Maybe I Feel Out of Control

What do you want from a surrender box set?

Started by sneakerbeater, May 26, 2019, 22:56

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So what would you want in a surrender box set?

Hey boy hey girl early version. The one they nearly played on the Colin Murray show back in 2007 but could not quite do it. Im sure this will be similar in vein to what they we playing in Osaka in 97

While you at it put an Osaka 97 live recording of hey boy on there to.

Full Glastonbury 2000 video.

6 different version of got glint

Let forever be, Noel came back to Orinoco and record the guitar parts edit.

Tomorow never knows - junior parker

Kate gibb colour by numbers artwork

Music response stencil

White flag

Second referendum

Studio k (further down the hole edit)

Dream on reprise 12" mix

Racing the tide

Mouse mat, do you remember them from back in the day??

Replica pair of tom's glasses. See life in yellow vision

But seriously if Tom and ed are doing this then there could be some cool shit coming our way

Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 23:11 by Sneaker
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

Quote from: Sneaker on May 26, 2019, 22:56

6 different version of got glint


Basically I'd like a Underworld style reissue with 3 cds of bonus material. One can be all the b sides if it really has to be, but 2 CDs should be full of new things - demos, alternate versions, unheard tracks, live recordings, etc.

A full 12" colour booklet full of all the Kate Gibb artwork complete with variations and unused stuff.

Not too fussed about remixes. I've heard and have all of the ones from back then, and I don't care to hear any new reinterpretations of those songs - unless they are by Tom & Ed themselves.

I would be great to hear the longer versions of songs and hear how they formed into the tracks we know on the album. I basically only want than and alternate edits we haven't heard it they exist (think UTI mix 2). Maybe some high end prints of Kate Gibb's works too.

Quote from: Sneaker on May 26, 2019, 22:56

Hey boy hey girl early version. The one they nearly played on the Colin Murray show back in 2007...
Maybe also a studio/crowdless rip of Flashback/8 Miles High.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Maybe also a studio/crowdless rip of Flashback/8 Miles High

An extended version of Flashback. And also let forever be instrumental (my wishlist for a long time)

I'd be happy with anything mentioned here already!! I would love for any Surrender-era tunes/extended versions/edits, etc etc to surface that may have fallen behind the sofa a bunch of years ago. A proper booklet with Kate's artwork and maybe some images from their tour. Maybe a dvd that has videos from that era, interviews, or live clips.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Let Forever Be (petty Re-work) featuring Liam Gallagher  >:D  ;D

There does need to be a lot of attention made to Kate gibb artwork for Surrender for this project. She has got so many one of a kind alternative prints. Early on in her instagram account she has some artwork that she pitched to do the artwork for surrender that is pretty cool

Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 07:57 by Sneaker
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment- there are consequences

All the artwork during this period has that multicolored ribbon cable in the background. How about a collage from Kate displaying the ribbon cable interconnecting the singles and and album cover as one piece?

I also wonder how some of the art would look in a 3d style shadow box.

But yes, any alternate art would be perfect. Maybe a short interview from her too.

Disc 1 - The Album
Diac 2 - B-Sides, Extended Mixes, & Unreleased Tracks
Disc 3 - Alternate Versions & Demos
Disc 4 - More Demos, Live Only Tracks, Alternate Live Mixes
Disc 5 - Full live Surrender era show
Book - Every Kate Gibb art piece along with words from Kate on designing art for Surrender and words from Tom & Ed on recording Surrender.

Do it in a vinyl sized boxset like Underworld's Dubnobasswithmyheadman/Second Toughest In The Infants/Beaucoup Fish and The Smashing Pumpkins' Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness.


A 2 hour version of Asleep from Day that I could put throughout the whole flight when I'm in a plane

Quote from: Ben_j on May 27, 2019, 13:49
A 2 hour version of Asleep from Day that I could put throughout the whole flight when I'm in a plane

All I want from the box set is to be also released on CD.

Quote from: Stefan on May 27, 2019, 19:41

All I want from the box set is to be also released on CD.

The Chemical Brothers always seems to release on CD, so I'm pretty sure it will be.

A download card  :)) :)) :))

Ok seriously,like Sneak said, I would just like all the prints from Gibbs artwork, maybe throw in some of Neorevs suggestions. I like how he broke it all down and covers all the bases.

Maybe a 'the making of'video of the box set would be cool. VIP pass replicas from the surrender era.
Oh and a Funko Pop of Tom and Ed.

Also want versions of Flashbank and other versions of the B-sides.

I guess the big question is the price point. How much would you pay for it?
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: inchemwetrust on May 27, 2019, 20:03

I guess the big question is the price point. How much would you pay for it?


Or, like, 60 to 80 bucks. Depending on content.

Everything already mentioned plus a download card for the  unmixed tracks version of the álbum.
And dont forget "Hey Boy Hey Girl (Extended Version)" released on CD/Digital.
Just get yourself high.

I just want 5 cd's of different versions of The Sunshine Underground. Plus a t-shirt.

Something along the lines of the Scremadelica ltd box would be cool.

great ideas from sneaker =D
we also need early music:response mixed with that early hbhg

how about an acoustic dream on?
Eight or over.

I will be pleased with the autograph of T&E.
Hi Kevin!

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