Music That Triggers Some Kind of Response

The epic return of...THE CATALOGUE NUMBER!!!!!!

Started by chemdup, Jul 23, 2015, 13:01

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Yes thats right! after taking a break from appearing on albums for Further, the "XDUST" catalogue numbers are back....and I for one am VERY pleased!

MY collection will now be back in proper numerical perfection with XDUSTLP10, XDUSTLPX10, XDUSTCDX10, XDUSTCD10, now if only i could find out if there were physical promo's for the album....pity theres's no singles, so you think we've seen the end of chemscd?

My parcel of goodies arrived today in the sorting office, so i should have them by tomorrow morning!
The music gets louder, the lights swirl faster and the chap who freaks out just hasn't passed the acid test. A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is

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