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Record Store Day 2021

Started by 𝒥𝑅𝒮𝒵, Apr 07, 2021, 17:44

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Now that the TDTYF single is out, which side do you prefer?

Side A: The Darkness That You Fear  
2 (13.3%)
Side B: Work Energy Principle
5 (33.3%)
They're both great tracks in their own way
7 (46.7%)
1 (6.7%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Just got a 2nd copy on Amoeba's website. I don't think they are shipping internationally, but figured I would pass on the info.

Quote from: Bosco on Jun 12, 2021, 17:59

Just got a 2nd copy on Amoeba's website. I don't think they are shipping internationally, but figured I would pass on the info.

Appreciate the heads up! I'm "in line" on their website now. No luck at my store and it seems nowhere else ordered any copies.

Edit: Not sure if I was looking in the wrong place, but I couldn't see it on there.
I have one last place to try then I think I'll call it.
Would love a copy of the rip if anyone would be so kind.
Last Edit: Jun 12, 2021, 18:26 by Enjoyed

Dang, I bet it sold out.

I got order confirmation and everything...

I was also in line at exactly 10:00AM Pacific Time

Nice! Congrats everyone.

Super excited to hear the new track either way.

Quote from: mesamm99 on Jun 12, 2021, 17:29

First time doing RSD. Took my 4 year old daughter and we made a morning of it. Got lucky and picked up TDTYF.

This is so lovely. What did she make of the experience?

there are a lot of them on sale at discogs

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Just got home as well.

Confirmed ahead of time via website with my local in Burnaby they'd have TDYF in stock. Got there 5 minutes to opening. I was approximately 20th in line. Most folks in line looked like punks, metalheads, or exactly like me (white males with at least one piece of denim on). Estimated my chances were okay. Half hour wait to get in as they were letting in 5 at a time (very small space). Guys behind me (standing WAYYYYYYY to close... two feet maybe...) talking about Rough Trade site keep giving "Gateway Errors" on check out.

Soon as I walk in owner and his wife ask "Are you looking for any specific release?". Tell them the TDYF and Tomb Raider. Point me directly to the electronic section for TDYF. One TDYF copy in section...SCORE! $25 price point, not great but expected. Tomb Raider? "on the far end of the front counter. Little bit pricey ($60). Likely cause of the licensing", also expected. Also picked up Thundercat's "Drunk" 10" box set for $40. In and out in 5 minutes.

I may swing by the other shop in downtown today to see if they have a copy as well.

Been texting actionjackson on walk home. Sounds like he scored as well.
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Work Energy Principle is a banger  :o
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Didn't find much at the store RSD wise! Was contemplating on purchasing the Avalanches recent release but still on the wall. Store was packed but didn't stay too long. Kind of went in and went out!

My impression of that b-side: reminds me of some BG music that they play on some televised talent show on the part where this guy gets his cats to speed walk on a highwire that's about 25 feet in the air! Crowd applauds!


It's a good opening dj club track right before the chems put out the heavy stuff during the set. Still getting my listens in!
Last Edit: Jun 12, 2021, 19:16 by inchemwetrust
This is up there. Like, Star Guitar up there.

Can confirm I got a copy as well! 1 of 2 copies sold before I could get down to the shop, but luckily my guy on the inside put the last one behind the counter for me. Still out and about, but reading first impressions of WEP is making me want to rush home!

Well done Gents!

Quote from: rynostar on Jun 12, 2021, 19:00

Most folks in line looked like punks, metalheads, or exactly like me (white males with at least one piece of denim on).


I so badly wish I could have picked this up at record shop within reasonable distance like the rest of you. I haven't had a proper record store visit in 5+ years (if not longer). For whatever reason, The Chemical Brothers seem largely overlooked in my area, and today was a sad reminder of that.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 12, 2021, 18:41

Nice! Congrats everyone.

Super excited to hear the new track either way.

This is so lovely. What did she make of the experience?

She very much enjoyed it. Love that she loves the Chems just like her dad! Looking forward to the day she introduces me to music.

Quote from: mesamm99 on Jun 12, 2021, 19:42

She very much enjoyed it. Love that she loves the Chems just like her dad! Looking forward to the day she introduces me to music.

Did you take her out for a sprinkle doughnut afterward? That is where the real memories are made!

Quote from: Bosco on Jun 12, 2021, 19:40

Well done Gents!


I so badly wish I could have picked this up at record shop within reasonable distance like the rest of you. I haven't had a proper record store visit in 5+ years (if not longer). For whatever reason, The Chemical Brothers seem largely overlooked in my area, and today was a sad reminder of that.

Though we may not have ANYTHING like Gramaphone in Chicago, we've got 8 or 9 awesome indie record shops here in Cincinnati and I strategically live 2 blocks from the best one.  :)

Mrs. Enjoyed is the hero of RSD. She ordered one online from a store that was definitely not within walking distance from where I was, once I told her they were out at the place I queued for. I had to wait in line again just to pick it up, but I have it in hand!

Big big congrats and celebrations all round.

Going to blast it in the car on the way to the forest in an hour!

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 12, 2021, 20:49

Mrs. Enjoyed is the hero of RSD. She ordered one online from a store that was definitely not within walking distance from where I was, once I told her they were out at the place I queued for. I had to wait in line again just to pick it up, but I have it in hand!

Big big congrats and celebrations all round.

Going to blast it in the car on the way to the forest in an hour!

I'm picturing you driving with a 1200 on the passenger seat.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 12, 2021, 20:49

Mrs. Enjoyed is the hero of RSD. She ordered one online from a store that was definitely not within walking distance from where I was, once I told her they were out at the place I queued for. I had to wait in line again just to pick it up, but I have it in hand!

Big big congrats and celebrations all round.

Going to blast it in the car on the way to the forest in an hour!
I think I stated it once before, never let her go! ;)
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

Quote from: Bosco on Jun 12, 2021, 19:47

Did you take her out for a sprinkle doughnut afterward? That is where the real memories are made!

The thought had crossed our mind... but we biked to the record store and it was too dang hot out afterwards.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jun 12, 2021, 20:49

I have it in hand!
Going to blast it in the car on the way to the forest in an hour!



Home and listening (loud!) now. WOW! Its not my fav style if Chems b-side generally, but I know that WEP is one I'll come back to and keep finding more and more to appreciate. Reminds me a little bit of Swiper or Clip Kiss, kind of club tunes where you wonder why they didn't end up as EBWs like Acid Children or EBW9.

TDTYF is even better on vinyl. I'm not usually picky about streaming vs vinyl etc as long as I get to hear the songs, but there is definitely something about playing a Chems record for the first time properly

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Jun 12, 2021, 21:36


LOL Laurel and Hardy Pimpin' that ride before it was even cool!

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