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Temp ban

Started by Mob1, Aug 26, 2015, 15:12

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Dear ChemBase Team, Is that possible? like for two weeks?
I have finals at business school during next week and all I can think about is new topics to pass Enjoyed on the Top Topic Starters stats, and it keeps me awake at night and busy during the day. So my best option is to get banned till the storm passes.

Also, is it possible to keep post count constant? 99 is my favorite number and to keep it that way I have to delete a post I've made every time I post a new one.
Sorry for the OCD shit.


Well, yes, I guess we could ban you, but it wouldn't stop you from seeing the website!

And, we can't keep your post count from increasing without editing the source code, but if you buy me a pizza or two I can go and manually edit your postcount back to 99 once a day.
Never for money, always for love.

Thanks WN.
Ban me please! I know i could still read the website but I won't.
And let's talk about the pizzas when I get back.

Okay, you've just been banned for the next 14 days ;D

Send me a PM about the pizza when you're back.
Last Edit: Aug 26, 2015, 17:01 by WhiteNoise
Never for money, always for love.

Your links aren't posting too well, WN. They keep being front-ended with &22 and then they end with a ".

It's a shame. I'd hate for people to be missing out on BT treats.

Bwah. Trying to get the forum to link to Youtube without auto-embedding. Forum has a mind of its own and it's not working...

I will be modifying the auto-embed when I get the chance.
Never for money, always for love.

Can't you put it in a hyperlink like this?

See you on the other side.

What is this witchcraft?! I had it in a URL hyperlink just like that and it was still auto embedding.

maybe it's the ? at the end...
Never for money, always for love.

Must have been. The regular link embeds. Weird.

Quote from: WhiteNoise on Aug 26, 2015, 16:01

And, we can't keep your post count from increasing without editing the source code, but if you buy me a pizza or two I can go and manually edit your postcount back to 99 once a day.
I can make an easy script that will change post count everyday by cron work. It's DB thing.

P.S. Do not forget, i'm server administrator :)
Hi Kevin!

Well yeah. But with my plan, I get pizza! ^looks left and right^

Nah we'll do what Explud said.
Never for money, always for love.

Honestly, i don't like the both plans.
Changing the post count for one user manually or by software changes sounds a bit weird.
Hi Kevin!

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