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BUG Special

Started by Enjoyed, Nov 16, 2019, 01:56

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Did anybody go to this?? I totally would have been there if I was in the country. I've been to a bunch of the BUG events and they're always super fun. They had Smith & Lyall, Dom & Nic, & Whiz there as guests speakers. Honestly pretty bummed to have missed out on this one.

My wife and I went. It was good fun. If you're familiar with BUG shows it was much the same format with Adam discussing stuff and doing a few skits in between playing the videos.

The chat with Smith & Lyall was interesting but they didn't really have time to go into loads of detail. There were some interesting insights though, such as the various dancers in their visuals aren't mo-cap, it's mostly done old skool, in-camera and then edited, which surprised me. You know the colourful dots of light they use in a few of their visuals (eg. Escape Velocity)? LED bulbs shot out of focus. No digital trickery at all (except in the edit)  8)

Dom & Nic were just in the audience and shouted a few answers to questions from Adam but they weren't brought on stage or anything like that, unfortunately. Overall it was good fun, but as a  massive Chems nerd I could've happily sat through several more hours with more insight.

Oh totally unrelated but I was randomly sat next to Edgar Wright (director Shaun of the Dead, etc) and Jason Mantzoukas (Parks & Rec, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, etc) which was kinda cool  ;D

That's really cool! Imagine if Edgar got to do a video for the Chems in the future, that'd be awesome. That Beck one he did I really loved

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