The ChemBase

Forum => The Social => Topic started by: whirlygirl on Jul 26, 2015, 03:15

Title: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Jul 26, 2015, 03:15
Go on now! Don't be shy. ;-)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: oHUTCHYo on Jul 26, 2015, 16:05
Well I'll be the first I guess. Longtime lurker of the old forums and was overjoyed to see the community reunited on this forum, thank you especially to the creator/s for giving us all a home.

As a friendly piece of feedback, this forum is extremely difficult to find via Google. I almost given up trying to find where the community had broken off too. I even used way back machine to try and find stalwarts such as Whitenoise to contact them through any means possible.

Ultimately a useful Redditor told me of the new forums on the r/chemicalbrothers subreddit after I specifically enquired on there, as that subreddit isn't very active at all. Thank you MadPooter.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: MadPooter on Jul 27, 2015, 07:06
Of course!

Glad to have you around. :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bendy1001 on Jul 27, 2015, 12:07
God, it's like I'm a new student at a school and the teacher just asked me to introduce myself to the class!
Hello! My name is Peter and I live in a rural town in Queensland, Australia, where the internet is bad enough that I thought I'd better get a physical copy of Born in The Echoes via mail. Unfortunately, this means I still haven't got the bloody thing and am slowly going insane!
I've been lurking on the forums for a few years now, and I first heard the chemical brothers around 2010/2011 when I was 12 and Further was still new. My taste in music hadn't really been defined yet, so I wasn't sure what to make of it. Obviously, I found it all to be quite insane, and just stuck to listening to Horse Power and the Daft Punk songs I was already into. But I guess there was something about the album that intrigued me, cause I kept being drawn back to it. I think a large part of it was the sensation of the album, It was so ethereal, like nothing I'd ever heard before. It didn't sound like the techno or dance music I was familiar with. I didn't know what the hell I was listening to or what it was doing to my brain, but one by one, I fell in love with every song on the album.
From that point on, I knew I wanted more, and I ended up going through their discography in a really weird way: in reverse order.
I guess it was because Further was their most recent work, so I figured the more recent stuff must be better than their older stuff. After I heard We Are The Night and Push The Button, I was pretty much exclusively listening to Chemical Brothers. After I heard Come With Us and Surrender, Don't Think was released, so it was the first time I heard tracks from the first two albums, like Setting Sun and Block Rockin Beats, and also the first time I got see the majesty of Chemical Brothers live. It was mind blowing! It was also the first time I paid money for Chemical Brothers (gimme a break I was a kid :P). But I still wasn't sure if I wanted to listen to the first two albums. Each time I ventured into an album, I felt like I was taking a risk. I wasn't sure if the Chemical Brothers were always good, and it would be almost heartbraking if I found I didn't like an album. I was so relieved each time I got an album and discovered it was awesome too, but I had a feeling that wouldn't be the case with the first two. I'd heard other big beat from around the same era, like Fatboy Slim and the Prodigy, and I thought it was all obnoxious crap. It sounds silly when I think back, but I was really nervous when I got Dig Your Own Hole, I was kinda scared to start it. I decided to pick a song at random as a little taste, just to get an idea of what I was about to listen to. I picked The Private Psychedelic Reel. How fucking lucky is that!? I still think their more recent work is better than their old work, but I can happily say that the Chemical Brothers have never dissapointed me. Well, maybe This Is Not A Game...
Anyway, sorry for the rant. When I started typing this, I didn't realise it was gonna be so long. Oh well.
I hope I didn't come off as too starry-eyed. The Chemical Brothers are still my favourite band, but don't listen to them exclusively anymore. It's because of them that I've gotten into bands like Justice and the Beatles. I don't know what's gonna happen to the Chems after BITE, but I don't think I'll ever stop listening to their music.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: inchemwetrust on Jul 28, 2015, 03:13
Well spoken Bendy!

Just to let you know...

We love the Chems, but we don't have those creepy shrines full of collages of the band.  ;D

Were a small collective of vinyl enthusiasts, gamers, and people with personal agendas against the world who dare challenge this band (Ex: see Kings Of Leon)

You might want to talk to Krisper in the forum. He has plenty of Chemical exploits to tell you, and plus, he's near your area.

Congrats on scoring your first show btw.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jul 28, 2015, 08:22
Bendy, that was a great story! I can see myself in parts there too, just a few years earlier. :)
I'm glad too, and I think the brothers would endorse this, that you don't keep solely listening to their stuff but instead, inspired by their sound, keep digging through the nuggets of (electronic) music. It's something the chems have done to me too. They introduced me to a whole new sonic world and made me look for more interesting sounds (e.g. samples), songs and entire bands (e.g. I Break Horses among others) whch led to great experiences. It was kind of a liberating encounter that largely  induced my musical coming of age.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Jul 28, 2015, 13:47
The forum has always been a place to geek out on the Chems music, share opinions even if there's disagreement, and in general just be nerds and shoot the shit and discover other likes and interests we have in common. :) We're not ones for idol worship. That's just creepy!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Krisper on Jul 29, 2015, 03:43
Welcome Bendy, I love reading your story. I am much older than you, but I didn't discover my love for the Chems until 2009. They are timeless.

I have a very memorable experience at the River Stage in Brisbane in 2011 (I think), 9000 people standing on the grass, sun going down, drizzling rain, and then 2 hours of the most unforgettable sights and sounds from a live show by Tom and Ed.

You must find some way to see them live when they tour again very soon :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bendy1001 on Jul 29, 2015, 14:10
Quote from: Krisper on Jul 29, 2015, 03:43
You must find some way to see them live when they tour again very soon :)
God I want to! It's definitely something I gotta do before I die, probably something I should be doing on a regular basis. This is my last year of school and I'll be living in Canberra by 2016. Even then, I probably wouldn't be able to go any further than Sydney to see a live show.
So, if you're reading this Tom/Ed, how about giving the ACT a thought, eh?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Krisper on Jul 30, 2015, 21:04
Quote from: Bendy1001 on Jul 29, 2015, 14:10
I probably wouldn't be able to go any further than Sydney to see a live show.

They almost always do a Sydney show too. Once you have seen them once, it is never enough. Last time they came my wife and I saw them in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. What a magickal week that was :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Biff on Jul 31, 2015, 20:09
It  is I, Biff. I have returned,
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on Jul 31, 2015, 20:27
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Jul 31, 2015, 22:13
Quote from: Biff on Jul 31, 2015, 20:09

It  is I, Biff. I have returned,

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jul 31, 2015, 23:40
Biff!! Welcome back! Did you bring your Chems Almanac and can you tell us what's in store for us in the Chemical future?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Biff on Aug 01, 2015, 23:16
I'll  harness my stills in astrology

it's good to be back!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Born In Planet Dust on Aug 12, 2015, 22:51
I'm Brian, 38, and had been lurking on the old board for a long time (for some reason, my tech deficient ass couldn't figure out how to register or log in).  Either "loops of fury" or "chemical beats" (which I first heard on an awesome mostly trip hop comp. "Special Brew."  Check the "aba all starrs" mix of "army of me" - credited to Mike D).  I immediately fell in love with those acid riffs and big, speaker quaking bass hits.  I picked up the "loops" ep, fucking loved it.  "Setting Sun" came out and I found myself waiting intently for "Dig Your Own Hole."  Since the first time I heard that album, the glint has forever been. 
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: inchemwetrust on Aug 13, 2015, 18:49
Welcome to the Brotherhood BIPD! Thanx for coming out from the shadows and entering our beloved forum. I remember thinking that the Chems would come out with a 'Breaks' CD when 'Loops ep' came out.

That same style came back when CWU was released in 2002 when I heard Hoops, and the SG b-side, Base 6, which is my fave break track.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: karlsberg76 on Aug 25, 2015, 07:45
Hey everyone, I'm Karl. I'm 38 and been a chems fan for many many moons. I live in Essex
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Aug 25, 2015, 10:00
Quote from: karlsberg76 on Aug 25, 2015, 07:45

Hey everyone, I'm Karl. I'm 38 and been a chems fan for many many moons. I live in Essex
Welcome to the forum, Karlsberg! I hope you'll enjoy your time on here!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Nils VIP on Aug 26, 2015, 14:44
Hi, I'm new in town.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on Aug 26, 2015, 16:04
Hi New In Town, I'm WhiteNoise.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Aug 27, 2015, 05:27
Quote from: Nils VIP on Aug 26, 2015, 14:44

Hi, I'm new in town.

Howdy, stranger. ;)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: satur8 on Aug 27, 2015, 20:27
Oh, Nils VIP! I heard you man. You used to run smack with Rolando, right...
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: thg on Sep 01, 2015, 02:15
Well... I'm not exactly new here. I was already a member (thiagobhz) of the old forum for a few years but, as I could not recover my account, I had to start from scratch. :/
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on Sep 01, 2015, 02:38
Welcome back! We all started from scratch. Weren't able to migrate the old database over to the new forum.

should probably put a message up there maybe..
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Fine Time on Sep 02, 2015, 08:56
Hello Chembase team & forum people , . .  I'm Fine Time from the UK , . . . it's good to have found this collective again , . . stumbled across it when I was googling something or other about the Chemical Brothers. Thought I'd say hi , . . and well , . . what an epic return for The Chemical Brothers this year.  I was eagerly expectant of the first footage to appear on youtube back in June when Tom & Adam played the first show at Rockhal , Luxembourg , . . of course , the new songs sound and look amazing , Go , EML & the Future are my faves. Haven't seen The Chemical Brothers since 2011 so I'm soooo hoping for a UK tour , I guess now in 2016 , here's hoping :-/
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Sep 02, 2015, 10:17
Nils VIP, thg, Fine Time: welcome to the boards! It's great to see old and new faces on here!

Fingers crossed that they will come up with shows next year! I need my chemical live experience fix as I haven't seen them since 2008.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on Sep 02, 2015, 15:49
Quote from: Fine Time on Sep 02, 2015, 08:56

Hello Chembase team & forum people , . .  I'm Fine Time from the UK , . . . it's good to have found this collective again , . . stumbled across it when I was googling something or other about the Chemical Brothers. Thought I'd say hi , . . and well , . . what an epic return for The Chemical Brothers this year.  I was eagerly expectant of the first footage to appear on youtube back in June when Tom & Adam played the first show at Rockhal , Luxembourg , . . of course , the new songs sound and look amazing , Go , EML & the Future are my faves. Haven't seen The Chemical Brothers since 2011 so I'm soooo hoping for a UK tour , I guess now in 2016 , here's hoping :-/
I like you already. That's one of my favorite New Order albums.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Spiritual Vibes on Sep 10, 2015, 06:39
Hello, I'm not new but I'm  a reawakened version of myself & the past doesn't matter so don't even ask... Cheers!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Sep 10, 2015, 14:30
Welcome newcomers and past members!  ;D <3
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: brandon98 on Sep 28, 2015, 09:00
i am doing a presentation about the chemical brothers, can someone please answer my questions?

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Sep 28, 2015, 09:59
Quote from: brandon98 on Sep 28, 2015, 09:00

i am doing a presentation about the chemical brothers, can someone please answer my questions?

Hello again, Brandon, and welcome on the forum! I have moved your intial post to the Q&A section. Please be so kind and don't post your question in as many threads as possible. People around here will happily answer your questions (you would only need to explicitly state your questions!). However, spamming will scare them off ;)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: NiCk.Dj on Sep 29, 2015, 14:43
I don't have remember to introducing me :D
I like very much mixing chemicals and listening to they :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: heggig on Oct 17, 2015, 14:22
Hey everyone! I've always liked the Chemical Brothers but it wasn't until I saw them at Space Opening 2014 doing a dj set that I fell in love with their music. Finally saw them again at this years Creamfields and can't wait for them to tour. I've joined the forum in the hope of getting a good quality audio download of the iTunes festival set but will stick around for more! :D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: neorev on Oct 30, 2015, 08:53
Hello all! My name is Mike, I go under the alias Neorev. I'm from New York.

Been a huge fan of the Chems since '94. I must say that "Surrender" is my favorite album and "Let Forever Be" is my favorite Chems song.

I produce electronic music under the name Neorev.

Thanks for having me!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Nov 02, 2015, 10:12
Hi and welcome to the boards, Neorev, heggig and DjNick. Enjoy your stay!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Jeanie on May 11, 2016, 15:57
Do i still need to introduce myself?  ;)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on May 11, 2016, 20:58
Quote from: Jeanie on May 11, 2016, 15:57

Do i still need to introduce myself?  ;)
Oh god, NOOBS!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on May 18, 2016, 13:25
Quote from: Jeanie on May 11, 2016, 15:57

Do i still need to introduce myself?  ;)

Jeanie Beanie!! ❤️❤️
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: kemi on May 20, 2016, 00:55
Howdy chemicals!

I have a very nice present for all you hardcore CB fans, just don't know if it will be ok to offer it here, on the forum...

So admin/mod, please contact me, I would appreciate if we could discus...

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on May 20, 2016, 01:31

Sorry. It's not music or anything exciting. Move along.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ChemicalPit on May 20, 2016, 08:47
Hey brothers!

I am a Marketing Master student from Italy and am about to finish my studies.

I have been following the chemical brothers for long and literally fell in love with the new album.
My question is: is there a way to become part of the supporting team for live concerts?
I would love to help someway :)


Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on May 20, 2016, 14:33
Quote from: ChemicalPit on May 20, 2016, 08:47

Hey brothers!

I am a Marketing Master student from Italy and am about to finish my studies.

I have been following the chemical brothers for long and literally fell in love with the new album.
My question is: is there a way to become part of the supporting team for live concerts?
I would love to help someway :)


Hey man! I saw your post in the other topic. I am checking on this now.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ChemicalPit on May 22, 2016, 10:11
Quote from: WhiteNoise on May 20, 2016, 14:33

Hey man! I saw your post in the other topic. I am checking on this now.

Looking forward to your response ;)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Charco on Jun 09, 2016, 23:18
Total noob again. Had been noseying on you guys last summer before the switch, went to see the Chems at Longitude which was pretty epic for a first gig in 10 years.

Anyway, off to see them again in the morning. If anyone here wants to hit up for a pint at the gig let me know.

Also whats the story with getting post counts back? No?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jun 10, 2016, 00:41
Quote from: Charco on Jun 09, 2016, 23:18

Also whats the story with getting post counts back? No?

No go I'm afraid. We all started again as babies.

Welcome back though! And enjoy the show tomorrow!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: breakfast on Jun 23, 2016, 15:59

I think I'm in the right place?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on Jun 23, 2016, 18:08
Hello breakfast!

I am about to go get some myself.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jun 28, 2016, 20:19
Top top name, Breakfast.

I actually wrote a song about you.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: breakfast on Jun 29, 2016, 23:24
 :o prove yourself, Enjoyed. If that is your real name
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jun 29, 2016, 23:33
Quote from: breakfast on Jun 29, 2016, 23:24

:o prove yourself, Enjoyed. If that is your real name
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: breakfast on Jun 29, 2016, 23:46
wait wait wait wait wait
how did you know my name was chloe?


(I hope everybody appreciates how long it took me to figure out how to pose an image on here.)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Ben_j on Jun 30, 2016, 00:05
Hello breakfast, I eat you everyday.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jun 30, 2016, 02:31
Quote from: breakfast on Jun 29, 2016, 23:46

wait wait wait wait wait
how did you know my name was chloe?

If you're not kidding that is a very freaky coincidence!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Foxboy on Jul 06, 2016, 03:30
 Hiya 8)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jul 06, 2016, 21:33
Quote from: breakfast on Jun 23, 2016, 15:59

I think I'm in the right place?
You think correctly :D You're about to meet some fine people on here! Welcome aboard our chemical refuge on the sea of chemical beats!

Quote from: Foxboy on Jul 06, 2016, 03:30

Hiya 8)
Welcome back, Foxboy! I'll have the emergency number ready at all times... just in case!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: pg79 on Jul 14, 2017, 19:01
Is this still in operation :)
Well if it is here goes :)
After talking for almost all day with a nice guy from India who knows everything about the Chems, Prodigy and Daft Punk, and properly a HELL lot more. I decided to sign up!
I was not aware there was a forum for the Chems that was working and operational.

I been a fan of the Chems since around 1996-97. I have only seen them once in Denmark last year, but it was the best concert i ever been to.
Im so happy about Echoes and feel that album is like a dream come true for the fans.

Hope to have some geeky music talk with your guys and girls (if any).
Other the chems i guess i like what most of you guys also do:

The Prodigy:
Getting a bit tired of the rock and roll warriors thing.. But they have a special place in my hart and Jilted and fat will always be on my top 5.

They are getting older but i still feel this is music with such a strong soul. Their last album was a bit like Echoes, it was a bit of a comeback.

Danish electronic music maker, he is doing some very interestering things on each album and is very productive.

And a bunch more.. Most of them bands from the whole big beat wave of the 90'ties. I miss this music so much. We where spoiled!

/ Poul
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: inchemwetrust on Jul 14, 2017, 19:27
hey pg79! welcome to the chemical bandwagon!

right now the chems are brewing new material which can be found in their djsets. check the new tracks recap thread in 'The Social' for more info.

We love Echoes as much as you do.

enjoy your stay!

K+D+B is godlike!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jul 15, 2017, 13:37
Welcome PG79!

Seeing the boys the wrote the masterful 'Denmark', in Denmark must have been pretty special!

Hopefully you'll find this place a pretty satisfying pool of great discussion, top recommendations and a shared love for the finer things in life.

Go check out some of those new tunes InChem is talking about. I'm always singing 'Free Yourself' to myself. We're very excited about what is still to come!

(P.S. I'm also a huge Underworld fan and am always down to talk about how incredible Pearl's Girl is...)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on Jul 15, 2017, 17:14
Hi, my name is Rob and I drink!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: WhiteNoise on Jul 15, 2017, 21:14
Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 15, 2017, 13:37

(P.S. I'm also a huge Underworld fan and am always down to talk about how incredible Pearl's Girl is...)
Been listening to the Carp Fish Koi mix again recently. So dope.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: pg79 on Jul 16, 2017, 08:30
Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 15, 2017, 13:37

Welcome PG79!

Seeing the boys the wrote the masterful 'Denmark', in Denmark must have been pretty special!

Hopefully you'll find this place a pretty satisfying pool of great discussion, top recommendations and a shared love for the finer things in life.

Go check out some of those new tunes InChem is talking about. I'm always singing 'Free Yourself' to myself. We're very excited about what is still to come!

(P.S. I'm also a huge Underworld fan and am always down to talk about how incredible Pearl's Girl is...)

Thanks Peter.

Its a cool forum i can see already, people are really into the stuff, on a sick detail level! :)
I'm enjoying the read, i will listen to the dj sets as i can understand it has some bites of new tracks! I'm happy to hear that new stuff is being made, i read in a interview (or something) that this was almost close to be the last album... And even thought i would be sad i defiantly respect that. Cause doing this for so many years must be HARD.
But happy to hear they are making new music, hope it will follow the path of Echoes, since i think this the the best album since come with us.

/ Poul
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: pg79 on Jul 16, 2017, 08:41
Oh yeah, on a Underworld note.
I have to listen more to the new album. But i like it a lot more then the Baring.
I think that album was not really underworld quality.

The older albums, like Second Toughest is just perfect. Just got it on rerelease vinyl :) that was amazing!

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: pg79 on Jul 16, 2017, 09:39
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jul 15, 2017, 21:14

Been listening to the Carp Fish Koi mix again recently. So dope.

Havent heard this, will listen to it..
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: pg79 on Jul 16, 2017, 09:48
Nice one, not just a standard remix, takes it somewhere else.. I like those kind of remixes.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jul 16, 2017, 12:53
Underworld are the kings of remixing their own stuff. Often ending up with something entirely unrelated to the original coughThingInABookcough

Fluke are also very good at that.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: fjbrugger on Jul 26, 2017, 05:56
Hi i'm from ARGENTINA, Saludos Hermanos i have 26 years old, and I love this.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jul 26, 2017, 12:17
Welcome fjbrugger!

Did you manage to see the Brothers at Sonar back in 2015?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 16, 2017, 19:42
  I'm Conn6orsuper117 and I'm not good with introductions.

  I've been listening to the Brothers since 2014 and already own 3 albums and 1 EP:
Exit planet dust, Dig your own hole, Surrender, & the loops of fury EP (which I found factory wraped in mint condition at a used CD bin)

  I am also fans of Daft punk (part of the Daft Club forums), the prodigy, Gorillaz and fatboy slim.

  I am too broke to go see the bros (not to mention they dont come to anywhere near Oregon) but I own a copy of Dont think and 10 Live Recording mp3s:
Leicester 1995, Brixton 96, Lollipop 96 & 97, Osaka 97 (low quality), Woodstock 99 (which I have sorted into different songs and burnt onto a CD), Red-Rocks 99, Amsterdam 02, Hultsfred 02 & Radio 1 big weekend 05

  I am on the hunt for the Atlanta 97 recording but have only been led to one guys YT channel who only shows one song and never links a download. (if anyone has the recording and willing to share can you link me a DL?)

  I also have a soundcloud which I dunno if its ok to link but here you go

Im glad to be here and meet you all!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Oct 16, 2017, 20:09
Hi Conn-super-long-name!

Great you've found this place. You'll meet nice and knowledgable people about the Chems and all sorts of things. Enjoy your time here!

The Atlanta set is most probably the set that is also known as the Masquerade from 1997/5/20. It's about 27 min long. Give me a couple of minutes..


There you go:

Shout-outs go to Biff. :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 16, 2017, 21:14
Quote from: Csar on Oct 16, 2017, 20:09

Hi Conn-super-long-name!

Great you've found this place. You'll meet nice and knowledgable people about the Chems and all sorts of things. Enjoy your time here!

The Atlanta set is most probably the set that is also known as the Masquerade from 1997/5/20. It's about 27 min long. Give me a couple of minutes..


There you go:

Shout-outs go to Biff. :)

You can just say CS117 for short :)
ALRIGHT, BIFF!!! :music I thought the recording was longer, played until chemical beats. Thanks though
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: MadPooter on Oct 17, 2017, 03:03
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 16, 2017, 19:42

  I'm Conn6orsuper117 and I'm not good with introductions.

  I've been listening to the Brothers since 2014 and already own 3 albums and 1 EP:
Exit planet dust, Dig your own hole, Surrender, & the loops of fury EP (which I found factory wraped in mint condition at a used CD bin)

  I am also fans of Daft punk (part of the Daft Club forums), the prodigy, Gorillaz and fatboy slim.

  I am too broke to go see the bros (not to mention they dont come to anywhere near Oregon) but I own a copy of Dont think and 10 Live Recording mp3s:
Leicester 1995, Brixton 96, Lollipop 96 & 97, Osaka 97 (low quality), Woodstock 99 (which I have sorted into different songs and burnt onto a CD), Red-Rocks 99, Amsterdam 02, Hultsfred 02 & Radio 1 big weekend 05

  I am on the hunt for the Atlanta 97 recording but have only been led to one guys YT channel who only shows one song and never links a download. (if anyone has the recording and willing to share can you link me a DL?)

  I also have a soundcloud which I dunno if its ok to link but here you go

Im glad to be here and meet you all!


There seems to be momentum in meeting up at SF/LA shows in California! I'll be traveling up and down the west coast and potentially elsewhere in the U.S. the next time they come around these parts. Always happy to have other forumites along at the shows.

Cheers. :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Oct 19, 2017, 20:47
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 16, 2017, 19:42

not to mention they dont come to anywhere near Oregon
Quote from: MadPooter on Oct 17, 2017, 03:03

There seems to be momentum in meeting up at SF/LA shows in California!

Wassup CS117! I just moved to Oregon! But will definitely be making a trip to California for a show/big meet up when they eventually swing back around. You should start saving now so we can all hang out!

Also, between Pooter, Whirly and me, we can definitely ensure you eat well on your trip... coughDONUTScough
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Oct 21, 2017, 06:44
Quote from: Enjoyed on Oct 19, 2017, 20:47

Wassup CS117! I just moved to Oregon! But will definitely be making a trip to California for a show/big meet up when they eventually swing back around. You should start saving now so we can all hang out!

Also, between Pooter, Whirly and me, we can definitely ensure you eat well on your trip... coughDONUTScough

Meeting up to enjoy the music together (or to just hang, eat cereal covered ice cream stuffed donuts, and talk music or movies or nonsense just cuz) is some of the best shit about the forum. Chems peeps are good peeps.

Welcome to the newcomers, especially those who are still fresh into the discovery/journey. Hope you enjoy your time here!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Gigi Marinescu on Oct 25, 2017, 14:14
Hey, guys!

I've just entered the ChemBase and first I would like to send a big salute to all of you CB fans.
I'm a 36 years young raver who's listening to the chemical brothers since I was in high school, but really got back to being a big fan since their latest album, the master piece Born in the Echoes.
We've had a couple of chances to watch a live show in the past years in Romania, but missed it so we will be traveling to Manchester on 9th of December for their show at the WHP.

We are very excited about this show and me in particular especially since recently I have decided to propose to my girlfriend by the end of this year, so I was hoping that I could maybe do something special at the event. Do any of you have any thoughts on that, could we involve the CB crew on it, have they done anything resembling this before? I can easily just do it during the show, but thought that maybe I can do more than that.

Awaiting for your feedback and wishing you all the best.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Oct 25, 2017, 15:05
Hi Gigi and welcome to this little chems refuge of ours! Glad to see some new faces around here that aren't bots :D

Enjoy your time on the forums, you'll meet cool and interesting folks around here.

Just one little reminder on the show you're about to embark on in December: this is going to be a DJ set rather than a CB live show! The latter is a show solely based on their own work whereas DJ sets are just like traditional DJ sets, comprising various track choices of various artists including their own material but without the light/visual show which their live shows are famous for.
Nevertheless, I hope your proposal will be going down great and wish you a awesome night in London!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Gigi Marinescu on Oct 25, 2017, 16:26
Hey there,

I know the difference between the live show and DJ set, but this being the single gig that we could find for our favorite brothers and also being in Manchester, UK where we've never been before we just took it. So yeah, not the best we could get, but I hope that it will be a good show, nevertheless (hopefully some visual effects too:).
Didn't got your feedback on my questions, though, regarding the proposal. :)

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Oct 25, 2017, 22:56
Quote from: Gigi Marinescu on Oct 25, 2017, 16:26

Hey there,

I know the difference between the live show and DJ set, but this being the single gig that we could find for our favorite brothers and also being in Manchester, UK where we've never been before we just took it. So yeah, not the best we could get, but I hope that it will be a good show, nevertheless (hopefully some visual effects too:).
Didn't got your feedback on my questions, though, regarding the proposal. :)

Just wanted to let you know, just in case you had different expectations.

Regarding your proposal, well, it's quite difficult to give any advice since I neither know you nor your financée good enough. If it was me, I would probably do something that feels honest and not too over the top because I wouldn't do it for the attentions of others but my girl (I know, television and Hollywood tell you otherwise). Do something that reflects the spirit of your relationship and your fiancée's nature, something that only you know about her (desires, whishes, hopes, thoughts, philosophy ...) and you as a couple. Sorry that I can't be more specific.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Gigi Marinescu on Oct 26, 2017, 08:23
You're totally right and I feel the same, my question was more onto what you think it can be done in an event like this and even more so if there was something like this going on at a CB show, but I guess not, so I will do my own thing and prepare it as best as I can.

All the best,
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on Oct 28, 2017, 01:35
Gigi, they've never done anything like that as far as I know. I've been on this forum quite a while and the interactions between fan and artist for this group is pretty few and far between.

Could try Ed on twitter, but don't hold your breath.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: i0ne on Dec 23, 2017, 19:52
Hey guys!!

Maybe a new introduction since I am the master of lurking.
I have come and go.. a name lintus/i0ne have been used before on the old forum.
Never got around in this new flashy forum that much.
But now again I find myself seeking for more music and like minded people.
I have been listening to the chems since the come with us album came out.
I would never forget seeing the flashing jellyfish in the clip of the test on TMF (NL).

The last time I have seen them perform was at Rock Werchter (belgium) which was a great show. But hoping to see them as a show of themselves again. Nothing compares.

So nice meeting you all again!

Gr Iwan
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Dec 24, 2017, 02:03
Welcome (back) iOne!!

Glad to see we've managed to coax you out of the shadows :)

Lots of great discussion is always just a click away on this forum, and of course you'll have seen how great everyone is already just from reading comments.
Especially that handsome Enjoyed fellow. He's great.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ThePumisher on Dec 24, 2017, 14:30
don't listen to enjoyed, he's out of control
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 26, 2017, 23:24
Quote from: i0ne on Dec 23, 2017, 19:52

Hey guys!!

Maybe a new introduction since I am the master of lurking.
I have come and go.. a name lintus/i0ne have been used before on the old forum.
Never got around in this new flashy forum that much.
But now again I find myself seeking for more music and like minded people.
I have been listening to the chems since the come with us album came out.
I would never forget seeing the flashing jellyfish in the clip of the test on TMF (NL).

The last time I have seen them perform was at Rock Werchter (belgium) which was a great show. But hoping to see them as a show of themselves again. Nothing compares.

So nice meeting you all again!

Gr Iwan
Welcome & Welcome Back to the chembase!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Normalny on Mar 20, 2018, 21:17
Hi everyone :D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 20, 2018, 21:50
Hey Normalny! Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Conn6orsuper117 on Mar 20, 2018, 23:10
Quote from: Normalny on Mar 20, 2018, 21:17

Hi everyone :D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: DanceBabyDance on Mar 23, 2018, 13:19
This is so cool! All the way from the Netherlands I greet you!
I will never forget my first Chemical show at Lowlands. It was the best time ever! Not only The Chemical Brothers, but Underworld as well! I was the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!!!
So lucky that I dare to ask you to come back again, it tasted for more!!
:music :music :music
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Intrus1257 on Apr 17, 2018, 01:51
Hi there,  just got done getting a tattoo,  and figured I'd share it with all of you. It's on my left leg
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on Apr 19, 2018, 22:31
Cool tat.

Does anybody remember a long time ago a dude getting an Astralwerk symbol tat and trying to sell it as a Chemical Brothers tat?

That was funny
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: subculturezero on May 02, 2018, 11:22
Hi guys thanks for having me.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Electrotek on May 20, 2018, 17:07
Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking forever to register on this forum but I finally got myself to do so after the initial board went under. Kept the same username to be on the safe side
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Explud on May 20, 2018, 23:42
Quote from: Electrotek on May 20, 2018, 17:07

Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking forever to register on this forum but I finally got myself to do so after the initial board went under. Kept the same username to be on the safe side
It's good to see you again, mate!
Please, welcome
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on May 21, 2018, 09:45
Welcome back to our little Chems refuge!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: start64 on Jun 15, 2018, 19:58
Hi there,
I am start64. Not really new, since I also visited the old forum many years ago.
I was lurking here for the past weeks and decided to register again after returning from the great gig in Luxembourg...
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jun 15, 2018, 20:01
Welcome back! Always good to see 'old' faces. If you've got the time and motivation, maybe you wanna share your Rockhal experience? Anyways, have fun around here like in the good ol' days!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: UltimatePelmeni on Jul 14, 2018, 23:00
Well. It's been a while since i've been here, and i'm maybe late with this post, but why not. So here is my story. It was 2011, i  was a pupil, played FIFA all day long and listened to Radio Sport. My music preferences weren't special. I just had Kasabian, ABBA and some tracks of Fort Minor in my player. There're some stories why i started to listen to this bands, but the post is not about it :) So i was not an adherent of a certain genre and was looking for songs on the radio to complete my 'radio playlist'. It was a hodgepodge of different genres and i was ok to enjoy it.

And then it happened. I heard a song with an Indian motif and just felt in love. I always visited which had playlists of radio stations to search some needed songs. Unfortunately i didn't do this the first time and didn't find out the name of the song. Radio Sport played some tracks thousand of times but not that track. More sadness was added by the fact that it was in jingle which was played several times a day. But. Not. The. Whole. Fucking. Song. And after about 6 month they played it again. YES. I even wrote down the date, it was 24.02.12 :) So now i knew it was Galvanize (yeah, yeah, not the best way to touch the bros). I started to lurk for some other songs, originally listening to some popular ones. And and most of the time i discovered that i had already heard these songs, but now i knew who did it. Then i started to listen to the whole chems list from the beginning. Exit Planet Dust seemed monotonous to me for the first time. HAHAHA. Day by day, song by song the bros' music took possession of me (is it correct to say like that in english?). I looked for gigs, rare tracks and other stuff and found this forum (the old one). I was read-only there. But i decided to register when i found a video of a DJ set where the bros played Go (that version with better bits in the chorus). It was the first ever footage of this new track, and i could be the first who brought it on the forum (LOL, what a stupid reason to register). For some reasons i didn't receive a confirmation email about registration, so i continued to be a read-only member. I finally registered after moving to the new site. So i'm here.

Back to my music preferences. After 6 years with the bros it now looks like Solar system where the bros are the Sun and there're some planets around it - bands that i explored by the connections with the bros - New Order, Prodigy, Crystal Method, FatBoy Slim, Leftfield and some others. I do not listen to Radio Sport anymore. Now it is called Sport FM and it's been shit since some cool journalists left it. But i have to thank it for the fucking Chemical Brothers. I listen to them now and there is no doubt - i will do the same for ages.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: helen on Jul 15, 2018, 17:09
Hey there!
Just registered (again)... I was over here around 2010 then some s--t happened and I just didn't bother to follow any more but I'm back at it. A lot has changed!
Is this the same forum working in 2010? Damn!

So yep... My story goes way way back because I was fortunate enough to have some older amazing friends introducing me to good music from a very young age. I remember missing some classes and getting caught because I bailed to check the store for Come With Us - worth it!
IRC and chatrooms over on mIRC dedicated to The Bros were where I spent most of my time as a young teen and my best friends to this day were the ones I met over there :) Just went to Rock in Rio for TCB only (well, better than having to deal with screaming 12 year olds over Jared Leto a couple years ago...) and it blew my mind. As always. I need my yearly fix of a show to keep going.
Just read the thread on Rock in Rio 2018 and you are so right - I couldn't stop jumping around but everyone else was too still!  As usual, met loads of people after the show who told me they had no idea about TCB and they were about to leave when suddenly everyone just rushed back because they were in awe of the sound and the visuals, pretty funny to see people blown away by the show only, without even knowing any songs, happens every single time haha

I have a TCB song for every meaningful moment of my life and it's been like that for about 20 years now and I guess it will never change. As my life starts to glue back together after a hard time I gotta admit my favorite thing to reset my mind is to go rollerskating while a live set blows my ears up. And while many things were pushed aside for a long while, I made an effort to travel and see them live because it was the only thing I knew would put a smile on my face.

Damn, 2010 was a long time ago... Hope to remember some people from that time and meet loads of new people :)

Much love, H
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: musictheoryguy on Aug 30, 2018, 16:31
Hey everyone! Been a fan of the Chemical Brothers for a while here but I'm actually doing research on the EBWs now, analyzing them for my music theory PhD dissertation. I'm focusing on EBW4 and EBW6 but I'd love to hear your guys's opinions on them and what you think makes them so special and unique. Looking forward to participating here.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Aug 30, 2018, 18:00
Hey there Musictheoryguy! Welcome :)

What a fascinating research paper. How exactly are you analyzing the tracks?

For me, The Chemical Brothers have always amazed me with their synthesis. They seem to be able to create sounds I have never heard anything like before and, more to the point, have no idea how to recreate. Freak of the Week/EBW 4 is actually the first time I really focused on those textures and tried to wrap my head around them. The synth sweeps in the section from 3:11 to 3:38 are still so mesmerising to me. I can speculate about some of the filter sweeping and pitch bending, but I think it's the combination of so many effects/techniques that results in a sound that I could only ever describe as otherworldly. The whole track does feel slightly lo-fi as well, maybe just fractionally limited in terms of it's full frequency range? Might just be a feeling more than fact but EBW4 for me is definitely a very 'underground' feeling track.

I think that is something that is provoked by the EBW label actually. The idea of limited release tracks that are circulated (mainly) among DJs and not really for general sale. It screams 'underground' just from the concept, and perhaps that spills into our appreciation of the tracks?

EBW6 is much more digital sounding and wider, frequency wise, but there's something LOW about how it sounds. The droning bassline that rumbles along with the kick drum... Both of them, and in fact a lot of the EBWs in general, I think could be described as hypnotic. Again, perhaps stemming from their DJ weapon heritage, they evolve slowly, set a deep groove (focus on bassline and simple repeated kick drum patterns) and essentially ride it to the end.
EBW6 also has a lot of interesting synth textures. A little less out of this world but equally unique I think. The filter sweeping and fluctuation of pitch with a lot of the sweeps/delay feedbacks is something that I think definitely adds to the hypnotic feel. You sort of zone out and let the textures wash over you as a listener.

Both examples have great breaks too that smash back into the groove with added textures. I think the contrast of those breaks, the feeling of coming out of the trance and then diving back in, makes them feel even deeper.

I don't know really. Maybe I'm talking complete tosh but both of the EBWs you've chosen do have a lot of similarities. Just listening through some of the rest of the battle weapons, there are definitely different vibes in each one, but I think that 'deep' and hypnotic feel is pretty evident throughout them all. Be it simple repetition that drives it or that focus on the low end combined with the meandering synths at the top end. There is a sort of space in the middle for the listener to sit and experience the madness above and below them.

Definitely would be super interested to read your results when you're finished!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: BenBoy 68 on Oct 03, 2018, 08:05

Just joined and thought I would say "hello".  My name is Ben from Suffolk.

Best wishes to you all.

Ben X
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Oct 03, 2018, 17:20
Hi there, Ben from Suffolk.

Welcome to the forum!

What do you think of the new tune!?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: JerseySean on Oct 06, 2018, 07:20
Morning all.

Sean from Jersey. Currently recovering from Ally Pally last night in an Air B&B in Camden.  :D

3 hour flight delay and thought we wouldn't make it but very pleased to say we did.

All the best, folks  ;D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Oct 07, 2018, 18:19
Welcome, newcomers!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: aqol45 on Oct 08, 2018, 15:05
Hi guys

André from Southampton UK here.

Was at Alexandra Palace for my first ever CB gig on Saturday.

Having seen Underworld, Depeche Mode etc many times over the years, I have somehow missed CB live.

BUT gotta say, the gig was one of the best ever  ;D   Tunes, lazers, lights, visuals, robots made it one special night.

Looking forward to the new album & future tours
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Shizuko on Nov 11, 2018, 11:27
Hi, I'm sizegenetics ( new in town.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Nov 11, 2018, 11:30
Quote from: Shizuko on Nov 11, 2018, 11:27

Hi, I'm new in town.
Hi. You're real?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: BeckyAtlanta on Nov 19, 2018, 23:43
greetings, was a member of the WAYYYYY BACK IN THE DAY old forum.. decided to give the new forum  try *waves to anyone from the old forum*

my first TAPE was "surrender" change my life and made me a  fan

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: belyla on Nov 26, 2018, 17:37
 ;D Hola soy nueva me llamo Beli, soy de México y espero ir al concierto del Pepsi Center el próximo año, nunca he visto a los Chemical Brothers en vivo.
Hello, my name is Beli, I'm from Mexico and I hope to go to the Pepsi Center concert next year, I've never seen the Chemical Brothers live.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Nov 26, 2018, 17:52

I'm so excited for your first ever Chemical show! It's always memorable and I guarantee you will have an amazing time! There are a lot of fans in Mexico and it looks like that show is going to be a real treat. Best of luck getting your tickets. Make sure you sign up to the mailing list here ( so you can find out if there is an early sale for the tickets.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: MadPooter on Nov 26, 2018, 19:51
Glad to see new people being added to the ranks. :)

Welcome everyone.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: das_SPEZIAL on Jan 11, 2019, 05:56
hello !

We are Das SPEZIAL and glad to meet you all !

We make music that sounds like this -


Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Desmondo on Feb 03, 2019, 02:09
Well it took me almost 20 years, but I'm finally joining the official forum.
My name is Diego, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I've been a Chemical Brothers fan since maybe 1997, 1998. I still remember clearly buying Surrender in 1999 and then Come With Us in 2002 (in two record stores that, obviously, no longer exist).

From those days onward, every time a new album comes is like an event for me. I love the fact that they still treat the albums like albums, you know what I mean? Not just a collection of songs, but a proper album with a beginning, middle and end. And the whole artwork thing (I'm a graphic designer) is still relevant for them as it was when I first saw the Surrender cover. Few things excite me as much as seeing a new cover and reading the strange, Chemical-esque song titles and imagine which one will end up being my favourite (fingers crossed for Bango and Gravity Drops!).

I'm not gonna extend much longer. Just passing by saying hello and excited about No Geography.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: SouthernBrother on Feb 03, 2019, 02:15
Quote from: Desmondo on Feb 03, 2019, 02:09
Not just a collection of songs, but a proper album with a beginning, middle and end.
Greetings, Diego, I'm from Santa Fe.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Feb 03, 2019, 02:28
Welcome Desmondo!

Totally echo what you're saying. I've always made a point to be in a special place or step away from 'life' to listen to a new Chemical Brothers record and I'm so, so excited for the new one.
I also cite Kate Gibb as a huge influence for my graphic design work. Do you work on album covers at all? I'd love to see some!

Make yourself at home. There'll obviously be lots more going on over the next few months.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: frankisha on Feb 05, 2019, 08:22
Hello, everyone. I'm new here  O:-)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Sebastien_Danieli on Feb 07, 2019, 11:48
Hello EveryOne,

Just a old fan who wants to be near his favourite band...

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Feb 07, 2019, 17:57
Hey there Frankisha & Sebastien!

Welcome to our little Chemical communion!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: actionjackson780 on Feb 18, 2019, 18:16
Hello from Canada! Joined a few weeks ago but finally getting 'round to posting here.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Feb 18, 2019, 21:15
Hi Jackson! Glad you're not a bot (which I initially thought...was so close to delete you :D) Welcome to the forums.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: actionjackson780 on Feb 18, 2019, 21:45
Definitely not a bot! Been a fan since DYOH and have been checking out the forum for a while and decided to finally join in officially :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: inchemwetrust on Feb 18, 2019, 22:43
Welcome to the brotherhood Action Jackson!

Very relaxed forum here. Enjoy your stay because it's gonna get crazier here soon when 'no geography' drops.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: 𝒥𝑅𝒮𝒵 on Mar 10, 2019, 02:26
Yo JRSZ here
just a random 20yo polish fatboy interested in games computers music etc.

Chems Fan since late 2017
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Conn6orsuper117 on Mar 10, 2019, 08:54
Quote from: JRSZ on Mar 10, 2019, 02:26

Yo JRSZ here
just a random 20yo polish fatboy interested in games computers music etc.

Chems Fan since late 2017
Welcome fellow brother
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Hoops on Apr 04, 2019, 21:35
Hi! Relatively new Chemical Brothers fan here. Got introduced to them through Just Dance 3.

Hoops and Believe are my favorite Chem Brothers songs.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Apr 04, 2019, 22:10
Great name!

Welcome friend :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Explud on Apr 05, 2019, 09:02
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: kosek on Apr 10, 2019, 09:30
Quote from: Hoops on Apr 04, 2019, 21:35
Hoops and Believe are my favorite Chem Brothers songs.

Check Electronic Battle Weapon 6 :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: kosek on Apr 10, 2019, 09:31
Quote from: JRSZ on Mar 10, 2019, 02:26
just a random 20yo polish

Cześć :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Hoops on Apr 11, 2019, 13:32
Quote from: kosek on Apr 10, 2019, 09:30

Check Electronic Battle Weapon 6 :)
Love that one too!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Guo1jiang on Apr 12, 2019, 15:40
2008年通过《Come With Us》成为一个Chemical Fan。
Hello everyone, I am Yijiang, from China.
Became a Chemical Fan in 2008,by《Come With Us》 .
There is no doubt that the Chemical Brothers' music is my favorite.
It's really exciting to find this ChemBase and it's great to be here with yours.
Today is really No Geography ;D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Apr 12, 2019, 16:21
Welcome Guo1jian!

So glad you found your way here.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Guo1jiang on Apr 13, 2019, 02:01
Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 12, 2019, 16:21

Welcome Guo1jian!

So glad you found your way here.

Thank you ;D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: steevtee on Apr 25, 2019, 16:22
Hello, I joined a long time ago but finally got around to posting on the "new" forum the other day!

I've been a fan of the Chems from when Loops of Fury was released...
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: inchemwetrust on Apr 25, 2019, 16:41
Welcome back Steevtee to the brotherhood!

Enjoy your stay, and the new album!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: CBtje on May 17, 2019, 23:34
Hello all
My subconsciousness became a fan of the chems when I first saw and heard the HBHG video. It was only years later, around the time CWU got released, when my mind and body got fully aware of their vibe and I became a devout listener. Since then it is my quest to hear anything they release, though I've been off it for some time during the WATN era. These (old & new) forums have brought me many insights and after lurking for decades, it was time to speak out my love for the Bros.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: shakermaker on May 19, 2019, 20:32
hello peeps - long time fan and coachella board refugee just registered with a little encouragement from Bosco. looking forward to chatting with you all.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on May 20, 2019, 00:33
Welcome Shakermaker & Cbtje!

It's always cool to see the folks who've been lurking around get drawn into the conversation.
Are either of you going to be lucky enough to see the Brothers play this year?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on May 20, 2019, 23:01
Hey shakermaker!

Glad you signed up! From reading your other post, I'm happy to see you had a great time at Bill Graham. I hope you were able to  meetup with some of the former Coachella board members. When I was searching for videos via Instagram, I saw some familiar faces pop up for the LA shrine show.

Here's hoping after the NY show this August, we won't have to wait 4-5 years for a return!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Zuludisco on May 24, 2019, 02:38
Hey guys. My name is Ryan. I live on the east coast USA and I just joined. My first chemical show was in 97', next was 2007 in NYC and the last was the Bill Graham civic center last week. I've just bought tickets for the November 29th show in the UK. Super excited for the show and super excited to be here!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Soloman Tump on May 24, 2019, 07:46
I'm from Oxford, UK and have followed the brothers since DYOH came out. Saw them perform at Reading Festival in 1999 and they destroyed the place, affirming my love for electronic music.
I can still remember hearing The Sunshine Underground for the first time.... Wow.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on May 24, 2019, 07:56
Welcome you both! Glad you set your spacial controls to this observation point.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: CBtje on May 25, 2019, 19:40
Quote from: Enjoyed on May 20, 2019, 00:33

Welcome Shakermaker & Cbtje!

It's always cool to see the folks who've been lurking around get drawn into the conversation.
Are either of you going to be lucky enough to see the Brothers play this year?
Thanks! Yeah, got my tickets ready for their show in Belgium in August. Last time was in 2005 in Amsterdam and can't believe it's already that long ago.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: shakermaker on May 26, 2019, 15:57
Quote from: Bosco on May 20, 2019, 23:01
Glad you signed up! From reading your other post, I'm happy to see you had a great time at Bill Graham. I hope you were able to  meetup with some of the former Coachella board members. When I was searching for videos via Instagram, I saw some familiar faces pop up for the LA shrine show.

Here's hoping after the NY show this August, we won't have to wait 4-5 years for a return!

yeah we had a good crew, it's unfortunate you couldn't join us. :-) I'm not holding my breath for their return though. I am really tempted to go to NYC to catch them there, but it's too close to burning man... 2024 here we go!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on May 26, 2019, 19:33
Keep in touch if you do decide on NYC. I got my eyes set on that date too!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Metta on Jun 29, 2019, 20:20
Hi everyone, finally decided to join the forum with my husband's (actionjackson780) encouragement. Still fairly new to the Chemical Brothers, got into them when Further came out, but first found out about them during a trip to London when We Are the Night was released and the ads were plastered everywhere (I still have one of the posters). Since All Points East last month haven't honestly been listening to much else.

Psyched to be here   ;D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: inchemwetrust on Jun 30, 2019, 00:37
Welcome Metta to the forum family! Glad you could join us!

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jun 30, 2019, 08:48
Hi Metta and welcome! Glad you enjoyed All Points East. To see a band play live really can have a huge impact on one's perception. For me, it was like that we Sigur Ròs. I guess I never fully appreciated them the way I do now until I saw them live. Jus the way it was for me at my the first chemical gig in 2005. It was glorious and a forever changing moment. It's sweet you both enjoy them alike. Can it get any better than sharing the same taste (in music)? Stick around and have fun on here.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: whirlygirl on Jun 30, 2019, 16:47
Welcome to our little corner of the universe, Metta! So sweet to have you join your husband (and us) here. 😊
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bunker on Aug 13, 2019, 22:36
Hi Folks - great looking forum here. Ive joined as Im clearing out some of my bits n pieces to fund a building project - a tremendously 'grown up' thing to do sadly but the time has come....
So, with regret Im going to sell 2 of my Chemical Brothers Gold awards, one is Canadian the other Australian. These are the genuine thing presented to Ed for Come with us (Canada) and Dig your own hole & Surrender (Australia).
Any idea wheres the best place to put them? ebay or a specialist auction? I have absolutely no idea what they're worth.
Thanks a lot
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: elcomplicado on Oct 11, 2019, 11:46
Hi I'm Mike

I have been lurking here for about a year... I made an account today and my post was deleted despite it being GOOD CONTENT :(

But I bet there's an auto mod filter that thinks I'm a bot

I'm not a bot
Not any more
Not since the surgery :(

Also chems are great, saw them in 2016 first then first Ally Pally show last year. Big fan of the boyos
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Oct 11, 2019, 12:11
Quote from: elcomplicado on Oct 11, 2019, 11:46

Hi I'm Mike

I have been lurking here for about a year... I made an account today and my post was deleted despite it being GOOD CONTENT :(

But I bet there's an auto mod filter that thinks I'm a bot

I'm not a bot
Not any more
Not since the surgery :(

Also chems are great, saw them in 2016 first then first Ally Pally show last year. Big fan of the boyos
My apologies. My bot-senses snapped in and obviously fooled me this time around. I'll resurrect your post. Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: elcomplicado on Oct 11, 2019, 12:15
Got f'ugging biffed by a George avatar

(ty for reinstating, I realised afterwards how odd it looked when it had gone
PS check the instagram, folk might be pleased)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Ray Baseley on Oct 16, 2019, 20:01
Hello everyone,

my name is Ray I'm 18 and at the moment I live in the Czech Republic in Prague. I was kind of brought up on Chems, being always close to the sounds etc...  :)

I want to join your talks over here. Popping in always to have a nice geeky chat.   :music
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Explud on Oct 17, 2019, 08:30
Hi, welcome here!
P.S. Nice avatar!))
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Ray Baseley on Oct 17, 2019, 12:27
Quote from: Explud on Oct 17, 2019, 08:30

Hi, welcome here!
P.S. Nice avatar!))

Cheers mate! :)

I just did a little cut out from one Insta post with Tom and thought it could be a nice avatar :DDDD
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: FranzDT on Dec 27, 2019, 09:07
Hello! I'm Francesco, from Italy. Long-time lover of club culture and electronic music. Since the late 90s around festivals and clubs. Now, older, just some events of my generation djs (like Sven Vath, Fatboy Slim, Kevin Saunderson, Jeff Mills, Dave Clarke, etc...) and, of course, every year the Italian date of the Chemical Brothers tour.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Conn6orsuper117 on Dec 28, 2019, 00:10
Quote from: FranzDT on Dec 27, 2019, 09:07

Hello! I'm Francesco, from Italy. Long-time lover of club culture and electronic music. Since the late 90s around festivals and clubs. Now, older, just some events of my generation djs (like Sven Vath, Fatboy Slim, Kevin Saunderson, Jeff Mills, Dave Clarke, etc...) and, of course, every year the Italian date of the Chemical Brothers tour.
welcome to the chembase, Franz!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: BlackWitch on Dec 31, 2019, 11:59

Hi all.

Jus thought I'd drop by. Been a fan of CB since the very start. Found this forum and thought, why not. :)

Seen them quite a few times here in the UK.

Yeah... x x x x
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jan 01, 2020, 15:21
Welcome to our little Chems refuge! Hope you'll stick around and chime in!

Also, hello and welcome to Franz, Ray and Elcomplicado!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: FranzDT on Jan 07, 2020, 23:38
Thank You, Conn6orsuper117 and Csar!  :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: fuzzcaminski on Jun 23, 2020, 16:31

I'm Fuzz, I'm recording a podcast about the 25th anniversary of Exit Planet Dust this evening and wondered if anyone would like to share any memories of the album, for the episode?

Thank you in advance and I hope to read some great memories  :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: axent on Apr 07, 2021, 18:00
Hi, I'm a lifelong Chemicals fan(boy), been going to show since the early 00s. I'm also an obsessive vinyl collector and embarrassingly longtime forum lurker!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Apr 07, 2021, 20:19
Hi there, Axent and welcome to the forum. Happy you've finally made it out of the shadows and joined us.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: axent on Apr 11, 2021, 15:19
Quote from: Csar on Apr 07, 2021, 20:19
Hi there, Axent and welcome to the forum. Happy you finally made it out of the shadows and join us.

Thanks for the message! Good to finally show my face, so to speak.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: dustjoit on Apr 28, 2021, 18:06
Hi! Im Roman. Huge fan since 95)Happy to be here!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Apr 29, 2021, 03:45
Welcome, Roman! Glad to have you here.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: JoeWAFC on Jun 04, 2021, 09:42
Decided to make an account here!
I'm 19 and have loved the brothers' work ever since I listened to them on youtube back in 2017. They're now my favourite artists, I've listened to all 9 albums and a good amount of their b sides and I've loved (almost) everything I've heard!
Not too sure how to use older-style forums like this, since I'm more used to mainstream social media like twitter and reddit but I'll give it my best shot.
Glad to be here!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jun 04, 2021, 10:50
Hi and welcome, Joe!

Happy to see another one around who's been infected with the Chems fever. 
Even though forums might be a bit of an older concept, it's a pretty handy one when it comes to having real discussions that you can get back to whenever you want (like refreshing one's memories and stuff). So, please, feel free to share your thoughts on anything Chems and non-Chems related and have a blast around here, for this is a place for nice peeps from all walks of life!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: instantreigen on Jun 12, 2021, 21:57
Hey All! Thought I'd introduce myself here hehe.
Call me instant, I am a digital artist and tbf I only recently became a big fan of the chems (shout out to my girlfriend Emily here)! I am happy to be in a small space with like-minded individuals and I am very excited to make some friends!
If you want to you can check out my instagram (same handle), I occasionally post drawings of the chems/other electronic music artists!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Jun 13, 2021, 17:47
Welcome, Instant!

I just checked out your IG. Awesome stuff! Love the Daft Pink pin, super cool.
Gave you a follow and will be looking forward to seeing more stuff.

What got you into the Chems initially?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: instantreigen on Jun 15, 2021, 13:01
Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 13, 2021, 17:47

Welcome, Instant!

I just checked out your IG. Awesome stuff! Love the Daft Pink pin, super cool.
Gave you a follow and will be looking forward to seeing more stuff.

What got you into the Chems initially?

My girlfriend did! I knew some tracks before obviously, HBHG, Galvanize, Go, all that stuff, but before we started dating she DJed a set for me with the chems and it was an instant (hehe) connection, not only to her but to them too! Thanks for the follow btw ^^
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: shakermaker on Jul 25, 2021, 15:55
hello all. not quite a n00b, but haven't been on here barely since pre-pandemic. wanted to say hi somewhere. hi!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: OneMansTracks on Nov 04, 2021, 17:03
Hey all, I'm One Man's Tracks. I'm an avid thrift shop music collector and I've been stumbling across Chem Bros albums for a few years now. Always on the hunt for new to me music, I've been making retrospective album reviews of the interesting and exciting music I find. This week, instead of getting into some random band, I decided to go even Further out of my comfort zone and make a couple of Chemical Brothers videos to celebrate their incredible catalog. I'm both stoked and a little sad I only just found this forum today but I do love these big beat masters and can't wait to dig my own hole through these threads!

(If you're interested my channel is the same as my name: One Man's Tracks)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: caddy on Jan 11, 2022, 20:09
Yeah..Wright, I'am a noob.. I've joined this forum like 15 or 17 years ago.. It must've been migration or other technical stuff, that all my previous posts got wiped out.. It must've been 50 or 60 posts I've done in total.. And here Iam now..With 3 or 5 only.. But yeah, trying not to complain too much..
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jan 11, 2022, 20:59
Give this man a veteran badge already!!!

No, seriously, this forum here is no longer the official offical forum, it's rather a fan supported one - which is still endorsed by the band (which we were very proud of :D). The official forum was closed down back in 2015 because the higher music bosses (I guess) no longer saw viability in a forum-based concept that presumably consumed some financial ressources.
As a consequence, Explud and Whitenoise teamed up to give birth to a new Chemical platform. It turned out, though, that it was technically not (easily) possible to re-integrate all posts from the previous incarnation. However, we still have a sub-forum called "Archive" where you can access the previous version which Ben_j was able to preserve to a large degree. If you wanna browse through old memories, I'd suggest you pay it a visit. It's funny, like a magnifying glass into the past.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: caddy on Feb 02, 2022, 19:12
Oh man,thanks for thorough explanation.. I guest, that forums are no longer a thing in this discord/facebook/reddit nonsense age.. But not for us - old timers.. And a big thumbs up for White Noise and Ben_J and other guy for such an effort!!! How many hours, seriously guys, how long did it take for you to migrate (create from scratch again?) all that? Archives included?..
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: SomeAsker on Mar 20, 2022, 18:50
hello yes i am asker and i am big fan of the chems! a buddy o' mine from discord rated dyoh quite high so i checked it out and the private psychadelic reel got me quite hooked. i've been lurking here a bit cuz im a bit shy but i finally had the guts to make an account ;D

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Mar 20, 2022, 18:53
Welcome, Asker! Do not be afraid to, um, ask... anything!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ThePumisher on Mar 20, 2022, 18:58
I like your avatar where Tom let the Kitten fall but doesn't care.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: estopaman1214 on Mar 20, 2022, 19:17
uh hi, my name is estopa man and ive been a fan of the chemical brothers for like a good year now. my favorite song from them is the universe sent me. I make music now and then. I dont really have anything else to say but its nice to be here :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 21, 2022, 02:07
Welcome Estopa Man!

Was No Geography your first adventure into the world of The Chems?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: estopaman1214 on Mar 21, 2022, 10:17
it was yeah!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 21, 2022, 21:23

Would love to hear what you think of their previous work as you discover it.

Especially Galaxy Bounce  :music
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: estopaman1214 on Mar 21, 2022, 23:21
well actually ive already heard all of their albums and I can say that I thoroughly enjoy most of them (especially further, dig your own hole and no geography :) )

also, i really like galaxy bounce
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 22, 2022, 02:01
Quote from: estopaman1214 on Mar 21, 2022, 23:21

i really like galaxy bounce

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ; on Mar 27, 2022, 21:35
Hi!  I'm Tyler, but you can call me ; or semi or colon or whatever.  I'm a youngin in Philadelphia and the Chems have kinda always been present in my life (my dad used to play me Galvanize a ton) but when I heard it again in the ad campaign for the Oculus Quest 2, I went back to it and randomly decided to check out the artist.

I've always liked dubstep mostly; I enjoyed some EDM but by the time I discovered the Chems I probably didn't like it if it wasn't dubstep.  But when I checked the Chemical Brothers youtube channel and saw a cool looking robot on the thumbnail of a music video for a song called "Believe," I thought I would check it out.  I thought the song was pretty good, and the music video was pretty weird, but quickly moved on, thinking it was just another average band.  But I found myself thinking about them and the music video often, so I eventually returned and realized I really liked the song. 

I went to check out some more of their music videos; I watched We've Got to Try, The Salmon Dance, and some others, but those two were my favorites, and I started to listen to them often.  I found myself growing more and more to love the few songs I knew.  I needed more.  I checked out their more popular songs.  Then I discovered some youtube videos of their live shows, and was blown away.  I went to the songs I heard in those live shows that sounded cool and fell in love with them too. 

Long story short, I found the Chems, loved them, and I'm still in the process of slowly going through their whole discography in a weird order.  First I listened to Surrender, then No Geography, then We are The Night, then Dig Your Own Hole, then Exit Planet Dust.  I'm taking it slow as to give myself time to enjoy each album after discovering them.  I have my few favorite songs from that album that I listen to nonstop, then things calm down, at which point I move onto the next album.  I plan on listening to Push the Button next, but for now, I can't go a day without listening to almost all of Exit Planet Dust. 

I have a ton of opinions to share, and frankly, I hope I don't get annoying, but for the purpose of this intro post, my favorite songs are Dig Your Own Hole, Not Another Drugstore, Under The Influence, Hey Boy Hey Girl, Flashback (normal and psychedelic mix), and Believe.  My favorite album (of the ones I've listened to) is Dig Your Own Hole and my favorite era of the live show is around 2002, the release of Come With Us. 

Thanks for reading this unnecessarily long intro, I hope I didn't bore you guys too much lol. 
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on Mar 29, 2022, 02:41
Welcome newbies!

It's good to have new blood! Feel free to reopen discussions/topics and share your opinions. Some of us old heads who have been on here way too long might have "heard it all", but hearing new opinions and angles sometimes exactly what we need to perk up the forum.

As a heads up, things might not be too active around here until some new releases or new shows get announced. So please don't be discouraged if you don't see anybody acknowledging your posts right away. I assure you though, you're amongst the company of some of the most dedicated fans of The Chemical Brothers in the world. We are definitely here to share the love of their music!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ; on Mar 29, 2022, 20:47
Quote from: Bosco on Mar 29, 2022, 02:41

Welcome newbies!

It's good to have new blood! Feel free to reopen discussions/topics and share your opinions. Some of us old heads who have been on here way too long might have "heard it all", but hearing new opinions and angles sometimes exactly what we need to perk up the forum.

As a heads up, things might not be too active around here until some new releases or new shows get announced. So please don't be discouraged if you don't see anybody acknowledging your posts right away. I assure you though, you're amongst the company of some of the most dedicated fans of The Chemical Brothers in the world. We are definitely here to share the love of their music!

Awesome, I look forward to taking a closer look around here when I get the chance and sharing opinions!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Explud on Mar 29, 2022, 20:51
Quote from: ; on Mar 29, 2022, 20:47
Awesome, I look forward to taking a closer look around here when I get the chance and sharing opinions!
Please welcome, mate!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Explud on Mar 29, 2022, 20:53
Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 22, 2022, 02:01

Wait, have you decided to give up with the Star Guitar? huh?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 30, 2022, 02:21
Quote from: Explud on Mar 29, 2022, 20:53

Wait, have you decided to give up with the Star Guitar? huh?

Galaxy Bounce has always been life.
Much as I love (and especially love the live version of) Star Guitar.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: cowboy on Jul 20, 2022, 01:19
I was meant to make a newbie post when I first joined but it slipped my mind, whoops.

Hello! I'm Victoria, but I'm also fine with Cowboy as that seems to be my internet handle for almost everything. I'm sort of new to the Chemical Cult, having joined in March, although the Brothers were very much present throughout my life; their music kept popping up wherever I went and I remember really enjoying Galvanize as a child. Decided to get into them this year and I'm properly hooked, it's hard to even pinpoint as to what I like about them to be honest. I think it's quite clear that I'm a big fan of DYOH, though.

I'm also into Justice, Basement Jaxx, SebastiAn, Aphex, Moby and The Prodigy. Aside from electronic artists, I also really enjoy Muse and New Order.

Already made some posts on here but I'm mostly observing what other forumites are up to from the sidelines. I'm looking forward to interacting more with this community :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Jul 20, 2022, 08:44
Hi Victoria, welcome aboard!

It's always exciting to see new faces and read their personal stories about how they got into the Chem's music and beyond. Thanks for sharing! I hope you'll be enjoying your time in this little corner of the web with a mostly nice community.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: cowboy on Jul 20, 2022, 13:11
Thank you very much!  :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: urbanhack on Sep 27, 2022, 16:28
Hello Friends

54 and live in Portland, OR...originally from Chicago. Discovered the Chems from a DJ in Chicago in 94 when EPD first came out and was instantly hooked and have been a die-hard fan since. Saw the 95 tour at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Also saw them twice at the North Coast Festival (2010 and 2015).

Flew to San Fran to see them in 2019 and most recently made the trek to see them in Denver last weekend.

Might have been the best show yet for me. Simply mind blowing.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: MadPooter on Sep 27, 2022, 17:29
Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 27, 2022, 16:28

Hello Friends

54 and live in Portland, OR...originally from Chicago. Discovered the Chems from a DJ in Chicago in 94 when EPD first came out and was instantly hooked and have been a die-hard fan since. Saw the 95 tour at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Also saw them twice at the North Coast Festival (2010 and 2015).

Flew to San Fran to see them in 2019 and most recently made the trek to see them in Denver last weekend.

Might have been the best show yet for me. Simply mind blowing.


Welcome. :D
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on Sep 28, 2022, 01:13
Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 27, 2022, 16:28

...originally from Chicago. Discovered the Chems from a DJ in Chicago in 94 when EPD first came out and was instantly hooked and have been a die-hard fan since. Saw the 95 tour at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Also saw them twice at the North Coast Festival (2010 and 2015).


Would love to ask about that show in 1995 at Chicago's Aragon Ballroom. I've started a chronological list (,212.0.html) of US tour dates to map out where and when they've been in North America and if you could provide any more details about this show, I would greatly appreciate it. If you look at my list, I don't have the date you mentioned. A lot of the early dates are difficult to track down because they mostly pre-date the popularity of internet and never been archived.

based on my knowledge of the venue (also from Chicagoland and have been to Aragon several times), I would imagine it wasn't a stand alone concert but possibly as collaborated event? or maybe they were an opener?

anyway, happy to hear you enjoyed the most recent show in Denver. I was there too!

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: urbanhack on Sep 28, 2022, 17:16
Quote from: Bosco on Sep 28, 2022, 01:13


Would love to ask about that show in 1995 at Chicago's Aragon Ballroom. I've started a chronological list (,212.0.html) of US tour dates to map out where and when they've been in North America and if you could provide any more details about this show, I would greatly appreciate it. If you look at my list, I don't have the date you mentioned. A lot of the early dates are difficult to track down because they mostly pre-date the popularity of internet and never been archived.

based on my knowledge of the venue (also from Chicagoland and have been to Aragon several times), I would imagine it wasn't a stand alone concert but possibly as collaborated event? or maybe they were an opener?

anyway, happy to hear you enjoyed the most recent show in Denver. I was there too!

I might have my years mixed up now that I think about it.  1997 is probably more accurate.

It was definitely a stand alone show where they headlined and I can't even remember if there was an opening act....probably, but that part is just foggy.

The show was definitely spotlighting Dig Your Own Hole as I remember vividly losing my mind during It Doesn't Matter and Electrobank specifically. That's all I got
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Bosco on Sep 28, 2022, 18:18
Quote from: urbanhack on Sep 28, 2022, 17:16

I might have my years mixed up now that I think about it.  1997 is probably more accurate.

It was definitely a stand alone show where they headlined and I can't even remember if there was an opening act....probably, but that part is just foggy.

The show was definitely spotlighting Dig Your Own Hole as I remember vividly losing my mind during It Doesn't Matter and Electrobank specifically. That's all I got

1997 makes more sense. I just don't think they could book a midsize venue like the Aragon with only 'Exit Planet Dust' as part of their music arsenal in 1995. As an event with other artists or support for another bigger artist, maybe. But yeah, if it was spotlighting DYOH, then definitely was the April date at the Aragon in 1997.

Dude, if you check my list they played Chicago again in 1997 (at the Vic) in support of a surprise/secret show with David Bowie. You didn't happen to make that one did you?!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Acky on Dec 19, 2022, 07:26
Hi and Good Morning, I'm Acky from Scotland 52 year and been a Chemicals fan since their inception. I've travelled far and wide to loose my mind at their gigs. Im just back from London, was at The Printworks to witness them and their blistering DJ set where they blew the roof of the building with....pease and love to all Brother & Sisters
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Dec 19, 2022, 19:35
Hi Acky snd welcome to the forum. Nice you found your way to out little chemical refuge. Following them for so long, you must have some nice anecdotes to share, I guess.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: sulky on Mar 08, 2023, 22:20
Hey! I'm quite active on the Piku Playground discord server and thought I'd finally muster up the courage to make an account on here too :)

about me, I'm a teenager who basically grew up with the chems because of my awesome parents and I've loved music for my whole life! I have this little drum machine and 303 clone groovebox and a chord synthesizer (roland t-8 and j-6 respectively) which my friend and I recently used for this live performance at my school! it went ok lol

from what i've seen this forum is awesome and I can't wait to chat! excited for nrtl too!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 08, 2023, 23:15
Quote from: sulky on Mar 08, 2023, 22:20
I have this little drum machine and 303 clone groovebox and a chord synthesizer (roland t-8 and j-6 respectively) which my friend and I recently used for this live performance at my school! it went ok lol
That's so awesome!

I remember somehow convincing a "rock" band that I was in at school (we played a lot of Dreamtheater and Metallica covers) to do a cover version of Galvanize. It also went ok!

Anywho, welcome!! Perfect timing with news of new music starting to seep out. There'll be lots of chatter over the next months for sure!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: rynostar on Mar 08, 2023, 23:27
Quote from: sulky on Mar 08, 2023, 22:20
I have this little drum machine and 303 clone groovebox and a chord synthesizer (roland t-8 and j-6 respectively) which my friend and I recently used for this live performance at my school
First off, Welcome to brother/sister/sibling hood! Ha! you got the inverted NRTL colours avatar. Nice!  

I remember in a music production class in high school trying to recreate Setting Sun on an old Roland DS-20. It sounded like a bad chip-tune / midi / amiga version. Keep it up!  
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: sulky on Mar 09, 2023, 17:42
Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 08, 2023, 23:15
Anywho, welcome!! Perfect timing with news of new music starting to seep out. There'll be lots of chatter over the next months for sure!
Thanks! I can't wait!

Quote from: rynostar on Mar 08, 2023, 23:27
First off, Welcome to brother/sister/sibling hood! Ha! you got the inverted NRTL colours avatar. Nice! 

I remember in a music production class in high school trying to recreate Setting Sun on an old Roland DS-20. It sounded like a bad chip-tune / midi / amiga version. Keep it up! 
Relatable, I'm trying to recreate Impact by Orbital on my little box and the bassline is pretty much there but the drum sounds are so different it's hard to make it sound good lol

Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: jukethebox on Mar 28, 2023, 15:50
hi. i got into chemical brothers thanks to my friend, who is also on this forum.

since then, ive gotten quite interested in electronic music(and just music in general)
and im probably(hopefully) going to do it for gcse, the academic qualification system in the uk.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 28, 2023, 19:37
Quote from: bassfish on Mar 28, 2023, 15:50
hi. i got into chemical brothers thanks to my friend, who is also on this forum.

since then, ive gotten quite interested in electronic music(and just music in general)
and im probably(hopefully) going to do it for gcse, the academic qualification system in the uk.


As someone who studied Music GCSE, and then went on to A Level Music & Music Technology, and then a BA in Creative Music Technology - I'm very excited for your potential journey!

What other electronic music have you got into since you discovered the Chems?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: sulky on Mar 30, 2023, 10:20
Quote from: bassfish on Mar 28, 2023, 15:50
hi. i got into chemical brothers thanks to my friend, who is also on this forum.

since then, ive gotten quite interested in electronic music(and just music in general)
and im probably(hopefully) going to do it for gcse, the academic qualification system in the uk.

Hey!! I'm his friend!

I also got him into orbital, among other things (we're seeing them live on the 6th!) but I'll let him explain ;D

I'm going to to do music GCSE too, so hopefully we're in the same class.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: jukethebox on Mar 30, 2023, 10:53
Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 28, 2023, 19:37

As someone who studied Music GCSE, and then went on to A Level Music & Music Technology, and then a BA in Creative Music Technology - I'm very excited for your potential journey!

What other electronic music have you got into since you discovered the Chems?
yeah, so as sulky said, he also got me into orbital, and we're gonna see them on april 6th, as he already said.

so, about your music gcse, do you have any tips?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Mar 30, 2023, 17:59
Quote from: bassfish on Mar 30, 2023, 10:53
so, about your music gcse, do you have any tips?

Try to find something you enjoy about every piece of music that you listen to. Even if it's a crap pop song you totally hate, try to appreciate why others might enjoy it - or better still - find something you enjoy about it yourself.

We studied Marvin Gaye's 'What's Goin' On' album for A-Level music tech, and I thought it was the most boring shit ever (especially as we were comparing it to Pet Sounds, which is superb) but I started getting super into the bongo sounds in the Marvin tracks, and gradually found myself finding more and more to appreciate about it all.

Basically, it can be easy to get in your own way of being successful in a course which is ultimately about ticking boxes. You don't have to love a piece of music you're asked about - but if you can find something you do like, and talk about it using the correct terminology and enthusiasm, you'll be golden!

Also, not sure what your 'classical' music background is - but learning Grade 5 Music Theory is just an all round super helpful skill to have in your pocket.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: sulky on Apr 17, 2023, 09:27
Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 30, 2023, 17:59
Also, not sure what your 'classical' music background is - but learning Grade 5 Music Theory is just an all round super helpful skill to have in your pocket.
Ohhh man. Hopefully learning at least a bit of music theory is one of the reasons I'm doing music GCSE, but it's definitely scary!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: sandelic on May 01, 2023, 08:44
Quote from: rynostar on Mar 08, 2023, 23:27
It sounded like a bad chip-tune / midi / amiga version.
Are you trying to bad-mouth Paula?!   :))
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: rynostar on May 01, 2023, 15:30
Quote from: sandelic on May 01, 2023, 08:44
Are you trying to bad-mouth Paula?!  :))
Was I!?!?! I' don't know?!?! I thought I was being self-deprecating?!?!

Also, what is the Paula reference? (Abdul?)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: sandelic on May 01, 2023, 16:42
Oh, don't worry, it was a joke that only amigan could understand 
Paula was the name of chip Amiga used for sound (14 bit sound) and it was fantastic for that time 

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: rynostar on May 03, 2023, 15:18
Quote from: sandelic on May 01, 2023, 16:42
Oh, don't worry, it was a joke that only amigan could understand
Paula was the name of chip Amiga used for sound (14 bit sound) and it was fantastic for that time
Yep, right over my head. But I can second the Amiga did produce great sounds / tracks. Never had a chance to play it, but love tracks like this:
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: sandelic on May 03, 2023, 18:47
Great choice! I love that track, too! 
Also, Amiga demo scene is still pretty strong and still produce some interesting stuff
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: GlosBlue on Sep 12, 2023, 12:30
Hi everyone! I'm Mike. Been into the Chemical Brothers since my cousin introduced me to them in the 90s and I got Exit Planet Dust on cassette!

Loved hearing In Dust We Trust on Channel 4 NBA 24/7 show before Football Italia!

Seen them a few times including Trafalgar Square but favourite so far was T In The Park around 2003(ish) as was a sunset gig and the visuals were amazing!

Anyway - thanks for adding me!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Sep 13, 2023, 20:45
Welcome @GlosBlue !

Love a good Cousin recommendation! There's a good amount of music I'd have never come across if it wasn't for some of them from my own.

Let us know if that artwork has grown on you yet! I was also a little unsure when we first saw it, but having the Forum transform into this massive splash of colour has really warmed me up to it.
Still waiting on a physical copy to judge in person, but hopefully it feels more fitting given some time!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: rynostar on Sep 13, 2023, 23:53
Quote from: GlosBlue on Sep 12, 2023, 12:30
Hi everyone! I'm Mike. Been into the Chemical Brothers since my cousin introduced me to them in the 90s and I got Exit Planet Dust on cassette!

Loved hearing In Dust We Trust on Channel 4 NBA 24/7 show before Football Italia!

Seen them a few times including Trafalgar Square but favourite so far was T In The Park around 2003(ish) as was a sunset gig and the visuals were amazing!

Anyway - thanks for adding me!
Cassettes and Trafalgar gig is guaranteed respect points from some members on the brother/sister/siblinghood (aka me; big props to you on both). Welcome GlosBlue!  
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ILoveCats on Feb 27, 2024, 21:37
Hello all!  I found out about this forum when trying to figure out if any tour dates would be added this year as my original plan was to see them live for the first time this year.  I am really regretting not going to one of the Asia Pacific shows, but happy to find this forum.

Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Feb 29, 2024, 20:45
Welcome, ILoveCats!

Current speculation is that the touring will take a bit of back seat until next year. They did a fair amount in 2023, and with some larger festival dates this year, and the odd one-off show, we're not holding our breath for any longer form standalone tours, sadly.

Still, hoping you can find some other things to get your ears stuck into around the forum! And we'll be crossing our fingers the lads make their way to you soon!
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: STYLEWARS71 on Mar 01, 2024, 03:30
welcome love cats, i have 5  :) ! i too am new seen the brothers a few times now and took the 8yo boy to leeds late 2023 , now hoping more uk dates will be forthcoming..

my musical journey probably started with breakdancing and electro early 80's ,early house/rave culture, and all things dance electronic after .
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: rynostar on Mar 01, 2024, 05:03
Welcome @ILoveCats. Good thing we have a show us your pets thread already.

Welcome @STYLEWARS71. I just hope the 8 year old was going off on a (sugar) high at the Leeds gig. Your Leo cat pic and security track in the now playing thread is already well appreciated by at least one of the brotherhood (me!).
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: STYLEWARS71 on Mar 01, 2024, 05:17
@rynostar ill look for the pet thread, yes he found the sweet stand so was a tad hyper, there were a few people amazed that we actually took him and a few asking if he could dance with them however they were a tad  :Cray so politely said he was staying with us, he loved the robots, and the snow and slept well  ::)) i've a vast list of obscure early tracks rattling around in my head i'll probably post while on nightshifts, it's 5:15 am i finish at 7am , must say james holroyds set before the chems came on was very good , just upset you can't listen to it again anywhere 
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Csar on Mar 01, 2024, 18:03
Hi and welcome to our latest members  @cafe, @ILoveCats, @STYLEWARS71, and @reginaborder! Hope you'll be having a great time on here.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ILoveCats on Mar 05, 2024, 20:35
Quote from: Enjoyed on Feb 29, 2024, 20:45
Welcome, ILoveCats!

Current speculation is that the touring will take a bit of back seat until next year. They did a fair amount in 2023, and with some larger festival dates this year, and the odd one-off show, we're not holding our breath for any longer form standalone tours, sadly.

Still, hoping you can find some other things to get your ears stuck into around the forum! And we'll be crossing our fingers the lads make their way to you soon!

Thanks! After many tries was finally was fast enough to get two e-tickets on Twickets for the upcoming London show :) (coming from USA).

The tickets I got are restricted view and in different locations so I am going to keep trying to get a better pair for me and partner.

Twickets requires a UK address for physical tickets. If I am lucky enough to reserve a physical ticket on Twickets, will any trusted member located near London be kind enough to let me send tickets to their address?  I will arrive on the 16th and can meet at your convenience.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: swoony on Dec 10, 2024, 15:57
Hi Everyone,
Am Chris from France, been into the Chem Bros since the time they were Dust Brothers still so quite a long time and yes am not that young anymore  :)) though my latest show was summer festival Rock En Seine 2023  :clap that I enjoyed still as if 20s.

Been reading you all here since quite some time to grab some news, reports and videos and finally registered today  ::cheers
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Enjoyed on Dec 11, 2024, 02:36
Welcome, Swoony!

We'd love to hear what you thought of the Rock En Seine show last year, after being a fan for all those years!

What's your favourite Chems album? And why is it Come With Us?
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: swoony on Dec 16, 2024, 09:19
Hi Enjoyed and thanks for the welcome
Rock En Seine 2023 had been my 3rd gig and first open air which is quite a different experience
Of course the timing of the show was incredible to discover live the new tracks of the album to release 2 weeks after, remember how I was amazed by Goodbye both audio and visual. I hope one day france tv will release the full show as I know it was filmed.
My best live memory being TPPR live Paris Zenith 2011... what a blast !  ::hb
Favourite chems album would be difficult to say but I think the 2 I squeezed the most are DYOH and Surrender  :music
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Stefan on Dec 16, 2024, 10:29
Hi Swoony!

Yes, I can imagine 2011 was memorable, the encore with Snow/STA -> Hoops -> Dissolve -> TPPR is surely one of the best they've ever created.
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: anizothefanofelectronica on Feb 05, 2025, 16:24
Hello my name is Anis, i'm 17 years old, i'm from France, i'm autistic, i'm like the 90s electronica and i discovered The Chemicals Brothers by the internet back in 2019-2020 (i was 11-12 years old), my favorite tracks from the Chemical Brothers are "Electrobank" , "Star Guitar", "The Salmon Dance", "Hey Boy, Hey Girl"

And that's all :)
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: ThePumisher on Feb 05, 2025, 16:52
bonjour there
Title: Re: n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!
Post by: Stefan on Feb 05, 2025, 20:36
Hi, if you like the Chemical Brothers you've certainly come to the right place!

Also good timing, they've just announced a DJ set in Toulouse. If you can make it, you should definitely take this opportunity to see them live :)