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Started by ThePumisher, Jun 28, 2015, 07:58

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This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Still on that GTKO vibe:

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

My grandfather passed away in his sleep at 76, two days ago. He was an Indiana Hall of Fame high school football coach, a health teacher, great father to four girls, and about the best role model for being a good man anyone could have.

He wasn't much for music, but loved 70s classic rock. One of the things we connected on there - and that he introduced me to - was how unbelievably well recorded Fleetwood Mac's core records were. "Tusk" was one of the most experimental songs he knew, and knowing my proclivity for "weird electronic music", he took a lot of delight in showing it to me for the first time.

Never for money, always for love.

Dang dude, I'm so sorry to hear that. 76 still feels too young to lose a grandparent. It's great you have this memory though, and it sounds like he made a long lasting positive influence for you and your family. Thanks for sharing. RIP

Heard this on an episode of High Maintenance and fell in love. Would've been nice on the 6music Desert Island mix:

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

I'm biding my time until No Geography drops (like all of you, I am sure!) so I've been revisiting some old staples that managed to retain their sonic luster over the years. I have found the winter months to be a good time for me to reflect musically, though this reflection isn't really intentional - it seems more a part of my internal subconscious 'rhythm'. Anyway, I like to wake early before the dawn during this time of year. It's chilly outside and my house is warm, womb-like and quiet save for the sounds of my slumbering family. And there's something magical about watching the night sky fade as the first of the morning light starts to creep it's way through my windows.

It has been since October since I've had a personal day off work (being sick doesn't count) so I took today and woke extra early, put on my headphones, and let some music bathe my headspace as I watched the sunrise. The Global Communication album this song below is from is one of my favorites - along with Epsilon Phase from the same album. To me, if the sun rising were made of sound, this song would be it.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Little Simz & Cleo Sol - Selfish

no idea, no idea

Pretty much from 1.20 the female singing and bells to the chorus remind you of GTKO. (like a lot of disco tunes from that time I guess)

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: MIKL on Feb 23, 2019, 12:12

Pretty much from 1.20 the female singing and bells to the chorus remind you of GTKO. (like a lot of disco tunes from that time I guess)

Bummer. I was really getting into that track - went and looked for a download instantly but then that 'chorus' section started with the bells and... yuck. The rest of it is so, so tasty. What a shame.

Quote from: whirlygirl on Feb 22, 2019, 18:09

I'm biding my time until No Geography drops (like all of you, I am sure!) so I've been revisiting some old staples that managed to retain their sonic luster over the years. I have found the winter months to be a good time for me to reflect musically, though this reflection isn't really intentional - it seems more a part of my internal subconscious 'rhythm'. Anyway, I like to wake early before the dawn during this time of year. It's chilly outside and my house is warm, womb-like and quiet save for the sounds of my slumbering family. And there's something magical about watching the night sky fade as the first of the morning light starts to creep it's way through my windows.

It has been since October since I've had a personal day off work (being sick doesn't count) so I took today and woke extra early, put on my headphones, and let some music bathe my headspace as I watched the sunrise. The Global Communication album this song below is from is one of my favorites - along with Epsilon Phase from the same album. To me, if the sun rising were made of sound, this song would be it.

Thanks for sharing this Whirly. I had only ever heard 76:14 (which I love) but this is equally magical. I actually have it on this morning at the studio and you're right, it's incredibly fitting for a quiet early morning, with sun beams trickling through glass, trying to fill those hard to reach dark spots.

It's interesting what you said about finding more of a musical connection in the winter months too, or at least more time to reflect on those connections. I hadn't really thought about it before but if I think back to albums and music that have/has made a real impact on me, the ones that stick out are either from particular journeys (trains to Brighton, driving up the mountains on the way to a ski holiday with my family, cruise through the Fjords) or from colder months. I can think of so many albums that were prominent during the holiday season and early new year. I wonder if it's the societal "break" that always happens around that time of year that allows more to sink in, or, in an opposite way, whether it's something about the summer having a seemingly constant momentum that limits the capacity to really let the effect of music sink in.
Interesting, for sure. And I'm really glad you were able to enjoy a special morning with a special piece of music. It can be a rare thing in the world today, and it's fantastic that you're able to carve out a time and space to really enjoy that.

Now. Let's get that new album out and into people's ears, shall we boys!?
Last Edit: Feb 23, 2019, 17:11 by Enjoyed

Reminds me of the Chems this does, so psychedelic and beautiful. Those drums as well. Pure love for this track.

"To me you're like a setting sun. You rise then you're gone"

Quote from: MIKL on Feb 23, 2019, 12:12

Pretty much from 1.20 the female singing and bells to the chorus remind you of GTKO. (like a lot of disco tunes from that time I guess)

Nice ode to:

"What she gonna look like with a Chimney app n her"
"To me you're like a setting sun. You rise then you're gone"

Weird to do another memorial post in Now Playing, but RIP Mark Hollis of Talk Talk:

Highly recommend Underworld fans listen to Spirit of Eden, Laughing Stock, and Hollis's solo album. It had a huge influence on their 2000s work and their downtempo / organic music in general.

Honestly just listen to these albums whoever you are. Wide, perplexing and essential.
Last Edit: Feb 26, 2019, 17:42 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Anjunadeep 10.


I can smell the hints of production quality on this track that evidently leads to EPD!

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Feb 28, 2019, 08:01

I can smell the hints of production quality on this track that evidently leads to EPD!


Is it me or this track samples Aphex Twin ?

Last Edit: Feb 28, 2019, 10:13 by Ben_j

Following on from the Climax video in the GTKO thread, I had been meaning to post this in Now Playing for a few days now:

The first dance scene from Climax featuring the climax instrumental re-edit (by Bangalter? I don't know) of Supernature by Cerrone:

Audio without the film-y bits

Original 1970's 12" vocal version of Supernature. And what a fantastic and futuristic disco track it was, perhaps second only to I Feel Love in terms of how modern it sounded:

Second dance from the film. Including imaginative dancer and music credits towards the end of this clip. This was about 45 minutes into the film, slightly bizarrely.

Thoughts on the film? It started well with those two dance scenes but by the end I was glad for the (real) closing credits.
Perhaps it took an idea from the Electric Kool Aid Acid Test (which influenced The Chems). It seems that
none of the characters passed the acid test though.
There's also a sort of Chemical connection with the best known actor in the film being Sofia Boutella who appeared in the Nike Women advert that featured a Chemical soundtrack. She since re-positioned herself as a Hollywood actress, and here she combines both acting and dancing. A good move by Noe to cast her I think.
by the second half of the film I grew weary of the "people going mad" routine, including Boutella's own 'trip'. There was no further story development really. It felt like a cool idea for a short film or an extended MTV video, but no one remembered to turn it into a proper movie script. It looked great though, and the soundtrack and dancing were pretty damn cool
Last Edit: Feb 28, 2019, 19:34 by Wolkenkrabber

Getting a feeling this will be Gesaffelstein's answer to a pop album thats more accessible to a broader audience after being known for his collaborations in the hip hop realm. A few people were disappointed with his last track with the Weekend. I feel like anything Pharrell does now I just don't really like because he has just been everywhere too much and usually sounds the same. And that fucking 'Happy' song just killed it off completely with everyone playing it everywhere if you weren't in your own bubble where could avoid it.

...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 28, 2019, 19:22

Following on from the Climax video in the GTKO thread, I had been meaning to post this in Now Playing for a few days now:

Original 1970's 12" vocal version of Supernature. And what a fantastic and futuristic disco track it was, perhaps second only to I Feel Love in terms of how modern it sounded:

Thoughts on the film? It started well with those two dance scenes but by the end I was glad for the (real) closing credits.
Perhaps it took an idea from the Electric Kool Aid Acid Test (which influenced The Chems). It seems that
none of the characters passed the acid test though.
There's also a sort of Chemical connection with the best known actor in the film being Sofia Boutella who appeared in the Nike Women advert that featured a Chemical soundtrack. She since re-positioned herself as a Hollywood actress, and here she combines both acting and dancing. A good move by Noe to cast her I think.
by the second half of the film I grew weary of the "people going mad" routine, including Boutella's own 'trip'. There was no further story development really. It felt like a cool idea for a short film or an extended MTV video, but no one remembered to turn it into a proper movie script. It looked great though, and the soundtrack and dancing were pretty damn cool

Funny you mentioned second to 'I feel Love' because Gasper actually wanted to use that track for this scene but they declined because of the nature of the story.

He also said that he literally had like a 2 week window  and decided to do this film last minute as he always wanted to do something based on this 'story' or news story with the dancers at that place. Apparently it actually happened or something similar.

I looked into it more for the reasons of his thinking behind it due to it going for quite a while with not much storyline or character development but thats his kind of his style with his other movies. After watching it I didn't want to hate it because I liked the idea and where he was coming from with it (paying tribute to good electronic dance music in the 90s) but kind of dragged a bit with the 'shock' value too much where you get bored of it towards the end. He's always had good taste in music.
Last Edit: Mar 01, 2019, 06:40 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

That's one of the trippiest videos I've ever seen:

^ that was awesome

not as trippy,

but catchy!

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