Just Get Yourself High

Go single for podcast jingle?

Started by thesmartdesigner, Jun 01, 2021, 16:16

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Hi ChemBase Team,
I have been a fan for over a decade!  I'm wondering if I have permission to use part of the song 'Go' in the beginning of my podcast jingle?  I plan on recording it soon and it will be entirely focused on smart designing.  It will cover technical topics related to smart home gadgets and interior design.  I feel that this song perfectly creates the feel I am trying to portray.  I would be so appreciative and provide the proper credit in my podcast to direct listeners to buy your album!  Let me know if this is at all possible!

Hi there and welcome here at our special place!
Well, even though we're kindly offically endorsed by the Chems, we're just a private forum after all and unfortunately do not have any say in any things related to IP questions. If your podcast is non-profit and the jingle not too long, I'd see no problem. But again, I can't give you any assurance. Let us know how it goes.

Last Edit: Jun 01, 2021, 21:21 by Csar
"You cannot eat money, oh no. You cannot eat money, oh no. When the last tree has fallen and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no."
— Aurora (The Seed)

I just so happen to have been reading about this kind of stuff recently.

Credit won't cut it.

You MUST license the song. No ifs, ands or buts.

From this page:
If podcasters use music in their podcasts, podcasters should make sure they have all of the authorizations  (i.e., permissions) necessary to incorporate the music into their podcasts. 

Those authorizations should include obtaining rights to both (1) the sound recording (i.e., the specific recorded version of the song) and (2) the underlying musical composition (i.e., the lyrics and melody).  In addition, the authorizations, for both the sound recording and the underlying musical composition, should cover rights to (a) copy, (b) distribute and (c) digitally transmit the podcast, depending upon whether the podcast is available for downloading and/or streaming.

If you REALLY want to use "Go": check how to license the song where you live. For example, if you are in the UK, PRS For Music is where you would go. If you are in the US, you would go to ASCAP.

Otherwise, might be better to just stick to royalty free music.
The DJ eases a spliff from his lyrical lips
And smilingly orders:

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