Ouhmmmm Beya-deh. Ahhhhhh Yeah!

n00b Corner! Introduce yourself here!

Started by whirlygirl, Jul 26, 2015, 03:15

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Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 15, 2017, 13:37

(P.S. I'm also a huge Underworld fan and am always down to talk about how incredible Pearl's Girl is...)
Been listening to the Carp Fish Koi mix again recently. So dope.

Never for money, always for love.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 15, 2017, 13:37

Welcome PG79!

Seeing the boys the wrote the masterful 'Denmark', in Denmark must have been pretty special!

Hopefully you'll find this place a pretty satisfying pool of great discussion, top recommendations and a shared love for the finer things in life.

Go check out some of those new tunes InChem is talking about. I'm always singing 'Free Yourself' to myself. We're very excited about what is still to come!

(P.S. I'm also a huge Underworld fan and am always down to talk about how incredible Pearl's Girl is...)

Thanks Peter.

Its a cool forum i can see already, people are really into the stuff, on a sick detail level! :)
I'm enjoying the read, i will listen to the dj sets as i can understand it has some bites of new tracks! I'm happy to hear that new stuff is being made, i read in a interview (or something) that this was almost close to be the last album... And even thought i would be sad i defiantly respect that. Cause doing this for so many years must be HARD.
But happy to hear they are making new music, hope it will follow the path of Echoes, since i think this the the best album since come with us.

/ Poul

Oh yeah, on a Underworld note.
I have to listen more to the new album. But i like it a lot more then the Baring.
I think that album was not really underworld quality.

The older albums, like Second Toughest is just perfect. Just got it on rerelease vinyl :) that was amazing!


Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jul 15, 2017, 21:14

Been listening to the Carp Fish Koi mix again recently. So dope.

Havent heard this, will listen to it..

Nice one, not just a standard remix, takes it somewhere else.. I like those kind of remixes.

Underworld are the kings of remixing their own stuff. Often ending up with something entirely unrelated to the original coughThingInABookcough

Fluke are also very good at that.

Hi i'm from ARGENTINA, Saludos Hermanos i have 26 years old, and I love this.

Welcome fjbrugger!

Did you manage to see the Brothers at Sonar back in 2015?

  I'm Conn6orsuper117 and I'm not good with introductions.

  I've been listening to the Brothers since 2014 and already own 3 albums and 1 EP:
Exit planet dust, Dig your own hole, Surrender, & the loops of fury EP (which I found factory wraped in mint condition at a used CD bin)

  I am also fans of Daft punk (part of the Daft Club forums), the prodigy, Gorillaz and fatboy slim.

  I am too broke to go see the bros (not to mention they dont come to anywhere near Oregon) but I own a copy of Dont think and 10 Live Recording mp3s:
Leicester 1995, Brixton 96, Lollipop 96 & 97, Osaka 97 (low quality), Woodstock 99 (which I have sorted into different songs and burnt onto a CD), Red-Rocks 99, Amsterdam 02, Hultsfred 02 & Radio 1 big weekend 05

  I am on the hunt for the Atlanta 97 recording but have only been led to one guys YT channel who only shows one song and never links a download. (if anyone has the recording and willing to share can you link me a DL?)

  I also have a soundcloud which I dunno if its ok to link but here you go

Im glad to be here and meet you all!
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Hi Conn-super-long-name!

Great you've found this place. You'll meet nice and knowledgable people about the Chems and all sorts of things. Enjoy your time here!

The Atlanta set is most probably the set that is also known as the Masquerade from 1997/5/20. It's about 27 min long. Give me a couple of minutes..


There you go:

Shout-outs go to Biff. :)
Last Edit: Oct 16, 2017, 20:24 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Csar on Oct 16, 2017, 20:09

Hi Conn-super-long-name!

Great you've found this place. You'll meet nice and knowledgable people about the Chems and all sorts of things. Enjoy your time here!

The Atlanta set is most probably the set that is also known as the Masquerade from 1997/5/20. It's about 27 min long. Give me a couple of minutes..


There you go:

Shout-outs go to Biff. :)

You can just say CS117 for short :)
ALRIGHT, BIFF!!! :music I thought the recording was longer, played until chemical beats. Thanks though
Last Edit: Oct 17, 2017, 08:07 by Conn6orsuper117
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 16, 2017, 19:42

  I'm Conn6orsuper117 and I'm not good with introductions.

  I've been listening to the Brothers since 2014 and already own 3 albums and 1 EP:
Exit planet dust, Dig your own hole, Surrender, & the loops of fury EP (which I found factory wraped in mint condition at a used CD bin)

  I am also fans of Daft punk (part of the Daft Club forums), the prodigy, Gorillaz and fatboy slim.

  I am too broke to go see the bros (not to mention they dont come to anywhere near Oregon) but I own a copy of Dont think and 10 Live Recording mp3s:
Leicester 1995, Brixton 96, Lollipop 96 & 97, Osaka 97 (low quality), Woodstock 99 (which I have sorted into different songs and burnt onto a CD), Red-Rocks 99, Amsterdam 02, Hultsfred 02 & Radio 1 big weekend 05

  I am on the hunt for the Atlanta 97 recording but have only been led to one guys YT channel who only shows one song and never links a download. (if anyone has the recording and willing to share can you link me a DL?)

  I also have a soundcloud which I dunno if its ok to link but here you go

Im glad to be here and meet you all!


There seems to be momentum in meeting up at SF/LA shows in California! I'll be traveling up and down the west coast and potentially elsewhere in the U.S. the next time they come around these parts. Always happy to have other forumites along at the shows.

Cheers. :)

Quote from: Conn6orsuper117 on Oct 16, 2017, 19:42

not to mention they dont come to anywhere near Oregon
Quote from: MadPooter on Oct 17, 2017, 03:03

There seems to be momentum in meeting up at SF/LA shows in California!

Wassup CS117! I just moved to Oregon! But will definitely be making a trip to California for a show/big meet up when they eventually swing back around. You should start saving now so we can all hang out!

Also, between Pooter, Whirly and me, we can definitely ensure you eat well on your trip... coughDONUTScough

Quote from: Enjoyed on Oct 19, 2017, 20:47

Wassup CS117! I just moved to Oregon! But will definitely be making a trip to California for a show/big meet up when they eventually swing back around. You should start saving now so we can all hang out!

Also, between Pooter, Whirly and me, we can definitely ensure you eat well on your trip... coughDONUTScough

Meeting up to enjoy the music together (or to just hang, eat cereal covered ice cream stuffed donuts, and talk music or movies or nonsense just cuz) is some of the best shit about the forum. Chems peeps are good peeps.

Welcome to the newcomers, especially those who are still fresh into the discovery/journey. Hope you enjoy your time here!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Hey, guys!

I've just entered the ChemBase and first I would like to send a big salute to all of you CB fans.
I'm a 36 years young raver who's listening to the chemical brothers since I was in high school, but really got back to being a big fan since their latest album, the master piece Born in the Echoes.
We've had a couple of chances to watch a live show in the past years in Romania, but missed it so we will be traveling to Manchester on 9th of December for their show at the WHP.

We are very excited about this show and me in particular especially since recently I have decided to propose to my girlfriend by the end of this year, so I was hoping that I could maybe do something special at the event. Do any of you have any thoughts on that, could we involve the CB crew on it, have they done anything resembling this before? I can easily just do it during the show, but thought that maybe I can do more than that.

Awaiting for your feedback and wishing you all the best.


Hi Gigi and welcome to this little chems refuge of ours! Glad to see some new faces around here that aren't bots :D

Enjoy your time on the forums, you'll meet cool and interesting folks around here.

Just one little reminder on the show you're about to embark on in December: this is going to be a DJ set rather than a CB live show! The latter is a show solely based on their own work whereas DJ sets are just like traditional DJ sets, comprising various track choices of various artists including their own material but without the light/visual show which their live shows are famous for.
Nevertheless, I hope your proposal will be going down great and wish you a awesome night in London!
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Hey there,

I know the difference between the live show and DJ set, but this being the single gig that we could find for our favorite brothers and also being in Manchester, UK where we've never been before we just took it. So yeah, not the best we could get, but I hope that it will be a good show, nevertheless (hopefully some visual effects too:).
Didn't got your feedback on my questions, though, regarding the proposal. :)


Quote from: Gigi Marinescu on Oct 25, 2017, 16:26

Hey there,

I know the difference between the live show and DJ set, but this being the single gig that we could find for our favorite brothers and also being in Manchester, UK where we've never been before we just took it. So yeah, not the best we could get, but I hope that it will be a good show, nevertheless (hopefully some visual effects too:).
Didn't got your feedback on my questions, though, regarding the proposal. :)

Just wanted to let you know, just in case you had different expectations.

Regarding your proposal, well, it's quite difficult to give any advice since I neither know you nor your financée good enough. If it was me, I would probably do something that feels honest and not too over the top because I wouldn't do it for the attentions of others but my girl (I know, television and Hollywood tell you otherwise). Do something that reflects the spirit of your relationship and your fiancée's nature, something that only you know about her (desires, whishes, hopes, thoughts, philosophy ...) and you as a couple. Sorry that I can't be more specific.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

You're totally right and I feel the same, my question was more onto what you think it can be done in an event like this and even more so if there was something like this going on at a CB show, but I guess not, so I will do my own thing and prepare it as best as I can.

All the best,

Gigi, they've never done anything like that as far as I know. I've been on this forum quite a while and the interactions between fan and artist for this group is pretty few and far between.

Could try Ed on twitter, but don't hold your breath.

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