Let Your Heart See the Colours All Around You

New Theme

Started by Stefan, Dec 16, 2022, 21:37

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I've seen earlier today that the Forum team has been hard at work in the machine room.
Kudos to the admins, the info page made me smile  ;D
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Also, the new Psychedelic theme looks fantastic!

Someone over on the Discord mentioned the 'Eve of Construction'  :D

New theme looks great! Looks very sleek, I like it.
"I'm fucking allergic to feathers, you cunts"

I'm trying #4, but what should i take?

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

K, the new forum look is really good, really nice surprise!
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

i like the new rules <3
Eight or over.

seeing the new look on mobile is quite wonderful ! ;D
is it chemically derived?

looks really nice !  ;D
I won't back down, give me my thunder.

i love the new look !!!!!!!!!! great job for all the admins, you all have done such an amazing job <333

Quote from: SomeAsker on Dec 17, 2022, 04:37
seeing the new look on mobile is quite wonderful ! ;D

Oh good point. Looks a lot more phone-friendly than before.
I also notice that YouTube shorts now embed automatically. That's new.

However as I type this post whilst using the quote function, I notice that clicking the quote button has sent me down to the bottom of the page to "Quick Reply" Is that meant to happen?

I'm also not sure about the automatic centring of YouTube embeds. Looking at sone of my posts in Now Playing, where I've typed the artist/title, it's set to the left of the page but then the YT clip is centred, so they look out of whack.

Re: the smileys under our avatar, are they based on post numbers, or thanks or something else? Oh wait, they're not smileys they're yellow C's for Chems?

PS I don't believe those new rules are actually new, I think Y'all just didn't read 'em before.

One more question, beacause it is not really explained in the rules: what if i put my hands to the side and shake my body like a salmon floating upstream?
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Thank you all for your feedback. Glad you like it so far. It's been the first time ever I've done this coding stuff, so hopefuily I didn't botch up too much and everything is going as smoothly as possible.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Dec 17, 2022, 12:50
However as I type this post whilst using the quote function, I notice that clicking the quote button has sent me down to the bottom of the page to "Quick Reply" Is that meant to happen?
Yes, this is intentional, I believe, as Simple Machines Forum (SMF) apparently decided that in their newest update the quick reply is now an always-there feature (formerly was collapsible).

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Dec 17, 2022, 12:50
I'm also not sure about the automatic centring of YouTube embeds. Looking at some of my posts in Now Playing, where I've typed the artist/title, it's set to the left of the page but then the YT clip is centred, so they look out of whack.
Yeah, this one's on me (same for tweets and instagram posts). I thought it was nicer to have it centered automatically and I noticed that Pumisher is doing that every time so I wanted to spare him the effort. But I can reverse it if that's wanted, no problem.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Dec 17, 2022, 12:50
Re: the smileys under our avatar, are they based on post numbers, or thanks or something else? Oh wait, they're not smileys they're yellow C's for Chems?
These are the normal "badges" you get when reaching a certain amount of posts, just like on the pervious version. While I was experimenting with the new vector graphic svg-format that I used throughout the forum (instead of the pixelated old png images) I had this I idea to maybe give them a sort of individual touch. But if you think this looks too silly, I certainly can go back to regular uni-color images.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Dec 17, 2022, 12:50
Quote from: glakofahn on Dec 17, 2022, 02:33
i like the new rules <3
PS I don't believe those new rules are actually new, I think Y'all just didn't read 'em before.
Haha, yes, these have been the rules for like forever (although I must admit, I hadn't read them either or forgot about them). Just touched up the formatting a little. WhiteNoise should get all the credit for it, I believe.

Quote from: Stefan on Dec 16, 2022, 21:37
I've seen earlier today that the Forum team has been hard at work in the machine room.
Kudos to the admins, the info page made me smile  ;D
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Also, the new Psychedelic theme looks fantastic!
@Stefan Ha ha, thank you. I got carried away with these.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 17, 2022, 13:05
One more question, beacause it is not really explained in the rules: what if i put my hands to the side and shake my body like a salmon floating upstream?
You can do whatever floats your salmon :D
Last Edit: Dec 17, 2022, 14:21 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Dec 17, 2022, 13:57
Yes, this is intentional, I believe, as Simple Machines Forum (SMF) apparently decided that in their newest update the quick reply is now an always-there feature (formerly was collapsible).


Quote from: Csar on Dec 17, 2022, 13:57
I thought it was nicer to have it centered automatically and I noticed that Pumisher is doing that every time so I wanted to spare him the effort. But I can reverse it if that's wanted, no problem.

Do a poll on this maybe?

as for me, there's no need for center this automaticaly. but thanks anyway @Csar

(using this @-feature for the first time, who's this @Csar-Ban-Criminal ?)
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Dec 17, 2022, 15:10
Do a poll on this maybe?
Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 17, 2022, 17:11
as for me, there's no need for center this automaticaly. but thanks anyway @Csar
Alrighty, changed it back.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 17, 2022, 17:11
(using this @-feature for the first time, who's this @Csar-Ban-Criminal ?)
Don't you remember the infamous, criminally acting member who "accidentally" banned all gmail members (including himself) not too long ago?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

good job on the new theme guys, the front page looks phenomenal.  ;D

also the guidelines recommendations gave me a good chuckle
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Csar on Dec 17, 2022, 18:41
Don't you remember the infamous, criminally acting member who "accidentally" banned all gmail members (including himself) not too long ago?
I'm sure some bots were reigned in, can't blame that guy for overcorrecting *a little bit*.

Quote from: ThePumisher on Dec 17, 2022, 01:13
I'm trying #4, but what should i take?

Where are the points about Galvanize and not getting Out Of Control?
Meow meow meow
Sound sound sound

I love what you guys and girls DID to the new house! Looks great on the inside and outside! Really clean on mobile too!

Such an early Xmas present! I'm gonna do a walk arounnd and take a look at everything here. Well done and great job to the mod team! 
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Respect for doing this! WN lives forever!

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This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

ahhh the excitement over a new skin.

thank you.

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