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20th Anniversary of The Golden Path

Started by Qubitdyne, Mar 20, 2023, 14:29

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Can you believe that The Golden Path is now 20 years old? The messaging conveyed in the song and video are important, it's referring to child like faith, Matthew 18, I would love to hear a remastering of this great song and a remake of the video using modern video production technology. Get the cast of Severance to play the lead characters... :music

Last Edit: Mar 20, 2023, 14:57 by Qubitdyne

More like, it's 20 years since Nude Night was released. And I'm still waiting for that bass drop to come back. 

That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

I always feel like an outcast because I'm one of the few who seems to not like Nude Night.  ::)

True Story: I walked The Golden Path before the concert in Denver last September.

Traveled to a graveyard on yonder hill...

(Buffalo Bill's Grave)

Confronted by a demon force, could have been the devil, and when he spoke his words flowed like glowing lava

Was a great place. Would return.

Last Edit: Mar 21, 2023, 06:54 by Bosco

Damn that thread made me miss Whitenoise and the wiki.whitenoise  ;D

The Golden Path 👍👍
Nude Night 👍👍
Get Yourself High 👍👍👍
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

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Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

(picked this one since it seems to be the best quality)

After 20+ years, I'd love to hear their feelings on this performance. Wayne is awesome here, but obviously our boys are... well...  ;D

You think Vin Diesel ever came to another Chemical Brothers concert?

Was this literally a one-off-song show? I suppose they got a little HBHG tease too...

Tom, is this the first and last time on stage with a guitar?

Anyone actually see this, "LIVE"?

Um, when did this happen?

Edit: now see it's part of PAL DVD? And Dexter is a former member/contributor of The Avalanches who's responsible for the scratching in "Frontier Psychiatrist".  Interesting.
Last Edit: Feb 08, 2025, 06:01 by Bosco

That was great, never seen that video before.
Golden Path is freaking amazing. 
I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!

Quote from: Bosco on Mar 21, 2023, 06:27
Confronted by a demon force, could have been the devil, and when he spoke his words flowed like glowing lava

So this Zoltar thing actually existed before Tom Hanks made Big? Or is it inspired by that?

Quote from: ThePumisher on Mar 21, 2023, 10:05
The Golden Path 👍👍
Nude Night 👍👍
Get Yourself High 👍👍👍
Wait, you're giving Get Yourself High more thumbs than The Golden Path? It would be the other way around for me (even if yes, the Golden Path does sound a little bit like Where The Streets Have No Name).

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 08, 2025, 04:57
Um, when did this happen?

Edit: now see it's part of PAL DVD? And Dexter is a former member/contributor of The Avalanches who's responsible for the scratching in "Frontier Psychiatrist".  Interesting.

Ah yes, well PAL is/was the standard DVD format for those of us living outside of the Americas and East Asia. I think eventually a lot of DVD players were able to play both NTSC and PAL.
I actually bought this DVD circa 2012, possibly from that very Discogs link.
The inlay card mentions samples in track 3 for Gucci Again, The Evidence (Come With Us) and The Roof Is On Fire.
Because of course track 3 is actually a Megamix, or rather a Minimix of Chems tracks put together in a hip hop/scratch style. There is no Golden Path in this track!

If you Shazam it, it comes up as: The Golden Path (Dexter's International Scribble Mix), and that's apparently how it's been uploaded to YT and Spotify as well. But if you look at the title of track 3 on the DVD listing, it doesn't actually say The Golden Path, unlike tracks 1,2 & 4.
Perhaps it should have been more clearly labelled as a minimix/compilation of tracks. It seems to have fooled whoever was responsible for the Shazam and streaming listings for the track (not that they were thinking of that in 2003).

This last bit is very obscure and probably only of interest to me...
I remember Eddy Temple Morris naming the Ewan Pearson remix of TGP as his favourite dance track or remix of 2003, back when he had a show called The Remix on Xfm.
When Eddy TM then did his own remix of Valentine by Delays in '06/'07, I couldn't help thinking that he had borrowed an idea from Ewan's TGP remix. The full unmixed track is on Eddy's compilation Dance Rocks (CD2, track 1). I can't find it on YT, but there's a clip on Beatport, and I'm thinking of the bit at 2:14 to 2:26.
Incidentally if anyone likes Nu Skool Breaks with a touch of indie/rock, that Dance Rock compilation is pretty good, along with a couple of other compilations he was involved with.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 08, 2025, 15:13
Wait, you're giving Get Yourself High more thumbs than The Golden Path?

Yes, yes i do.
Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 08, 2025, 15:13
Incidentally if anyone likes Nu Skool Breaks with a touch of indie/rock, that Dance Rock compilation is pretty good, along with a couple of other compilations he was involved with.

Dang, that looks like a fun listen! Exactly what I was into at the time, trying to combine my enjoyment of the current chart rock (Kasabian, Bloc Party) with my love of Finger Lickin' and other breakbeat joints.

Shame it's nowhere to be found on the internet! Something to keep an eye out for in the rekkid stores next time I'm back home for sure. And it's on Botchit & Scarper. One of the few breaks labels I feel I never truly explored, despite enjoying a lot of their output at the time.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 08, 2025, 15:13
When Eddy TM then did his own remix of Valentine by Delays in '06/'07, I couldn't help thinking that he had borrowed an idea from Ewan's TGP remix.
I think you might be right there! I haven't listened to the TGP remix in a while but instantly recognized what you meant with those little bells in the back. Kind of gives me Stereo 8 - One Perfect Sunrise remix vibes too - though not quite as epic, IMHO.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 08, 2025, 15:13
If you Shazam it, it comes up as: The Golden Path (Dexter's International Scribble Mix), and that's apparently how it's been uploaded to YT and Spotify as well. But if you look at the title of track 3 on the DVD listing, it doesn't actually say The Golden Path, unlike tracks 1,2 & 4.

This is a funny one isn't it! You've got to love folks just trying their best (or just doing their "job") but getting something so wrong :)

It's a fun little minimix! I have a 192kpbs mp3 if anyone needs it for their collection!


Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 08, 2025, 15:13
So this Zoltar thing actually existed before Tom Hanks made Big? Or is it inspired by that?
Inspired. My guess is this particular unit was manufactured after the film. The movie version was called "Zoltar Speaks" and was coin operated. But fortune telling/love machines have been in existence since penny arcades which kinda made its way into American culture at the beginning of the 20th century. I would imagine it was probably something featured at the various World's Fairs here in the states.


Quote from: Enjoyed on Feb 08, 2025, 20:41
Shame it's [Dance Rocks] nowhere to be found on the internet! Something to keep an eye out for in the rekkid stores next time I'm back home for sure.

Or buy it for £1.96 + £2.39 shipping from Discogs, get it delivered to a UK address and have it waiting for you when you get there...

Quote from: Enjoyed on Feb 08, 2025, 20:41
I think you might be right there! I haven't listened to the TGP remix in a while but instantly recognized what you meant with those little bells in the back. Kind of gives me Stereo 8 - One Perfect Sunrise remix vibes too - though not quite as epic, IMHO.

Oh good, glad someone made sense of my last bit in that post. The bells are in the intro as well, IIRC.
I may have mentioned this before but Orbital had a 4-show residency on BBC Radio 1 back in 2023 (naturals on the mic!) and one of those shows was Breaks stuff like Plump DJs and Evil Nine. Why they didn't include that Stereo 8 remix, I don't know.

Quote from: Bosco on Feb 08, 2025, 21:56
Inspired. My guess is this particular unit was manufactured after the film. The movie version was called "Zoltar Speaks"

You photo says Zoltar Speaks as well. The "speaks" is down the bottom of the glass.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Feb 08, 2025, 22:56
You photo says Zoltar Speaks as well. The "speaks" is down the bottom of the glass.

Oh yeah, it does! Good spot.

To be honest, I was a little disappointed with Zoltar. I think I paid a buck (maybe two) and didn't receive a Zoltar fortune card! He did speak to me, and I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something  of the mentality of seizing the day (aka, carpe diem). And I did, I enjoyed a lovely Golden Colorado day, capped with a long awaited reunion with forum acquaintances (one I kidnapped) and a brilliant Chemical Brothers show. 

One last thing about Penny Arcades/Fortune teller stuff... There is an amazing Museum in San Francisco right next to Fishermans Wharf filled with a whole bunch of coin operated mechanical amusements from back in the day.  I highly recommend swinging by to take a look if anyone is ever in that area.

Last Edit: Feb 09, 2025, 02:41 by Bosco

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