Who's Hungry?

Enjoyed's Super Cereal Thread

Started by Bosco, Aug 27, 2015, 01:36

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Hey, Enjoyed - check this out!


Does cereal covered ice cream jammed into a glazed donut sound enticing to you? Perhaps the best thing ever? If so, you're in luck. There's one of these joints about a 10 minute drive from my house. I was telling my husband about your unhealthy love of cereal and we would like to treat you to this place if you stop by our place for a visit on your travels. You can of course go into a food coma afterward and crash on our couch, if need be.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


This is the most educational thread I have ever witness. My mouth is somehow yearning to eat those tasty and crunchy cereals... (Only Kellogs Corn Flakes around this parts  :( )
Last Edit: Aug 29, 2015, 17:02 by Nekcore

Todays report is on these fine fellows:

Continental Europeans may know it as Kellogg's Extra. And in the UK we have recently started selling it as Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Oat Granola Chocolate & Hazelnut. This is the version from Finland.

So. The usual semi skimmed milk was supporting. It's good to have a lot of milk with this one as the cereal never gets soggy but simply gets softer and more melt in the mouth delicious.

Before the consumption began I was actually debating whether I was hungry or not. I had gotten up late and had a tonne of stuff to sort before I even made it downstairs. BUT, when I picked up the bag the eyes of my belly opened wide and the hunger gremlins inside me began to shift about with anticipation.
I grabbed my usual TinTin bowl and spoon  (it's a deep bowl and the spoon adds a tasty nostalgia to every breakfast) and headed up to my room to eat while I watched some TV.

The bag is a little tricky to open. But whereas with a lesser cereal this would be a mild annoyance, with Müslix it was like hearing another track play before your favourite band comes on stage, it simply added to the anticipation.
Even pouring the cereal is part of the excitement. The pieces are wildly variant in size so it becomes a bit like a game of Jenga, trying to fit different sized pieces into gaps around the bowl.
What are the pieces made of? Good question. Essentially it is like a fused together mash of oat granola, hazelnuts and amply sized chocolate pieces. Some clusters are more nutty, others more chocolatey. There are also spherical puffs of oat, some of which get fused to the rest of the clusters but most settle into a heap at the bottom of the bowl. Normally this would be a bad thing, but when you're scrambling around with your spoon at the end, rescuing the drowning isolated chocolate pieces, you want some honey tinged cereal balls to aid the rescue. Oh yeah, did I not mention? All of the oats, nuts and clusters are dusted with a subtle but delicious honey coating. Sounds incredible right? It is.

So. Into the mouth... I don't often use the term 'mouth feel' (partly because I don't really know what it means) but this cereal has INCREDIBLE MOUTH FEEL. The combination of all of the different textures; crunchy oats, velvety hazel nuts, just-baked-chocolate pieces and those adorable little oat balls make every chomp a surprise party in your mouth with different groups of friends each time. And you love all those groups of friends in different ways. Sometimes you get a still dry crunchy honey cluster hanging out with a pool of milk and soft chocolate pieces. Other times your spoon has a group of oat balls chilling with a half broken hazelnut that has a tiny drop of milk in its centre. Either way, the soft to crunch ratio is different, yet perfect every time. There's also a kind of dust over everything. Not dissimilar to the powder you end up with at the end of a packet, but it covers everything. In the early stages of eating the powder is dry and makes you think of a well prepared flapjack. Further into the meal however, the milk and dust combine to produce a satin honey sheet that wraps around all of the other pieces. It's excellent.

Nearing the end of the first bowl you begin to realise why the packet seems smaller than your regular cereal box. This cereal is DENSE. The clusters, at their varying sizes, are full of flavour and you begin to judge yourself for having already poured a second bowl. Nevertheless, you continue, because it's Kellogg's Müslix and you are feeling great and you want to continue feeling great. Even after two hefty bowls and a slight grumble of discomfort from your hunger gremlins, you know you have done the right thing.

And that's it. Two bowls down. Two bowls left in the packet for another day. The sweetness of honey and chocolate are beginning to make you wide eyed for the day ahead and as you fold away the bag you start to remember some of the mouth parties you had. Wasn't it great seeing your hazelnut friends hanging out with the chocolate guys? And those huge cluster dudes just getting on so well with the oat puff girls. It's been a good breakfast, and you know there is more to come.

Ultimately, this cereal combines the best that Kellogg's has to offer. Honey dusted oats with the flavour impact of Crunchy Nut, chocolate that makes you feel special like the centre of Krave. And a combination of various other moments from different cereal styles and feels. It's a treat and today was the right day for it.
Last Edit: Sep 09, 2015, 02:49 by Enjoyed

Quote from: Bosco on Aug 27, 2015, 01:36

No, no. No, manbearpig sightings here. Just good ole taste reviews of God's gift to man....Breakfast Cereal.

but manbearpig is real! 

I apologize for not responding to your latest entry sooner. I had been busy getting ready for the weekend and have been radiating from Sunday Night.

Anyways, Chocolate Muslix sounds delectable. I don't think I've ever seen that cereal before but I'll be keep my eyes open when I go to the grocery store and be sure to grab a box to try.

Once again sir, thank you for your most detailed review.

More detailed reviews to come but so far I have had the following breakfast adventures...

Honey Nut Chex, Trix, Peanut Butter Cheerios, French Toast Crunch & Chocolate Chex

All delicious in their own way. All worthy of a few more words than this.

What the ? Those cereals exist? For a minute there I thought you made them up.  ;D
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Cocoa puffs is my current favorite. Kind of amazing in its own right.

apple jacks is my fave
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

This thread needs to be pinned  ;D :D

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Sep 30, 2015, 16:34

What the ? Those cereals exist? For a minute there I thought you made them up.  ;D

All real. So are these...

And for visual updates of my breakfast escapades, feel free to follow my Instagram.

That looks like the white version of Oreo O's

Did you ever eat the deliciousness that was Oreo O's? I think that was the best cereal ever made. Unfortunately, it stopped being made like 10 years ago.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, 2%? Gotta get that Vitamin D milk, instead.
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: androidgeoff on Oct 03, 2015, 18:18

Did you ever eat the deliciousness that was Oreo O's? I think that was the best cereal ever made. Unfortunately, it stopped being made like 10 years ago.

Not yet. You can get them in Korea still, though it's probably a different recipe.

The Crunch Donuts were TOO sweet. I didn't think it was possible, but Crunch cereal is my limit for sweetness at breakfast.

Quote from: androidgeoff on Oct 03, 2015, 18:18

That looks like the white version of Oreo O's

Did you ever eat the deliciousness that was Oreo O's? I think that was the best cereal ever made. Unfortunately, it stopped being made like 10 years ago.
Those were legendary...
Never for money, always for love.

I remember massive a buttery, fudge-blasted cereal of O's!
Last Edit: Oct 07, 2015, 02:17 by androidgeoff
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've let you all down with this thread. I'm sorry. I just haven't had time to post the reviews that these cereals deserve.

I will be doing a highlights review when I return home in December. And I'll be bringing a whole bunch of boxes back with me so I can give them a proper review.

This week I have had Kellogg's Jif - which is the best peanut butter flavour cereal I've ever had (> Reese's Puffs, Peanut Butter Toast Crunch and Peanut Butter Cheerios, if you're wondering)
And I just this morning tried Kellogg's Cinnabon - surprisingly tamer than I expected knowing Cinnabon's reputation. And boy, what a smell.

More soon. I promise.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 13, 2015, 16:37

I've let you all down with this thread. I'm sorry. I just haven't had time to post the reviews that these cereals deserve.

I will be doing a highlights review when I return home in December. And I'll be bringing a whole bunch of boxes back with me so I can give them a proper review.

This week I have had Kellogg's Jif - which is the best peanut butter flavour cereal I've ever had (> Reese's Puffs, Peanut Butter Toast Crunch and Peanut Butter Cheerios, if you're wondering)
And I just this morning tried Kellogg's Cinnabon - surprisingly tamer than I expected knowing Cinnabon's reputation. And boy, what a smell.

More soon. I promise.

How dare you not drop what you're doing on your trip of a lifetime, and post cereal-eating reviews! For shame!

I expect a full detailed report upon your return, young man. :p
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I will certainly ... ENJOY whatever else you have to post here.




I got nothin'.

Ooh. I have to post marginally entertaining stories about the law in the General Bullshit Thread now. Keep posting cereal news, dude.

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