 2 cents

If you're going to protest your beliefs,opinions,etc, you better fucking hold on to your emotions and be careful. What I mean is that if your going to protest in this time in america, you can be sure you will encounter those who be there to hurt you or ruff you up and piss you off. Even if your a peaceful protester (which is encouraging) you can easily fall into the temptation in getting caught up in the drama thats unfolding in front of you.

Im all for voicing in public and marching, but sometimes its safer to stay home instead. But then I see people who go to these rallies and they say they have complete restraint over themselves and would never engage with someone who disagrees with them but then to find out later,that they are the ones starting shit because they got pissed by someone's ​opinion or triggering.

Then we have the crazy insane ones! And beacuse of the extremism of some of these idiots, someone has died. Terror on our own people by an American.

You can try and pick apart who started this whole thing in Charlottesville. They are those who protest or counter protest with peace,they are some who wanted to go to just 'check it out' , and they are those who wanted to stir up shit on purpose. If you ever plan to protest and stand up for something in your life, please be sure that composure and strong will power is needed for you not to get caught up in everything that's going around you and that safety is not guaranteed. Even though some of us will see it as a sacrifice of your time to participate in these protests, we shouldn't have to have the fear of sacrificing our own lives for it, but then again this is 2017! If you go to these functions be safe, or even better just stay home.

I have too much love in my life to care for others, and hating someone who has different ideas than mine is just a waste of time and energy. There is more to life than to get caught up in the hate in news, social media, etc. 'Free yourself' or try to walk away from all the junk and negativity that's out there. Family, friends, playing with cats, or listening​to BITE are more productive to promote peace on yourself, and to distract you from the world spinning around you.

Now if you would excuse me,im gonna play the Anti-Nazi mix!

Last Edit: Aug 13, 2017, 18:12 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 13, 2017, 18:01

My 2 cents

If you're going to protest your beliefs,opinions,etc, you better fucking hold on to your emotions and be careful. What I mean is that if your going to protest in this time in america, you can be sure you will encounter those who be there to hurt you or ruff you up and piss you off. Even if your a peaceful protester (which is encouraging) you can easily fall into the temptation in getting caught up in the drama thats unfolding in front of you.

Im all for voicing in public and marching, but sometimes its safer to stay home instead. But then I see people who go to these rallies and they say they have complete restraint over themselves and would never engage with someone who disagrees with them but then to find out later,that they are the ones starting shit because they got pissed by someone's ​opinion or triggering.

Then we have the crazy insane ones! And beacuse of the extremism of some of these idiots, someone has died. Terror on our own people by an American.

You can try and pick apart who started this whole thing in Charlottesville. They are those who protest or counter protest with peace,they are some who wanted to go to just 'check it out' , and they are those who wanted to stir up shit on purpose. If you ever plan to protest and stand up for something in your life, please be sure that composure and strong will power is needed for you not to get caught up in everything that's going around you and that safety is not guaranteed. Even though some of us will see it as a sacrifice of your time to participate in these protests, we shouldn't have to have the fear of sacrificing our own lives for it, but then again this is 2017! If you go to these functions be safe, or even better just stay home.

I have too much love in my life to care for others, and hating someone who has different ideas than mine is just a waste of time and energy. There is more to life than to get caught up in the hate in news, social media, etc. 'Free yourself' or try to walk away from all the junk and negativity that's out there. Family, friends, playing with cats, or listening​to BITE are more productive to promote peace on yourself, and to distract you from the world spinning around you.

Now if you would excuse me,im gonna play the Anti-Nazi mix!

Thank you!

I'm disgusted and utterly heartbroken about what happend yesterday. Being a German, it's impossible to even imagine a rally like this happening here. You've got to wrap your head around this: people are gathering fully geared up in armor and combat helmets (even Wehrmacht ones), carrying shields and even firearms/ assault rifles. You don't do this unless you want to intimidate others or worse. It's unfathomable to me in every way possible.
I know that free speech is less restricted in the States and I believe there's good reason for it. It's one of the most important principles of democracy. But seeing all these overt and disguised Nazi props really disturbes me and I'm glad this couldn't happen here without prosecution.

A young life has been wasted because of pure hate and aggression. And then there's a President who gives his "regards" to the victims. It's all so repugnant.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 13, 2017, 18:01

if your going to protest in this time in america, you can be sure you will encounter those who be there to hurt you or ruff you up and piss you off...

Im all for voicing in public and marching, but sometimes its safer to stay home instead
I didn't know about this until pictures started appearing on twitter of the "alt right" guys arriving for their march. Personally I would have preferred to leave them to it rather than provide them with a target and give oxygen to their 'fire'. I know there's the saying "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing", but in the grand scheme of things I don't think these guys are a large tranche of society. They're probably pleased at the coverage they've had on world news; they didn't deserve to get it. I admire the anti-nazi people but I would have left it to the cops to contain the nutters and let the 'fire' burn itself out.

Quote from: Csar on Aug 13, 2017, 18:50

carrying shields and even firearms/ assault rifles.
Is this legal? I would get arressted for this. Not a rhetorical question.

Quote from: Csar on Aug 13, 2017, 18:50

And then there's a President who gives his "regards" to the victims. It's all so repugnant.
Are American politicians standing up in congress and strongly criticising Trump? Are they worried about his North Korean rhetoric? It feels like Trump can say whatever he likes. I'm seeing the occasional Joe Biden quote, but shouldn't all the American politicians being going nuts against Trump?

Ooh, just found an article that seems to agree with me.


Agree with your responses. Btw, I know my last post about encountering protesters, getting hurt, is obvious, but please regard your safety if anyone plans to do these types of protest.

Another type is sheetcaking... which seems the new trend!

Last Edit: Aug 19, 2017, 22:55 by Csar
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

You video is region blocked.

Here's another link.

"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Americans, don't miss total eclipse today! and I'm not talking about the movie!  ;D

few things are as weird and awesome as eclipse is, enjoy it!  8)
Last Edit: Aug 21, 2017, 11:23 by sandelic
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

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