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2023/04/16 - Live at Santa Barbara Bowl

Started by rynostar, Feb 14, 2023, 19:11

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Still buzzing and have that afterglow thingie one gets after a show. ;D I will post more when I can get my thoughts in order.  Shakermaker so sorry we were unable to connect before they came on. Next time!!

I posted some clips on insta and my FB, but this one is courtesy of inchemswetrust  :D  Merry band of fuckwits we are, haha - me, stash, and inchemswetrust!

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Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Apr 17, 2023, 17:47
Still buzzing and have that afterglow thingie one gets after a show. ;D I will post more when I can get my thoughts in order.  Shakermaker so sorry we were unable to connect before they came on. Next time!!

I posted some clips on insta and my FB, but this one is courtesy of inchemswetrust  :D  Merry band of fuckwits we are, haha - me, stash, and inchemswetrust!

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Awesome! Was it cold lol? 

Quote from: whirlygirl on Apr 17, 2023, 17:47
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Messaged inchem this last night but it needs repeating. Stash's hoodie looks amazing! And Warm! I just want to give him a hug (again).
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

What an awesome show! We had a lot of fun and my kid was pretty amped. I'm pretty sure he's reeling just as much from hanging out with Uncle Toomuchstash.

It was a really great venue and the set was pretty wild. Lots of fun live synth action for those of us really into that stuff 🤓 I missed Portola, so I was pretty happy to still have the chance to hear the current set list live.
There were, erm, quite a few human fog machines near us. He later reversed his hoodie for covering his face. George was not so lucky.

Quote from: Foxboy on Apr 17, 2023, 17:59
Awesome! Was it cold lol?
Quote from: rynostar on Apr 17, 2023, 18:21
Messaged inchem this last night but it needs repeating. Stash's hoodie looks amazing! And Warm! I just want to give him a hug (again).

The hoodie (which has a ridiculous backstory)  and the vintage orange pants have seen their fair share of shenanigans over the years - so why not go all orange? For the hell of it.   :)) But yearh about the weather, hah It was nice and cool outside. Perfect for dancing under an open sky. Though it was  only chilly if you weren't moving. Which meant the hoodie came off shortly after the music started!

❤️ I will ensure he brings out the Snuggie Huggie hoodie for when he sees you next!
Last Edit: Apr 18, 2023, 03:13 by whirlygirl
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: Biff on Apr 17, 2023, 23:44
What an awesome show! We had a lot of fun and my kid was pretty amped. I'm pretty sure he's reeling just as much from hanging out with Uncle Toomuchstash.

It was a really great venue and the set was pretty wild. Lots of fun live synth action for those of us really into that stuff 🤓 I missed Portola, so I was pretty happy to still have the chance to hear the current set list live.
There were, erm, quite a few human fog machines near us. He later reversed his hoodie for covering his face. George was not so lucky.

Biff!! It was SO good to see you and your family again after so long! And your son is too awesome, it is so cute how he took a shine to Uncle Stash, heheh ❤️

That set was wild and the crowd were so up for it! Ages across the spectrum. I noticed there were a lot of people that had their kids with them! There was a guy in front of me in GA who was there with his two sons, maybe 14 or 15 yrs and they were going all out, they were so into it! So good to see!!

But yeah, contact high is a high possibility  :)) I mean, poor George!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Quote from: shakermaker on Apr 18, 2023, 02:12

Happy to hear about the great show! And awesome photo, you all look great! 

Biff, good to see you around! Many lolz at the perfectly timed George photo.
Last Edit: Apr 18, 2023, 04:38 by Bosco

Mini Review because the same thoughts and experience from the last show apply here since the set list is the same with one exception :)

Fantastic show! Sold out show with friendly guests as if everyone was forumites! The sound on this show was probably the best bass heavy I've been to, We got up close and personal near the railing with Whirls and Stash! Haven't been front row in years so was very happy to see the visuals so clean and bright! I was looking at Tom to make sure he did not touch the octave kitten at the end of Galvanize. If he didn't, that means we get the encore. If not, then it's good bye!
But Tom ignored it and left the booth with Ed and clapped and exited stage left. I then told Whirls 'YES! were getting a encore. But I was thinking maybe a new track (space gospel perhaps or maybe TDTYF)  but we were freaking out when the first notes of STA were played, but some damn onions passed by me when I heard 'YOUR LOVE KEEPS LIFTING ME' tears of joy I tell you. Then the Reel started to creep slowly, but then these robot vocals with some weird effect on them were singing 'let your heart sing the colors all around you' for maybe for like 20 sec
Minor differences that I were to make out was that EVE had some wild echoing with the vocals (gonna find a friend) and I wasn't sure if that was on purpose but it sounded like the effect got stuck, the SG piano keys were much more clear to hear than the Coachella stream. The transition into CB was improved and the track didn't feel like it was dropped out of nowhere, and the transition into Swoon still kind of feels rough when coming into the mix. Besides these fixable details. The Chemical Brothers played a better show that reminded me of the Hollywood Bowl show from years back. The only difference between that show and this one was that the fans that made it out here in SB were way more enthusiastic. I personally never saw so many peeps wear chemical t shirts than any other show. Saw alot of them wear the black T with the green logo, so I thought 'Hmm its almost like its St Patricks Day!

' MAH, Free Yourself EML/ Hoops, UTI , are my standout faves from the current setlist (even though it's the same) and never bored me at all! I hopped and danced the most on GTKO and SG, but I felt I had alot more energy to give off than Portola SF. We were very lucky to have Tom and Ed for coming out between weekends at Coachella but also very fortunate to be with some forum veterans again. Biff, it was a pleasure meeting you again, including your wife, which I also had the distinct pleasure to talk to. ( I accidently geeked out to her about everything chems related after the show) I'm happy your son got to witness his first Chems concert, so that was a highlight to see. He should be wearing your Chem shirts pretty soon ! Whirls and Stash, I know I sound like a broken record but thanks, thanks, and big thanks for whooping it up with me in the pit and sharing this wonderful chemical experience again, and especially for helping me get my car out of the parking lot when the gates were closed (we contacted SB Bowl security when this happened and guy from the venue had a key so he drove me down there to get my car out! That was a close one! lol!

Finally Thanks to T and E, still working it out! Superb show on all levels....11/11 Can they pull off a 12/12 in Indio?
Last Edit: Apr 18, 2023, 06:57 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Neons of 'Go'


Looks like a video game boss


Need more power

Ed cheering!

George and Mildred

Can't hold any tighter!

The crowd made out after this

Church of chemicals

Are you not entertained?

Don't take my robots away!
Last Edit: Apr 18, 2023, 15:12 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Thanks a lot for all the reports and glad that you all had such a wonderful time! Makes me all the more hyped for the UK shows, even though they're a long way off :)

that was SO DAMN FUN.

going in I was wondering if it might be over the top, having seen this show twice last year (+ the webcast just two days earlier), to fly out of town to see it yet again. 3 times in under 12 months! but I was already committed, and I kept reminding myself of my regret over not seeing more of their 2019 NA dates. 

then the show itself absolutely justified it all. this was the best of the three shows I've seen this era, and I'm so damn glad I went. I was less concerned about absorbing every detail and just let myself go. it was a beautiful day in santa barbara, and the slightly cool outdoor atmosphere felt amazing.

although I failed to meet up with you fine folk (thanks again for trying, whirlygirl) I did meet up with several friends with whom I've had many chemical brother experiences in the past, and it was a delight to share another concert with them, particularly those who had not seen this tour yet.

and THAT ENCORE. holy crap. what a way to end it.

There is an encore spoiler, but eventually the cat is gonna be out of the bag.

Ok, so after every Chems show I *always* say: "oh my god, I don't know how they could top last time at blah-blah-blah, but the show I just saw might be my favorite show of theirs, like, ever!!" And by George (and Mildred), I think Santa Barbara may be the one...? I don't know. Maybe time will tell - but this one is for the books and ranks pretty damn high up in the Fave Show Ever category.

First of all, the venue. This was my first time at the Santa Barbara Bowl and I can see why this is a highly regarded place! It's nestled away in the hills, in a beautiful residential area with its vintage homes and tree lined streets. The staff, accommodating and welcoming. The bathrooms (sorry but this is very important for so.many.reasons), clean and well lit. And I have to respect the Bowl's commitment to being a plastic-free venue. Nice not hearing the dreaded crunch of a discarded water bottle under your boot!

During Overmono's set, my husband and I hung out near the entrance of GA to catch up with Biff and the fam, and soak up all the delightful people-watching as the crowd started to pack in. There were ages across the spectrum and a healthy amount of kids! Parenting done right! Shortly before 7:30, we wandered into GA and met up with inchemswetrust, then secured our spot. We were further to our right, but really close. In terms of screaming fanboy/fangirl closeness, pretty dang close. Close enough to see some the guys at work, and the mad facial expressions made when the sounds are tweaked juuuussst right. I guess if you know, you know? :D

The set list - if you're just reading song titles only - looks the same. But looks can be deceiving and now there's the Portola experience to stack it up to, the Santa Barbara show felt different. It was a different, more intimate setting for sure. A different view absolutely. We danced in the cloudy fog at Portola but this time we got stars in a clear dark sky. It was definitely a different vibe. A different kind of good party.  And it was a really, really good party!

Personally, I like the set list a lot. I really like the visual set list as it is, too. Everything is timed just so - it works. This set list has the hits and crowd pleasers, and enough sounds (and visuals!) plucked from other songs and eras to keep the seasoned fans at attention. This set is reaching a lot of new eyes and ears, bolstered by Coachella. This is the way, for now. The best part is, it's a great set list. We know new songs will be released as the months march on and it'll be interesting to see what (and if) new stuff is added to the set along the way.

[All right. Show time stuff, highlights and babbling and such.

The call-out C-H-E-M-I-C-A-L and the crowd catching on and singing along. The crowd's getting warmed up!

The madness that is Mad As Hell, the enthusiastic party people behind me screaming "I ain't gonna take it no more!!" Hundreds of hands going up in the air right as the lasers shoot out of unsettling masked MAH guy's fingertips. The bass was doing that funny thing again where it rumbles from the earth's core through the soles of your shoes and up your calves, like jolts of electricity. How? HOW?

...I wonder what the folks living in that big house up there overlooking the Bowl think of all this? Is Nextdoor going off complaining about the ruckus? I wonder... 

The rollercoaster that is Hey Boy Hey Girl. This song always has been and always will be the essential crowd pleaser of any Chemical Brothers set. The crowd response and frenzy is undeniable!

No Reason. Am I the only one that likes the longer intro? I love the build in it. I love how it's contrast with the rest of the song, heavy on the bass. The Woo's!! Someone from behind shouted out Woo! and it was so infectious,  we all started doing it! It felt so good!! Since the song is out now, I feel it was much better received at Santa Barbara than at Coachella. And the eye candy is such a treat. If you weren't dancing, your gaze was on the marching band. Kinda hard not to pay attention!!

Oh, Chemical Beats! Crowd pleasing participation here too - UH!! UH!! - And I can never unhear the fucking animals in Eric's house thing. Sorry, not sorry. :P

It Feels Like I'm Dreaming. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. So much yes! The road we were on felt like it was getting a little bit darker and more twisty when this song played out.  I adore the ritualistic, vivid and over-the-top imagery. This had me in a headspace at Portola, and it kind of felt very dark in retrospect. This time, it felt intense but not quite as sinister. I dunno. I can't put my finger on it - do I really need to?

The robots during Under The Influence How they were assembled and pulled up and presented. It was so cool to see that up close and in action! Oh, and that bass, and how it tingles in your spine as it drops.

Escape Velocity and Golden Path. This was my god moment at Portola and is always a highlight, and Santa Barbara was no exception. Thank goodness for those giant ballon balls. That was a lot of fun and lightened the intensity of The Golden Path.

Swoon is for the lovers, lots of lovey dovey-ness smoochie smoochie going down during this. Not quite a full blown love-in (that would be awkward) but really sweet to see that kind of effect the music had on the lovers out there.

Temptation and Star Guitar - was missing my son here.

The encore, hands all the way down THE BEST and my most absolute favorite I've experienced to date. I couldn't believe my ears when Snow started. I thought, nooooo it cannot possibly be? Your love keeps lifting me... higher... I think inchems' jaw may have been on the ground at that moment. I'm pretty sure mine was. This drifted seamlessly and flawlessly to Surface To Air... and sure enough, the Reel. In all of its fantastical, magical, tripped out, kaleidoscopic glory. The stained glass imagery, the final frenzy, the part where I lose my marbles. The part where everyone is losing it. The part where you know it's going to be over and you want that moment to last forever. I may have chopped an onion right there in the pit. Truth be told, I'm still getting my brain around it all.

Then... it was over.

Notable mentions. Getting a chance to be up close was unbelievably cool. The visuals were so bright and crisp and clear. And huge!! And those fluttering starling visuals  - I don't know if I'll ever get tired of seeing those! The wild enthusiasm of the crowd, the revealers behind me calling out every lyric.  The dude in front of us who was barefoot - I was so relieved when he finally put his shoes back on, haha!! The two awesome kids by us that were SO INTO IT. And so was their dad!

And and and!!

This show really hit the spot in so many ways. It was like being part of a communal soul cleansing, a baptismal of light and sound and goodwill. I can't stop thinking about it!

Thank you so much Tom and Ed and Errol and the crew and the forum people (it was so amazing to reunite for the show) and crowd - and anyone who might actually have read all of this and gotten this far. Seriously. What a fabulous night!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Thank you all for your vivid reviews

@inchemwetrust: your photos are fantastic! Btw, what's that guy doing on stage in picture 5?

@Biff : Glad Junior enjoyed the show! I hope his ears didn't ring too much afterwards.

@shakermaker: 3 shows in 12 months?! Damn you!!! I had 1 show in 7 years!!

@whirlygirl: I hope you took advantage of the new "drafts" feature for your juggernaut of a review! So happy for you guys that you had a great time there.
And don't you leave us in the dark about the "ridiculous backstory" of Jim's orange long hoodie!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Apr 18, 2023, 06:29
Mini Review because the same thoughts and experience from the last show apply here since the set list is the same with one exception :)

Fantastic show! Sold out show with friendly guests as if everyone was forumites! The sound on this show was probably the best bass heavy I've been to, We got up close and personal near the railing with Whirls and Stash! Haven't been front row in years so was very happy to see the visuals so clean and bright! I was looking at Tom to make sure he did not touch the octave kitten at the end of Galvanize. If he didn't, that means we get the encore. If not, then it's good bye!
But Tom ignored it and left the booth with Ed and clapped and exited stage left. I then told Whirls 'YES! were getting a encore. But I was thinking maybe a new track (space gospel perhaps or maybe TDTYF)  but we were freaking out when the first notes of STA were played, but some damn onions passed by me when I heard 'YOUR LOVE KEEPS LIFTING ME' tears of joy I tell you. Then the Reel started to creep slowly, but then these robot vocals with some weird effect on them were singing 'let your heart sing the colors all around you' for maybe for like 20 sec
Minor differences that I were to make out was that EVE had some wild echoing with the vocals (gonna find a friend) and I wasn't sure if that was on purpose but it sounded like the effect got stuck, the SG piano keys were much more clear to hear than the Coachella stream. The transition into CB was improved and the track didn't feel like it was dropped out of nowhere, and the transition into Swoon still kind of feels rough when coming into the mix. Besides these fixable details. The Chemical Brothers played a better show that reminded me of the Hollywood Bowl show from years back. The only difference between that show and this one was that the fans that made it out here in SB were way more enthusiastic. I personally never saw so many peeps wear chemical t shirts than any other show. Saw alot of them wear the black T with the green logo, so I thought 'Hmm its almost like its St Patricks Day!

' MAH, Free Yourself EML/ Hoops, UTI , are my standout faves from the current setlist (even though it's the same) and never bored me at all! I hopped and danced the most on GTKO and SG, but I felt I had alot more energy to give off than Portola SF. We were very lucky to have Tom and Ed for coming out between weekends at Coachella but also very fortunate to be with some forum veterans again. Biff, it was a pleasure meeting you again, including your wife, which I also had the distinct pleasure to talk to. ( I accidently geeked out to her about everything chems related after the show) I'm happy your son got to witness his first Chems concert, so that was a highlight to see. He should be wearing your Chem shirts pretty soon ! Whirls and Stash, I know I sound like a broken record but thanks, thanks, and big thanks for whooping it up with me in the pit and sharing this wonderful chemical experience again, and especially for helping me get my car out of the parking lot when the gates were closed (we contacted SB Bowl security when this happened and guy from the venue had a key so he drove me down there to get my car out! That was a close one! lol!

Finally Thanks to T and E, still working it out! Superb show on all levels....11/11 Can they pull off a 12/12 in Indio?

Thank you for posting this and for the videos you've shared. I have been thinking a lot about this show - still a bit to wrap my head around! Portola feels like it just happened last month and here we are again reeling from having our faces melted by the Chemical Brothers.  

Your standout tracks (from Santa Barbara) were very intense for me, in hindsight. Especially EML with its dizzying visual, Free Yourself, Do It Again. Those put me in a zoned-out headspace at Portola. Santa Barbara was certainly intense, but felt less... sinister maybe? Though in the end, both were equally fantastic experiences! 

It would be cool to hit replay on the experiences with the current set list (from later last year to now), to hear the things we didn't hear before. Or to hear new things that are added that make the shows *feel* different.  I am babbling and don't think I'm making any sense now so never mind  :))

Anywho I am so glad the car drama got sorted out! I was worried about you, thank goodness for the wonderful staff at the SB Bowl!

Looking forward to your thoughts once the Coachella dust settles a bit!!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Apr 19, 2023, 08:15
There is an encore spoiler, but eventually the cat is gonna be out of the bag.
Ok, so after every Chems show I *always* say: "oh my god, I don't know how they could top last time at blah-blah-blah, but the show I just saw might be my favorite show of theirs, like, ever!!" And by George (and Mildred), I think Santa Barbara may be the one...? I don't know.

Maybe its safe to say that this show was in your top 5 perhaps? Now im considering where to put this show in my top 5 shows, but I do know this was better than the Hollywood bowl for starters. 

Quote from: whirlygirl on Apr 19, 2023, 08:15
Escape Velocity and Golden Path. This was my god moment at Portola and is always a highlight, and Santa Barbara was no exception. Thank goodness for those giant ballon balls. That was a lot of fun and lightened the intensity of The Golden Path.


(to those who dont know, Coachella WK 1 didnt have balls on EV!)

Quote from: whirlygirl on Apr 19, 2023, 08:15
The encore, hands all the way down THE BEST and my most absolute favorite I've experienced to date. I couldn't believe my ears when Snow started. I thought, nooooo it cannot possibly be? Your love keeps lifting me... higher... I think inchems' jaw may have been on the ground at that moment. I'm pretty sure mine was. This drifted seamlessly and flawlessly to Surface To Air... and sure enough, the Reel. In all of its fantastical, magical, tripped out, kaleidoscopic glory. The stained glass imagery, the final frenzy, the part where I lose my marbles. The part where everyone is losing it. The part where you know it's going to be over and you want that moment to last forever. I may have chopped an onion right there in the pit. Truth be told, I'm still getting my brain around it all.

It was so.....what's the word i'm looking yes....INVIGORATING.
t took forever just for the intro to end, but I was engulfed in its sheer glory and presence. STA has a unique feeling on its own just like SG has a unique feeling. The experience you felt Whirls (the music, the visual, and the fellowship of fans around us) is what keeps me going to these shows to get more of it. I kind of glanced at you and Stash and both of you were like 2 feet off the floor.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Apr 19, 2023, 08:15
Thank you so much Tom and Ed and Errol and the crew and the forum people (it was so amazing to reunite for the show) and crowd - and anyone who might actually have read all of this and gotten this far. Seriously. What a fabulous night!

Happy to read your review Whirls and how much the show pulled you in. I was playing the Snow/STA vid during the read and got me reminiscing about that night and how possible could it be to get any better at the next show. The answer...Yes!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: shakermaker on Apr 19, 2023, 01:39
that was SO DAMN FUN.

going in I was wondering if it might be over the top, having seen this show twice last year (+ the webcast just two days earlier), to fly out of town to see it yet again. 3 times in under 12 months! but I was already committed, and I kept reminding myself of my regret over not seeing more of their 2019 NA dates.

then the show itself absolutely justified it all. this was the best of the three shows I've seen this era, and I'm so damn glad I went. I was less concerned about absorbing every detail and just let myself go. it was a beautiful day in santa barbara, and the slightly cool outdoor atmosphere felt amazing.

although I failed to meet up with you fine folk (thanks again for trying, whirlygirl) I did meet up with several friends with whom I've had many chemical brother experiences in the past, and it was a delight to share another concert with them, particularly those who had not seen this tour yet.

and THAT ENCORE. holy crap. what a way to end it.

3 times in 12 months is a great streak to catch them on the road. Its always fun during the journey, and the people that you meet that were once complete strangers are now part of your brotherhood ( as we like to call it when us forumites have new members to this forum. I too like to live in the moment and just let the show guide me and not focus too much on the details, but I also like to recall some moments that struck a chord and resonated with me personally. That's why I like doing these long ass reviews (Hard fest, the 2019 shows, Portola, etc)

There will always be more shows to go to in the future so always remember were always down for a party in the house of chems. Hopefully will meet and rave together in the near future.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

a fun and glowing review about the show, here:

It also included lighthearted and whimsical scenes, like a group of disco-dancing, sliced pepperoni-like figures grooving to the upbeat rhythm of "Got To Keep On."

lol, that's a new one!

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Apr 21, 2023, 04:57
Is it all over my face?
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

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