You Always Get Me Up When I'm Down

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Started by chemreact, Jul 09, 2015, 18:52

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And now for something completely different:


It had better be good!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: androidgeoff on Apr 12, 2019, 00:45

I am on season 4 of TNG

I have slowly been going through Star Trek and soaking in as much as I can

Funny, I currently re-watch season 4 too in glorious remastered HD! Great season! Are you a Star Trek novice? Deep Space Nine is great as well!
If yes and you like it I can highly recommend to you Seth McFarlane's sort-of-tribute-series-with a-touch-of-comic-relief the Orville if you haven't seen it yet!

Fantastic cast also as well as lots of Trek alumni guest starring and other great actors!
Last Edit: Apr 13, 2019, 11:13 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Game of Thrones first episode was amazing!
Especially the end!

Speaking of Orville, I love Bortus and Klyden's story-line! It's actually quite deep critique when you scratch that comic surface.
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2019, 11:26 by sandelic
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 16, 2019, 11:20
Game of Thrones first episode was amazing!
Especially the end!
Yes it was!! How are they gonna wrap it up in only 5 more episodes?!

Quote from: actionjackson780 on Apr 16, 2019, 18:13

How are they gonna wrap it up in only 5 more episodes?!
A lot of kills...
no idea, no idea

The new season of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has more drama than GoT

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 16, 2019, 11:20

Speaking of Orville, I love Bortus and Klyden's story-line! It's actually quite deep critique when you scratch that comic surface.
Yeah, it's amazing what Seth et al. are doing with this show, especially with this season (but also S1, like s1xe7 Majority Rule). You can tell he's a real fan of the spirit of Star Trek and what made it so great. Story telling and world/ character building are wonderfully executed. Bortus and Klyden and the whole Moclans sort-of-story-arc is nicely done, subtly built since season 1. Also, I like the way they incorporate humor in season 2. It's become more subtle and organic and less over the top in the majority of episodes. They've got to renew it for season 3.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Ok I've just seen Avengers Endgame and really enjoyed it, but there's one point that really bothers me (see spoilers)
The end with Captain America makes no sense and breaks the time travel rules the movie established earlier. If Cap stays in the past, he would create an alternate timeline, he wouldnt still be in the original timeline. What could work, I guess, is if he came from another timeline where the exact same events unfolded. He then landed in the timeline of the movies we all know, and stayed there all this time. But then that would mean he already knew about everything that was going to happen. It means he could have stopped Thanos, but he sat on his ass ? That doesn't sound like him...

Yup, it makes zero sense.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 28, 2019, 19:10
Ok I've just seen Avengers Endgame and really enjoyed it, but there's one point that really bothers me (see spoilers)

Ben_j, I agree. I enjoyed the idea of that plot surprise but it didn't seem to work with everything that was previously established. I've seen a few articles online trying to explain it away, but I agree with your assessments.

But despite that scene, I loved Endgame and thought it was everything a fan could ask for. I've been a longtime Star Wars fan since '77 and have been through it all: the surprises, the anticipation, the lulls, the over-saturation, the toxic fans, and the inconsistency in enjoyment from one film to another (looking at you, prequels). But I've remained interested because Star Wars is my jam. That said, it's hard to argue the fact that the MCU is consistently enjoyable and cohesive: I believe it stands as the best film universe franchise, even over Star Wars. This was a rewarding film for loyal and casual fans alike.

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I was surprised at how little Avengers moved me in any way, it was not as funny or enjoyable like first one or even age of Ultron. It was ok, but not usual Marvel fun, like something was missing. Better script, maybe? This one is riddled with plot holes. Also, I didn't watch cpt. Marvel at all and was really confused by that aloof character. She comes and goes without any rhyme or reason, it seems to me.
I had much better time watching last GoT episode. More shocking and more nail-biting moments.
I loved the first long scene and entire fight scenes. Battle at Helm's Deep should have been done like that.
Last Edit: Apr 30, 2019, 08:05 by sandelic
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 30, 2019, 06:37

I was surprised at how little Avengers moved me in any way, it was not as funny or enjoyable like first one or even age of Ultron. It was ok, but not usual Marvel fun, like something was missing. Better script, maybe? This one is riddled with plot holes. Also, I didn't watch cpt. Marvel at all and was really confused by that aloof character. She comes and goes without any rhyme or reason, it seems to me.
I had much better time watching last GoT episode. More shocking and more nail-biting moments.
I loved the first long scene and entire fight scenes. Battle at Helm's Deep should have been done like that.

That's funny, I had the opposite experience. Avengers moved me like no other movie ever moved me in the theater, which I did not expect, and I was a bit disappointed by the GoT episode.

Sandelic - That sucks that it didn't live up to the hype for you. I found Endgame very enjoyable. And funny enough, Age of Ultron is one of my least favorite Marvel movies...down there with Hulk and Iron Man 3. Maybe you'll watch a second time and enjoy it more, or maybe it just isn't your thing. But I personally found a lot of humor to balance out the more serious moments. I can probably agree it wasn't as 'fun' as most Marvel movies, but I thought it was on pace with Infinity War. I need to watch a second time to see which plot holes will bother me in the long run and which ones were actually properly addressed. It was a lot to take in during 3 hours of important stuff.

I will say that watching Captain Marvel will definitely better prepare you for the character. I really liked that one as well but some people didn't.

I actually expected her to have a much larger role. I mean, she had an important role, but I was a little surprised. And yes, her appearances completely match her film. She's a different type of character with different motivation, and I'm hoping she plays a big part in phase 4.
Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

I was not hyped, actually I didn't expect much but a few hours of fun. But jokes they usually managed to pull off in Marvel movies without being corny fell flat in this one for me.

Guys, I'm not gonna rain on your parade because I know what it's like to love a movie while someone craps all over it. But this one simply didn't do much for me. Felt too forced with plot that could use more fine tuning, if not more thought.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, though.
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

It's all good. Looks like we can only agree 98.7% of the time.  ;D

Uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 30, 2019, 06:37
I was surprised at how little Avengers moved me in any way
Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 30, 2019, 08:19
That's funny, I had the opposite experience. Avengers moved me like no other movie ever moved me in the theater, which I did not expect
Gonna watch it tomorrow, so no own opinion of it at the moment - but even 6 Music has said that this movie is a must see because of the same things BenJ said (and usually Avengers or Marvel or something like that is not even a movie 6 Music would talk about)

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 30, 2019, 06:37
I had much better time watching last GoT episode. More shocking and more nail-biting moments.
I loved the first long scene and entire fight scenes. Battle at Helm's Deep should have been done like that.
Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 30, 2019, 08:19
and I was a bit disappointed by the GoT episode.
I very much enjoyed that episode even though it wasn't even close to the best episodes of GoT - the red wedding was on a complete different level for example.
First thing is i dislike is on a more technical way - i think the episode was to dark in most scenes, hard to see anything. Second thing,  i was hoping that a lot more characters had died. Third, what was Bran doing while Theon was fighting for their lives? I mean, he had the power to control people - why doesn't he tried this on the Night King? He's just controlling a couple of ravens and flys around doing basically nothing helpfull.
no idea, no idea

Quote from: sandelic on Apr 30, 2019, 06:37

I was surprised at how little Avengers moved me in any way, it was not as funny or enjoyable like first one or even age of Ultron. It was ok, but not usual Marvel fun, like something was missing. Better script, maybe? This one is riddled with plot holes. Also, I didn't watch cpt. Marvel at all and was really confused by that aloof character. She comes and goes without any rhyme or reason, it seems to me.

I felt that the movie did some good things and some bad things. But yes, I knew something would be left out because it's a 3 hour movie so of course there's gonna be gaps in the story. The time travel sequences got me slightly bored because I hate backtracking, and for the characters to be put thru this crap really took the momentum away from the 1st act. Sandelic,I think if you watch the CM movie, it might sort of explain on how her character acts the way she does in Endgame. But I also do feel Thor's character (which I like to call the 'ragnarok' Thor), was just too much. That part where his character wasnt funny or serious when he was chasing the stone with Rocket while he was talking to his mom. That scene added nothing to the film other than story. And it also seem like he offered no seriousness or tone to the scene where him, ironman, and CA were walking toward Thanos.
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Emo stoner Bran is just the worst. 

Quote from: Ben_j on Apr 30, 2019, 08:19

That's funny, I had the opposite experience. Avengers moved me like no other movie ever moved me in the theater, which I did not expect, and I was a bit disappointed by the GoT episode.

Same. Endgame's emotional beats really worked for me. I was tearing up at times and despite the story not being as singularly cohesive as Infinity War, overall I felt it was an incredibly satisfying full stop at the end of ten years of super enjoyable story telling.

GoT felt drawn out. Sandelic, you said the battle of Helms Deep should have been done in the same way? I found myself comparing the battle to Helms Deep and ultimately wishing I was watching LoTR instead. So much more weight in that battle, despite what this one was built up to be.
I mean...
We knew from a very early point in the episode that the battle was going to be monstrously lost if the Night King wasn't killed. So the whole thing just felt like a waiting game. It either was or wasn't going to happen and all of the fighting up to that point seemed a little redundant. The wife and I both agreed that we'd have enjoyed the episode more if the whole of Winterfell had actually been wiped out, and the remaining 3 episodes were the Night King's march down to King's Landing. I mean how much fun would that have been seeing Cersei trying to save her skin against an army that managed to destroy basically every other character in the seven kingdoms!

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