I found Satan's turntable and record collection:
It's like 'A Saucerful of Secrets', only terrible.
EML Ritual video auditions 1942
(http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af290/DJ7FLAME/rtghp34klse_zpsdydcypcq.jpg) (http://s1016.photobucket.com/user/DJ7FLAME/media/rtghp34klse_zpsdydcypcq.jpg.html)
(http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af290/DJ7FLAME/f6e3b049956f36b92_zpshrqermzb.jpg) (http://s1016.photobucket.com/user/DJ7FLAME/media/f6e3b049956f36b92_zpshrqermzb.jpg.html)
These are beauty pageant photographs taken in the 1940's , weird huh !!
This makes me laugh every time i see it , it was on BuzzFeed the other day , . . . a cat stuck in - between inner window and outer screen door , . . how the hell did this happen ? . . . i can only guess it was a mis-judged leap with the cat not realising it had jumped into a narrow gap , . . . cats are funny :D
That's Bill Bailey doing the voiceover! Anyone familiar with his Born Slippy inspiration story (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22489290)?
I'm hijacking this W(hat) T(he) F(**k) thread to also include W(ow) T(hat's) F(ly)...
I counter with...
See what I did there?
^^^boys you made my night
thank for those videos
May I present to you: DJ Dodo! Oh, what? Ah, Dodo Dj! I'm sorry.
The channel owner also claims he's the boy in the video.
That was... certainly... something...
Going for an Irvine Welsh vibe?
Better than Miguel
Women shitting in Supermarkets (http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/why-do-women-keep-shitting-in-supermarkets)
Adidas Sneakers with build in Roland TR-808...
Quote from: ThePumisher on Aug 06, 2017, 22:06https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhDIILjlhBQ
Nothing weird about Kero Kero Bonito! Except that they pitched that track down 10%.
If you've not heard the full track, I highly recommend.
Always remind yourself to never accidentially grasp at the image.
The bullsh*t known as "Brexit" continues, with the UK Prime Minister out visiting "new global markets" to trade with after the UK has machine gunned its own relations with the EU in both feet. Theresa May: not so much singing for her supper, but dancing for it. Only the music has been changed:
People have been perfecting the robot dance for years and years, then TheresaBot comes in and effortlessly makes dancing like a non-human look as easy as jumping on the spot.
You just don't get it. She's so ahead of her time!
EDIT: Here's another one:
Dear gawds, Martin, what the fuck was that?
You have to understand, the joke didn't come across right because of his flawed English..
Quote from: MadPooter on Sep 10, 2018, 22:19
That was, something... Have you seen the full unedited video that was posted in the description? Whoever created that, has an eye for editing, and creating deep anxiety in the viewer.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 06, 2018, 17:20
You have to understand, the joke didn't come across right because of his flawed English..
Well, that is some hellova bad joke. I was painful to watch, really.
My sympathies go to Ada, he managed to screw up great moment for her.
Quote from: sandelic on Dec 07, 2018, 10:39
Well, that is some hellova bad joke. I was painful to watch, really.
My sympathies go to Ada, he managed to screw up great moment for her.
The point is, he was lying about his defense because he spoke French when he said it. And yes, it was a stupid joke made in the wrong place and time.
Ah, you were sarcastic ;D
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2018, 11:45
The point is, he was lying about his defense because he spoke French when he said it. And yes, it was a stupid joke made in the wrong place and time.
Why do I don't get its badness? This whole situation reminds me of when Friends got its premiere on Netflix in Poland this year. All those generation Z youngsters started to watch Friends and social media blew off how sexist this tv show is :D. I believe it was the same worldwide.
for you nostalgists!
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Feb 09, 2019, 06:21
for you nostalgists!
Doesn't check out. There's no background music playing automatically that can't be turned off.
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Feb 09, 2019, 06:21
for you nostalgists!
Quote from: Enjoyed on Feb 09, 2019, 16:50
Doesn't check out. There's no background music playing automatically that can't be turned off.
^lol, plus that page would take all weekend to load via dialup
(didn't embed coz...y'know)
KFC bought a time slot on Ultra Music Festival's main stage (https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/03/ultra-kfc/)
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Apr 01, 2019, 11:48
(didn't embed coz...y'know)
KFC bought a time slot on Ultra Music Festival's main stage (https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/03/ultra-kfc/)
:)) ???
QuoteAlison Wonderland expressed a similar sentiment, describing it as "tacky" and suggesting the festival "could have found a better way that doesn't cheapen what we do."
I shouldn't make fun of an aussie producer doing OK for herself overseas but seriously what to do you expect for your 'live' show. Playing pre-recorded mass produced bot music for a mass produced fast food corporation churning out chickens like they're bots. A match made in heaven.
Isn't this amazing?! :o
Holy smokes. That looked like a Marvel movie or something. Crazy.
I think my youtube recommendations are trolling me now: (also note in the comments someone else thought it was Daft Punk as well)
This man is a unreal. Someone described him as "Reggie Watts on bath salts" and I can't find a better method to describe him. He does live streams and live shows and it's hilarious to watch him come up with stuff live.
some more hits:
He's also the guy in a classic viral video who sold a spot in line for a new iPhone for $800, to a woman who ended up not being able to buy one, and the guy who dumpster dived an unreleased Sufjan Stevens album (https://www.stereogum.com/1886632/an-interview-with-the-guy-who-says-he-found-an-unreleased-album-in-sufjan-stevens-dumpster/franchises/interview/).
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jun 05, 2019, 19:08https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkRkuI0ZgX0
There's the video...and then there is the comments on youtube.
This is all amazing.
"I switched to porn when my mom walked in, it's easier to explain"
"Dealer: what would you like to have, ive got some xtc, coke, keta? me: Do you have some salvatore ganacci?"
"Billie Eilish : I will make the most weird music video ever. Salvatore : Hold my shoe 👞"
Miley Cyrus covering Nine Inch Nails
well, I think I seen everything:
2 mass shootings in 24 hours! What a country we live in!
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 04, 2019, 19:27
2 mass shootings in 24 hours! What a country we live in!
I was pretty freaked when I heard about the later one. Dayton is about an hour outside of Cincinnati, spent a lot of time raving there years ago,am pretty familiar with the Oregon District, and have many friends who live there.
The worst thing about this weekend is being reminded that we won't do a damn thing to prevent mass shootings. We didn't do shit when six year olds were gunned down at school.
Quote from: inchemwetrust on Aug 04, 2019, 19:27
2 mass shootings in 24 hours! What a country we live in!
this is why I dont go out to public places anymore.
I told myself to stay away from this, after all America isn't my country, but...
found out this morning that 3 survivors at the garlic festival are actually survivors of the las vegas tragety.
to brighten the mood in this thread, a random video I was sent by my friend on FB messenger
The spam on this board. I blame whoever made porn while listening to "This Is Not A Game."
Japan - producing 78% of the worlds weird shit
Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Aug 05, 2019, 21:13
this is why I dont go out to public places anymore.
Hmmm...and a year later...we just don't go outside at all anymore. Unexpected how that comment aged...
Stress relef, art therapy (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Celebrity-Adult-Coloring-Book-Celebrities/dp/B08Z2X2P78/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2O44L066P7Y2T&keywords=chemical+brothers+colouring+book&qid=1648051433&s=music&sprefix=chemical+brothers+colouring+book%2Cpopular%2C54&sr=1-1)
Looks like someone already coloured in the back.
wtf indeed.
I seem to recall that Explud is a big fan of Aurora's personality, so this is for Explud.
C 8)
I was expecting Vought Tower rather than Trump Tower at the end of this video.
Can we play Top Trumps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Trumps) with these cards?
gonna go buy some of these cards, he's better than washington
Haha, yeah, I was thinking about posting about the Trump cards, too.
And you know what makes this even funnier? The guy outright stole from Walmart in at least one of these :D
Am I in the twilight zone or what? Look at all these weird thumbnails for the Chems!
When you believe the interweb can't surprise you anymore
Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jul 15, 2023, 10:09https://twitter.com/knowyourmeme/status/1679546961370685460
I came across this pretty interesting article in the Washington Post the other day and was immediately reminded of
@Wolkenkrabber's post - because it was so disturbing to watch. Turns out, big surprise!, it's pretty lucrative at the moment.
QuoteSAN FRANCISCO — Koby Colls grabs a vase of dark, wilted roses and screams, "Roses, my love, roses!"
His fiancée, Gloria Briggs, swats them away with annoyance and the two turn back to the screen, bouncing rhythmically as they wait for the next cue from their TikTok followers.
The couple is tapping into a new social media trend: live-streaming on TikTok while saying strange phrases robotically, mimicking an NPC, or non-player character, in the video game world. Unlike other trends where content creators come up with their own ideas for each video, viewers in NPC live streams take on the role of puppeteers, influencing the creator's next move.
TikTok viewers send small emoji, filters or animations that the couple then reacts to or acts out. These donations are bought with TikTok coins — one TikTok coin amounting to about 1.5 cents. The couple receives enough requests per hour to total roughly $200 and use the money to fund their 3-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter's education and extracurriculars.
TikTok spokesperson Zachary Kizer said in a statement, "TikTok LIVE allows creators to celebrate the magic of real-time engagement with their audience, driving community building and connection while opening up new monetization opportunities."
What the world is coming to...
Mind blown.
I don't know who this guy is but everyone in the comments calls him Michael. So maybe he's famous?
Darth Maul lives
If you have 600 years to spent, what would you do? Right, you play Doom on Cells
The most us-american thing i have seen in a while...
Anyone interested in some death spell casting?
death spell caster.jpg
My guess is that somebody didn't meet their sales quota and is now aggressively pitching to get enough orders for death spells to qualify for some bonus. Business must be tough.
I don't know, seems like a perfect Christmas gift to me, wonder if they have gift cards? ;D
At least the soundtrack will be good 🤷
Quote from: Stefan on Dec 19, 2024, 16:54My guess is that somebody didn't meet their sales quota and is now aggressively pitching to get enough orders for death spells to qualify for some bonus. Business must be tough.
That new cybertruck ain't paying for itself!
@sandelic said, nothing says "Merry Christmas" like casting a debilitating hex...
"A death spell for my mother-in-law? Where have you been all my life!???"-Rodney Dangerfield (probably)
Great disco tune: Patrick Hernandez - Born To Be Alive
At Kings Cross station in London there is a 'real' platform 9 & 3/4s. A reference that I'm told most Harry Potter fans understand (I was too old when Potter came out...). I guess this guy was a believer.
LOL, was just advertised on social media about this coming to Chicago:
(WARNING sexy content)
Just reading some of the comments, it gets good reviews and a lot of people praise the high production value!