I'm Dancing In the Shadow of Love

Surrender Box Set Coming Soon

Started by inchemwetrust, Apr 29, 2019, 14:26

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My 3cd+1dvd order has been dispatched. But they are talking about 7-10 days delivery time...
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: ThePumisher on Nov 21, 2019, 18:08

My 3cd+1dvd order has been dispatched. But they are talking about 7-10 days delivery time...

Did you get an email? I've had nothing from The Chems store. I'm not trippin as I have 7 CDs of Underworld still to get through, but it'd be nice to know it's on its way.
My OOC vinyl has been shipped, I know that much.

EDIT: It was in Junk. Got a dispatch email. 10-14 days for US/Canada - Woof!

Oh, and weirdly enough, my buddy messaged me yesterday asking if I wanted anything from Tower Records in Tokyo as he is there and will be going there tomorrow...
Well well well, guess what officially comes out tomorrow  ^-^
Last Edit: Nov 21, 2019, 20:05 by Enjoyed

Quote from: Ben_j on Nov 21, 2019, 13:42

I got to listen to all of the Secret Psychedelic Mixes.
Me too.

Quote from: Ben_j on Nov 21, 2019, 13:42

Still not too fond of this one. Maybe I hoped this would be the demo HBHG we heard in 97 live sets and some DJ Sets, and I'm disapointed because it's not.
Agreed. Was hoping for some big f**k-off breakbeats. It's still a nice change to the original, once you accept it for what it is. As indeed is the KiNK mix (doubters need to turn it up & play it loud).

Quote from: Ben_j on Nov 21, 2019, 13:42

- Let Forever Be:
I love this one! The more electronic beat adds a little something to this track. I was never a big fan of the original but this more rough take is more my cup of tea

Well I agree with you that I love this one too. But I don't understand people who weren't fans of the original (supposedly that includes Noel G?). I was stomping along earlier with this playing from my phone. And it does feel like quite a psychedelic mix. When it really hits full force around 2.23 my heart does a little jump for joy. My only real complaint is that it's over before I'm ready. The beat drops out around 3.30 and I keep waiting for it to return...I'm still waiting.

Quote from: Ben_j on Nov 21, 2019, 13:42

- Out of Control:
21mn of boredom :| Enjoyed is the real "Secret Psychedelic Mix" of Out of Control.
Heh, once I got over my initial disappointment about this one I started to ahem, enjoy(!) it. Hey it's 21 minutes of OOC! But originally I had ideas that there might be extra verses, alternate lyrics, more guitar bits and a structure that would accomodate all that...

Quote from: Ben_j on Nov 21, 2019, 13:42

- Flashback:
- Dream On:

I haven't formed strong opinions on these ones yet. But I will say that it's nice to listen to all these tracks consecutively. They're Chems tracks but not as we know them. Still 100% Chemical though - no "foreign bodies" from outside remixers. I'm also enjoying listening to the B-sides consecutvely straight aftrrwards. Something I don't tend to do because I just have the B sides on the CD singles and I've never put 'em all on my hard drive or phone.

It feels a bit like when you get a new Chems DJ mix on your phone to listen to - it's not a new album but it's something new and Chemical. Mind you (as with the DJ mixes) I haven't paid £££ for the pleasure.

As we're on the subject of the album, The Sunshine Underground always makes me think of Doves' The Cedar Room (have I mentioned this before?). I know TSU came out in '99 and Cedar Room came out in 2000, actually it it came out as a single in 1998. But Doves released it on Heavenly - a label the Chems would be familiar with on a personal level. I still have a theory that they heard the Cedar Room before it was released and that the intro
(which also recurrs around 5.00) influenced TSU's outro. The similarity seems too much to be a coincidence.
Last Edit: Nov 21, 2019, 20:12 by Wolkenkrabber

- Let Forever Be:



That's a bit of Music:Response in Dream On too!
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 21, 2019, 20:00

Well I agree with you that I love this one too. But I don't understand people who weren't fans of the original (supposedly that includes Noel G?). I was stomping along earlier with this playing from my phone. And it does feel like quite a psychedelic mix. When it really hits full force around 2.23 my heart does a little jump for joy. My only real complaint is that it's over before I'm ready. The beat drops out around 3.30 and I keep waiting for it to return...I'm still waiting.
Heh, once I got over my initial disappointment about this one I started to ahem, enjoy(!) it. Hey it's 21 minutes of OOC! But originally I had ideas that there might be extra verses, alternate lyrics, more guitar bits and a structure that would accomodate all that...

I haven't formed strong opinions on these ones yet. But I will say that it's nice to listen to all these tracks consecutively. They're Chems tracks but not as we know them. Still 100% Chemical though - no "foreign bodies" from outside remixers. I'm also enjoying listening to the B-sides consecutvely straight aftrrwards. Something I don't tend to do because I just have the B sides on the CD singles and I've never put 'em all on my hard drive or phone.

It feels a bit like when you get a new Chems DJ mix on your phone to listen to - it's not a new album but it's something new and Chemical. Mind you (as with the DJ mixes) I haven't paid £££ for the pleasure.

As we're on the subject of the album, The Sunshine Underground always makes me think of Doves' The Cedar Room (have I mentioned this before?). I know TSU came out in '99 and Cedar Room came out in 2000, actually it it came out as a single in 1998. But Doves released it on Heavenly - a label the Chems would be familiar with on a personal level. I still have a theory that they heard the Cedar Room before it was released and that the intro
(which also recurrs around 5.00) influenced TSU's outro. The similarity seems too much to be a coincidence.
The Doves sample you pointed out is pretty striking (and the song's pretty nice too, thanks for that)!  I don't know whether I shall like this "discovery" or not.

With some of the released (psychedelic) remixes so far I must admit that this anniversary package lost a little steam with me which made me somewhat sceptical whether to go get it or not. Still on the fence with myself spending 50 bucks on the CD/DVD combo...
On the other hand, and I hope that's the case, I understand that these mixes are glimpses into their creative processes being products of their time of creation and not newly put together tracks? Does anyone know for sure? If that were the case I'd feel a lot better about this. Don't get me wrong, I love them for putting out something unique but it somehow hasn't stoked my excitement thus far as much as I hoped it would. At least you guys praising Let Forever Be (which I really love) rekindled some of that :)
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Caveat: I might be exaggerating a little here and I might still be embarrassingly hyped from hearing it, but:

Secret Let Forever Be is kind of worth the price of the entire package.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 21, 2019, 20:00
But Doves released it on Heavenly - a label the Chems would be familiar with on a personal level. I still have a theory that they heard the Cedar Room before it was released and that the intro from 0.25 to 0.50 (which also recurrs around 5.00) influenced TSU's outro. The similarity seems too much to be a coincidence.
It's a good spot! It could still be a coincidence just because that effect is pretty easy to achieve. You just tweak the frequency of an LFO set to control a filter cutoff frequency or volume envelope. Definitely could have been inspired by it or could have accidentally come across it on their own.
Last Edit: Nov 21, 2019, 22:08 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: Csar on Nov 21, 2019, 21:58

The Doves sample you pointed out is pretty striking (and the song's pretty nice too, thanks for that)!  I don't know whether I shall like this "discovery" or not.
Doves are such a good band. The Last Broadcast album is probably the easiest entry point but honestly all their albums are good. And after a ten year sabbatical (they never said they had split up, they were just on a break!) they're back. Played a hadful of gigs in 2019 and we expect new music from them next year. Other individual tracks (well, singles) worth checking out: Pounding, There Goes The Fear (full length if possible), Black & White Town, Caught By The River.
Fun fact: Before they were Doves they were Sub Sub and sounded very different (Ain't No Love Ain't No Use). Here endeth my Doves hijack.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Nov 21, 2019, 22:10

Doves are such a good band. The Last Broadcast album is probably the easiest entry point but honestly all their albums are good. And after a ten year sabbatical (they never said they had split up, they were just on a break!) they're back. Played a hadful of gigs in 2019 and we expect new music from them next year. Other individual tracks (well, singles) worth checking out: Pounding, There Goes The Fear (full length if possible), Black & White Town, Caught By The River.
Fun fact: Before they were Doves they were Sub Sub and sounded very different (Ain't No Love Ain't No Use). Here endeth my Doves hijack.
Ha, Sub Sub, really? Is this the same Sub Sub?
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Let Forever Be is my favorite Chem Bros track and I absolutely love the Secret Psychedelic Mix!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Nov 21, 2019, 19:30

10-14 days for US/Canada - Woof!
aww shit here we go again, time to post a sequal:

"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: CheManuel on Nov 21, 2019, 09:47

Top of box! (Via Amazon)



Hey these look great by the way - it's a simple touch but I'm very glad they changed the box art just a bit.
Never for money, always for love.

Have had the 4LP box in hand for a couple of days. Letting it sink in a little before making any real judgments, but so far I am 100% in agreement that the Let Forever Be mix is the highlight.

Quote from: actionjackson780 on Nov 22, 2019, 03:34

Have had the 4LP box in hand for a couple of days. Letting it sink in a little before making any real judgement.

How did you get your copy so quick?

A) Related to Kate Gibb!
B) Broke into UMG Headquarters!
C) Asked Ukraine for a copy in exchange for dirt on Biden!
D) Tom or Ed gave you one

As for judgements, I plan to do a write up as soon as I listen to it and watch the DVD! I havent listened to any of the mixes or the OOC mix at all. Kinda of keeping it for a surprise for tommorow

Ok. So far it's left Tennessee! Should be here locally by noon!

Last Edit: Nov 22, 2019, 06:40 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on Nov 22, 2019, 06:34
How did you get your copy so quick?

A) Related to Kate Gibb!
B) Broke into UMG Headquarters!
C) Asked Ukraine for a copy in exchange for dirt on Biden!
D) Tom or Ed gave you one
Haha!! If only.. I work casually at a record store in town and the order came in early so I snuck my copy home.

Listened to them on Spotify just now.

Let Forever Be is the standout for me, but it's too short. So much amazing Surrender era ear candy, I love it. Not a big fan of the intro (sounds like they're trying to be something they're not? idk) but from like 1 min onwards it's brilliant.

Flashback is also great, for similar reasons. But the original is better. In fact the original is incredible, I never really gave it a proper go back in the day but it's a cracking tune now.

Dream On is good while it's different, then it's basically the same with less vocoder.

OOC is basically the original that cuts to a long jam session where they're just messing about. As a fan and a producer it's cool to hear the sounds and synth patches out of context and tweaked around a bit, but as a track it's not doing it for me. I was also hoping for some of the other bits that fell by the wayside on the journey to the final version. Other Bernard and Bobby bits, or wild synth parts for example.

HBHG is a miss for me. It's not bad, but it's not really psychedelic, so I was disappointed from the start. Ah well.

Definitely not complaining though. Great little package of alternative mixes. And I'm happy to get the vinyls to fill out my collection. Hyped for the Kate Gibb prints too!

I went for a hunt of the vinyl boxset in Paris this morning, and got one ! I also finally received my OOC vinyl. The boxset is beautiful, there are a lot of interviews inside that I haven't read yet. I'm watching Glasto 2000 right now  :music

My CD/DVD/Bonuses box-set has just arrived. It looks stunning  :)

I haven't read the booklet yet but it looks like it's got lots of interesting, nostalgic stuff in there. The album art prints are a real highlight for me. I've been wanting 12" prints of Kate's work to hang on the wall for a long time, so these will take pride of place on my wall.

I'm looking forward to listening to the CDs... I'm currently working on a Surrender anniversary DJ mix, so it will be interesting to see if I can squeeze in some of the Psychedelic mixes  8)

Quote from: hubie on Nov 22, 2019, 13:13

I'm currently working on a Surrender anniversary DJ mix, so it will be interesting to see if I can squeeze in some of the Psychedelic mixes  8)

I might do a part 3 to my Chemical Brothers mix, too, now that No Geography and Surrender 20 have been released... Lots of new material to work with :)

Quote from: Ben_j on Nov 22, 2019, 13:26

I might do a part 3 to my Chemical Brothers mix, too, now that No Geography and Surrender 20 have been released... Lots of new material to work with :)

Nice one. I'd love to hear it. Where can I find your first two?

I've done a couple myself, the most recent can be found HERE (I might iron out some of its kinks sometime in the future)  8)

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