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Who would YOU like to see The Chemical Brothers collaborate with?

Started by Bosco, Jun 11, 2020, 18:55

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The Chemical Brothers have collaborated with some great artists over the course of their career. Is there anyone out there that you think is a worthy match for a future release? Or, for the sake of conversation maybe the artists isn't living anymore, but YOU know they would've made a great fit.

Let's keep suggestions to 1 living and or 1 deceased artist per post just to get conversation rolling. Maybe provide a short reasoning or a YouTube clip to support your claim.

Have at it.

I would love to see them work again with Beth and/or Richard, both ended in fantastic results. But i don't think that's what you've asked for so i would like to suggest Kate Tempest. She has something to say and maybe, if they give her full control on the lyrics (like they did with Fatlip), there are chances something different sees the light of day. Don't know if that track would fit on a regular Album but maybe on a Soundtrack or on Singles 04-24. Or, if they decide to release proper singles again, it could be a b-side like NAD.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

have always been interested in them collaborating live with Daft punk for a 3+ hour concert tour.
I know people on here said before their music style doesn't really match but ever since No Geography was released I always thought the album was Tom & Ed's answer of RAM (I even had a scare when the EOD demo back in 2017 leaked about them going RAM) and now I can't stop imagining a mashup of Gotta keep on and Get lucky playing back to back Live.

Even when the base drop for Escape velocity, you could replace the golden path's lyrics with parts of Giorgio's monologue, or reintroducing It Doesn't matter to the live audience and have it transition into Alive.
Or imagine the CHEMICAL transition after galvanize but instead of transitioning into BRB, it transitions into Da Funk.

Plus it'd be one hell of a comeback for daft punk considering its been 8 years since they released anything albumwise.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Jenn Wasner of Wye Oak. I feel like she'd fit in the canon of Beth Orton, Hope Sandoval, Anna-Lynne Williams and Stephanie Dosen quite well, and she already works in genres similar to the Chems' own singer-songwritery works and their general folksy tastes:

Never for money, always for love.

Interesting thoughts so far.

As for Beth Orton and Richard Ashcroft (and I'm gonna extend this to Q-Tip, Noel Gallagher and Tim Burgess), I would like to see them all make an appearance one last time if they should ever rap things up as The Chemical Brothers.

My first thought about Kate Tempest, is her cockney accent is too jagged. Totally agree, she has powerful words to share, but her spoken-word makes my brain thinks I'm listening to 'The Streets', and it kinda ruins it for me. Maybe not featured on a singular song, but a narrated album featuring her might be interesting take though.

Connor, I think your request a little pie in the sky. If I remember correctly Ed seems to be a bit snippy when it comes to Daft Punk. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I vaguely remember some insincere words be use around the release of R.A.M.. Or maybe I'm conjuring that on my own, since I don't like that album.

What would be interesting is a co-headlining tour between the two. Meaning, not playing together at the same time, but playing their shows back-to-back. I think it would be a huge success and possibly lead to a huge arena tour. The biggest obstacle would be the dividing of the revenue between the two groups. And unfortunately, I think the Chems would find themselves on the short end of the stick. Furthermore, venues don't like to do double bills with headliners because it's more profitable for each headliner to play on separate days. So again, we're talking pie in the sky.

Another Daft Punk remix of a Chemical Brothers song, or vice versa? Possibly, with some encouragement.

Whitenoise, I'm unfamiliar with your selection. But from the clip you provided it seems like you have it pegged perfectly. I would be certainly be behind this.

Also, the intro reminds me of Frank West's theme

Last Edit: Jun 12, 2020, 06:35 by Bosco

Beasty Boys & Chemical Brothers.
Ah, if only.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Run the Jewels. Either vocals by El-P and Killer Mike on top of a 100% Chems prod, or vocals + El-P co-producing with Tom & Ed.

Y'know the way Tarantino likes to revive the careers of people we forgot about?
I'd like to see the Chems do the same with...Grandmaster Melle Mel.
The Message
White Lines
Chaka's I Feel For You intro rap.
'Nuff said.

When "Go" came out I remember thinking it sounded like it had been written to the groove/cadence of that I Feel For You rap. I was hoping that someone with better skillz than me might think similarly and maybe do a mash up of Melle Mel's rap over that bass line.
It's time to put this guy back in the spotlight. I think he could outdo Q-tip on a Chems track.

Any Hip-Hop/Rap recommendations are welcomed in my book. More than likely that means a return to their roots production wise, which makes me a happy fan.

Beastie Boys worked with the Dust Brothers! (American Producers) so we got that, Sandelic  :P .... RIP Adam

Killer Mike might be too busy running for office before they can possibly collaborate with him. EL-P would be an interesting combo and almost a guarantee for a grittier type track.

Rang dang diggity dang a dang

Off top of my head

Alive: Mos Def

Dead: Greg Lake
i love chem bros omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baxter Dury
Bobby Gillespie
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

Quote from: androidgeoff on Jun 12, 2020, 19:23
Alive: Mos Def

We got his brother tho, he looks the same.
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

DJ Shadow.
That could be interesting.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

I think they could collaborate with Mac DeMarco. His music is generally hazy and dreamy, and has a gentle voice to compliment it. I would say reminiscent of soft singing Damon Albarn. He's done an amazing job as independent artist, but I think he's maybe hit his ceiling in terms of production, and I think the Chemical Brothers could maybe help him expand his output.

His overall aura is a bit too slacker-like and hipster-ish for some. But I think he was definitely born with the ability to write some excellent and emotion-filled music (even if it's by mistake.) 

He's a bit of a character too, so if there was ever a music video to pair with the track he wouldn't undoubtedly star in it.

Quote from: sneakerbeater on Jun 12, 2020, 20:49
Bobby Gillespie

I've convinced myself there has to be some type of demo they had with him during the Surrender era that they didn't share on the 20th anniversary release.

I thought we might hear it in the 21 minute mix of Out of Control, but nope.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 12, 2020, 05:02

Jenn Wasner of Wye Oak. I feel like she'd fit in the canon of Beth Orton, Hope Sandoval, Anna-Lynne Williams and Stephanie Dosen quite well, and she already works in genres similar to the Chems' own singer-songwritery works and their general folksy tastes:

Yeah, she would be an awesome fit considering the similarities to past artists. Lovely song! Will check them out  ;D
"To me you're like a setting sun. You rise then you're gone"

Quote from: Bosco on Jun 13, 2020, 21:28

I think they could collaborate with Mac DeMarco. His music is generally hazy and dreamy, and has a gentle voice to compliment it. I would say reminiscent of soft singing Damon Albarn. He's done an amazing job as independent artist, but I think he's maybe hit his ceiling in terms of production, and I think the Chemical Brothers could maybe help him expand his output.

His overall aura is a bit too slacker-like and hipster-ish for some. But I think he was definitely born with the ability to write some excellent and emotion-filled music (even if it's by mistake.) 

He's a bit of a character too, so if there was ever a music video to pair with the track he wouldn't undoubtedly star in it.

Is it just me, or so he look (a incy wincy bit) like our Ed???   ???
"To me you're like a setting sun. You rise then you're gone"

Few good suggestions in here, particularly like the RTJ one.
Probably divide the room here but I reckon a Mike Skinner collab would be cool.
M.I.A. would also bring them into unknown territory I reckon.
Seeing as the QTip collabs work so well, maybe a grime artist with a kind of similar neutral vocal style, someone like Wiley maybe
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