And It Feels Like I'm Dreaming

EML Ritual

Started by Ben_j, Jul 03, 2015, 21:51

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It's here ! It's here !  :-X

It's bloody amazing, very simple, yet with a perfect production . It's a little slower than the DJ set and Live version, but I got used to it after one listen. I'm pretty sure this will be in my top favourite tracks of the album

I lost my mind
Meow meow meow
Sound sound sound

That clap sound is perfect. I was originally hoping for a little more Ali Love, but this turned out amazing

Edit: that main synth reminds of a synth line from Digitalism's "Jupiter Room" (comes in around 0:46)
Last Edit: Jul 03, 2015, 23:52 by Hutch108

Tasty tasty tasty. I don't understand how this is only a little over five minutes and not a full blown epic ten-ish minutes track like Escape Velocity or the Reel. Maybe it makes sense in context with the album.
The lyrics still remind me of The Beatles.

This song is SO good! Love at first listen!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Mind... Blowing...

Perfection all over.

This is a devil of a song - an evil, seductive dance floor track that takes on a menacing persona. It's the part of the trip that comes on so hard in waves, you wonder if you're ever going to level out.  This is what happens when your bubblegum brain has gone and done blown your cranium. And since it has Ali Love, it seems a perfect follow-up to Do It Again.

There are a lot of subtleties (I heard some layered panning type effects) and some lushly layered and echoing swirls of vocals. It's deliciously trippy and psychedelic.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: Stefan on Jul 03, 2015, 23:27

Tasty tasty tasty. I don't understand how this is only a little over five minutes and not a full blown epic ten-ish minutes track like Escape Velocity or the Reel. Maybe it makes sense in context with the album.

Haven't listened to it yet, but to answer you indirect question: ED!

Do you think the track's title refers to this former synth company:

Last Edit: Jul 04, 2015, 09:11 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I'm pretty sure. Wasn't Escape Velocitys working title "EML Monster" ?

Quote from: Stefan on Jul 04, 2015, 09:11

I'm pretty sure. Wasn't Escape Velocitys working title "EML Monster" ?
It was "EMS Monster"
Hi Kevin!

Quote from: Csar on Jul 04, 2015, 09:00

Do you think the track's title refers to this former synth company:
So, discussion about this on both FB and here (it's getting confusing isn't it? I wonder if we need to start weening ourselves off Facebook to make this place viable).
I had a more humble thought about the title. EML is a file extension for Emails. I had the idea that Tom/Chems had lots of back & forth emails with Ali Love who might have recorded his vox elsewhere, and emailed them to the Chems.  So they got into an Email ritual when making the track. But I'm probably wrong. I didn't know about EML synths when I came up with that theory.


Quote from: Explud on Jul 04, 2015, 11:58

It was "EMS Monster"
Ha, I remembered that wrong. But EMS also refers to a manufactorer of synthesizers:

Quote from: Skyscraper on Jul 04, 2015, 15:26

So, discussion about this on both FB and here (it's getting confusing isn't it? I wonder if we need to start weening ourselves off Facebook to make this place viable).
I had a more humble thought about the title. EML is a file extension for Emails. I had the idea that Tom/Chems had lots of back & forth emails with Ali Love who might have recorded his vox elsewhere, and emailed them to the Chems.  So they got into an Email ritual when making the track. But I'm probably wrong. I didn't know about EML synths when I came up with that theory.

Really? Well, I haven't been that much on FB for quite some time. Only recently I visited it now and then for some chemical related stuff and WhiteNoise's epic Sonar pic.
As for EML: My guess is that Ritual stands for the morning routine Tom has every day. Before he even gets his cereals, he's sneaking into RAR and pushes the inner circuits of his EML to its limits until his wife knocks on the door, urging Tom to return to the family table for some breakfast.
And I have proof that my theory might be valid :D:
Minute 7:37
Last Edit: Jul 05, 2015, 09:08 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

EML has gotten my total attention now. This is Leviathan! There is a certainly a drive to it. 

I have given pre-ratings for the tracks that Ive listened to so far, but EML will get the best grade!

Not sure why I'm thinking of tornadoes and sci-fi lazer fights when I hear this track.

This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

I'm trying to stay away from this track completely until the album arrives. I don't want to get over familiar with certain tracks. But reading all of these comments is making it very difficult! I'm so excited!!  ;D

Sick!!! Deep and introspective. Not dancey at all and very industrial sounding at the end. Love the snares and the clap sound is good aswell as mentioned earlier.  Especially great is the tribal snares that come in at 1:12 . I kind of wish they released the live visuals of this track as the official video because that is absolutely sick and migraine inducing (in a good way) Lez B honest, all the chem mind trips are good trips, there are no bad chemicals. Even the bad ones sound good on a off day. ANyways back to EML ritual, I have no idea what the title means but am curious to know what it means. It was probably something someone said somewhere.

My dream came true ! Here is a video of the live visuals, as well as a short interview with Adam talking about those visuals, and replacing Ed on the tour :

Quote from: Ben_j on Jul 17, 2015, 08:15

My dream came true ! Here is a video of the live visuals, as well as a short interview with Adam talking about those visuals, and replacing Ed on the tour :

Have a look at this tweet. I am intrigued!

I think the tweet is the same thing as Ben's link isn't it?

At first I just saw the EML video but then I realised there are a couple more too.
On the EML video at 1.57, could that be Adam? On the skating vid they really should have chucked Ed in there somewhere.

Last Edit: Jul 17, 2015, 11:00 by Skyscraper

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