The ChemBase

Forum => The Social => Topic started by: MadPooter on Dec 13, 2022, 05:53

Title: Rest in peace, Angelo Badalementi
Post by: MadPooter on Dec 13, 2022, 05:53
When I was 16, I watched Lost Highway for the first time.

When I was done watching it, I immediately rewound the VHS tape and watched it again.

DVDs hadn't even come out yet.

That film struck a chord in me, and part of it had to do literally with the chords of the haunting score running throughout its entirety. I remember getting the Lost Highway soundtrack and realizing that I really, really enjoyed the cinematic quality of it all.

It wasn't until later that I learned that it was the same composer responsible for Twin Peaks.

I have been following Angelo Badalementi alongside David Lynch since then. He was uniquely talented at lifting Lynch's work, creating atmospheres that only the two of them could come up with.

He was a key ingredient in the greatness that is the universe of Lynch's worlds.

Thank you, Mr. Badalementi, for your work.

You have inspired me for years, and for years to come.
Title: Re: Rest in peace, Angelo Badalementi
Post by: Bosco on Dec 13, 2022, 07:19
I only started watching Twin Peaks and became familiar with Angelo Badalementi's music during the first year of the pandemic. Many have recommended to watch this series over the years, and I'm oddly thankful for this extended period of isolation which basically forced this much delayed enlightenment.

The Twin Peaks (Season 1 and 2) and Fire Walk With Me OST was something I listened on the daily during the past couple of years. I can't tell you how many times I used it as my soundtrack bushwhacking through my local woods. Something about being alone, detached from people, overcast skies, dark atmosphere, seeing the unexpected in nature, is an addicting high. The soundtracks pairs with it perfectly.

RIP Maestro

Title: Re: Rest in peace, Angelo Badalementi
Post by: Ben_j on Dec 13, 2022, 11:12
I knew his music mostly through sampling. Most notably Amon Tobin's People like Frank, and obviously Moby's Go