The Brothers Gonna Work It Out

Simian Mobile Disco

Started by Wolkenkrabber, Aug 28, 2015, 09:26

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I might be a bit slow to this but...
Free track here: Mixmag


Glad we started the SMD thread.

I was actually a little disappointed with the last Whorl show, but I might have said before that it was a little difficult for me to judge because I was rather low on energy after all was said and done.

Looking forward to seeing what they will come up with next--I enjoyed Jaz's solo track Double Love.

I keep hoping that they'll move back to the ASDR direction, but I think that's going to be a hope in vein.

Welcome To Sideways. The new album (mixed) on official SMD youtube channel.


24:00 to 28:00 👍👍👍
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I legitimately enjoyed the first listen through of the new album. There were a couple of moments that really got me going and I'm looking forward to giving it another listen.

The segment with SMD starts at about the 2:05:00 mark.

Interview first. Then performing some of their new tracks.

Uggh. The performance is broken up. Picks up again at like the 2:30:00 mark.

Edit: They played two tracks. Flying or Falling, which was brilliant. And Cerulean, which they stuck pretty close to the studio version off of Unpatterns.

They are a couple of silly men, though. I enjoyed hearing them talk about the process and all.
Last Edit: Jan 24, 2017, 05:22 by MadPooter

SMD has put up a tracklist of songs that they have historically played as DJs. It's really interesting to give a listen.

What's just as interesting is their description of why they played the track, and their opinions on how it fits into the electronic music (or other) genre generally.

Unfortunately, it's not very convenient at the moment to pair up what they wrote on their FB page to tracks on the YouTube playlist (you have to scroll down quite a bit on the FB page).

Quote from: MadPooter on Sep 16, 2017, 21:45

What's just as interesting is their description of why they played the track, and their opinions on how it fits into the electronic music (or other) genre generally.

Unfortunately, it's not very convenient at the moment to pair up what they wrote on their FB page to tracks on the YouTube playlist (you have to scroll down quite a bit on the FB page).

Well all the FB bits are together when you click sideways through the pics, but it currently goes from No 27 to No 3 . I can't see 2 and 1 on FB (they started at the top I think), although on YT they are there: Underworld & Aphex Twin.
This list reminds me of some tunes I haven't heard or thought about in a while: Numbers 19,20, and 21 (LFO Freak, Fat Truckers Superbike, AME Rej) all grabbed my attention. Lots of other good tunes there too.

Meanwhile SMD are re-releasing Attack Decay Sustain Release (several months after it's 10th Birthday) and have put this link up.
Which really doesn't sound anything like this:

But does sound like this:

I think I've been oblivious to their Nike Run stuff until now, so I haven't heard the full 27 minute version. Perhaps these different tracks/edits connect up?

Quote from: Skyscraper on Sep 22, 2017, 10:09

I think I've been oblivious to their Nike Run stuff until now, so I haven't heard the full 27 minute version. Perhaps these different tracks/edits connect up?

Edit 2 and 1 are edits from the first 12 minutes of the 30mn Run. The first one you posted is taken from the second part

I'm highly biased when it comes to anything SMD puts out.

But I like this. It's nice and dark... tribal even. I was liking the snippets they were putting out on their FB page and I was anxiously awaiting this release.

This track sounds like a significant shift for them in their music, and I'm excited to hear the rest of the album.

ah crap. Hope jas gets toe beat this.

"Caught in a wave" is beautiful!
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

I've listened through Murmurations a number of times now.

I can say that this likely is their best produced album to date. The way that they handled the vocals from the singers is absolutely impressive, and you can hear the delicacy in the finished product. And I was blown away with the amount of pure talent on the album.

With all of that said, the style of the album is dramatically different for the most part from SMD's prior albums. The direction that they took with the addition of the vocal choir sets it apart from their prior work in ways that, for me, are both good and bad. I've never been into vocal choir music all that much, and it doesn't quite do it for me.

But notwithstanding my own personal tastes, I think their sense of adventure pays off. The album goes to some noteworthy places, and I found myself listening to it a surprising number of times.

What has made it even better is hearing where they went with the album live. Recently they released a single of "We Go," and it has some of the songs from Murmurations performed live at the Barbican.

Holy fuck.

That track in particular is extraordinarily interesting live, and I'm absolutely envious of the folks that got to go to that Barbican show. I'm at a loss for words listening to this. There is such a build up in that track that I think it's hard for anyone listening to ignore where it takes you.

I'm certainly hoping Jaz recovers.

This live version gives me goosebumps. The album version does it already but thats more intense with the slightly more faster rhythmic pace they've got to it too. Its great the choir are doing it live rather than the guys having to resort to samples/recordings.

I must say giving this album a decent listen now for last few weeks and its been a good antidote for me mentally. A nice escape during life.

I've found it therapeutic and instantly helps me from any anxiety or frustration I might have I can't explain it. It must be the waves and flow they talk about it they capture in the music making with the choir and the whole album concept etc. The vibe and energy must've been a positive journey while making this too.

Even from the first opening track it washes over you in a meditative state then it just goes on and you go with it. By the time you get to V Formation (which is another favourite) you could listen to that forever even though it seems quite simple compared to the others but the rhythm and flow is addictive.

Last Edit: Jul 19, 2018, 12:09 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Pooter sent me in the direction of this latest album and I've been listening to it regularly since. It's really fantastic.

I would basically echo everything that Poots said, especially in terms of the quality of the production, but add that I wasn't really that aware of SMD before hand (knew of them, but not listened to much) and am actually a fan of choral music (The King's Singers, anyone??) and the combination of smoothly polished techno and 4 part female close harmonies is such a dang treat to my ears.

This live version is super good too. I'm heading into the internet to look for the EP now!

Thank you again for sharing.

Whole Barbican set is available now. Nice.

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