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School project

Started by Schoolproject123, Sep 17, 2022, 18:07

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Hey guys I'm doing a school presentation on the chemical brothers and I would like to ask a fan a few questions if that's okay.
Last Edit: Sep 20, 2022, 10:29 by Csar

There are so many fans here: fans from the new era, fans of the 90s, fans of it all, and people who range from casual to die hard. Some people focus on the live stuff and others haven't seen them live. Let us know what you are looking for. I think people will respond if you ask the questions here, or at least provide a sample of what info you want to discuss.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I'm more than happy to answer some questions! I'm not the most experienced fan but certainly a big one!

Hi everyone sorry to intrude my trying to speak to someone with first hand experience of the band for a school project that I need to have in by tommorrow, have only just found this forum, apparently the teacher gives us this band to set us up to fail so it would be great if someone can answer my questions.  it 21.44 in th UK right now and I have to have this done by 09.30 tomorrow morning so sorry for the late notice

Thank you


Where are your questions then?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

When did you first find out about them?
Why do you listen to their music?
How does their music impact your life?
Do you feel theyve done a lot for the big beat/electroic genre?

Thank you guys ;D

Also how did you feel when Glastonbury 22 was cancrlled and if you went to  glastonbury 19 how was it what was the atmosphere like tell me about it

How did you feel when Ed Simons announced he would be taking a break from touring to focus on his academic studies?

I have questions as well

1. When did you first find out about the Chemical Brothers?
2. Why do you like their music?
3. How does their music impact your life?
4. Do you feel they have done a lot for the big beat/electronic genre?
5. How did you fell when Ed Simons said he was taking a break form touring for his academic studies?
6. If you went to Glastonbury 2019 what was the atmosphere like?
7.How did you feel when Glastonbury 2020 was cancelled?
8. Have you ever met them? and if so how and what did you feel?

Thank you so much

Quote from: Schoolproject123 on Sep 22, 2022, 08:07

When did you first find out about them?
Why do you listen to their music?
How does their music impact your life?
Do you feel theyve done a lot for the big beat/electroic genre?

I discovered them in 1997 on a sampler CD, and further on MTV's AMP. Their catalog was young at the time so it was easy to catch up. I've purchased every releases since, although I never found some of the original vinyl EPs.

I prefer the algorithms of sounds and beats in electronic music as compared to top 40 style vocals and guitar driven music. The compositions by the Chemical Brothers have a unique, complex style that resonates closely with me, and I have grown with them.

I still listen to them today for multiple reasons: pleasure, nostalgia, relaxation, and to drown out the pain of the modern world. And, I just like what they do: theire music keeps me moving and never gets stale to me. They are my second favorite artist in any genre, and are completely different than the other, who is a pioneer of electronic music in the 80s. I listen to them weekly, sometimes daily, often when driving. My wife and 14 year old son are also familiar with their music because it is on so frequently in our environment: thankfully,they also enjoy it.

I think they were pioneers of the big beat genre, starting with their classic hip hop selections in early DJ sets and continuing with their own tracks, creating a movement. Although Fatboy Slim and Prodigy may be slightly more well known to casual listeners, I think The Chemical Brothers were a driving force for the electronica movement of the late 90s. Prior to that, 80s electronic music had fallen out of fashion, and today's EDM owes a lot to the vibe of the late 90s/early 2000s. I'm not one of those fans that LOVES every track they ever do, but I definitely LOVE most of them and enjoy much of the rest.

Quote from: Squirrell on Sep 22, 2022, 09:08
1. When did you first find out about the Chemical Brothers?
2. Why do you like their music?
3. How does their music impact your life?
4. Do you feel they have done a lot for the big beat/electronic genre?
5. How did you fell when Ed Simons said he was taking a break form touring for his academic studies?
6. If you went to Glastonbury 2019 what was the atmosphere like?
7.How did you feel when Glastonbury 2020 was cancelled?
8. Have you ever met them? and if so how and what did you feel?

The first 4 questions were answered above in this comment.

For Ed taking a break for studies, I fully support anyone improving their education (or themself). These guys hit success young, and I admire him for going back at (near) middle age. I was not worried about the future of the band: Tom is talented enough on his own, and as it was, there was no need to worry because they still work together. But if that WAS the end, it would have been a better than the fate of many bands, and it was a hell of a run. And seriously, at what age do we think they will retire? I'm sure they have several more years it in them, especially in the studio, but I'd rather it end on a high note then become a joke like the Rolling Stones.

I sadly have not seen them live, although I have experienced a lot of their live music in my home. I have no feelings on Glastonbury, however, I fully supported lockdowns and extreme precautions during the peak of the pandemic, even if inconvenient: perhaps if the world followed New Zealand's lead, we wouldn't be on year 3 of spread.

I also have not met them. However, many on this forum do follow them live and have met them, and I've only heard positive stories. Perhaps you'll get another response.

Hope you both got what you need. I am 51: I discovered them in my 20s near the beginning, and am older than the average fan. I still listen to other electronic music as my main preference, but am not stuck in the 90s.

Now a question for you both: Are either of you familiar with their music or have a favorite song / album? If not, tell us what you like and maybe we can recommend something to introduce you to the duo. And maybe tell us why The Chemical Brothers were chosen, please. Cheers.

Last Edit: Sep 25, 2022, 14:18 by satur8
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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