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Coachella 2023

Started by Bosco, Jan 10, 2023, 20:10

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Quote from: Bosco on Apr 15, 2023, 07:08
Hear Hear! So happy The Chemical Brothers returned to Coachella. The universe seems a little more complete with their reunion after a 12 year absence.
it's weird to think of how they played 6 of the first 12 Coachellas, then took another 12 years to return.

tangentially, someone also reminded me recently that Perry Farrel performed in some capacity at every Coachella until... 2006? 2007? I forget when that streak ended. anyway, moving on.

Sorry I couldn't join the discord frenzy, I was busy not falling asleep and getting the recording going. Had troubles accessing DC last time I tried so I was hesitant to do anything that could interrupt it.
Last Edit: Apr 15, 2023, 15:16 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: marvo_ging on Apr 15, 2023, 14:30
It's replaying it now if you are interested!! :))
Thank you! I caught it from MAH onwards.Nice to experience the current show in decent(ish) sound/vision quality on my TV.

For some reason I enjoyed the long intro on No Reason this time around, though I've previously thought it was too long.
Was there a mistake in HBHG? The intro drum overlaid on a later part of the track where I wouldn't expect it. Or was that deliberate but I just didn't dig it?
Nice to experience Dreaming in decent(ish) quality instead of insta/phone clips (though I did hear it last August at Field Day).
I like this Setting Sun but would also like it if it eventually built up to "full on" original version so that it would hit a bit harder.
The Wide Open intro? Yeah it's alright but the topline sacharine-sweet melody is perhaps a bit too sweet and "music box" or "EDM" for my taste.
Ah, there's the "tin robots transition" from Do It Again into Temptation/SG which we had previously heard in isolation from Estereo Picnic insta posts.
Swoon sounds like a nice melodic palette cleanser after some of the other full-on stuff.
Galvanize - did it sound a bit cluttered or messy to anyone, or just me? I don't think it's a particularly new live version but maybe it's been edited or the mixing was just a bit funny? Galvanize felt a bit short at Field Day too, I think.

Crowd looked fine to me. I didn't think "dead" at all. Also at a festival you have to pace yourself a bit more than a stand-alone gig. I liked the glow-in-the-dark mask with the moving images on it. Too bad it probably isn't N99 or N95 so may not be much use other than as a dust/sand mask.

Quote from: Csar on Apr 15, 2023, 05:57
Not just too long but also the melody is a bit meh (has a certain "EDM" vibe).

Oh, but that's new! That I liked! Gotta need more of this!
What's new?

BTW re live discussion/Discord, I imagine if WhiteNoise were here, he would remind us that there is  a live chat feature on the forum. We used it before - circa 2018 when a European festival did a similar live stream. I'm not sure that it saves the chat afterwards though (?).

for those who want the audio of the concert, this is the link to download it :)

Chembase annotation: Link has been deleted

Welcome, @tfabb!
Even though everyone appreciates the sentiment, please refrain from publicly sharing files on here in order to not clash with IP infringement issues.
Last Edit: Apr 15, 2023, 19:39 by Csar

I guess someone has already uploaded the video from the Youtube stream.
Here is my recording :

Chembase annotation: Link has been deleted

Wincent, I'm sorry, please see above.

Last Edit: Apr 15, 2023, 19:41 by Csar Reason: public file sharing

The Discord party was well received! I counted about 50+ in the Chemchella channel, while others were in other channels watching the stream on YT. Bumped into Ryno and others there and had a blast spamming words like WOO, I FEEL LIKE I'M DREAMIN, BACK, etc! Some of the Discord members do lurk here and I just found out last night on the chat that they refer us ( forum) as the true OG"s!   ::)

I just woke up right now, and for some reason after watching last nights show,  I feel like I just came back from an actual gig! Just my only instant impression right now.

Replay is coming up again in a few! 

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Missed the discord party, as I was asleep, at least I can watch the replay, etc, so niceee
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 15, 2023, 16:50
What's new?
Oh, there was a part/sample/second melody coming up I didn't know yet in Wide Open as I was typing my comment about the Meh-melody. Happened about the 59m:20s mark

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Apr 15, 2023, 19:41
I feel like I just came back from an actual gig!
Oh, I thought you went?! It's going to be Santa Barbara then, right?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

The managed to switch to the wrong cameras during the segue from NR into HBHG. Bummer.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 15, 2023, 06:29
It is a nice touch. Explud was the one to point it out, I believe.
But now i'm pretty sure that this is Stephanie Dosen singing, it's from unused/ditched material of the original track.
Perhaps project with this arrangement has been present in the Logic Pro of the RAR studio for a long time.

Love it! ❤️
Hi Kevin!

there's a 1080p rip up on dimeadozen for anyone interested. not sure if that is the same as Csar's.

Only chems merch I am seeing on reddit is the tyedye t-shirt and sweater they had at the end of last year. Might be more at SB or Seattle like they have on the merch site. @Enjoyed I know you missed out on buying this at Portola.

That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly


The link was up and it said failed to download due to network error. I am a bit frustrated that it is gone. I cannot access dimeadozen. Could somebody help? Thanks.

Quote from: Explud on Apr 15, 2023, 21:54
But now i'm pretty sure that this is Stephanie Dosen singing, it's from unused/ditched material of the original track.
Perhaps project with this arrangement has been present in the Logic Pro of the RAR studio for a long time.

Love it! ❤️

I like that theory.

Quote from: rynostar on Apr 16, 2023, 00:00
Only chems merch I am seeing on reddit is the tyedye t-shirt and sweater they had at the end of last year. Might be more at SB or Seattle like they have on the merch site. @Enjoyed I know you missed out on buying this at Portola.

man, what a mistake by the chems marketing team by not betting on your own horse. They easily could have moved a couple thousand units of unique merch for Coachella, without even breaking a sweat.

Quote from: Bosco on Apr 16, 2023, 01:31
man, what a mistake by the chems marketing team by not betting on your own horse. They easily could have moved a couple thousand units of unique merch for Coachella, without even breaking a sweat.
suspect it's more that Coachella might limit the amount of merch an artist has space for in the merch tent.
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: rynostar on Apr 16, 2023, 02:29
suspect it's more that Coachella might limit the amount of merch an artist has space for in the merch tent.
so if they're allowed one thing... they pick the tie-dye??

Quote from: rynostar on Apr 16, 2023, 02:29
suspect it's more that Coachella might limit the amount of merch an artist has space for in the merch tent.

Possibly. I could see where they might "lease" a certain amount of space at the merch tent.  But shakermaker basically says what I'm trying to get across. Something unique to the festival would have been an instant sellout.

They underestimated the amount of unconscious spending that goes on at Coachella.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Apr 15, 2023, 19:41
The Discord party was well received! I counted about 50+ in the Chemchella channel, while others were in other channels watching the stream on YT. Bumped into Ryno and others there and had a blast spamming words like WOO, I FEEL LIKE I'M DREAMIN, BACK, etc! Some of the Discord members do lurk here and I just found out last night on the chat that they refer us ( forum) as the true OG"s!  ::)

I just woke up right now, and for some reason after watching last nights show,  I feel like I just came back from an actual gig! Just my only instant impression right now.

Replay is coming up again in a few!

This made me feel so fuzzy inside - I loved having you and other forumites around for it! Felt like a meeting with the grandmasters hehe. Thank you for joining us! 
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

Quote from: rynostar on Apr 16, 2023, 00:00
Only chems merch I am seeing on reddit is the tyedye t-shirt and sweater they had at the end of last year. Might be more at SB or Seattle like they have on the merch site. @Enjoyed I know you missed out on buying this at Portola.

Thinking this was intentional to be the Portola / Coachella swag knowing both are put on by Golden Voice. 

Quote from: mesamm99 on Apr 16, 2023, 11:31
Thinking this was intentional to be the Portola / Coachella swag knowing both are put on by Golden Voice.
perhaps it's leftover Portola swag? for one reason or another it feels random for Coachella but felt more fitting in San Francisco. it didn't feature the event name, so perhaps they are offloading extras.

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