The Brothers Gonna Work It Out

New tracks recap

Started by Ben_j, May 29, 2017, 18:40

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Mad As Hell / EBW12
Gotta Keep On (Make Me High)
Eve Of Destruction
something else / previously unknown
Dope Coil [Version]
Free Yourself
I think I understand it.

I guess I would ask (which you might not know the answer to) do artists that get writing credits like Peter Brown and Kenny Bobien (SIFSD) still get payed for their original idea (which ultimately gets altered)? Or is this the music industries way of bypassing royalties altogether, but still crediting the original writer?

(hope that made sense)

Yes - it's like how Underworld had to credit / pay Giorgio Moroder and Donna Summer for King of Snake since the bassline of that song was so similar to I Feel Love's, even though there was absolutely no sampling or conscious connection when Underworld wrote King of Snake. They pay out for that, but it's a small amount.

*However*, if Underworld had sampled the bassline of I Feel Love, they'd have to credit and pay Moroder / Summer for both the writing credit and performance credit. Writing and performance are treated as two separate things, and that would have been more expensive.

Basically, it's cheaper to re-perform something yourself, or hire a session musician to re-perform something for you, than it is to actually sample the thing because the cost of you doing it yourself (or one-time hiring a session musician to do it) is much cheaper than lifetime performance credit payments.

But... it's weird. And that whole writing/performance thing might only apply to radio music licencing, and I could be talking out my ass. It's weird.
Never for money, always for love.

So It's pretty much safe to say there will never, ever, be a recorded version of TPPR with 'Sympathy for the Devil' that gets formatted for distribution.

Quote from: Bosco on Jun 29, 2018, 21:32

So It's pretty much safe to say there will never, ever, be a recorded version of TPPR with 'Sympathy for the Devil' that gets formatted for distribution.
After how hard The Verve got screwed with Bittersweet Symphony, absolutely never. We're more likely to hear the Chemical Beats / Tomorrow Never Knows live mash.
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jun 29, 2018, 21:27

Yes - it's like how Underworld had to credit / pay Giorgio Moroder and Donna Summer for King of Snake since the bassline of that song was so similar to I Feel Love's, even though there was absolutely no sampling or conscious connection when Underworld wrote King of Snake. They pay out for that, but it's a small amount.

*However*, if Underworld had sampled the bassline of I Feel Love, they'd have to credit and pay Moroder / Summer for both the writing credit and performance credit. Writing and performance are treated as two separate things, and that would have been more expensive.

Basically, it's cheaper to re-perform something yourself, or hire a session musician to re-perform something for you, than it is to actually sample the thing because the cost of you doing it yourself (or one-time hiring a session musician to do it) is much cheaper than lifetime performance credit payments.

But... it's weird. And that whole writing/performance thing might only apply to radio music licencing, and I could be talking out my ass. It's weird.

Actually, something interesting pertaining to this that you may find interesting is The Prodigy's track The Way It Is from their album Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned. It is heavily based on a recreation of Michael Jackson's Thriller riff. How Liam avoided having to pay a huge royalty to Michael Jackson was to recreate the part of the track, with the help of Matt Robertson and Rinse, instead of sampling it. When you sample music, you need two clearances: one from the copyright owner of the song, which is usually a music publisher, and one from the copyright owner of the master tapes, which is usually a record company. By him recreating it instead of sampling the original song, he cut out those fees he would have to pay Michael Jackson, his publishers, and label. Michael Jackson may have sung and performed on the original recording, but actual the song was written by Rod Temperton thus Liam only had to pay him and him alone for his writing credit and no audio from the original recording was used. This way is a hell of lot cheaper compared to sampling a piece of audio and having to pay Jackson and all those involved with its creation and release. 
Last Edit: Jun 30, 2018, 00:05 by neorev

Remember how the "Let's turn this thing electric" part was different in the promo copies of Do it Again ? I think it was a sample going "I'll sing the funk electric". It might be the first occurrence of the Chems recreating and altering a vocal sample

I found the sample from the "African Survivor"-Track, played in their recent DJ Sets.

Here it is, starting at about 00:38. (Basabasa Experience - African Soul Power)

What an awesome track!
Last Edit: Jul 02, 2018, 17:41 by orangewedge99
So let your body rock...

So i was listening to Lauren Lavernes show right now while doing stuff, and at the end of the show she said something like "new music from (couple of artist) and The Chemical Brothers next week". Maybe i got this wrong because, like i said, i was doing stuff and thereby not listening properly. But if i got this right => behold, they're coming back!
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Whoever did the poll forgot Free Yourself  :o

Quote from: Ben_j on Jul 06, 2018, 13:08

Whoever did the poll forgot Free Yourself  :o
shame's on me then
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Jul 06, 2018, 12:06

she said something like "new music from (couple of artist) and The Chemical Brothers next week". Maybe i got this wrong
Maybe you got it wrong   :(.  For those with the ability to listen back to the show (do you need a proxy outside the UK? I think you need to "log in" anyway), jump to 2hrs,40mins,04secs HERE. Lauren is talking about Marbert Rocel's "I Wanna" track. She took it from Sasha's new Fabric 99 mix album. She mentions that Sasha has produced and remixed the likes of Madonna and The Chemical Brothers. I believe that's the only Chems mention on today's show.

Free Yourself and Gotta Keep On feel more complete than Mad As Hell as the moment.

I don't know if any of the tracks are really finished yet, but they're probably very close. I imagine Mad as Hell is getting released in its more rough and ready state in the true spirit of the Electronic Battle Weapons. Sometimes I Feel So Deserted felt like it was crowned an EBW as an after-thought. But I absolutely get Acid Children, Freak of the Week and EBW 9 vibes from Mad as Hell right now.
Never for money, always for love.

EBW 10 - EBW 11 was a bit of a deviation from the rest of the series...

Mad as hell is lit af...

Loved it on RIR 2018 live act :o

Big time bump

Quote from: hstn on Mar 08, 2018, 02:21

Eve Of Destruction here:

Taking a break from GKOMMH, I totally forgot this post about it. And in the same vibe I got from 'High', this track is such a stomper. Sweet baseline, great late 80's/ early 90's house vibe,
Terrorizing robot vocals, and something about water!

Not a fan yet of MAH, but starting to like FY more, due to those funky breaks in the middle of the track, which give it a little 'Base 6' feel.

I really like what this upcoming album is shaping up to! I feel as a whole, it can be good enough to sit next to Surrender and DYOH imo.

Worth the freaking wait!

Last Edit: Jul 14, 2018, 06:41 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Jul 14, 2018, 06:04

Big time bump

Taking a break from GKOMMH, I totally forgot this post about it. And in the same vibe I got from 'High', this track is such a stomper. Sweet baseline, great late 80's/ early 90's house vibe,
Terrorizing robot vocals, and something about water!

Not a fan yet of MAH, but starting to like FY more, due to those funky breaks in the middle of the track, which give it a little 'Base 6' feel.

I really like what this upcoming album is shaping up to! I feel as a whole, it can be good enough to sit next to Surrender and DYOH imo.

Worth the freaking wait!

Been listening to that version of EOD a bit. Love all the mash up of yester year dance/funk melodies and rhythms with her voice. She sings 'We can't the afford water, Everyone is left to die, Keep running Keep running' I think. (then 'Keep dancing, Keep dancing')
Last Edit: Jul 15, 2018, 10:16 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Quote from: MIKL on Jul 14, 2018, 13:03

Been listening to that version of EOD a bit. Love all the mash up of yester year dance/funk melodies and rhythms with her voice. She sings 'We can't the afford water, Everyone is left to die, Keep running Keep running' I think. (then 'Keep dancing, Keep dancing')

I'm still trying to figure out what the robot voice is saying! There's another voice in there singing 'gotta find a friend so let me be' Is that Aurora or another singer?

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Jul 15, 2018, 21:35

There's another voice in there singing 'gotta find a friend so let me be' Is that Aurora or another singer?
It's a sample: "goin' to find a friend to spend the weekend".
It's almost as though some people don't read all my posts with 100% gusto!!
The lyrics dont really fit the rest of the track but I guess the sample fills the space nicely.
Jump to 0.49 seconds (well 0.57 really):

What a spot! Nice find, небоскреб!
Hi Kevin!

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