- That i can't print on CD/DVDs anymore after upgrading to Windows 10. HP says my printer (Photosmart D5460) is fully compatible, but i say it's not. Latest drivers are from last year...
You still print on cd's? I haven't done that in ages. I won't get into win 10 until my new laptop comes into play.You still print on cd's? I haven't done that in ages. I won't get into win 10 until my new laptop comes into play.
Not sure if you had dual boot on your drive. I like the comfort of using a new os and the last one just in case.
just have to wait until all the bugs are fixed. I had trouble rendering with sony vegas ever since i upgraded to 10 :-[
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Sep 01, 2015, 16:50
You still print on cd's? I haven't done that in ages.
Now and then, not often. But when i do, i want it to work properly.
Fixed it by the way. I tried tons of thousands solutions but none worked fine - and then i get it... Simple as stupid :D I use the printer as a network printer with a printer-hub. I had to uninstall the drivers again (like i have done the whole day), then connect the printer directly to the pc via usb, install the drivers again, one testprint and connect it back to the printer-hub. Now it works.
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Sep 01, 2015, 16:50
Not sure if you had dual boot on your drive. I like the comfort of using a new os and the last one just in case.
Na, thats not my stuff. I once had XP and Vista as dual-boot, but i used vista in 99 out of 100 bootings.
"Only in theaters."
What does that mean!? It's not going to be on Netflix in a years time? No DVD release? Shut up and just tell what date the film is out.
Quote from: Enjoyed on Sep 11, 2015, 10:30
"Only in theaters."
What does that mean!? It's not going to be on Netflix in a years time? No DVD release? Shut up and just tell what date the film is out.
Hahaha! The same on Dutch radio when a new album from some shitty artist is released: "Out now! Available everywhere". What? I can pick up the new album at the butcher's? Bakery? Flowershop?
Quote from: toxic on Sep 11, 2015, 11:03
Hahaha! The same on Dutch radio when a new album from some shitty artist is released: "Out now! Available everywhere". What? I can pick up the new album at the butcher's? Bakery? Flowershop?
Well, if they have wifi...
Japan only bonus track.
Fuck you Botfiles.
...and while I'm at it, fuck you too, Ants.
My hometown, every Monday for a year now.
Quote from: ThePumisher on Sep 29, 2015, 21:24
Working during the holidays! Prepare yourselves!
Working night shifts
(http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af290/DJ7FLAME/flamU1N_zpsatxzmnvw.png) (http://s1016.photobucket.com/user/DJ7FLAME/media/flamU1N_zpsatxzmnvw.png.html)
When I get food poisoning from restaurants.
Car batteries dying at 3am in off-campus Dominos parking lots that also refuse to jump start.
When my clients won't accept settlements, even when the amount offered is over $100,000.
five days of rain in a row... >:(
Forum members without avatars!
Easily fixed ;D
this one better or fallout one?
New one's a bit threatening... :o
True, this one is much more friendly :)
Going to Work on sundays. And if that ain't bad enough, it's really evil if the company calls you on a saturday evening to tell you that you don't have to be there sometime around noon (which they have told me on friday) but now at 6:30 a.m.
I could puke in four different directions at the same time right now
Can't find my We Are The Night CD anywhere. Seriously - what the...
"I can't even".
...What? Finish the sentence? Try. Go on.
Quote from: ThePumisher on Nov 14, 2015, 20:02
Going to Work on sundays. And if that ain't bad enough, it's really evil if the company calls you on a saturday evening to tell you that you don't have to be there sometime around noon (which they have told me on friday) but now at 6:30 a.m.
I could puke in four different directions at the same time right now
I'm doing that right now. I got called in becasue someone just got canned ( fired) I'm the only that can fill the shift. And today was my only day off this week :( I hate management!
I got a few hours left though. Wasting time reading the the Live section of the forum :)
Drivers who don't indicate.
I wholeheartedly want every single person who doesn't indicate to die a horrific death in front of all their loved ones.
F**k them.
It's right there where your hands are. You could accidentally turn the blinkers on, but instead you make the dickhead assumption that everyone will know where you're going.
F**k you and your family and your friends and your pets and your local baker and your gym buddies and your college professors and your childhood neighbors and your stupid f**king driving instructor.
Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 21, 2016, 21:48
Drivers who don't indicate.
I wholeheartedly want every single person who doesn't indicate to die a horrific death in front of all their loved ones.
F**k them.
Yep. I had to run out of the way of a car that decided to turn left tonight as I was walking home. No indicator. Cunt.
People who take up the whole sidewalk with 1+ other people and they all refuse to move over when 1 person is passing them in the opposite direction.
The worst is when you confront them and they get pissed at you. I do not get it.
Nokia Music Ovi Music Nokia MixRadio MixRadio is going to be shut down :'(
Damn, that was the best music app i've been using on my lumias in ages >:(
I think a lot of people in some parts of germany don't know how to vote (afd wtf?).
Quote from: ThePumisher on Mar 14, 2016, 00:05
I think a lot of people in some parts of germany don't know how to vote (afd wtf?).
I hear you! But I'm confident that with results like these, they will eventually show in the everyday routine of politics what they're really up to and that they have nothing but quick "solutions" and short lived promises for simple minded people. If you haven't already, watch this documentary about the Brandenburg AFD fraction and you'll see what I mean. They're nothing but a joke. A big one.
Quote from: ThePumisher on Mar 11, 2016, 18:13
Nokia Music Ovi Music Nokia MixRadio MixRadio is going to be shut down :'(
Damn, that was the best music app i've been using on my lumias in ages >:(
DAMN IT! http://360.here.com/2016/03/15/important-information-about-here-apps-on-windows-phone/
Quote from: ThePumisher on Sep 01, 2015, 09:04
- That i can't print on CD/DVDs anymore after upgrading to Windows 10. HP says my printer (Photosmart D5460) is fully compatible, but i say it's not. Latest drivers are from last year...
How y'all finding Windows 10 now? Friends & aquaintances of mine are still avoiding it, as am I. But that's probably due to a case of general luddism/fear rather than based on knowledge.
Windows are now turning the red X in the top right corner of the Windows 10 popup into an ACCEPT rather than a dismiss response. As per this article (http://kotaku.com/windows-10s-upgrading-tricks-have-gotten-more-insidious-1778689116), amongst others. However the article goes on to say that Windows 10 actually isn't fucking up. Fair point?
Wouldn't switch back. HP finaly release some proper drivers and now everything is fine. Drunk right now.
Quote from: Skyscraper on May 25, 2016, 21:16
How y'all finding Windows 10 now? Friends & aquaintances of mine are still avoiding it, as am I. But that's probably due to a case of general luddism/fear rather than based on knowledge.
Windows are now turning the red X in the top right corner of the Windows 10 popup into an ACCEPT rather than a dismiss response. As per this article (http://kotaku.com/windows-10s-upgrading-tricks-have-gotten-more-insidious-1778689116), amongst others. However the article goes on to say that Windows 10 actually isn't fucking up. Fair point?
I just build a new computer... and I put Windows 7 on it.
Maybe it's my bad laptop, but after a year Windows 10 has gone from being 7 plus 8's good stuff, to a giant pain in the ass. Windows Explorer crashing constantly. Start Menu and search, occasionally the entire taskbar failing, and every month or so it disables my soundcard. It did this once mid-Skype call. Maybe my laptop has a few issues but Win10 should be compatible with my hardware regardless, especially with its supposedly amazing automatic driver updates. which I believe are what's crashing my soundcard anyway. All that plus updates that restore your personalized settings to defaults, and force themselves upon you, often unexpectedly, like at 3am when I have an unsaved assignment open and an alarm set to wake me up in the morning (okay, the unsaved assignment might be my fault, but believing your computer isn't going to automatically reboot itself without asking is a _reasonable_ expectation, more reasonable when you've been up for 24 hours and are falling asleep mid sentence). I did finally find the option to shut off automatic updates, but they're still obnoxious. There's also a few pieces of hardware I use that are incompatible or glitchy when used with Windows 10.
I don't think preferring 7 has anything to do with being a luddite. Win10 makes it unbelievably difficult to take actual control over your computer. For users who don't want to care about running their computer, don't want to be responsible for updating the OS and drivers, and don't want to see any complicated settings, Win10 is alright (so are Macs). But I know my stuff, so using Win10 is like owning a car with the hood welded shut. So much happier I'm back to a PC running 7.
Speaking of building a new computer - he's a speedy blue and black mid-tower named Burst Generator! Hoping to put a WATN themed design on the side opposite the window, I'll post pics if successful.
I have it from day one and had zero problems with it, no crashes&stuff, providing you have fairly good configuration and not hardware from 90's.
As Pumisher, I wouldn't switch back. Also, older windows are not nice to us gamers, I remember bentchmarking same game on win7 and 10, and win10 gave me around 7fps more than win7.
I never looked back from there :)
Quote from: sandelic on May 26, 2016, 09:17
I have it from day one and had zero problems with it, no crashes&stuff, providing you have fairly good configuration and not hardware from 90's.
??? See this is where I'm scratching my head, because I have a 2 year old laptop that was ~$600 new running 10. It did ship with 8, and I've heard anecdotal evidence that upgraded systems (especially ones with 8 ) fuck up more often than freshly installed ones.
I agree, if you game a lot, Win10 is probably worth it. The most taxing thing I do anymore is Civ 5 though, and a solid state + superclocked 950 + Xeon 1231 + 16gb ram is more than enough for me and my sub 4k monitors.
From my experience, it's not anecdotal. Upgraded system are often less stable than fresh installs. I upgraded to 10, downloaded free copy of 10 and made a fresh install from stick, I think same day, so have little experience with upgraded win8 to 10.
I guess/hope that eliminated most of the stability problem.
Btw, my post above should have win8 instead of win7, I guess I was still sleepy when I wrote that ;D
I've been using Win10 only since yesterday. I decided to finally test it on my other HDD as I activated some of my unused win7/8 licenses last year that I acquired during my sutdent days when we could get free licenses through the MSDNAA program. To avoid any troubles, I downloaded the latest iso and installed it clean with my old license keys which went pretty smoothly. So far, everything seems to run properly* on my 10 year old machine. I deactivated all the personal snoop features and deleted the diagtrack service that, by default, can't be fully deactivated in the privacy section.
And while we're at it, that's one of the major points that really bugs me about this "new" OS. Everything is set on "spy" and you would have to opt-out for everything that concerns your privacy. Granted, they gave it away for free and there are compromises that go along with this deal. But it is kind of disturbing how tightly all those features work together, exchanging information and send it to MS. And when you think you're done by deactivating all those privacy invading services over the course of the win10 installation, you're horribly mistaken. There are tons of other services that are turned on that try to gather information about you and your habits. Even after your system got updated it is worth checking the privacy settings again as some of them are reset to default enabling them to spy on you again without letting you know.
Another thing that's sort of unnerving is the cancellation of certain features that were available in older versions of windows which made really sense with regards to usability. For instance, in the new version, wnen you try to adjust text size for your system there are only 6 categories left that win10 allows you to change. In the good old days you could click on visual examples of what you want to change (e.g. window text, frame size, min/max button size, menu text etc.) and you instantly knew what category you were affecting because you could immediatly see the result. These days, you need to do a trial/error just to see what gets changed and you can't change all the things you want but 6 given categories. Thus, for me to make the bookmark text in my browser larger I need to scale up my system text size to 100+x%. It does the trick but everything else also gets enlarged which can result in occasionally somewhat blurred context menus from other software manufacturers, e.g. when you install a program.
Another thing that I dislike so far is the style inconsitency. It seems MS is still working on a unified design language but rushed things a little after their win8 desaster. There are still lots of style "relicts" from older versions that are mixed with the new CD (which I also don't really fancy, all those flat buttons, sliders, low-or-non-existing-contrast of menus etc.). In addition to this design clutter, it is often a pain to find things you want to change. For example when you want to change the aforementioned text size, you would have to click through poorly described link after link underneath the main settings on the new styled win10 settings pages just to find what you look for.
It's a mess. I don't get why they had to make it so difficult and why they had to remove useful features from previous versions that really made sense.
*as I'm typing this, my display driver crashed, haha, swell ::).
PS, I deleted that annoying GWX.exe (KB3035583) from my win7 machine so I won't have to bother with this enervating pop-up box which MS forces upon everyone who still has the audacity to not having upgraded yet.
Using W10 on a couple of machines and i'm happy with it. On the Office-PC i'm feeling no diverence between the old W7 and W10 now. On the Gaming-PC me thinks it runs much better than the OS before (ok, Vista was no opponent :D ). On the Lumia 535 that my father owns it works also fine (no reason to switch back to WP8.1). The only one and a half place i'm not 100% happy with W10 is on my Surface - the usability of Windows 8.1 was a lot better for Tablets than the tablet mode of Windows 10 is (i'm missing the charms bar), but even there i wouldn't switch back. And then there's the dashboard of the Xbox One - how could Microsoft think the Dashboard of the One is any better than the 360-Dashboard? On my Lumia 1020 i'm not switching to W10 because first Microsoft decided to not support the phone for W10, and second when using the preview builds you'll noticed that Microsoft is not able to handle the superb 41MP camera of that phone (and recording audio only happen in mono).
Would you look at that... Amon Tobin and LCD Soundsystem at the same time. Bollocks
Quote from: ThePumisher on May 25, 2016, 23:23
Wouldn't switch back. HP finaly release some proper drivers and now everything is fine. Drunk right now.
Quote from: WhiteNoise on May 26, 2016, 01:38
I just build a new computer... and I put Windows 7 on it.
Quote from: sandelic on May 26, 2016, 09:17
I have it from day one and had zero problems with it, no crashes&stuff, providing you have fairly good configuration and not hardware from 90's.
As Pumisher, I wouldn't switch back. Also, older windows are not nice to us gamers, I remember bentchmarking same game on win7 and 10, and win10 gave me around 7fps more than win7.
I never looked back from there :)
Quote from: Csar on May 26, 2016, 21:33
I've been using Win10 only since yesterday.
Thanks for your thoughts and (in depth) responses. I'm still on Win 7, and not unhappy with it (gaming not an issue for me). I don't know as much as you folks about these things though. I wonder if there's a danger that Win 7 could become outdated and cause me problems in the future...
Well, Win7 will have support until 2020, so you're safe, for at least four more years, if that's your concern, but I would upgrade to win10 just because it's free, until 29.06.2016, if I remember correctly
you can always go back to win7, afterwards, but you will have some backup, at least, in form of win10
And to be fair, you can still use Win7 past 2020. It simply means Microsoft won't be releasing updates or doing customer support for it, so if a security flaw is found, it's not goimg to be patched. Antivirus and smarts when visiting shadier websites will more than cover this. Also, eventually, the newest software may no longer work on Win7, but this will be a while longer as Win7 still has a majority market share.
Whilst we're on the subject of I.T. type stuff, there's been a Myspace security breach. (http://thehackernews.com/2016/06/myspace-passwords-leaked.html) Now, before you all laugh your asses off, keep in mind that if you had a Myspace account and still use a similar password for other things, you could be compromised.
As for the Hotmail/Outlook spam issue (https://www.thurrott.com/cloud/microsoft-consumer-services/outlook/67601/outlook-com-spam-rise-garbage), hopefully it's fixed (https://portal.office.com/servicestatus) now.
Btw, Csar, did you ever used shutup10?
The fact that this is necessary. "If someone doesn't want to have sex with you, don't have sex with them."
Also, the fact that the Daily Show REALLY should have gone with Oliver or Bee! Sorry, Noah.
Donald Trump
USA, you can't be serious about that guy. Not even does he think Paris is in Germany, he also thinks Belgium is a beautiful city...
The adage "50% of the world has a below average intelligence" has never had more relevancy than in this election cycle.
Quote from: sandelic on Jun 01, 2016, 07:24
Well, Win7 will have support until 2020, so you're safe, for at least four more years, if that's your concern, but I would upgrade to win10 just because it's free, until 29.06.2016, if I remember correctly
you can always go back to win7, afterwards, but you will have some backup, at least, in form of win10
So in late May, Microsoft did a cheeky thing where even when you clicked X on their Windows 10 pop-up, it still initiated the WIN 10 installation. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-36367221).
When it got to the end of the process it asked you to confirm or reject. Rejecting meant it would then re-install WIN 7. Which is what I chose to do.
However since then, I have not been able to run the usual windows backup procedure (to my external hard drive). Somewhere on Google I found a chat board that suggested that not everything is re-installing/running correctly for those who had WIN 7 "re-installed" after the little WIN 10 stunt.
I hope if I now upgrade to WIN 10 it will resolve the backup problem.
As there's only about 6 days left to get WIN 10 for free, I'm thinking OK, maybe I'll do it now.
BUT... a couple of years ago I had an issue where I had to replace my hard drive (it's a laptop, apparently they don't last as long), and re-load a system image of the old hard drive.
I don't remember all the details (I was talked through it by a guy on the HP help forums) but by the end of the process, I had created a "Windows 7 Reboot Disc" on a CDR, and I had purchased a windows 7 System recovery DVD (2 discs) which also came with an "Application and Driver recovery DVD" (don't remember if I needed that).
If I upgrade to WIN 10, will I potentially need to do this again (if I replace my Hard Drive again)?
Also If I go ahead with WIN 10, can anyone advise me of all the stuff I have to do to stop Microsoft doing a "1984" on me? The "Anonymous" group on twitter say that MS are very nosey on WIN 10.
Any comments gratefully received.
Quote from: Skyscraper on Jul 24, 2016, 18:01
So in late May, Microsoft did a cheeky thing where even when you clicked X on their Windows 10 pop-up, it still initiated the WIN 10 installation. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-36367221).
When it got to the end of the process it asked you to confirm or reject. Rejecting meant it would then re-install WIN 7. Which is what I chose to do.
However since then, I have not been able to run the usual windows backup procedure (to my external hard drive). Somewhere on Google I found a chat board that suggested that not everything is re-installing/running correctly for those who had WIN 7 "re-installed" after the little WIN 10 stunt.
I hope if I now upgrade to WIN 10 it will resolve the backup problem.
As there's only about 6 days left to get WIN 10 for free, I'm thinking OK, maybe I'll do it now.
BUT... a couple of years ago I had an issue where I had to replace my hard drive (it's a laptop, apparently they don't last as long), and re-load a system image of the old hard drive.
I don't remember all the details (I was talked through it by a guy on the HP help forums) but by the end of the process, I had created a "Windows 7 Reboot Disc" on a CDR, and I had purchased a windows 7 System recovery DVD (2 discs) which also came with an "Application and Driver recovery DVD" (don't remember if I needed that).
If I upgrade to WIN 10, will I potentially need to do this again (if I replace my Hard Drive again)?
Also If I go ahead with WIN 10, can anyone advise me of all the stuff I have to do to stop Microsoft doing a "1984" on me? The "Anonymous" group on twitter say that MS are very nosey on WIN 10.
Any comments gratefully received.
Hey Skyscraper,
First of all, I would recommend that you backup all your important data on a mobile hdd (doing so in a regular manner). I never relied on MS' internal backups and always did it manually. It is also advisable to generally store important data that isn't used by your OS, like music, pictures and the like, on a seperate partition. With that, you could re-install your OS anytime you want without having to bother with potential data loss in the process. What you need to do then is just installing windows and your desired apps. It might be a bit time consuming when you have lots of programs installed, though (plus all the Win updates that go along with it). But I think it's much more reliable than letting windows do all the things and it doesn't cram your HDD with old OS-data.
That said, if your win7 isn't running the way it's supposed to be after you accidental "upgrade", I'd suggest to make a new and clean win7 install. It's the best way to ensure everything will work fine.
Regarding Win10 installtion, I'd advise you to first download win10 from MS in form of an .ISO which you can then burn to DVD and use for installation (or use the USB feature if that's handier for you).
That way you can make a clean install of Win10 without having the issue of possible conflicts that may occur when installing over an existing OS. You only need to get your Win7 product key ready which you can find on the sticker on your laptop or read with a key viewer (http://www.chip.de/downloads/c1_downloads_hs_getfile_v1_58663754.html?t=1469444032&v=3600&s=a0a1ead0559c7c146740c980446fd508). Win10 will ask you for that product key during installation and accept your current win7 key.
As for the 1984 part, it is recommended to NOT use an MS (cloud) account which MS is trying to "sell" to you during the process and instead using a local (regular) account. It is also recommended that you disable all features that are offered during installation (including smart screen) since almost all settings try to use your personal information or related data (surf habits etc.). When your installation is complete I'd would suggest to go to "privacy" or "security" settings (not sure what the exact labels are in English) and disable features there like "camera access", geo tagging, voice features and all that. Go through all the tabs and look for things you believe might be critical in your eyes.
Also, I would switch off Cortana, if you don't want that Siri-type of feature, as it uses all data available to process your search request (e.g. voice, internet data etc.) even if you only want to search your local hdd for folders and stuff.
There are some informative videos on YT like this that might be helpful:
You can do everything suggested in there but I would refrain from more intricate measures like uninstalling service features as done in this video at around min. 22:00 as it can cause issues.
In terms of hardware changes, the way I understand it is that win10 no longer uses product keys but hardware id's instead. That means if you make major changes to your hardware configuration (like changing your motherboard), win10 might ask you to activate your OS again. They might ask you to verify your OS by either calling an MS activation service or simply use the usual activation window. An HDD change (or RAM), however, won't probably cause any issues, I guess as it is not "big enough" of a hardware change. But of course, if you replace your HDD where your OS is located on, you need to re-install windows again and all programs you had.
I had no issues using my broken laptop's HDD in my tower pc, I only needed to activate win 10 again so they could generate a new hardware id to recognize where my legit win10 was now implemented in.
But since you always have your old win version and its product key, you can always re-use it for a new win10 installation (because you've already activated it) if needed or even go back to your previous OS version (as long as you don't intend to use both OS at the same time).
Since I own more than one win OS, I used one of them to be my "upgrade host". I upgraded it to win10 and then used a virtual machine to upgrade all the other licenses. That way I could easily keep my win7 I currently use without having to go through all the back and forth of un- and re-installation.
Apart from that, what you will also have to look for is your laptop's win10 drivers on your manufacturer's website if available. Windows does come with generic drivers but sometimes they don't work as smoothly as proprietary ones.
This guy really annoys me the last three years.
Quote from: Explud on Apr 04, 2017, 01:03
This guy really annoys me the last three years.
Good gosh. What a complete joke. Who wants to send this to someone at Virgin / EMI and have them categorically deny it is an album? I knew the folks at Discogs were overly pedantic sometimes but fucking hell... This takes the cake.
I get a login-prompt when I click the link. What's it about?
About this in albums section:
I tweeted to Virgin/EMI asking them to confirm that it's an EP. Maybe if enough people do the same we'll get the 'external proof' that the idiots at Discogs require?
That's the strangest thing I've seen in a while (saying something given the last few months). To be honest, I kinda hope it never ends. Chem's Discogs page will wear that incorrect album listing forever as a badge of honor. People will see that and know that a battle of epic proportions has taken place.
No! We shall win the battle!
Quote from: Enjoyed on Apr 04, 2017, 13:28
I tweeted to Virgin/EMI asking them to confirm that it's an EP.
I bet they neither know nor care about that CDr now.
Quote from: Explud on Apr 04, 2017, 14:02
No! We shall win the battle!
Okay, then we just keep changing it to a CD-Maxi or EP until the pedants give up.
I'm down.
Though I'd rather not get banned. If that is a possible outcome. Despite this escapade I do thoroughly rely on Discogs for cataloging and hunting.
[EDIT] Done.
Also, according to the Discogs guidelines - a reference to prove what format a release is can include "generally regarded as such by independent sources (fan sites, music industry publications etc)".
We probably only need a couple of people on this clearly established fan site to agree that it is a split single and then they can quit their bullshit.
[EDIT²] Just reading the guidelines for whether a release is regarded as promotional. Even if it says on the cover or there is a one sheet attached, it is still to be considered as a retail version... That's absurd. Who voted on these rules!?
All those fucking bastards who voted for AfD (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany).
Quote from: ThePumisher on Sep 25, 2017, 07:02
All those fucking bastards who voted for AfD (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany).
You know, the "worried" citizen is rampant these days. The only good take-away from this situation is, they now have show what they really got (which is next to nothing). They've already exhibited great incompetence and inertia at the Federal State level. You'll find me amazed if they'll be able to accomplish anything constructive.
I watch a lot of Twitch. My adblock used to deal with the ads but now they embed it straight into the video feed so it's a lot more complicated to avoid. I also don't mind that it supports the streamers I watch, as I watch them A LOT and don't subscribe.
Here's my problem. The ads themselves repeat every time. Every ad break it's the same ads. Who is that appealing to? Even fans of Grand Tour must be fed up of hearing Jeremy Clarkson laughing every 20 minutes. And I'm certainly not going to go check out any of the games they keep shoving down my throat each time.
I get that I probably wouldn't have checked them out in the first place and so the ads aren't targeted towards me, but again, I have to ask who they are targeting when the repetition becomes the defining feature of the commercial. Sure, someone might remember that they heard about the Under Armor Steph Curry shoe but wont they also remember that the details about that shoe were hurled at them 50 times a day? Wouldn't that put most people off? Am I missing the point? Am I old? Do I need to buy some Steph Curry shoes?
Hey Enjoyed, could you give me a sample link where that happens? I'd like to check it out with my addons.
The repetition is most prominent on the big time streamer channels Sneaky's stream (https://www.twitch.tv/c9sneaky) for example (he's normally on late at night), or any of the current most viewed people playing League of Legends (https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/League%20of%20Legends).
They have some control over when the ads get played too. So they can save them up for when they're between games.
Otherwise try any top viewed channel on Twitch right now, you should find ads.
6 Words: Logan F***ing Paul's suicide forest video.
I mean seriously, Why- lemme rephrase that, HOW are these Idiots famous. I lost someone close to me through Suicide, its not a joke. what ever happened to celebrity roll model, now all people have to do to become famous is talk shit and beat up people and then they're famous. Logan Paul & his dumb-ass brother is the reason why I had 3 kindergartners call me the N-word & racist Mexican slurs on the bus when I was still in High school. I'm never the kind of person to wish harm on people but this is what happens when parents dont beat their kids folks.
Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 05, 2018, 00:53
The repetition is most prominent on the big time streamer channels Sneaky's stream (https://www.twitch.tv/c9sneaky) for example (he's normally on late at night), or any of the current most viewed people playing League of Legends (https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/League%20of%20Legends).
They have some control over when the ads get played too. So they can save them up for when they're between games.
Otherwise try any top viewed channel on Twitch right now, you should find ads.
Ah, I see. The streams I clicked so far had just one ad right at the beginning before it starts. Do they pop up throughout too like on YT? I perhaps didn't stay long enough to get other ads.
Quote from: Csar on Jan 05, 2018, 10:12
Ah, I see. The streams I clicked so far had just one ad right at the beginning before it starts. Do they pop up throughout too like on YT? I perhaps didn't stay long enough to get other ads.
Yeah. And League wise, it'll be after a match has finished or sometimes during queue up. It can be one ad sometimes (in which case it tends to be the same one each time) or it'll be a 3 minute 'ad break' with the same 5 or 6 commercials every time.
I wouldn't invest too much time into seeing what I'm talking about. After all, I can recite each advert for you off by heart if you really need.
Quote from: Enjoyed on Jan 05, 2018, 16:34
Yeah. And League wise, it'll be after a match has finished or sometimes during queue up. It can be one ad sometimes (in which case it tends to be the same one each time) or it'll be a 3 minute 'ad break' with the same 5 or 6 commercials every time.
I wouldn't invest too much time into seeing what I'm talking about. After all, I can recite each advert for you off by heart if you really need.
Like you said, since it's incorporated into the stream, regular adblockers likely won't have any effect. I looked up google and stumbled upon this site (https://help.getadblock.com/support/solutions/articles/6000148339-i-m-seeing-ads-on-twitch-tv-) where they talk about that issue and discuss different methods. Among them they suggest to use your browser's integrated html console to try to delete the ad-layer. I've got to test it myself and stay a little longer to see if this works or whether further commercials still pop up.
• You hear song on the radio
• You shazam it
• Shazam finds the song fast as fuck
• You shazam it again, just to be sure
• Shazsm identifies it as a different track
• Again - again different track
• Shazam it about ten to fifteen times
• Always a different track
• Song ends
• Shazam was always wrong
• Station has no playlist
• station didn't respond to mails
• sadness
^ Can...can you describe it? Cos I want to know what it was now too!
Other idea: presumably all the results it gave you are in "my shazam". What if you play each of those results out of your computer and shazam them with your phone? Maybe one of the answers will be the track you were originally trying to shazam.
Or: next time it happens, record a bit of it on the voice recorder on your phone. Then either (a) shazam it with another device as much as you want, or (b) stick the audio on the forum and see if anyone knows it.
What really grinds my gears... planning to go drive my sister, me and some friends to her garden to help her cut some trees and stuff on a weekend and before any of this could happen find our car being ripped off its gps radio unit.. They gladly did it without doing any phyiscal harm to the vehicle itself, but damn, it looks gutted. I hope they're appreciating the awesome music I had on that SD card that was still in there!
Quote from: Csar on Sep 23, 2018, 22:31
What really grinds my gears... planning to go drive my sister, me and some friends to her garden to help her cut some trees and stuff on a weekend and before any of this could happen find our car being ripped off its gps radio unit.. They gladly did it without doing any phyiscal harm to the vehicle itself, but damn, it looks gutted. I hope they're appreciating the awesome music I had on that SD card that was still in there!
I cant tell if you're saying it was removed legally or someone stole it. if it was stolen you could report it and they could easily track it (it is using satalite).
Yeah, they stole it. We called the police that secured the evidence and we'll inform our insurer later today about it. I don't think it's trackable via satellite because it was an older generation unit but the officer said they might be able to track the serial number if they find units through raids or otherwise. However, I doubt we'll ever see it again and we'll have to get a new one.
That you shouldn't put a teflon pan into a dishwasher
Everytime I wanna buy Donuts out of my money, My mom has to go and buy them for me. Here's why I hate it when she does it.
1. She tends to buy more for her and my stepfather than for me and my sister (even though my sister's lactose Intolerant now)
2 they dont eat the leftovers the next morning.
3. I know what everybody wants,and she doesn't.
4. they eats the ones I like, even if I'm the only one who likes the kind of donuts.
5. she buys jelly filled, I can't have Jelly.
6. She buys Honey Glazed Donuts for the extra discount, even though nobody in this family wants anything to do with Glazed...
7. combining 2,5,and 6 together; this results in 3-5 wasted donuts that gets thrown out the next evening.
8. I always have Coupons, and she never asks.
I love my mom but Everytime I offer to buy something she always tries to 1 up me everytime, it never works, and I cant bring myself to tell her she needs to stop doing this.
If it was me, I wouldn't dare to throw away any donuts :D
Perhaps she doesn't do it to bug you, maybe she does it because she doesn't want you to spent your own money and maybe she isn't that aware of all the things you listed above? Have you ever offered her to go shopping donuts with her money? À la " hey, let me do it for you"?
Anyways, the good news is, there will be a time where you'll be able to buy yourself all the donuts that just you want ;)
When stuck with a flavored donut that might not sound appatizing (man, thats hard to conjure), consider this an opportunity to be adventurous with your taste buds. You'll find out later in life, certain things that you liked when you are younger are no longer desirable. I used to think an 'old fashioned' (plain cake) donut had no purpose and only were for Grandpas. Well, here I am at 32 and there's few things in life better than a 'old fashioned' and hot cup of 'Joe' in the morning.
Maybe let your Mom know politely of your plea, and perhaps she'll adapt for a future purchase. You're young, dude. You'll have plenty of time to get the donuts you like at anytime you want. Until then, let Mom be Mom.
Edit: and I just realized I basically repackaged Csar's post. Sorry bout that Csar.
mine is general decorum of your average CTA rider
it's like nobody knows how to just have a seat and not be shitty
i love the cta, not a fan of the riders
Quote from: androidgeoff on Nov 13, 2018, 02:14
mine is general decorum of your average CTA rider
it's like nobody knows how to just have a seat and not be shitty
i love the cta, not a fan of the riders
I so miss the CTA :'(
Atlanta's transit .. MARTA is total shit
When you work 10 days straight and then on your day off, you have to report to jury duty! :(
I thought it was just me!
I don't have the issue when watching broadcast TV (presumably due to compression), but when streaming stuff - all the time.
I was watching a guy stream SSX3 when Leave Home began playing, the guy sang over the "Brothers gonna work it out" part, singing "Da bub, Get out" instead.
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 06, 2019, 23:35
I thought it was just me!
Oh no no. Such a big problem. Really, really bad in headphones too, not that I watch with them much these days.
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Feb 07, 2019, 01:30
I was watching a guy stream SSX3 when Leave Home began playing, the guy sang over the "Brothers gonna work it out" part, singing "Da bub, Get out" instead.
That is a tilter. People getting lyrics wrong when they're super obvious is a constant pet peeve of mine.
Shit like this. Kudos to Jon for still fighting for those people.
Heads up, this is pretty hard to watch.
When your phone/broadband supplier insists that you call them to negotiate a new contract even though you're happy to do it online. Then they make you listen to this for an hour on hold:
Bebe Rexha, if I ever see you in real life I'm slashing your tyres, pulling your wings off and shoving them up that hole you sing out of.
Ok, bye!
cleaning your stove.
Been playing on my Oculus Rift S ever since the new year, but I haven't touched it in a month, when all of the sudden I began using it again, after exiting a game I saw I needed to update and when I did, surprise, no more Recognizing display port. Words cannot express how frustrating this evening has been. >:( >:(
This shit from Beverley Turner, a well known TV presenter (though she doesn't get too many presenting gigs these days).
Is she a scientist? No. Does she have a doctorate? No.
She was a part of this march on Saturday.
Nutters (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/29/anti-vaccine-passport-protesters-occupy-westfield-mall-in-london)
Worryingly there were a LOT of people on this march. The scientists must all be lying to them.
But don't worry David Icke (https://news.sky.com/story/who-is-david-icke-the-conspiracy-theorist-who-claims-he-is-the-son-of-god-11982406) is on their side!
Looks like we're living in the rising age of Moronism. The loons appear to become louder and louder, poisoning the social norms and discourses with ludicrous claims and then being normalized by those prominent figures who take advantage of them and/or even believe in the same grotesque things themselves. Thanks Internet!
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on May 31, 2021, 21:57
This shit from Beverley Turner, a well known TV presenter
Ooof. Had to turn that off pretty quickly. I sadly don't have enough mental capacity left to empathise with any of the possible reasons anyone may have for not getting the vaccine. If you can willingly get into a car knowing the risks, then you can get a shot that will save people's lives, with far fewer risks.
When you're trying to listen to music and the internet provider keeps cutting the fuck out for the past 3 nights. >:D
I just wanna listen to some Jefferson Airplane & Stones uninterrupted.
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Jun 18, 2021, 04:22
When you're trying to listen to music and the internet provider keeps cutting the fuck out for the past 3 nights. >:D
I just wanna listen to some Jefferson Airplane & Stones uninterrupted.
Not a problem if you have it all downloaded. Just sayin'.
but remember kids, if you download music, metallica will knock on your door.
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 21, 2021, 19:31
but remember kids, if you download music, metallica will knock on your door.
What's a metallica?
I remember Lange from the early 2000's. I think I bought something Trance-y by him on Positiva.
I'm not buyng this viewpoint from him though. So far, the AstraZeneca jab has been sold at cost, so they ain't getting nearly as rich as they could be.
Vaccines in North America and Europe have been given to people by their governments for free. But some people don't trust Big Pharma so they go and PAY FOR Ivermectin which... is also a Big Pharma product (or sometimes a Big Farm product!). Oh, and no large studies have proven that Ivermectin actually works yet (although there is an Oxford / PRINCIPLE trial ongoing at the moment).
Alternative music & film? Great! Alternative facts? Hmm...not so much.
When your electric shaver drains out of battery during action and cannot be used while charging. Two-Face incoming...
I guess I was the only person in the world buying Coca Cola & Coffee, because they straight up do not sell it any more.
Huge bummer. I used to love my once a week Coke & Coffee: Vanilla fix.
Kellogg's also stopped selling Rice Krispie Treats cereal a while back, which is a tragedy I don't think I'll ever fully recover from.
Just let me kill myself slowly in peace. Please & thank you.
Quote from: Enjoyed on Mar 09, 2023, 21:21I guess I was the only person in the world buying Coca Cola & Coffee, because they straight up do not sell it any more.
Huge bummer. I used to love my once a week Coke & Coffee: Vanilla fix.
Kellogg's also stopped selling Rice Krispie Treats cereal a while back, which is a tragedy I don't think I'll ever fully recover from.
Just let me kill myself slowly in peace. Please & thank you.
Not related but kinda.... back in the day, Coca Cola did a Black Cherry Vanilla that ran a relatively short life, and I swear to this day, has to be the best Coke product I've ever tasted. My guess is if I had again today, I'd probably hate it.
...and while we are on the topic of Soda, or soda related products. Squirt is the best soda out there on a macro level. It might only be available regionally, but if you see it, try it. A great beverage to pair with street style Mexican food.
As for Rice Krispies Treats cereal... with the exception of original recipe Cookie Crisp, quite possibly the best dessert cereal ever created. To that, I empathize. A forgotten cornerstone of 90's American indulgence. We wonder why American Millennials tend to be obese, well here it is.
Thank you Microsoft for uploading the "documents", "desktop" & "pictures" folders to OneDrive without asking...
And since OneDrive is of course the number one priority in your world, i'm not allowed to stop the synchronization otherwise you'll 1. have the files deleted from my device instead of OneDrive and 2. these folders are considered important system folders and the permanent synchronization cannot be reversed anyway (like Windows will explode or something).
There was a reason why i set up OneDrive manually (and intentionally not on c:)
Edit: everything was better when OneDrive was named SkyDrive ;D
So i dropped my Tablet. Screen broken. Tile on the floor broken. February 2025 is the new January 2025
Unless the tile is a jagged hazard, I think the only thing left to do is personalize the tile with your name and date.
"Brooks Was Here"