'Til We Meet Again, Oh My Love

n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 26, 2015, 03:15

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uh hi, my name is estopa man and ive been a fan of the chemical brothers for like a good year now. my favorite song from them is the universe sent me. I make music now and then. I dont really have anything else to say but its nice to be here :)
I won't back down, give me my thunder.

Welcome Estopa Man!

Was No Geography your first adventure into the world of The Chems?

it was yeah!
I won't back down, give me my thunder.


Would love to hear what you think of their previous work as you discover it.

Especially Galaxy Bounce  :music

well actually ive already heard all of their albums and I can say that I thoroughly enjoy most of them (especially further, dig your own hole and no geography :) )

also, i really like galaxy bounce
I won't back down, give me my thunder.

Hi!  I'm Tyler, but you can call me ; or semi or colon or whatever.  I'm a youngin in Philadelphia and the Chems have kinda always been present in my life (my dad used to play me Galvanize a ton) but when I heard it again in the ad campaign for the Oculus Quest 2, I went back to it and randomly decided to check out the artist.

I've always liked dubstep mostly; I enjoyed some EDM but by the time I discovered the Chems I probably didn't like it if it wasn't dubstep.  But when I checked the Chemical Brothers youtube channel and saw a cool looking robot on the thumbnail of a music video for a song called "Believe," I thought I would check it out.  I thought the song was pretty good, and the music video was pretty weird, but quickly moved on, thinking it was just another average band.  But I found myself thinking about them and the music video often, so I eventually returned and realized I really liked the song. 

I went to check out some more of their music videos; I watched We've Got to Try, The Salmon Dance, and some others, but those two were my favorites, and I started to listen to them often.  I found myself growing more and more to love the few songs I knew.  I needed more.  I checked out their more popular songs.  Then I discovered some youtube videos of their live shows, and was blown away.  I went to the songs I heard in those live shows that sounded cool and fell in love with them too. 

Long story short, I found the Chems, loved them, and I'm still in the process of slowly going through their whole discography in a weird order.  First I listened to Surrender, then No Geography, then We are The Night, then Dig Your Own Hole, then Exit Planet Dust.  I'm taking it slow as to give myself time to enjoy each album after discovering them.  I have my few favorite songs from that album that I listen to nonstop, then things calm down, at which point I move onto the next album.  I plan on listening to Push the Button next, but for now, I can't go a day without listening to almost all of Exit Planet Dust. 

I have a ton of opinions to share, and frankly, I hope I don't get annoying, but for the purpose of this intro post, my favorite songs are Dig Your Own Hole, Not Another Drugstore, Under The Influence, Hey Boy Hey Girl, Flashback (normal and psychedelic mix), and Believe.  My favorite album (of the ones I've listened to) is Dig Your Own Hole and my favorite era of the live show is around 2002, the release of Come With Us. 

Thanks for reading this unnecessarily long intro, I hope I didn't bore you guys too much lol. 

Welcome newbies!

It's good to have new blood! Feel free to reopen discussions/topics and share your opinions. Some of us old heads who have been on here way too long might have "heard it all", but hearing new opinions and angles sometimes exactly what we need to perk up the forum.

As a heads up, things might not be too active around here until some new releases or new shows get announced. So please don't be discouraged if you don't see anybody acknowledging your posts right away. I assure you though, you're amongst the company of some of the most dedicated fans of The Chemical Brothers in the world. We are definitely here to share the love of their music!

Quote from: Bosco on Mar 29, 2022, 02:41

Welcome newbies!

It's good to have new blood! Feel free to reopen discussions/topics and share your opinions. Some of us old heads who have been on here way too long might have "heard it all", but hearing new opinions and angles sometimes exactly what we need to perk up the forum.

As a heads up, things might not be too active around here until some new releases or new shows get announced. So please don't be discouraged if you don't see anybody acknowledging your posts right away. I assure you though, you're amongst the company of some of the most dedicated fans of The Chemical Brothers in the world. We are definitely here to share the love of their music!

Awesome, I look forward to taking a closer look around here when I get the chance and sharing opinions!

Quote from: ; on Mar 29, 2022, 20:47
Awesome, I look forward to taking a closer look around here when I get the chance and sharing opinions!
Please welcome, mate!
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 22, 2022, 02:01

Wait, have you decided to give up with the Star Guitar? huh?
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Explud on Mar 29, 2022, 20:53

Wait, have you decided to give up with the Star Guitar? huh?

Galaxy Bounce has always been life.
Much as I love (and especially love the live version of) Star Guitar.

I was meant to make a newbie post when I first joined but it slipped my mind, whoops.

Hello! I'm Victoria, but I'm also fine with Cowboy as that seems to be my internet handle for almost everything. I'm sort of new to the Chemical Cult, having joined in March, although the Brothers were very much present throughout my life; their music kept popping up wherever I went and I remember really enjoying Galvanize as a child. Decided to get into them this year and I'm properly hooked, it's hard to even pinpoint as to what I like about them to be honest. I think it's quite clear that I'm a big fan of DYOH, though.

I'm also into Justice, Basement Jaxx, SebastiAn, Aphex, Moby and The Prodigy. Aside from electronic artists, I also really enjoy Muse and New Order.

Already made some posts on here but I'm mostly observing what other forumites are up to from the sidelines. I'm looking forward to interacting more with this community :)
"I'm fucking allergic to feathers, you cunts"

Hi Victoria, welcome aboard!

It's always exciting to see new faces and read their personal stories about how they got into the Chem's music and beyond. Thanks for sharing! I hope you'll be enjoying your time in this little corner of the web with a mostly nice community.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Thank you very much!  :)
"I'm fucking allergic to feathers, you cunts"

Hello Friends

54 and live in Portland, OR...originally from Chicago. Discovered the Chems from a DJ in Chicago in 94 when EPD first came out and was instantly hooked and have been a die-hard fan since. Saw the 95 tour at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Also saw them twice at the North Coast Festival (2010 and 2015).

Flew to San Fran to see them in 2019 and most recently made the trek to see them in Denver last weekend.

Might have been the best show yet for me. Simply mind blowing.


Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 27, 2022, 16:28

Hello Friends

54 and live in Portland, OR...originally from Chicago. Discovered the Chems from a DJ in Chicago in 94 when EPD first came out and was instantly hooked and have been a die-hard fan since. Saw the 95 tour at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Also saw them twice at the North Coast Festival (2010 and 2015).

Flew to San Fran to see them in 2019 and most recently made the trek to see them in Denver last weekend.

Might have been the best show yet for me. Simply mind blowing.


Welcome. :D

Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 27, 2022, 16:28

...originally from Chicago. Discovered the Chems from a DJ in Chicago in 94 when EPD first came out and was instantly hooked and have been a die-hard fan since. Saw the 95 tour at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Also saw them twice at the North Coast Festival (2010 and 2015).


Would love to ask about that show in 1995 at Chicago's Aragon Ballroom. I've started a chronological list of US tour dates to map out where and when they've been in North America and if you could provide any more details about this show, I would greatly appreciate it. If you look at my list, I don't have the date you mentioned. A lot of the early dates are difficult to track down because they mostly pre-date the popularity of internet and never been archived.

based on my knowledge of the venue (also from Chicagoland and have been to Aragon several times), I would imagine it wasn't a stand alone concert but possibly as collaborated event? or maybe they were an opener?

anyway, happy to hear you enjoyed the most recent show in Denver. I was there too!

Quote from: Bosco on Sep 28, 2022, 01:13


Would love to ask about that show in 1995 at Chicago's Aragon Ballroom. I've started a chronological list of US tour dates to map out where and when they've been in North America and if you could provide any more details about this show, I would greatly appreciate it. If you look at my list, I don't have the date you mentioned. A lot of the early dates are difficult to track down because they mostly pre-date the popularity of internet and never been archived.

based on my knowledge of the venue (also from Chicagoland and have been to Aragon several times), I would imagine it wasn't a stand alone concert but possibly as collaborated event? or maybe they were an opener?

anyway, happy to hear you enjoyed the most recent show in Denver. I was there too!

I might have my years mixed up now that I think about it.  1997 is probably more accurate.

It was definitely a stand alone show where they headlined and I can't even remember if there was an opening act....probably, but that part is just foggy.

The show was definitely spotlighting Dig Your Own Hole as I remember vividly losing my mind during It Doesn't Matter and Electrobank specifically. That's all I got

Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 28, 2022, 17:16

I might have my years mixed up now that I think about it.  1997 is probably more accurate.

It was definitely a stand alone show where they headlined and I can't even remember if there was an opening act....probably, but that part is just foggy.

The show was definitely spotlighting Dig Your Own Hole as I remember vividly losing my mind during It Doesn't Matter and Electrobank specifically. That's all I got

1997 makes more sense. I just don't think they could book a midsize venue like the Aragon with only 'Exit Planet Dust' as part of their music arsenal in 1995. As an event with other artists or support for another bigger artist, maybe. But yeah, if it was spotlighting DYOH, then definitely was the April date at the Aragon in 1997.

Dude, if you check my list they played Chicago again in 1997 (at the Vic) in support of a surprise/secret show with David Bowie. You didn't happen to make that one did you?!

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