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The Private Psychedelic Reel vs The Sunshine Underground

Started by Ben_j, Jul 29, 2015, 18:03

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The Private Psychedelic Reel vs The Sunshine Underground

The Private Psychedelic Reel
13 (61.9%)
The Sunshine Underground
8 (38.1%)

Total Members Voted: 21

I'm trying out a new series of poll-topics : finding out which of two pretty similar tracks is the ultimatest, bestest of the two

In this case, two highly psychedelic, epic tracks : TSU vs TPPR. Go !

I voted for TSU, because I like its neverending evolution and shape shifting, while TPPR repeats itself over and over
Last Edit: Jul 29, 2015, 18:11 by Ben_j

voted for PPR coz it is... and the flute... and... AAAWWW! i can't describe it using human's words
Meow meow meow
Sound sound sound

TSU all day long.

Nothing they have done is as complete, goes thru as many stages and leaves me thoroughly mentally exhausted and happy. No other piece of music has had the effect that has had on me. Simples.  Its on the funeral shortlist lets put it that way.

When surrender came out i used to work in an electrical retailer and i used to use TSU to demo stereo systems (the official shop cd for that did have Release the Pressure on but this worked better) and i could stall for three minutes, talking about the stereo and then payment terms etc and when the beat dropped, kerching. People literally dropping food mixers and shit in other aisles when it was going off.

The wife has also said that no other piece of music has come close to emulating the experience of taking ecstacy in sound form.

The tune even conjurs up a little film for me in my head that i could go into but you'd think i was!

And never thought they would pull it off live but its outstanding.  on the CWU tour it was the first encore track and worked a treat

PPR is close and i dont think TSU would have been possible without, think it was a good reference point for them making the next epic but as a focal point of an album, its their best.

Last Edit: Jul 29, 2015, 19:23 by Chops

The Reel is the Reel. Nuff said
Last Edit: Jul 29, 2015, 20:10 by ThePumisher
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Ben already dropping a level 99 poll on us.

'Flips coin'

TPPR it is!

Go reel go! Go reel go!
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Quote from: UltimatePelmeni on Jul 29, 2015, 18:50

voted for PPR coz it is... and the flute... and... AAAWWW! i can't describe it using human's words
Seconded  ;D
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

The Reel remains my favorite Chems song to date.  When it comes up as a surprise when my music is shuffled, it feels like an old friend. So many wonderful, happy memories start flooding back when I hear this song.

As an album closer, it says goodbye but there's something about it that says "until we meet again sometime." Same with when they close a gig. When I finally got to hear them close a set with The Reel, I felt like the luckiest woman on the planet.

I love the Sunshine Underground too, and it is spectacular in its own right. It's funny, for a long stretch of time, whenever I'd hear this song in the car, it always (and I mean... *always*) ended right at the moment I reached my destination. So crazy how that works out sometimes.

Anyway, both beautiful songs but for me, the Reel will win out every time.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Well, it is for sure The Private Sunshine Reel, or was it The Sunshine Psychedelic Underground?

Or in other words:

When I listen to The Private Psychedelic Reel it's like the best thing ever.

When I listen to The Sunshine Underground it's like the best thing ever.

And btw, the "flute" is actually a clarinet!  :-X
Last Edit: Jul 31, 2015, 09:54 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Private Psychedelic Reel is like, you entered into a dark tunnel, more and more you walk through it it's getting brighter to a point where you are blind and suddenly you found yourself surrounded of an abstract world ready to show you the meaning of what it's surreal and what it's not. It's quite scary and fascinating.

And The Sunshine Underground, I always thought of it like the name indicates, a huge sunshine that wraps you till the end of the world. It gives you a magical feeling.

Weird descriptions but it's the way it goes to me.   
Last Edit: Jul 30, 2015, 02:14 by Nekcore

Wow! That's a tough one. If I had to put down my answer though, it's TSU.
They're both so mind bending, but I think TSU is just a more accomplished experience.
TPPS feels like more of a mad jam then a song. Not saying that isn't fucking amazing, but TSU still wins... by a slither
The devil is in the details

TSU made me cry at Glastonbury.

Quote from: UltimatePelmeni on Jul 29, 2015, 18:50

voted for PPR coz it is... and the flute... and... AAAWWW! i can't describe it using human's words
Quote from: ThePumisher on Jul 29, 2015, 19:33

The Reel is the Reel. Nuff said


Quote from: Csar on Jul 29, 2015, 23:28

When I listen to The Private Psychedelic Reel it's like the best thing ever.

When I listen to The Sunshine Underground it's like the best thing ever.

But THIS too, I must admit...still voted for the Reel cause it remains my favorite Chems track and the world wouldn't be worth anything iif it didn't exist.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 30, 2015, 23:42

TSU made me cry at Glastonbury.

This. And at Sonar it also made me shirtlessly roar "OH MY GOD YES" like an animal and dance like I was a thousand times less sober than I was. I haven't heard the Reel live yet...

I'm voting TSU because it's a much better song than TPPR... TPPR is a proper jam, but it just isn't as complete and whole as TSU is.
Last Edit: Jul 31, 2015, 08:46 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

The Reel live + rolling stones Sympathy for the Devil.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Quote from: MadPooter on Jul 31, 2015, 09:05

The Reel live + rolling stones Sympathy for the Devil.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.
It's like you thought it can't get any better and then they come up with this in 2011! The intro with Dissolve is just magical!

I won't cast my vote, though. It's like asking me which way I'd like to reach a level-of-awesome when actually both lead to the same one.
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: MadPooter on Jul 31, 2015, 09:05

The Reel live + rolling stones Sympathy for the Devil.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I'd be high for weeks if I heard that live!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Jul 31, 2015, 08:42

This. And at Sonar it also made me shirtlessly roar "OH MY GOD YES" like an animal and dance like I was a thousand times less sober than I was. I haven't heard the Reel live yet...

I'm voting TSU because it's a much better song than TPPR... TPPR is a proper jam, but it just isn't as complete and whole as TSU is.

Too funny!! Did your fiancé think you were nuts, or what? Hahaha!!
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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