And the Darkness That You Fear Will Disappear

M. Son of the Century (Soundtrack by Tom Rowlands)

Started by Stefan, Aug 21, 2024, 18:19

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I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would, given the subject of the show, I did not expect such good beats (Victim, March on Rome, The Violence Must Stop).

Now Tom, please release the Galileo soundtrack too 😇

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jan 10, 2025, 15:15
On YT this is track 19. Did you just mix things up or are there different playlists for different platforms?
Yeah, mixed things up like a dumbass. Comments amended to Track 19 now.

Quote from: Ben_j on Jan 10, 2025, 15:29
I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would,

You're alive!

Słucham THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS od 1995 roku .

* this chemical is good, this chemical is bad *

I'm going to host a Listening Party for the soundtrack this Sunday if anyone is interested in listening along with other fans at the same time! I am trying my best to avoid any spoilers until then  ::)

If you want to join in, follow this link: 
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

So is there a title theme we haven't heard yet? I suppose it could be "Lost Population" since it's simply the first track listed, but it's not exactly a distinguishable intro (IMO)...

I hear a melody repeated in "Chasing M" "La Gioconda", "Matteotti Breakdown", "Not a Bloodthirsty Dog" and finally "Mi Chiamo Mussolini". So this has to be the show theme, right?

The fluttering strings give me a Philip Glass influence and the gentler atmospheric moments ("The Way Violence Should Be and "La Gioconda") remind me of Vangelis works.

Quote from: instantreigen on Jan 10, 2025, 22:15
I'm going to host a Listening Party for the soundtrack this Sunday if anyone is interested in listening along with other fans at the same time! I am trying my best to avoid any spoilers until then  ::)

If you want to join in, follow this link:

All though I don't participate in discord stuff I just wanted to say I respect the hustle and how you have Chem HQ's ear.


first impressions. My ears are on fire in the best way! This soundtrack is outstanding! 

I'm still very much digesting this all. It plays as a swirling aural feast of textures and energy and moods. I hear familiar bits peppered throughout. It's a lot to take in and I hope to hear this all in context of the show, soon.

Bravo!!  :clap
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Any info on physical release. (I hate this digital only release BS). Or ..
Any dare to predict this is going to be this years RSD release? 🤔

Ok wow! This is fantastic music and can very much stand on it's own feet as an album. Tom's style is very distinct in every song. In never suspected that there will be DYOH-Style bangers on a soundtrack about 30ies Italy XD

Usually I am the kind of person who listens to albums the second they're released in New Zealand via VPN, but I decided to wait for this one to have my first listen during the listening party, and boy am I happy I did!

Simply put: this soundtrack is phenomenal. It doesn't hold back, it's ruthless, it's eerie, it's brutal, and it bangs! It's so detailed and intricate, and I love to hear Tom's signature style blending in with more cinematic aspects. Personally I was on the fence whether I wanted to watch the show itself or not, but now that's a no brainer.

It was a very pleasant surprise to see that Tom himself attended the listening party too!  :o He left a message in the chat encouraging us to watch the show if we can: "It's quite a thing. Definitely challenging but hopefully enlightening".

His final message for the night was this:
Please log in to view this attachment.
I'm really excited to see what they have in store for us in 2025. Will definitely be watching the skies  :partyG
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

Quote from: instantreigen on Jan 13, 2025, 10:32
It was a very pleasant surprise to see that Tom himself attended the listening party too!  :o
I mean hey, some of us on the forum have been fans since 1995, but Discord is NEW so that gets the attention...
Am I jealous? Absolutely! Will I get over it? Probably. I guess Tom might lurk here too, in which case, hello  :clap . (where's the waving emoji?)

Anyway, as one or two people will be aware, I've been reacting to stuff on the Discord page today.
I'm guessing that 'THIS IS SO COOL' on Discord is a member here, as they said ""Wonder if @ThePumisher will get his E with this soundtrack".

And it was pointed out that the bits we hear in the trailer in reply #28 on p2 here (trailer also below), don't seem to actually be on the released OST. Worth a mention here as well. It seems Pum's E song remains completely unreleased in any form.  :'(

Quote from: Joslyn on Jan 12, 2025, 18:58
Any dare to predict this is going to be this years RSD release? 🤔
I like your thinking but I wouldn't hold my breath. Even when OST stuff like this does get a release for RSD, it can be years after the original date.
I'm just imagining Chems fans proudly marching (ahem!) out of a record shop with a record sleeve in their hands that displays a big fascist salute!  ^-^

Looking at IMDB, I get the impression that the first two episodes have been relased in Italy so far. Presumably episodes 3 to 8 will come out weekly.
EDIT: It seems to be two episodes each Friday - as IMDB states!
I also searched for UK & Ireland release dates for the show when the OST dropped. What I found was a trailer for Sky UK which says it gets released on the 4th of February.
I actually took Italian in school but I must admit I'd struggle to watch an entire series in Italian, so I guess I'll have to wait til February when we should get some English subtitles.

Loving that "Watch the skies" hint from Tom.  Maybe we'll finally get the EBW which never came with FTBF last year. Also, just spitballing here, but in the wake of FTBF not being a big commercial success, wouldn't it be interesting if they decided to release some individual tracks aimed at clubs/DJs, and sort of built things up from the buzz of new tracks or 12" EPs being pursued and played by DJs. Just a thought...
Last Edit: Jan 13, 2025, 17:04 by Wolkenkrabber

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jan 13, 2025, 16:45
I mean hey, some of us on the forum have been fans since 1995, but Discord is NEW so that gets the attention...
The ChemBase is class. I just want to reiterate that my intention for the Discord server is for it to act as a generational bridge to introduce younger fans to older ones and vice versa - I think it's beautiful to see two groups who otherwise might have never known about each other meeting and becoming friends. We have a link to the ChemBase pinned to the very top of the server, and I'm always happy to guide people from the Discord into the forum!

I should also mention: THIS IS SO COOL was in reference to the siren sounds in Victim - you can't deny that that's really cool  ::)

I do wonder if and when Pumisher will get his E, though 

Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

I thought "THIS IS SO COOL" was someone's name. D'oh!

It was this on Discord, which I guess is all from Ezgi:

ezgi's gonna work it out
Yesterday at 20:33
Wonder if Pumisher will get his E with this soundtrack

PS It's not your fault that Tom & Chemical HQ give Discord more attention than the forum, but I still felt obliged to comment cos the OG fans ain't getting the same level of Chemical love!

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jan 13, 2025, 18:41
which I guess is all from Ezgi
That's me!  :D

My name is Ezgi for those who didn't know!
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

Has anyone in here been able to watch the first two episodes yet? February 4th seems so far away  ::hb
Oo-ee, bit wobbly on the old feet!

the e, the e, the e, the e, the e, the e, the e, the e, the rection, the rection
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

How freakin rad to hear Tom joined the Discord listening party!  :music I remember when Ed would show up here and engage in a bit of banter and it was always the coolest to see. Tom would show up on the rare occasion too, as Ban the Champagne Spiller and later on... Meerkat, I think the name was?  :D

Anyway as for Discord I sadly don't spend near enough time hanging out with the siblings there! However with the way social media is getting these days, I find myself lurking about more here and there (and also because of this very exciting M Soundtrack which is a bit like Christmas in January). There is no... or should be no competition between our bridged community with Discord. We're all just a bunch of Chems geeks in whichever Chems community suits our fancy!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Howdy! Here's a Billboard interview with Tom discussing the ideas and process behind the soundtrack.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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