How Does It Feel Like to Wake Up In the Sun?

Chemical Postcards

Started by gavin35, Apr 24, 2023, 23:14

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So the last few times I have been buying stuff from the website I usually throw in some stocking fillers - postcards and sticker packs etc. Needless to say they have been gathering dust with my old Chems calendars etc. so I wanted to do something with them. Bought a big postcard frame and stuck them in it, turned out pretty well. I was 3 short so I just printed off some cool live pics, George & Mildred, Flatnose George and just one of the lads with lights pointing at them

Anyone else do something exciting with theirs?
Live:Point Depot Dublin 1999 Creamfields Ireland 2001 Witness Festival 2002  Marlay Park Dublin 2005 Electric Picnic 2007 Longitude Dublin 2015 Alexandra Palace 2018 3Arena Dublin 2018 Musgrave Park Cork 2023 3Arena Dublin 2023
DJ: Printworks 2022

As mentioned in the Seattle thread, I put a few of the confetti GTKO pieces in a plastic card holder and stuck it on my fridge. Labeled them with the date.
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That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

I have a couple of the postcards that were from the 90's, and usually check eBay for any cheap deals for the ones I need to complete my set. I plan to do something similar to yours, but Gavin, yours looks pretty damn great. I don't have those postcards from the DYOH 25TH edition ( no longer sold) and should've got them when I had the chance.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

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