These guys deserve their own topic. Not only did they name their latest album "Chemicals" in reference to the Chemical Brothers, but they do great music ! You've probably already heard "Time to Dance", and maybe seen this incredible video with Jake Gyllenhaal portraying a serial killer (the first two minutes are from another track of theirs, "America"):
But more recently, they did these :
A video made only with GIFs
And this more haunting, beautiful piece :
In addition to that, they also produced some of Woodkid's songs
Oh, and their live shows are awesome. With more GIFs
Really like Time to Dance. And that live show does look amazing.
Disturbing as fuck video. Damn. So much happy juxtaposed with so much raw evil...
They just released a new track, "Do It Again", that they made for Lacoste for the French Olympic team.
Holy crap. Never heard any of this band's stuff before. Time to Dance is fantastic!