Let Your Heart See the Colours All Around You

Post Your Music (pt 2)

Started by Enjoyed, Jul 08, 2015, 09:30

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Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar (Zilvr's Electron Slicer Remix)

Hey guys I hope youre doing great!

If you could have a listen to this Remix I made and let me know any mastering or mixing things you would do to this mix to make it better thatd be such a huge help!

Id really appreciate your feedback.

Let me know if I can critique your productions too!

enjoy the track and have a great day today!  8) :music 8)

To pass the quarantime, I've been recording some lo-fi music outside the DAW using a basic looper pedal, a mic, some effects, and whatever instruments I've got in the house.

All hardware, everything's improvised and recorded live straight to a stereo track as a jam, then edited manually in Audacity into a shorter track. Big part of the sound is micing synths up rather than going direct in, using the vocal harmonizer to haphazardly pitch-shift instruments out of their normal ranges, and the noises of a cheap 80s Yamaha PSS-170 keyboard that I'm stretching as far as I can.

Two ambient synth works, the first is extremely "Latenight Psychtronic Mix" and the other Stars of the Lid inspired:


A more frenetic space-disco jam:


And a psych-pop track based on a 5-bar loop I play guitar and sing on (whoops):

Last Edit: Mar 30, 2020, 21:01 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Those two psychedelic soundscapes are dope! Going to listen to the latter jams tomorrow.

What is "micing"? Filtering before sending it to the recording device?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Love these!

Especially Once It All Dries Out. Super beautiful piece of music.

I'm really glad you're using this inside time for something meaningful and special.
I need to pull my finger out and follow suit.


Quote from: Csar on Mar 30, 2020, 21:07

What is "micing"?
Maybe a typo? C and X are beneath each other on mostly every keyboard
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

I thought it was some sort of technical term for the way the different machines are wired. But yeah, that makes sense. I should receive a facepalm.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Surely WN means using microphones (mic's) instead of directly inputting the instruments into a PC/mixing desk?

PS, WN, "pass the quarantime"? I'm nicking that.

thanks for listening guys!

Quote from: Csar on Mar 30, 2020, 21:07
What is "micing"? Filtering before sending it to the recording device?
Haha it's what Skyscraper said - using a microphone to capture the audio from the synth's onboard speaker instead of the line out, like in the picture! Gives the simple sounds texture. The speaker resonates and distorts, you can hear the action of the keys getting hit, floorboards creaking, etc.

The Microkorg doesn't have a built in speaker, I'm thinking of running it through a guitar amp instead.
Last Edit: Mar 31, 2020, 22:27 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

this is my latest remix https://soundcloud.com/goldmasterlabs/warning-signs-goldmasters-downtempo-rework

I would like to a rework of Galvanise which I have on vinyl along with a rework of Electrobank again I have on vinyl. I did do a mashup of sometimes I feel so deserted with go back in 2016 but got taken down about 3 months later for "copyright" even though I own the cd.
tom, ed can i meet you? please?

Got 2 more lo-fi looper tracks for y'all - first is a dark synth soundtrack piece, inspired a bit by Marissa Flashback off Hanna


And a chillout piece mostly written with vocal harmonies and acoustic guitar


Quote from: goldmaster on Apr 01, 2020, 11:12

this is my latest remix https://soundcloud.com/goldmasterlabs/warning-signs-goldmasters-downtempo-rework
It's unlike anything I've heard, for sure. It's weirdly empty to have the shaker unaccompanied for the first 30 seconds, ambience is needed there. The guitar line is looped out of time from the rest of the song which creates an interesting polyrhythm, but it doesn't sound intentional? I like the colors you've used, the vocal processing.

There's interesting things happening together here but it doesn't all add up to something fascinating.

Never for money, always for love.

I finally finalized my experamental mashup of let forever be with Ghosts n Stuff by Deadmau5. Just did it for Shits and giggles during lockdown.

Theres the original and a version with the Psychedelic Mix (worked on since february)
Tried posting on youtube but got shut down almost immediately so you guys gonna have to download them via mediafire.


what do you guys think?
Last Edit: Apr 26, 2020, 02:06 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Apr 24, 2020, 03:15
I finally finalized my experamental mashup of let forever be with Ghosts n Stuff by Deadmau5.
Really mad at how well these two songs go together, this honestly could've gone really far back in the day when Ghosts n Stuff was taking off. Good off the wall ear to hear how these fit.

Mixing wise, this is hard to listen to because of how fucking SLAMMED your master limiter is. If it was intentional, it's just not gluing the mix together like it should.

If it's not intentional here's my quick rundown of what's happening - your master output has a fast hard limiter on it that turns down the volume when a sound momentarily passes a threshold of "too loud". This is a good thing to do for safety (setting a hard limiter at 0db prevents clipping) but here MOST of the song is too loud. So when any single part passes the db threshold the entire song gets turned down, which distractingly ducks the guitars, the bassline, the vocals, etc just because a snare hit was too loud. The waveform and master meter might look consistent, but really there's noticable waving volume fluctuations throughout.

Basically just turn all your parts down by 6 to 12db and re-balance their levels. Then you can carefully turn the master / limiter pre-gain up to make the song uniformly loud enough without abusing the limiter.
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on May 01, 2020, 20:44

Really mad at how well these two songs go together, this honestly could've gone really far back in the day when Ghosts n Stuff was taking off. Good off the wall ear to hear how these fit.

Mixing wise, this is hard to listen to because of how fucking SLAMMED your master limiter is. If it was intentional, it's just not gluing the mix together like it should.

If it's not intentional here's my quick rundown of what's happening - your master output has a fast hard limiter on it that turns down the volume when a sound momentarily passes a threshold of "too loud". This is a good thing to do for safety (setting a hard limiter at 0db prevents clipping) but here MOST of the song is too loud. So when any single part passes the db threshold the entire song gets turned down, which distractingly ducks the guitars, the bassline, the vocals, etc just because a snare hit was too loud. The waveform and master meter might look consistent, but really there's noticable waving volume fluctuations throughout.

Basically just turn all your parts down by 6 to 12db and re-balance their levels. Then you can carefully turn the master / limiter pre-gain up to make the song uniformly loud enough without abusing the limiter.

Got it. I'll see what I can do to balance it out.
Been craving to mix the two ever since I heard let forever be the first time, but I kept getting frustrated with the vocals and couldn't isolate them properly, so I dug around and ripped em from various concerts and DJ sets. Even though it's hard to hear it, there is piano in the background of the 2nd verse, and it also works well, for a bizarre reason
Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 04:47 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

The lockdown was the occasion for me to finish my 2016 mix, that I had left aside for 3 years.

Quote from: Ben_j on May 02, 2020, 15:35

The lockdown was the occasion for me to finish my 2016 mix, that I had left aside for 3 years.


And here's the 2019 edition! Took me much less time to make, as there was so much good music last year.

Message me to get a download link if you can't listen to it because you're in the US

Youtube's Recommendations algorithm sent me a weird video so I took it and made it into a crappy demo reminiscent of 90s Techno/Trance Music. Ignore the typo in the video

I might not finish it but hey, worth a shot

Last Edit: Jun 13, 2020, 06:46 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

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