I Wanna Go Where No One Goes

Discussions on difficult subjects

Started by Enjoyed, Mar 09, 2018, 23:11

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Quote from: shakermaker on Feb 18, 2024, 16:48

I'm curious about your comment though, "this podcast exists because they're trying to diminish her popularity". are you suggesting this is like a smear piece? or just that people are afraid of her influence?

Yes, and Yes.

Although, on the surface it's not exactly an effective smear piece, since I'm gonna go on the assumption a lot of black women still identify as Democrats or at least, lean left, and will reject/ignore just about anything Candace Owens touches/says.

That being said, Candace Owens is a seemingly, young, confident, successful, black woman, that regularly converses with extremely popular and influential right wing talking heads who generally are WHITE. Without overstepping too much, I would understand how being presented this information in the manor Candace has might convince black women, or really anyone struggling to identify themselves politically, to take this Taylor Swift fad as a danger to your beliefs or justice. Thus, maybe siding against the Swifty army.

Don't want to dig too deep into this...  just want to add that Taylor is also a, successful, young, confident, well-liked, blue-eyed, blonde haired, attractive (subjective), entertainer, singer, and most importantly NO KIDS and NOT MARRIED. The last two things are probably the most significant here, because it's the most identifiable thing she has with majority of her fans. Single minded females are absolute poison to the republican party. More of them voting or registering to vote is the exact opposite of what they want happening. Not only does this affect the general presidential election, but also the state, and local elections.

It's also my guess she'll balk at publicly endorsing a candidate. Unless, someone really crosses a line, I have to imagine she'll take the route of the guy in my avatar... "Republicans buy sneakers, too"

Quote from: Explud on Mar 22, 2024, 20:39

Just massively confusing and disappointing times, brother. I hope you and the ones close to you weren't affected by this tragedy. 

Reminds of what happens at Bataclan in Paris or during the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. Such things should not happen.
no idea, no idea

Quote from: Csar on Apr 25, 2024, 19:41
atrocities it commits
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I was hoping that at least you weren't influenced by this propaganda. :(

Quote from: Csar on Apr 25, 2024, 19:41
And the fear alone for anyone involved to potentially end up as a bargaining chip (Brittney G. comes to mind)
It seems to me that this was generally a coordinated operation between the two special services.
She had previously worked in Russia for about 7 years, I think she was well aware of the entry restrictions. Something is not clean in this situation. This is an inappropriate example.
And yes, you can imagine that drugs and weapons is not allowed in our country.

So you think, all those bands and performers who have come to us anyway over the past 2 years, are they also a bargaining chip?

Quote from: Csar on Apr 25, 2024, 19:41
because of one man's idiocy would make me considering it twice before going there
Who are you talking about?
What kind of idiocy do you mean exactly?

Btw, about "atrocities it commits", your country also sponsors the killing of people, in case you didn't know.
Hi Kevin!


A lot of this fearmongering and "propaganda" is a result of massive disapproval of the war/invasion/occupancy of Ukraine. You can thank your leaders for this reputation.

I agree with you though, all our countries have blood on our hands in some fashion.

I think I offended him, because he hasn't been on the forum for almost a month.
He didn't reply to the email either.

I'm sorry guys.
Hi Kevin!

We're talking about Csar here, no? 
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

I don't see anything insulting in your post, I think you're ok. 
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

I hope that's not the case... 

If he's not around by the time the new Tom produced Aurora track is released, then I'm worried.

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