Listen to Your Heart

25th Anniversary Dig Your Own Hole

Started by Travis, Feb 01, 2022, 06:25

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Block Rockin' Beats
2 (20%)
Dig Your Own Hole
2 (20%)
4 (40%)
1 (10%)
Setting Sun
0 (0%)
It Doesn't Matter
1 (10%)
Don't Stop The Rock
0 (0%)
Get Up On It Like This
0 (0%)
Lost In The K-Hole
3 (30%)
Where Do I Begin
2 (20%)
The Private Psychedelic Reel
4 (40%)
It Doesn't Matter (alt mix)
1 (10%)
I Love Tekno (alt mix)
0 (0%)
Elektrobank (demo)
0 (0%)
1 (10%)
Where Do I Begin (alt mix)
0 (0%)
Not Another Drugstore
1 (10%)
Morning Lemon
2 (20%)
Buzz Tracks
1 (10%)
Prescription Beats
1 (10%)
These Beats Are Made For Breakin'
0 (0%)
Otter Rock
0 (0%)
1 (10%)
1 (10%)
Setting Sun [Instrumental]
0 (0%)
Not Another Drugstore [Planet Nine Remix]
0 (0%)
Elektrobank [Dust Brothers Remix]
0 (0%)
Block Rockin' Beats [The Micronauts Remix]
1 (10%)
Block Rockin' Beats  [The Micronauts Bonus Beats]
0 (0%)
Setting Sun [Radio Edit]
1 (10%)
Block Rockin' Beats [Radio Edit]
0 (0%)
Elektrobank [Radio Edit]
0 (0%)
Block Rockin' Beats [Single Version]
0 (0%)
Elektrobank [Full Lenght]
1 (10%)
Get Up On It Like This [Loops Of Fury E.P.]
2 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 10

The "Loose Yourself"-Episode that was aired right after Erol's mix was by Wolf Alice, or more specific by their drummer Joel, and featured also some Chemicals


Joel explores some of the drummers, producers, bands & DJs who he has lost himself in throughout the years. Their approaches, rhythms, and sonics have been an inspiration and soundtracked many a bop about town during his teens, twenties, lockdowns, and beyond. Music from J Dilla, Soulwax, DJ Shadow & The Chemical Brothers.


1 DJ Shadow - Changeling/Transmission 1
2 Flying Lotus - Do The Astral Plane
3 Underworld - I Exhale
4 Soulwax - Is It Always Binary
5 Tyler, the Creator - New Magic Wand
6 Kendrick Lamar & SZA - All The Stars
7 J Dilla - Won't Do
8 Caribou - Home
9 Roots Manuva - Witness (1 Hope)
10 UNKLE - The Knock (Drums Of Death Part 2)
11 Can - Moonshake
12 The Chemical Brothers - The Sunshine Underground
13 The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows
14 Justice - Waters Of Nazareth

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 09, 2022, 11:26

21:00 BST Mixtape: Chems Mania!
The Blessed Madonna plays the best samples from the Chemical Brothers' "Dig Your Own Hole" - ... plus a new track from the Chemical Brothers' previously unreleased session archive.
The 'new' track was of course the Elektrobank demo. A nice hour of tunes though. Good to hear James' "Come Home" in there. I'm old enough to have bought James' Gold Mother album in 1990/91, mostly because I liked Come Home. I know Tom says the inspiration for the Reel was a Mercury Rev gig (re: the cacophonous nature of the track) but in terms of the chords, I think Come Home (sampled in TPPR) was probably the jumping off point. [I sorta mentioned this before in another thread but the subject changed to the probable Beatles sitar sample.] You can kinda hum TPPR over this track.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 09, 2022, 11:26

22:00 BST The Story Of... "Dig Your Own Hole" at 25!
The Blessed Madonna celebrates 25 years of a masterpiece from the Chemical Brothers by playing the album in full.
Join the Blessed Madonna as she pays homage to "Dig Your Own Hole", with some recordings from the BBC archive of Ed and Tom breaking the record down.
(I'm guessing we'll get some stuff from T&E's thing they did for Zane Lowe back when he was on BBC Radio 1, Zane Lowe's Masterpieces)
So they used the "Directors Commentary" of T&E discussing the album. It wasn't actually broadcast as part of Zane Lowes Masterpiece show but it was uploaded to the BBC website as a stream in conjunction with that show in 2012. Edited down to fit into an hour.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 09, 2022, 11:26

23:00 BST Sweatbox: Erol Alkan
As selected by the Chemical Brothers themselves: Erol Alkan in the mix!

Quote from: GLAKO-FAHN on Apr 13, 2022, 01:27

erol alkan's mix is a really chemical mix
I enjoyed this. I'm not entirely sure why the Chems didn't do the DJ mix considering they picked the tracks. But hey, Erol x Chems = Yay! I think I enjoyed the Chems track selection more here than on the Oddbod Distress mix in December 2020 (which I was "extremely ungenerous" about, according to a Chemical Brother). I just wasn't keen on a lot of track choices there, but here...I am. Chemical completists could probably count this as a Chemical mix and should definitely give it a listen.

Nice to hear Photonz Planetary Spirit in there. It kinda sounds like Paganini Trax' Zoe on steroids.  Eclair Fifi played it in her Essential Mix back in September 2021 and I tried to post it here in Now Playing, but I couldn't because it was unreleased at the time. I guess I can post it now...

Last Edit: Apr 14, 2022, 19:59 by Wolkenkrabber

Does anyone happen to have a rip of the full show they'd be willing to share?

Skyscraper has me all inspired to give it a deep listen!

Anyone catch this article?

Looks like they talked to Errol for this article and recycled some old quotes from Tom and Ed,  interesting looking back, especially in regards to their impact in the United States.

Fun tidbits:

The success continued with a GRAMMY win and two nominations in 1998, taking home a golden gramophone for Best Rock Instrumental Performance for "Block Rockin' Beats." And Rowlands and Simons started finding out that they had a growing number of famous admirers: George Harrison, who was also sampled on "Setting Sun"["It Doesn't Matter"]and served as an inspiration for the album's Beatles tribute "The Private Psychedelic Reel," [huh?, this meant to be "Setting Sun"?] sent over a signed copy of his 1969 album Electronic Sound.

"We met Simon Le Bon," Simons told SPIN in 1997. The Duran Duran frontman was a fan, and he let them know. "He was out of his mind. He was singing us his new song, and saying he wanted a remix. He said 'Setting Sun' was the best thing he'd heard in the 1990s. Me and Tom were at a loss for words. We started mumbling about 'Rio' and 'Ordinary World.'"

Also, this which we figured, but still nice to hear:

The album's siren songs still have the depth to set off dancefloors worldwide. And the Chemical Brothers are still winning GRAMMYs, most recently Best Dance Recording (for "Got To Keep On") and Best Electronic/Dance Album (for their ninth studio album, No Geography) at the 2020 GRAMMY Awards. Rowlands and Simons are currently in the studio working on new music, because it's still their job to find those Saturday night smash hits.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 15, 2022, 19:39

Does anyone happen to have a rip of the full show they'd be willing to share?

Skyscraper has me all inspired to give it a deep listen!
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Apr 15, 2022, 22:58


I've sent something to Enjoyed. But I'm rusty as hell with this stuff. If he says they're ok, I'll probably post em here.

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 15, 2022, 20:34

Anyone catch this article?

The success continued with a GRAMMY win and two nominations in 1998, taking home a golden gramophone for Best Rock Instrumental Performance for "Block Rockin' Beats." And Rowlands and Simons started finding out that they had a growing number of famous admirers: George Harrison, who was also sampled on "Setting Sun"["It Doesn't Matter"]and served as an inspiration for the album's Beatles tribute "The Private Psychedelic Reel," [huh?, this meant to be "Setting Sun"?] sent over a signed copy of his 1969 album Electronic Sound.
Good catch on It Doesn't Matter. Harrison is also sampled on the track, DYOH.
Re TPPR, I'm gonna go with the article here. There's sitar all over the Reel and as previously mentioned, it is either inspired by, or cheekily sampled directly from Harrison's playing on Norwegian Wood. In addition we know that the title of TPPR is based on a mythical Beatles tape.
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2022, 00:56 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 15, 2022, 20:34
Rowlands and Simons are currently in the studio working on new music, because it's still their job to find those Saturday night smash hits.
So nice to hear!  Praying for new album this year, even though I know it won't happen  :D

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 15, 2022, 23:09

I've sent something to Enjoyed. But I'm rusty as hell with this stuff. If he says they're ok, I'll probably post em here.

Listening now!
Will report back in 3 hours!
(sounding great so far)

UPDATE: OK. The 'Story Of...' mp3 cut out just as TPPR was beginning :( I forget it there was talk about that being the case to keep it under an hour. But, come to think of it, the ending ramble from Blessed Madonna was cut short in the 'Mixtape' too (though it sounded like she was just wrapping up and explaining the next hour).
Sound is great for a 128 though!

UPDATE2: Just spent 2 hours working on infographics and the last hour making dinner. Lovely stuff. All three do cut out a little early, but who knows what tosh is being talked over during that anyhow.
The Sweatbox mix is delicious. Especially enjoyed that Erol rework of Confidence Man. V nice indeed.
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 14, 2022, 19:54

Erol x Chems = Yay!
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2022, 04:04 by Enjoyed

Quote from: ; on Apr 15, 2022, 23:16

So nice to hear!  Praying for new album this year, even though I know it won't happen  :D
Wouldn't completely rule it out, the anniversary edition of Surrender was also released the same year as No Geography. 
Though I agree, Chem10 in 2023 is more likely.

Ok, three rips for the three hours of DYOH related radio shows. Not cut short at the end (following Enjoyed's previous post here).


Re: Erol's Sweatbox mix, if you're checking the tracklist on BBC, you may or may not care that:
1) The Exorcist (Ya Ya mix) is by The Scientist
2) There's a "woo track" at 39 mins but it's not The Woo Track. It's Hack Jammer (LDLDN mix) by Posthuman which is a 2022 track out next week. I really like the acid parts of this track but I really don't like the jazzy chords!
3) After Erol's rework of Confidence Man there's actually one more track - but it isn't listed. My hunch is that it is not Chemical. If I were to to take a wild guess I'd say it's by Ivan Smagghe (or Smagghe & Alkan). Why? Because it has that 80s synth sound which Smagghe loves, and Erol has been Dj-ing with him recently. It doesn't shazam.

As for the "Directors Commentary" of DYOH. It looks like the original version of that from 2012 is still available to stream on the BBC website. It's about 5 mins longer than the version here. I guess if someone is really keen I could rip that at some point, but you're not missing much.
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2022, 23:19 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 16, 2022, 21:20
Ok, three rips for the three hours of DYOH related radio shows. Not cut short at the end (following Enjoyed's previous post here).
Thank you to you and to everyone else who worked to get these up!  I'll be sure to enjoy. 
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 16, 2022, 21:20
There's a "woo track" at 39 mins but it's not The Woo Track.
Audibly gasped at this  :D  The idea of having a "studio" version of Woo Track is still too exciting to comprehend.  Also, my apologies if you're already aware of this, and I'm misunderstanding, but it was identified where that "Woo" is from - It's Janet Jackson's "The Pleasure Principle:"

A lot of songs sampled this and it's funny that one of the songs they chose to play was also another song that sampled it, lol. 

Edit: Never mind, you were the one who found that sample, please excuse my foolishness   :D

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 21, 2022, 18:40
Cool mashup graphic/video posted today:
Saw this on their instagram, super cool edit/animatic or whatever you want to call it.  Was hoping for maybe a new digital release of one of the songs?  Maybe soon. 

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 28, 2022, 22:36

So raw and brutal, I love it !
It's unavailable now? I was so excited for a second... what's going on?

Quote from: ; on Apr 28, 2022, 23:40

It's unavailable now? I was so excited for a second... what's going on?

Avalible for me, so I guess it will be right on the midnight in your country ;)
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

Aw, dang, not available in my country yet, this is pain.  Can not wait to hear it!

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 28, 2022, 22:36

So raw and brutal, I love it !

The best thing about it is, that it's nearly completely different mix of it, I wonder if they considered to put it on the album at some point.
Not gonna lie, but releasing it with I love tekno and og mixes as the extended EBW 1/2 EP would be great!
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?


11+ minutes of sound-sonic, ear-splitting tek 🙌🙌🙌

I simply cannot wait for this on vinyl.

PS: Listen to this on headphones, holy s**t! 🔊🔊🔊

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 28, 2022, 22:36

So raw and brutal, I love it !

Dare I suggest that the stereo effects were a bit too radical for it to be the official/final version of the track?..

This got uploaded pretty quietly. How were you even aware of it last night, BenJ?

I see they've posted about it this morning:

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