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Virtual Reality Chemical Brothers

Started by ENGAGE-Team, Dec 18, 2020, 21:29

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I asked my content team to build something cool for the Christmas party which we held remotely inside virtual reality this year. Most of the team are Chemical Brothers fans and this is what we got back today. I thought I would share it here :)

Happy Christmas


 ;D HAHa That's awesome!
Can you imagine ..... an extra-terrestrial disc jockey? Like, listening to radio waves from space? It was unbelievable!

Holy wow. That's incredible. GG team!

If anyone here has contact with Tom or Ed please forward it to them. We would love to host a full virtual concert with them and make it available to the general public. .

Hah, reminds me of quite fresh Duck Sauce's Mesmerize music video
Merry Xmas
Where do I start?
Where do I begin?

That's amazing. it would be bliss to have a full chemical brothers concert remade in VR (with visuals remade in 3d models). somebody is doing the same with Daft Punk's Alive 2007, so I have/had a feeling the bros were not far off.
"The music Gets Louder, The Lights swirl faster, the chap who freaks out hasn't passed the acid test... A surprising number of these youngsters don't even know who Timothy Leary is..."

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