Am I crazy or did we miss this???
There's an RAR soundcloud page that has some of Tom's edit's / mixes... updated 4 months ago... Anyone??
Okay dang. That version of Lack of Love is either the real deal or such a good fan-made edit that it doesn't matter.
huh. cool. i feel like tom should really put out some funky 2-minute bangers of unfinished breakbeats with great basslines and acid bits—like amon tobin's two fingers
Hm, real or fake? Yeah, Lack of Acid sure uses some trademark Chems sounds and samples, even the build-up has similar traits. Nice find!
The profile pic is dope though! Never saw Tom wearing a bun.
Definitely the real deal, the Lack of Love edit sounds too clean and too close to the real thing to be a remake !
Keep comparing Lack of Acid to the Cocorico video. The snares before the drop add up.
Also, can we talk about Bukui Psychedellico Demo. What's this??!!! Direct Buki? Hanna outtake?
It was broadcast at the end of the Apple One Mix. It's plaaaaaaausible someone could have cut together this mix from what's there, but it really doesn't sound like it. The parts where idents and talking would be are too smooth sounding and the structure itself is different.
Let's get entirely and pointlessly too nerdy about this.
The header image is this:
It doesn't seem to match images of RAR that we've seen. The lighting, flooring, mixer, layout, etc look like a different setup.
BUT those synths! The one on the right is a Buchla 100 and it appears to be the exact model that Tom owns:
And the one just behind the yellow lamp is an EMS Synthi AKS, also in their collection. So that's certainly their gear. So far I can't find another copy of this image online. Maybe it's an older studio? Or that old version of their studio they created when writing No Geography?
The image for Bukui Psychdelico Demo is of a miner and his pit pony, it's a Getty Image and it was recently used in this Guardian Article from 6 months ago:
Image for Latenight Psychdelic Mix is of Caja Eric (or Cala Eric), a Ziegfeld girl and performer in the late 1920s-mid 1930s. She wasn't terribly famous?,%20Caja/Annex/Annex%20-%20Eric,%20Caja_01.jpg
The pic of Tom in his man bun glory doesn't turn up on any reverse image searches.
Commence more speculation.
Quote from: rynostar on Sep 24, 2020, 22:18
Am I crazy or did we miss this???
First your Don't Think chat/revelation and now this. Well done Ryno, you win the forum.
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Sep 24, 2020, 22:56
Okay dang. That version of Lack of Love is either the real deal or such a good fan-made edit that it doesn't matter.
I'm gonna assume that this was deliberate considering the intro to this track. 8)
Agree with Ben's "too clean" comment. If I were a betting man I'd put money on these being uploaded by Tom.
On the off-chance that that isn't the case, may I suggest that we DON'T THINK about contacting T&E on social media to discuss. We don't want anything taken down now do we?
BTW has anyone recorded the two most important tracks yet? I'm on my phone but can't see a DL option.
As for the Bukui track, just because the name sounds a bit like Direct Buki doesn't mean the track does (IMHO). Could it be a Trespass Against Us outtake? Who knows!
The TNK is the one they use (modulation effects, etc.) so I think it's legit.
I wonder if that studio pic is an old one before a massive remodel? The NS-10 (white coned) speakers aren't there, so maybe it was a secondary one at the time. The EMS is in the same spot as it is in other photos. Also, a lot of each stuff is stacked, some of the computer stuff looks old and it has the Culture Vulture unit, so I would guess that was around 2008 before it became their main studio?
Edit: This photo shows the API lunch box (small box on the left with blue on the side), the first two modules on the left are the same:
I'm definitely thinking it's an early version of the studio before a remodel and in-wall monitors.
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Sep 25, 2020, 19:10
First your Don't Think chat/revelation and now this. Well done Ryno, you win the forum.
I'm putting this on the mantle with first to id swoon from the fabric dj set and first to acknowledge the etchings on the forum.
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Sep 25, 2020, 19:10
On the off-chance that that isn't the case, may I suggest that we DON'T THINK about contacting T&E on social media to discuss. We don't want anything taken down now do we?
Seeing as the number of listens has increased exponentially overnight, Tom will likely clue in that we found these "behind the couch tracks" (or read our hype here). Partly agree with Wolken knowing that we don't know the legal state of the track.
Also, I keep considering the upload date of (approximately) 4 months ago. It being end September now and not knowing if that's an early or late 4, I would estimate that this was a April / May upload. Was this a secret lockdown treat from Tom?
Quote from: Biff on Sep 25, 2020, 19:20
The TNK is the one they use (modulation effects, etc.) so I think it's legit.
Same thought, need to go back to the don't think dvd to check as it is one of the more clean versions we have.
Update / Edit: Don't Think DVD cuts off too early to tell.
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Sep 25, 2020, 16:11
It's plaaaaaaausible someone could have cut together this mix from what's there, but it really doesn't sound like it.
Whitenoise, I'm really appreciating the scientific approach to verification.
Looking at the soundcloud accounts he follows is interesting. We can see that Aphex Twin and his more underground user18081971 account (where he posted a ton of unreleased material) are his oldest followed accounts. His reposts of Through Me, Tutti Frutti and Nothing But Pleasure are 4 years old, so the account is AT LEAST 4 years old. Aphex Twin's user18081971 stuff is 5 years old, so maybe Tom joined, inspired by Aphex Twin, with the intention of sharing unfinished or unreleased stuff, and only did so 4 months ago.
or maybe he did share stuff all those years, deleting them after a while and we never knew
Quote from: Ben_j on Sep 26, 2020, 11:21or maybe he did share stuff all those years, deleting them after a while and we never knew
please be wrong (-_-。)
What a great discovery, You guys are geeking out (with good reason of course) and I'm just over here enjoying the hell out of the Chemical Chill Mix. :P
I interpret this picture correctly when I say "they're recording new stuff", right? Riiiiight?
Aw yeah Tom's got the guitar out. Come With Us 2 here we go
Just saw this thread
Oh my god I need more of that solo project and mixes from both of Bros.
Lack of Love sounds really interesting.
I wouldn't say, that It's the proper Chems track, but the Proper personal Tom's work for sure!
The vocals are somehow rough and it defo deserves a better mix, but the track itself... I like it!
The only two I see missing from his Soundcloud is his Hearts remix of I Break Horses and his Klaxons collaboration on their trackChildren of the Sun
Children of the Sun
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Dec 10, 2020, 19:59
Aw yeah Tom's got the guitar out. Come With Us 2 here we go
now that we have two new tracks, can we spot the guitar on them?
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 22, 2021, 10:29
now that we have two new tracks, can we spot the guitar on them?
Here (, no?
(on the long version, I guess this ( tiny bit too)
I thought they used a MK II? The grey one
Whatever, I own a white one and I am going to put a little label maker "!!NO!!" on mine now
They also have a grey one as spare:
Quote from: androidgeoff on Aug 02, 2021, 02:16
I thought they used a MK II? The grey one
Whatever, I own a white one and I am going to put a little label maker "!!NO!!" on mine now
From what I remember, the studio one is the mk2 but the stage one has always been the white one
They used both on stage (one as a spare).
Ok, now tell me... WHAT DOES THE J A C O B MEAN?
So this regram leads to...
...The Sonar website (
On which we find not only a Spotify playlist and a message from the Chems, but also a Soundcloud embed.
And that embed is from the RAR soundcloud page.
As the Chems (and Errol K) appear to have had a hand in this Sonar page, it would seem to dispel any lingering doubts we may have had about the "officialness" of the RAR Soundcloud page.
PS It's appropriate that one of the busses has Further on the front. As per the Further bus ( in the Electric Kool Aid Acid Test. ...Which clearly had a big influence on Chems tracks and albums etc.
Quote from: WhiteNoise on Sep 25, 2020, 16:58Let's get entirely and pointlessly too nerdy about this.
The header image is this:
It doesn't seem to match images of RAR that we've seen. The lighting, flooring, mixer, layout, etc look like a different setup.
BUT those synths! The one on the right is a Buchla 100 and it appears to be the exact model that Tom owns:
And the one just behind the yellow lamp is an EMS Synthi AKS, also in their collection. So that's certainly their gear. So far I can't find another copy of this image online. Maybe it's an older studio? Or that old version of their studio they created when writing No Geography?
The image for Bukui Psychdelico Demo is of a miner and his pit pony, it's a Getty Image and it was recently used in this Guardian Article from 6 months ago:
Image for Latenight Psychdelic Mix is of Caja Eric (or Cala Eric), a Ziegfeld girl and performer in the late 1920s-mid 1930s. She wasn't terribly famous?,%20Caja/Annex/Annex%20-%20Eric,%20Caja_01.jpg
The pic of Tom in his man bun glory doesn't turn up on any reverse image searches.
Commence more speculation.
Didn't Tom tell in an interview during WATN era that he has a "writing studio"? This could be it. The mixing console is the Zähl Am1.
Here, the console maker:
Zähl (
The Chemical Brothers are one of the customers.
Use the Chemicals To The World thread or RAR thread? Tough decision.
Perhaps the newer one of these Insta Reels is from the forthcoming "M, Son Of The Century". Maybe they both are?
EDIT: I didn't read Tom's comment until after I posted the recent Insta clip. I'm pretty sure "Mmmmmmm" is Tom's way of saying it's from M Son Of The Century. My feeling is that the other clip here is not, though. I'm sure he's finished the M soundtrack by now (the recent clip sounds polished), but the clip from 30th May seems to be Tom trying out something new on the Buachla easel. Incidentaly the cellos on the Mmmmmmm reel might be from the same source/synth as Free Yourself's cellos.
New One today yesterday:
30th May:
There used to be a "play" triangle/arrow on insta clips didn't there? But now there isn't. Just click the image anyway to get it to play.
These audio clips definitely have a soundtrack-y vibe
Is this a BITE cover/artwork spinning?
@cowboy pointed out on the Discord that it could be the BITE slipmat!
So, Tom worked with Kelly Lee Owens on this Track