Superflash - Numéro Un, Number One


Started by Csar, Mar 25, 2023, 14:42

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Just a little tip for attachments, because you've been using them a bit recently and the new SMF forum might be not that intuitive at times:

You can insert your attached files directly into your posts. That way, photos for instance would get displayed bigger and would not merely be shown as thumbnails.

Once you've uploaded your file, the new attachment menu now shows the button "insert". Just choose a place within your post and hit it.

Here's an example of thumbnail vs. insert
Please log in to view this attachment.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

The theme has been updated to the latest version. With this comes a revamped attachment user interface. Files no longer need to be manually uploaded which is now done automatically.

To upload an attachment:

  • At the BOTTOM of a quick reply editor, look for the ADD FILES button, or in a full editor directly go to step 2)
  • Press  "Click or drag files to attach them" which should open up the files/folders section of your PC.
  • Then scroll to find your chosen file/image

To Insert an attachment:
  • Find a spot in your message where you want the attachment to be placed
  • On the right to each uploaded file you'll find a box with an upward arrow and a cross-circle icon.
  • Click on the arrow to open the Insertion menu
  • Leave it blank to get the biggest possible size or choose a specific height or width (filling in only one of the two makes the blank field become "auto", fitting the aspect ratio of your pic)
  • Press INSERT

For PC/laptop users: The empty area to the right of an attached file is currently also meant to add additional files (don't know why SMF thought this was useful). Just don't be surprised if a window opens out of the blue when you click there.

Please log in to view this attachment.

Please log in to view this attachment.
Panel expanded
Please log in to view this attachment.

However, there's a known bug thus far that doesn't let you delete an attachment in the following case:
You accidentally clicked "delete" but cancelled the action, then you decide that you actually do want to delete the file. You'd have to refresh your page and do it again.

Along with this, I customized both the UI and the editor UI for better usability on mobile devices (bigger buttons, so sausage fingers like mine have enough room to click the right thing). Let me know if you run into bugs.
Last Edit: Jan 12, 2024, 15:18 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

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