Jerk Chicken

What do you guys do and like?

Started by Mob1, Aug 20, 2015, 06:48

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This is a topic to get to know each other better.  From the forum stats I gather we're a just a two to three dozen of regular members, so it's a good thing to know about each other. Who knows, maybe we could help each other out in the future.

As for me,  just turned 26. I studied business administration and economics for undergrad, worked for a couple of years in investment banking and private equity (that's basically selling and buying companies ), did a graduate program on financial planning  and this year I'm finishing a master's degree in finance at business school, which is the most boring shit ever and working part time on investment advisory for a family office. (geez just realized i'm so one dimensional)

I like DJing a lot, though i only have lots of records, a mixer and turntables.. can't get used to time codes and cdjs. I play mainly techno, house and trip-hop.  :music I used to go to a lot of dj gigs from when I was 15 to 23  but not anymore though.
I like to snowboard a lot during the winter and do some  trekking from time to time.
What else... I like to travel and learn new languages, I'm trying to learn German and Croatian at the moment but little progress so far.
I also love comic books, last year I started re reading the old early 90s comics I bought when I was a kid and got me hooked again.
I like films a lot, mostly surrealist stuff. and i really love listening to Howard Stern everyday.

OK boring part is over,

What about you all?

Hmmmm... Well, I like to write. But I guarantee if I start writing about what I've done and what I like (and all the things I've done and what I've liked in my 43 years on this earth) - everyone would probably find the nearest bridge and jump off of it. Out of sheer boredom. ;)

I've found that... When it comes to stuff as broad as this - we find out each other's histories, preferences, trials, tribulations in the things that are shared daily, whether frequently or infrequently. The General Bullshit chat (especially in that monster archive) is a perfect example of that.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

I honestly can't think of much to say. I'm pretty much a classic garden-variety nerd. My hobbies are Movies and Video Games and I leave High School next year to go study programming at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment in Canberra. About as nerdy as you can get without adding Anime or Comic Books to that desciption. I have, however, seen Coyboy Bebop and am currently reading Watchmen, so I think I deserve some cred, thank you very much!
Really though, my hobbies pretty much centre on Movies and Video Games. I live in a rural area, so my internet is pretty much running off a potato battery. I've managed to maintain my film hobby by visiting the local DVD rental shop every week and coming home with a stack of about 7-9, and I've been doing it pretty much since I started High School. And I've managed to maintain my game hobby by relying on small indie games and only buying AAA titles as physical copies after the prices have died down.
So yeah, all of that, plus High School, pretty much sums up my day-to-day life at the moment.
The devil is in the details

This is great, I've always wondered what you folks do in life, although I gathered much reading your posts.
I'm 37 years old, I work as managing director in plastic manufacturing company, in Croatia, little, beautiful and, at times, weird country on the Adriatic coast.
I love reading. Fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, philosophy, poetry (19th century in general, French poets and E.A. Poe, Shakespeare... ), physics, biographies, nothing is beneath me!  :)
In particular, I have great interest in history of religions,  religion itself is amazing to me.
In music, like in books, I have no standards, my interests range from classical to industrial, from morna to big beat and everything in between. Lately I've been overdosing on The Soul Survivors and Dave Brubeck, my latest treasures in music.
I don't watch television, at all. I spend most of my entertainment on video games, RPG almost exclusively.
I like to travel, but don't as much as I would like to.
Also, I would be happy If I can help in any way with your studies of Croatian language, Mob1  :)
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: whirlygirl on Aug 21, 2015, 05:34
What do you guys do and like
WG, it's not your whole life story, just what you currently do and like generally like.
I think maybe this is kind of rude to ask in the U.S. But in my region is pretty common, sorry if I'm being rude. =/

I am a 26 year old single man with an unhealthy love for breakfast cereal.

I recently quit my job at a local sixth form college where I was teaching music technology, media, gaming and a little bit of photography to some lovely (and not so lovely) 17 to 18 yr olds. Now I'm biding my time until I can move to the states and find my future wife.

I make electronic music inspired by The Chems, Underworld, Animal Collective, and everything else I listen to and do a fair amount of photoshop design for my artwork, websites and other odd jobs (I found a file the other day in which I had designed some Indian money to give to a friend as joke. I had to google Indian money to see if I had actually just copied it straight. I had not.)

I listen to A LOT of music. A good 60% of the day is soundtracked by something or other. I like most things. I listen to a lot of the stuff I loved growing up; Chems, Underworld, BT, Fluke, Groove Armada, Phoenix, Basement Jaxx, Lemon Jelly etc. There's always room for house music and Anjunadeep too.
I've also developed a deep deep love for K-Pop (gonna be starting a thread on that soon, to no doubt ostracize myself from the rest of you). Especially Girls' Generation and Teayeon in particular, who I am completely enamored with.

I watch a lot of US TV shows. The Newsroom is the best thing that's ever been on TV. I also like House of Cards, True Detective, Flash, Arrow, Adventure Time, Rick & Morty, Regular Show, New Girl, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Louie, Last Week Tonight etc.

Running is how I keep the calories of breakfast at bay.

I'm super good at sleeping. I've mastered the art of the disco nap.  I love to trip the light fantastic. And I'm very much drawn to colourful things.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 23, 2015, 05:36
I was teaching... gaming
teach... gaming? How does that work in real life?
Now I'm biding my time until I can move to the states and find my future wife.

to some lovely 17 to 18 yr olds.

I've also developed a deep deep love for K-Pop

I've mastered the art of the disco nap.  I love to trip the light fantastic.
My head blew up at "I love to trip the light fantastic." Please explain more, I'm 4 sleep pills deep, can't sleep, gotta get up in four hours  and have a fever to trip the light fantastic.
Last Edit: Aug 25, 2015, 03:16 by Mob1

Quote from: Mob1 on Aug 25, 2015, 03:14

teach... gaming? How does that work in real life?

I taught game audio. How to create sound for games.

Quote from: Mob1 on Aug 25, 2015, 03:14

Please explain more.

Last Edit: Aug 25, 2015, 03:28 by Enjoyed

Quote from: Enjoyed on Aug 25, 2015, 03:25

I taught game audio. How to create sound for games.
Ohh... Cool. Why didya quit??
Lol got more confused, how do you fall asleep with that or you were using it as humor?
geez I'm dumb as FUCK.

I'm Karl, a 38 year old electrical and mechanical engineer from England. I've been listening to the chems and other similar groups since the early 90's and collecting records since then. I used to dj many moons ago but just do it as a hobby now. I've recently started getting back into making tunes but I'm older and busier now so the process seems to be taking longer than it used to. Look forward to chatting to fellow fans

Hey Karl! Welcome :)

Quote from: Mob1 on Aug 25, 2015, 03:35

Ohh... Cool. Why didya quit??

Wanted to go to America and stop reading emails about policy changes and differentiation.

Quote from: Mob1 on Aug 25, 2015, 03:35

Lol got more confused, how do you fall asleep with that or you were using it as humor?
geez I'm dumb as FUCK.

The list wasn't supposed to be related.  I probably shouldn't have had good at sleeping and disco nap next to each other.
ALTHOUGH. I have actually been able to sleep when dancing before. Glastonbury will do that to a person.

I'm Craig, I'm 27, from North East England. I am getting married next year on the Isle of Man then shall be moving over there.
I work as a delivery driver for Tesco, which I'll also be doing when I move.

I am mainly into old punk music, but like all sorts.

I do a bit of graphic design in my spare time.

Quote from: Mob1 on Aug 23, 2015, 00:59

WG, it's not your whole life story, just what you currently do and like generally like.
I think maybe this is kind of rude to ask in the U.S. But in my region is pretty common, sorry if I'm being rude. =/

No no, you aren't being rude at all! Don't be silly! ;)
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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