Born In the Echoes

Got To Keep On

Started by Ben_j, Aug 06, 2017, 21:29

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let forever be is a great video. it has a delightful 90s quality to it that i've loved for years..

..but why are we comparing the two? i'm not sure i get much out of that. i'd rather dig the dancing and the playful effects without asking whether i prefer kaleidoscopes

might as well ask whether i'd prefer to sing n' shout 'gotta keep on makin me high' or 'hey girls..hey boys..'—apparently one must be superior to the other?
Eight or over.

I think if people feel that the video connects with the song more successfully in another example, then it's totally fair to compare. And the fact that the other video happens to be by the same director is even more reason to. Would it not be OK to eat a crappy (or not so good) burger and think "you know, this isn't as good as that burger I had from [insert delicious place*]"?

I'd love to say that all Chemical Brothers songs are equal, but there are definitely ones that are superior. Got To Keep On is one of them!  :P

*Wendy's. Obviously.

I still find the "rain come down like tears" vocal to be out of place. I just don't think it fits the vibe of the song at all. Out of 10, I give the song a 6. Honestly, I haven't been blown away by the 3 songs I've heard so far. I guess it's sounding better than most of Born In The Echoes so far. BITE is fighting for bottom place of my Chems album list with Push The Button. I wish I could be thrilled, but gonna keep my expectations low so I don't end up disappointed.
Last Edit: Feb 07, 2019, 05:28 by neorev

And this is from the director of the Star Guitar video...

Hi Kevin!

Great song, discovered in the concert in Belgium...

Quote from: Explud on Feb 07, 2019, 08:03

And this is from the director of the Star Guitar video...
& Let forever be... & Daft punk's around the world...
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

After only watching it and only knowing a couple of bars from the 15 sec clips they've put out, I must say, I'd rather had loved them to release an entire live visual video with the Pringles Sisters and Their Geometric Friends (as Stefan put it so abtly). But let me get back to it once the record's out.
Last Edit: Feb 08, 2019, 09:23 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

If your gonna do a music video, make sure it eclipses the live visual of the same song!

I wish there was more dancing. It would've been safer than what the video is now. and like neorev said, that 'rain comes down' part felt kind of out of place.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Gondry has made some of my most favorite music videos:

  • Massive Attack - Protection
  • Björk - Human Behavior
  • Daft Punk - Around The World
  • Foo Fighters - Everlong
  • Star Guitar
  • White Stripes - Fell In Love With A Girl
  • White Stripes - The Hardest Button To Button
  • Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World
  • Björk - Declare Indepence

But Go and GTKO won't went on that list
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Feb 08, 2019, 19:13

But Go and GTKO won't went go on that list
I wouldn't normally correct your English, Pumisher but in this case I've Got To (Keep On).

reminds me of my favorite Schoolhouse Rock short:

we can use 'went' when we want to, just leave your present tense behind,
cause your past tense stance doesn't stand a chance,
in a present world of mind!
Last Edit: Feb 09, 2019, 01:45 by Bosco

None of your tenses stances stand a chance in the Gondry world of mind!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: neorev on Feb 07, 2019, 04:50

I still find the "rain come down like tears" vocal to be out of place. I just don't think it fits the vibe of the song at all. Out of 10, I give the song a 6. Honestly, I haven't been blown away by the 3 songs I've heard so far. I guess it's sounding better than most of Born In The Echoes so far. BITE is fighting for bottom place of my Chems album list with Push The Button. I wish I could be thrilled, but gonna keep my expectations low so I don't end up disappointed.
Quote from: ThePumisher on Feb 08, 2019, 19:13

Gondry has made some of my most favorite music videos:

  • Massive Attack - Protection
  • Björk - Human Behavior
  • Daft Punk - Around The World
  • Foo Fighters - Everlong
  • Star Guitar
  • White Stripes - Fell In Love With A Girl
  • White Stripes - The Hardest Button To Button
  • Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World
  • Björk - Declare Indepence

But Go and GTKO won't went on that list
Quote from: GLAKO-FAHN on Feb 07, 2019, 01:59

let forever be is a great video. it has a delightful 90s quality to it that i've loved for years..

..but why are we comparing the two? i'm not sure i get much out of that. i'd rather dig the dancing and the playful effects without asking whether i prefer kaleidoscopes

might as well ask whether i'd prefer to sing n' shout 'gotta keep on makin me high' or 'hey girls..hey boys..'—apparently one must be superior to the other?
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Feb 08, 2019, 18:12

If your gonna do a music video, make sure it eclipses the live visual of the same song!

I wish there was more dancing. It would've been safer than what the video is now. and like neorev said, that 'rain comes down' part felt kind of out of place.

I feel like the rain and tears part with the crowd breaks it up in a good way and adds a bit more depth and human emotion to the song and that theme probably plays well with the whole album. Its like an uplifting song but still acknowledging the world is fucked/life is hard basically. (for luck of a better description).

I noticed Gondry had a relative (brother?) help him do this video as well? Time restraints? The only really thing that bugged me with this video were the transitions into white blobs where you could tell it was done by computer. In a world where SFX are quite commonly used now we are all used to it being done quite well but this seemed bad and looked 'fake' and rough. Gondry has been known for creating good visual trickery without even having to rely on Computer SFX too much to get his tripped out effect, that or you don't realise how he did it because it fitted in well with the scene. Thats what the difference/issue was for me. Like he was losing his authenticity if makes sense?

I also think high expectations were expected because I like all 3 songs equally now i think after listening to them  for a while. (ignoring the bootleg binging for a moment to try and be fair)
Last Edit: Feb 09, 2019, 00:28 by MIKL
...'cause I don't like whats going on in the world. I'm scared of that...

Going back to the song. Just an observation of the tune (not the video) - particularly the "rain/tears" part, where really it starts to go all wonky from about 3:17 to 3:42.

It sounds like taking a hit off nitrous oxide. Laughing gas. The noise coming into your ears becomes centralized and feels a bit like it's richocheting in your head. And if you're listening through headphones, the feeling of that head trip is magnified. MAH has these types of bits sprinkled in that song as well.

Or is it just me? I mean, I could be way off mark. Or maybe it's triggering a memory.  It is the strangest thing. I haven't done whippets well in over a decade and my dentist doesn't administer nitrous when I'm getting my teeth worked on. Hahaha  :D

Anyway I'm being totally serious. It's tripping me out. And no I'm not high!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: MIKL on Feb 09, 2019, 00:15
I noticed Gondry had a relative (brother?) help him do this video as well? Time restraints? The only really thing that bugged me with this video were the transitions into white blobs where you could tell it was done by computer. In a world where SFX are quite commonly used now we are all used to it being done quite well but this seemed bad and looked 'fake' and rough. Gondry has been known for creating good visual trickery without even having to rely on Computer SFX too much to get his tripped out effect, that or you don't realise how he did it because it fitted in well with the scene. Thats what the difference/issue was for me. Like he was losing his authenticity if makes sense?
Olivier Gondry is his brother. It's not the first time they work together, he usually helps with visual effects, which are used in a lot of his videos, Star Guitar, amongst others.

First posting here - couldn't see this posted earlier

1:25 min mark
Also wondered if the Gondry vid was a Brexit comment?
Great song.

the video we've all been waiting for
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Oh no. I didn't like how they changed that descending bassline melody. Weird notes.
And alas, dancing not in time :(

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