Don't Think Just Let It Flow

what's your favorite brothers song and what is your least favorite

Started by Conn6orsuper117, Oct 31, 2017, 07:03

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favorite (what the? who added this poll XD -CS117)

7 (70%)
1 (10%)
2 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 10

It is so much fun reading everyone their comments XD!
This is the most difficult in regarding chemical track listings.
And I love the thought everyone has on why they like or dislike a track.

For me it would always be The Test. It is the one song which got me into them in the first place. Then I went on searching for my least favourite.. what resulted in almost sharing every song as my second number one. every track has some feeling to it, and it just depends on what mood you are into.. some saying, alive alone is least.. this is for me a very special track. I just love the feeling to it. no words can describe. maybe the least i feel is horse power or just bang.. In the right mood they can kill.. but it is not for the easy listening for me :)

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