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[tour 2022]2022 Live Shows (the year live music gets revived!)

Started by Csar, May 25, 2021, 18:17

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Quote from: Stefan on Aug 01, 2022, 20:08

Hm, I really like the new intro to Wide Open and also No Reason, wouldn've crossed my mind to compare it to EDM, which I can't stand.
But that transition beween Star Guitar and Swoon really needs some work.

Quote from: kosek on Aug 01, 2022, 20:13

Hey, are you ok?

Well, I didn't want to say anything because you all were so enthusiastic but I've got to admit that their most recent live stuff feels a little rough to me, although I love the fact that they're being quite playful (just like I hoped they would). But Wide Open and that newer track felt so off to me, nothing like anything I'd associate the Bros with. I was honestly shocked a little.

Remember the iTunes Festival? That one was sprinkled with jaw dropping surprises. The Snow Surface intro alone came from another dimension.
I know, I know. I'm a spoiled brat.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Csar, if you don't already know, you've earned impunity among this community. You got a difference of opinion that you feel like airing go for it.

Appreciate you thinking of others though.

Now that we are airing our grievances, get rid of the vocalized Temptation intro to Star Guitar. I have a feeling I know why they are doing it, but it just doesn't sound good.

Thanks Bosco for the kind words but I hope everyone on here feels free to voice their opinions no matter what!

I wholeheartedly concur with your Star Guitar sentiment.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Bosco on Aug 02, 2022, 03:32

Csar, if you don't already know, you've earned impunity among this community. You got a difference of opinion that you feel like airing go for it.

Appreciate you thinking of others though.

Now that we are airing our grievances, get rid of the vocalized Temptation intro to Star Guitar. I have a feeling I know why they are doing it, but it just doesn't sound good.

I personally felt like the live set has needed quite the shakeup for a while by now! This current set has been such an improvement over last year's shows, but I can see where everyone feels things feel a little incoherent

maybe put some of the crucial songs like...BRB, Swoon/Star Guitar back in their respective places and it'll feel more *right*, especially having swoon/star guitar in the first act again, that could prolly close things out before the second act, that quick cut isn't doing anything for me either

otherwise I love the new risks they are taking! granted it can definitely use some buffing out, would love to see this in context with the Chemical10 material and maybe some more backlog tracks if they intend to pull another DYOH style surprise (also PLAY THE UNIVERSE SENT ME DAMN IT)

that Come With Us intro though is absolutely MENTAL and it's nice to see it given a second life, it'd be mental if they played the full version again too but, not sure why they would place BRB in the intro, possibly to celebrate DYOH's anniversary? but regardless, it's definitely an interesting choice
Last Edit: Aug 03, 2022, 19:27 by hstn
And I feel like I'm dreaming...and I feel like I'm dreaming...

Quote from: hstn on Aug 03, 2022, 19:20

I personally felt like the live set has needed quite the shakeup for a while by now!
otherwise I love the new risks they are taking!
Absolutely! That is the part I appreciate the most of the recent shows and it's really refreshing. I hope they'll be continuing on this path and leave the well-worn ones more often (just make it a bit more fluent).

Quote from: hstn on Aug 03, 2022, 19:20

would love to see this in context with the Chemical10 material and maybe some more backlog tracks if they intend to pull another DYOH style surprise (also PLAY THE UNIVERSE SENT ME DAMN IT)
Damn right, please mix in some of the tracks never or only briefly played. Galaxy Bounce and the Universe should be no brainers!!! They could open with Galaxy Bounce Singles 93-03 style. I'd bet that would get people pumped with its intro.

Quote from: hstn on Aug 03, 2022, 19:20

that Come With Us intro though is absolutely MENTAL and it's nice to see it given a second life, it'd be mental if they played the full version again too but, not sure why they would place BRB in the intro, possibly to celebrate DYOH's anniversary? but regardless, it's definitely an interesting choice
I'm fine with the placement of BRB but, like I mentioned somewhere else, I found it odd that they would use it and make it a really dramatic opener, looping the "back" vocal snippet, and then not segue into BRB and even stop the beat which totally cuts the energy built.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Aug 04, 2022, 10:15

They could open with Galaxy Bounce Singles 93-03 style. I'd bet that would get people pumped with its intro.


I have two tickets to the Field Day festival on the 20th. Sadly not going to be able to make that show.

Let me know if anyone is interested--looking to sell them for face. DM me for details.

Last Edit: Aug 09, 2022, 20:14 by MadPooter

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