You Always Get Me Up When I'm Down

U.K. Tour

Started by Mrscolli, Apr 12, 2016, 09:36

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Hi, Tom Rowlands please read!! I didn't know how else to contact you. I'm writing regarding your upcoming uk tour. My friend Claire was diagnosed with leukaemia almost three years ago. She endured multiple rounds of chemo, her spleen ruptured and she was in Intensive Care for several weeks and she was unable to enjoy the small things in life like walking in the countryside. She subsequently had a stem cell transplant and this appeared to be the light at the end of the tunnel. Devastatingly she relapsed a couple of months ago and has been in hospital most of the time since. She would LOVE to come to your tour but cannot be in large crowds due to her immune system being NIl making her high risk of a life threatening infection. I guess what I'm begging for is a way for her to come to see you but to not be in the general crowd. This woman is a true inspiration, she is positive, enigmatic and has a true love for life! She never thinks 'why me' and never allows the tough treatment to get her down. She still puts others first and doesn't wallow in self pity. She has taught me so much about the way we should all live our lives. I really hope you can help her dream come true she deserves it after all she has been through. Mrscolli  :) :)

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