Maybe I Feel Out of Control

Best Live moments V2 is finished

Started by Conn6orsuper117, Apr 16, 2020, 07:53

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How better is my mixing

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Total Members Voted: 3

Oh the things I have done during Quarentine!!!

As you might guys know I made a pretty medeocre mixtape playlist with tracks from various concerts about 2 years ago. Mixing sucked, yes. pretty short song segments and abrupt transitions, yes.

Have I improved? maybe. so fellow Brothers ( and Sisters), I present Version 2 of my Best Live Moments Mix 1 (95-05), now with additional tracks, and (hopefully) more tolerable mixing. mix 2 (07-19) will be coming soon.


The Brothers Gonna Work it out Intro (Lollipop Festival 97)
Dust Up Beats (Lollipop Festival 96)
Loops of Fury/(Best Part of) Breaking Up (Lollipop 96)
Prescription Beats (Lollipop 96)
Come With Us (HMH Amsterdam 02)
Music:Response (HMH 02)
Block Rockin Beats (HMH 02)
Leave Home (Glastonbury 97)
Song to the siren/Voodoo People (OAF 02)
Come Inside (Trieste 05)
Under the Influence (F.U.Z.E. Mix)/It doesn't Matter (Sunderland 05)
It Doesn't Matter (Brixton 96)
Out of Control/D.Y.O.H. Elements (Supermix) (Glastonbury 00/ Sunderland 05)
Temptation/Star Guitar (HMH Amsterdam 02)
My Elastic Eye (Barcelona 02)

The Sunshine Underground (Woodstock 99)
Dig Your Own Hole/Base 6 (Glastonbury/ Hammerstein 97)
Hoops (EBW) (Bizzare Festival)
Believe (Milano Extract)
Acid Children (Santiago 04)
Setting Sun (Glastonbury 00)
Chemical Beats (Glastonbury 00)

Flashback (Woodstock 99)
Heyboyheygirl (Early Mix) (Osaka 97)
I Take LSD (Osaka 97)
The Private Psychedelic Reel (Santiago 04)

Volume 2 V2 (07-19)



No Path To Follow
Another World
Burst Generator
Do It Again/The Big Jump/Get Yourself High/Direkt Buki
Free Yourself
Bango/EML Ritual
Got to Keep On
Eve Of Destruction
Don't Think
Out of Control/Setting Sun
Don't Fight it, Feel it/Enjoyed
Transition (Problem:Question?)
No Geography

Got Glint?
Catch Me I'm Falling

Snow/Surface to air
Escape Velocity
We are the Night
Hey Boy,Hey girl (Secret Psychedelic Mix)
The Test

Hold Tight London
Das Speigel
The Private Psychedelic Reel
Last Edit: Aug 15, 2020, 06:27 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Apr 16, 2020, 07:53

Hoops - Bizarre Festival was 2001 (my first Chems gig)
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Great job of including My Elastic Eye even though it's an audience recording, and you put it at a perfect place in the set. It Doesn't Matter -> Out of Control is really creative especially with combining the Glasto and Sunderland sets. And in general great selection of performances from set to set. This has really great flow to it.

Including the other audience recordings is a bump though, it's jarring to go from sounddesk to audience recording in Base 6 Glasto / Hammerstein and Hoops Bizzarre fest. Hoops needs bass. For Hoops there's Open Air Field 2002 and Santiago 2004, and for Base 6 I think you could chop up and remix Glasto to resemble the Hammerstein performance a little closer, and layer parts of the Hammerstein recording on it, or just go with the Glasto version. I understand this'll get a little difficult with the 2007/2008 and 2010 sets for your volume 2. Do you have the audio of Galvanize / Burst Generator from Glasto 07? I forever wish we had that acid version of Golden Path in sound-desk.

My "wish it hads" for this are the synth solo outro from 99/00 Sunshine Underground, the heavy chord intro to The Reel from Open Air Field 2002, and the beat shuffle of Leave Home / STTS could've been cool in the transition between Leave Home and STTS here. Also we're missing Three Little Birdies, aren't we? The Lollipop 97 version with the broken intro could be pretty easy to work in.

Lastly "FUZE Remix" is just something that kid from the Daft Punk forums made up, it's not a real title or even a good one

I don't know how much footage is still out there now, but an unebelivably good idea would be to cut together a full 2010 Brixton Academy set, video and all, where Further was played in full, from the footage that's out there of the four nights they played. It's entirely possible, or at least it was back in the day, who knows how much footage has since gone missing from Youtube.
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2020, 20:29 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Apr 16, 2020, 20:15

Great job of including My Elastic Eye even though it's an audience recording, and you put it at a perfect place in the set. It Doesn't Matter -> Out of Control is really creative especially with combining the Glasto and Sunderland sets. And in general great selection of performances from set to set. This has really great flow to it.

Including the other audience recordings is a bump though, it's jarring to go from sounddesk to audience recording in Base 6 Glasto / Hammerstein and Hoops Bizzarre fest. Hoops needs bass. For Hoops there's Open Air Field 2002 and Santiago 2004, and for Base 6 I think you could chop up and remix Glasto to resemble the Hammerstein performance a little closer, and layer parts of the Hammerstein recording on it, or just go with the Glasto version. I understand this'll get a little difficult with the 2007/2008 and 2010 sets for your volume 2. Do you have the audio of Galvanize / Burst Generator from Glasto 07? I forever wish we had that acid version of Golden Path in sound-desk.
Thanks for the critisism. I didn't wanna limit myself to just the sounddeck recordings due to various songs being left out, and the fact that I wanted to add variety (I kinda had that happen with an early draft of the 2002 superset that I'll be releasing next week where I only stuck with HMH and OAF), now that you mention it however, I think it would've been better to mix the Hoops tracks from OAF 02 and Santiago 04.

TBH thats kinda similar to what I did, though I should've used the Base6 from Lollipop 97. I confess I did the same with tracks from the 07-08 superset (mainly Do it again/big jump, Midnight madness and Nude Night)

I may just do Galvanize, Another world, then Burst generator like last year, but I'll be sure to add the synthy transition to Do it again. I'm having mega trouble with the tracks past Escape velocity however (like the previous version)


My "wish it hads" for this are the synth solo outro from 99/00 Sunshine Underground, the heavy chord intro to The Reel from Open Air Field 2002, and the beat shuffle of Leave Home / STTS could've been cool in the transition between Leave Home and STTS here. Also we're missing Three Little Birdies, aren't we? The Lollipop 97 version with the broken intro could be pretty easy to work in.

I might do a V3 with that part of sunshine underground and combine it with the transition beats to DYOH from the 96 Fransisco set. Thanks for the critisism.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I could also work (Three little birdies) Lollipop 97 in between UTI/IDM and IDM (Brixton)


Lastly "FUZE Remix" is just something that kid from the Daft Punk forums made up, it's not a real title or even a good one
I AM that kid from the daft punk forum :|
:-[ I think the reason why it was called that was because there were nicknames for each version, (like how hoosteen called the 99-00 version the brainwasher mix, and the Robots mix for 15-19)


I don't know how much footage is still out there now, but an unebelivably good idea would be to cut together a full 2010 Brixton Academy Roundhouse set, video and all, where Further was played in full, from the footage that's out there of the four nights they played. It's entirely possible, or at least it was back in the day, who knows how much footage has since gone missing from Youtube.

Last Edit: Apr 17, 2020, 00:12 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Apr 16, 2020, 21:39
I AM that kid from the daft punk forum :|
LMAOOOO I'm so sorry, I did not make the connection that that was also you. The nickname just... isn't very Chemical? I mean the day they put zombies in the title of a song I'll back down.

The remake you made is fantastic quality.

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Apr 16, 2020, 21:39
TBH thats kinda similar to what I did, though I should've used the Base6 from Lollipop 97
I'm getting things a little mixed up out of memory - it's this Hammerstein recording that has a longer performance of Base 6 than most with some extra things mixed in? Or is it more or less the same as the Lollipop performance.

I have not heard the original version of your 07-19 set, I'll track that down and give it a go.
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2020, 22:40 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Apr 16, 2020, 22:29

LMAOOOO I'm so sorry, I did not make the connection that that was also you. The nickname just... isn't very Chemical? I mean the day they put zombies in the title of a song I'll back down.
The remake you made is fantastic quality.

is all good, it was originally suggested by a couple of friends of mine XD, It was even thought up my 1st year on here


I'm getting things a little mixed up out of memory - it's this Hammerstein recording that has a longer performance of Base 6 than most with some extra things mixed in? Or is it more or less the same as the Lollipop performance.
Lollipop performance was highly shortened (dunno if for time or if it was tampered by BBC Radio like Brixton 96, the transistion is extremely sudden) I could possibly mixed the Base 6 to be longer and try to replace my Hammerstein edit.


I have not heard the original version of your 07-19 set, I'll track that down and give it a go.
prepare the ear doctors, its horrible compared to the redux.
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2020, 23:33 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Holy sh*t WN. The way you just seem to be reeling off tracks from particular gigs is twisting my melon man.

I guess I don't listen back to old live recordings that much - unless it's official or relatively recent YouTube stuff. Perhaps some of y'all listen to heaps of old bootlegs...

One thing I do know is that the four nights of Further in London weren't at Brixton Academy, they were at the Roundhouse in Camden, North London. And that's probably about all I'm able to contribute to this conversation...

Nice talk and all, but don't forget there's no K+D+B or Snow/Surface in there  >:(
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 16, 2020, 23:47

Holy sh*t WN. The way you just seem to be reeling off tracks from particular gigs is twisting my melon man.

I guess I don't listen back to old live recordings that much - unless it's official or relatively recent YouTube stuff. Perhaps some of y'all listen to heaps of old bootlegs...

I used to listen to live shows all the time back in high school when Ben_j put his FTP back online, and I catalogged it back when I was young and time was infinite. And yeah there's just some shows I listen to often. Should do a writeup on The Essential Chemical Brothers Bootlegs sometime. The best shows from every tour.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 16, 2020, 23:47

One thing I do know is that the four nights of Further in London weren't at Brixton Academy, they were at the Roundhouse in Camden, North London. And that's probably about all I'm able to contribute to this conversation...
Yup! Having not been to either I got those two mixed up.
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Apr 17, 2020, 07:34

Nice talk and all, but don't forget there's no K+D+B or Snow/Surface in there  >:(
Volume 2's got you covered my friend, I have not forgotten
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Okay so I'm nearing the end of producing volume 2 v2. (2007-2019)
I have a rough setup of the tracklist so here it its (+ notes/commentary):


1. No path to follow
2. Galvanize
3. Another world
4. Do it again/The Big Jump/Get yourself High/Direkt Buki ~ Dats a mouthful
5. Go
6. MAH ~ I may add Free Yourself between
7. Bango/EML Ritual
8. Gotta keep on
9. Eve of Destruction
10. Don't Think ~ the transition from Eve is in my opinion the best transition I ever made.
11. Out of Control/Setting Sun
12. Don't Fight it feel it/Enjoyed ~ the splices are less obvious this time I promise.
13. Transition ~ I know some you don't like it being classified as Problem:Question
14. Saturate
15. Elektrobank/No Geography

16. Got Glint?
17. Catch Me I'm Falling

18. Snow/Surface to Air ~ my Guitar tuned higher mix + 2011
19. Escape Velocity
20. We are the Night
21. Superflash
22. K+D+B
23. Hey Boy Hey girl (psychedelic mix)
24. The Test ~ I know I'm kinda breaking the 2007-19 rule with these 2

25. Hold Tight, London ~ Scrapped the Snow intro
26. Das Speigel
27. Dissolve
28. The Private Psychedelic Reel
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Alright, I've finally passed my writer's block, and finished this mix. I'll edit the front page to also include the final mix.

Here it is:

Although there's one more thing I want to do and its a fanmade concert movie, I wanna do it, but I may require footage from videos other than official but I dont know if its considered stealing.
Last Edit: Aug 16, 2020, 14:19 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 15, 2020, 06:22

Although there's one more thing I want to do and its a fanmade concert movie, I wanna do it, but I may require footage from videos other than official but I dont know if its considered stealing.

You should contact Sneaker for that. He already made an effort of creating one some time ago

Quote from: Joslyn on Aug 19, 2020, 18:48

You should contact Sneaker for that. He already made an effort of creating one some time ago

thats kinda why I want to do one, since it was he who inspired me to do these mixes.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

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