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What to do in NY?

Started by The Bloke, May 14, 2016, 13:17

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Hi guys, I'll be on holiday in New York next week, I found an accomodation in Brooklyn. We have alreaady planned several things to do (visit the UN seat, go on a boat trip around the statue of Liberty etc.) but I would like to have your personal advice and suggestions as to what venues could be nice to check for events, or cheap places to buy food, or anything, around Brooklyn (East Williamsburg, McKibbins st lofts to be  more precise). Thanks in advance :)

Hey Bloke!

I would totally recommend getting the East River Ferry. It's just public transport so it's super cheap and it's the best way to see the city (though your boat to the statue will also be great).
If you get off at Brooklyn Bridge Park you can walk down and then up through Brooklyn Heights (it looks just like all those Christmas in NY movies) and then wander over the Brooklyn Bridge itself.

Food wise, I ate a pretty delicious Chicken and Waffles at Pies & Thighs in Brooklyn.
I also tried a pizza at 'the place where pizza was invented' - honestly, not all that. And HELLA expensive.

And seriously, the best thing was just walking around Central Park. It's beautiful.
Loads of different areas. A zoo. A running area around a reservoir. A cute little river. Tonnes of lovely windy paths. Great trees. And lots of random people performing - dancing, tai chi, roller skate tricks. Grab some food and a coffee and just go people watch for a few hours.
Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 13:38 by Enjoyed

I haven't been to NY in aaaaaages, so I can't recommend anything "new" to do or places to eat. But I highly recommend visiting the Metropolitan museum. It was one of the highlights of my trip the two times I visited. Same with Guggenheim. And seconded about Central Park. Such a wonderful respite in the midst of that giant city. Oh, and welcome to the U.S., and have a blast! 😊
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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