Me, You, And Me, Him And Her, And Them Too

Paused in Cosmic Reflection

Started by inchemwetrust, Jun 28, 2023, 08:34

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I propose the following: Please log in to view this attachment.
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

Quote from: rynostar on Dec 08, 2023, 01:44

Love the spread on the home page.

Wow that was a quick execution. Looks nice, just spotted it. We can not adjust the number ourselves? That's OK for me. I am #39.

So is @Csar the creator of this view? 👏

#61 checking in ::cheers
Live:Point Depot Dublin 1999 Creamfields Ireland 2001 Witness Festival 2002  Marlay Park Dublin 2005 Electric Picnic 2007 Longitude Dublin 2015 Alexandra Palace 2018 3Arena Dublin 2018 Musgrave Park Cork 2023 3Arena Dublin 2023
DJ: Printworks 2022

Quote from: actionjackson780 on Dec 08, 2023, 03:24
I got #350!

It was about that time I noticed that @actionjackson780 was 8 eight stories tall and a creature from the Paleozoic era.
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: Joslyn on Dec 08, 2023, 08:54
We can not adjust the number ourselves?
WEll, unfortunately not directly for the display. But you can now add your Deluxe number to your profile fields that show up e.g. under your post count and stuff - if you like.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

What fun additions! Such fun seeing everyone's numbers. You rock so much, Csar! Thank you  :music :)

Quote from: instantreigen on Dec 08, 2023, 08:33
I propose the following: Please log in to view this attachment.
Teehee!  :D
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 08, 2023, 07:33
I've never been part of a club. Should I buy a smoking jacket and pipe to chew on?

Yes, like this guy. But be prepared for the reactions at 0:40 and at 3:23 respectively in these vids.


Quote from: Bosco on Dec 08, 2023, 07:33
I've never been part of a club.

I'm also member of the Royal North Cape Club (#30277), do get a bigger badge?

Quote from: Bosco on Dec 08, 2023, 07:33
Should I buy a smoking jacket and pipe to chew on?
Just make some noises

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

#281 checking in from Portland, OR!   ::cheers

327/500 with cut and glued pages. I would have preferred a unmolested copy with out of order pages. The delay and the molesting were unnecessary.

Quote from: Joslyn on Dec 07, 2023, 15:38
I'm up for this. But let's wait to everyone gets his copy and how the first responses and sollutions are. I'll set up a first draft.
Also I would like to share that letter Robin Turner, the Brothers just to inform them how this overall proces has been. Maybe through Eroll or sharing it through Instagram? I don't know. To be continued...
So White Rabbit books beat us to it. There is a big explanation letter but I do not know what to think about it. It's a fair explanation but a bit late. They are saying the fix should normally be invisible and most buyers got a prestine copy. Does this mean most of the defected copies were recieved by forum members? How does an invisible fix lead to such butchering of books like with Whirly or LLG? How about defected clamshell covers, misstamping of the vinyl or missing extras?  Why a general response now while I had to wait 3 weeks on a respons on my email?
Is the only compensation a % refund and a normal hardback? What about the crazy fans around here who bought the multiple versions of the book.
I am totally not satisfied with the general response of White Rabbit.  Posting my reaction here as aposed on White Rabbit announcement page is to share my frustration with my fellow forum members instead my "official" reaction.  Although apparently someone of the publisher is following this thread and it propably won't help my changes of a sollution. 
Returning the book for a full refund, who is going to do that with an exclusive 500 pressing of an unreleased track? What are they going to do with the returned books? Destroy them? Fix them? Resell them in their current condition?

I am going to stop typing now as I feel myself getting more and more upset with every word.

Agree with @Joslyn

There is no way they can fix the book, or reprint and rebind the book completely. It's done. A % refund doesn't make the problem disappear. I bought all three versions of the book. All 500 deluxe copies are affected, not just a couple. So, no matter what they offer, it won't take any frustration or disappointment away.

I would have preferred the unmolested version of the book and knowing about the mistake, then a molested version of the book and knowing about the mistake...
Last Edit: Dec 08, 2023, 21:30 by toxic

Quote from: LLG on Dec 08, 2023, 16:10
327/500 with cut and glued pages. I would have preferred a unmolested copy with out of order pages. The delay and the molesting were unnecessary.
Jesus, that looks terrible. This is what they thought was a good fix?!?! I'm sorry, but what a terrible company. Just shows you no one there actually double checked before printing this book. Someone clearly made a mistake and they should be reprinting and replacing the book. White Rabbit failed immensely on this.

So, been thinking... I love my copy in spite of the 'flaw'. Frustrating as it will affect two pages over time, for me it is something I can live with given the nature of the item being one-of-a-kind, and everything else received was truly in gorgeous condition. I would have preferred the two book pages be pristine but I don't want a replacement or any substitute. Again, I love the book, Superflash, the prints, stickers. The clamshell and ribbon details. I got lucky it seems? Then there's the book itself. I just have to be gentle with the whole package, same as I would delicate things I value and treasure and want to keep. (Edit: I contacted White Rabbit this evening with my order number and edition number, attached some pics to report the issue)  I see problems you folks here experienced, and that I absolutely count not live with: outwardly visible dents to the clam shell or book itself and definitely inexcusable if items and book pages are missing! The vinyl misprints are really annoying and bizarre - is that White Rabbit issue or is that attributed to something else? Argh! Really do appreciate White Rabbit coming here, it does mean something to be seen and heard. Really hoping you guys will be getting issues sorted 😔 and can come to some individual resolutions.
Last Edit: Dec 09, 2023, 03:46 by whirlygirl Reason: Senior moment
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: neorev on Dec 08, 2023, 22:49
I would love to actually see this "pristine" copy.

I think might have a copy of a deluxe book in what I think they consider "pristine". My copy doesn't have an obvious cut with leftover debris (like many of you have depicted). Mine is glued pretty slickly, with no OBVIOUS visible "correction". Pages 14 and 15 do not fully open at the seam, yet it doesn't compromise the particular pages/photos for its current state. That being said, I'm almost certain that a little force to the seam and or when the adhesive wears, I will see the same butchering as everyone else.

To White Rabbits credit (or deceit? Oh wait... Tipping! It's industry standard!), I would've never noticed the "correction" unless someone here mentioned the issue. To my OWN credit, I do know that I would have become very suspicious for when I randomly free hand open the book, it always lands to pages 10 and 11, or 12 and 13, EVERY TIME. I'm not even a book person, but I know this a sign of weakness to the particular section and binding.

I will agree though, thank you White Rabbit for coming to the forum and addressing the issue. The major error was not being transparent about the issue before shipping out the product, and because of that I'm not confident we'll find the right resolution to this.
Last Edit: Dec 09, 2023, 19:16 by Bosco


Don't really care too much about the flaw, obviously amateur hour from White Rabbit but still a pretty great fan piece. 

363 here in Ireland. 
The music gets louder, the lights swirl faster and the chap who freaks out just hasn't passed the acid test. A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is

I just sent off my email to WR. I do appreciate them reaching out directly here on the Forum. I think despite the obvious issues with the execution and quality control - it was a very mature and transparent gesture to come here and directly respond to the situation.

I included some other images of damage, including an almost identical tear/peel of the fabric on the left side panel that Joslyn shared (Post #345).

Also, while I was taking out the extras on that side, I somehow managed to get the sticker sheet stuck to the glue that is binding that panel cover to the main box. Not sure how it's still wet, but fair warning to others - don't let those prints/stickers get too close to the seam on that left side!

I haven't started reading yet. Like Csar, I'm going to be waiting until I have bit more dedicated time (basically after our business gets past the crazy holiday season!). I'm actually hoping the complimentary Standard Edition arrives by then so I can avoid getting my dogs hair all over the special copy!

I think Stefan is right about the random number distribution. It does seem odd that UrbanHack and I ordered at the same time (presumably), from the same city, and received numbers so far apart.

Also, for anyone looking to frame the prints, I measured them to be 913/16" (~25cm) x 155/16" (~38.9cm)
I've got the perfect spot right between my desk and my coffee station  :music

Also, also. Yes to everyone mentioning the stunning Surrender ribbons! Such a perfect touch. Inspired!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Dec 09, 2023, 23:47
Also, also. Yes to everyone mentioning the stunning Surrender ribbons! Such a perfect touch. Inspired!

Love it! A month or two ago, I made a post in the Surrender box set thread in search of a polo shirt with a similar pattern:

Quote from: Bosco on Oct 12, 2023, 04:43
Jason Segel's character Paul Westhead wears a polo shirt with a familiar pattern to the Surrender ribbon/rainbow that makes appearance across all of Surrender's era artwork from Kate Gibb. I was wondering if there is a title for this ribbon/rainbow design? And maybe someone might have a lead to where I could find similar wears.

jason segal and tracy letts in winning time

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