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What’s Cookin’? [Now Eating/Drinking Thread]

Started by Bosco, Jun 08, 2023, 00:13

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My version of a...

Greek Salad:

• a bed of chopped romaine lettuce
• peeled and quartered cucumber
• sliced cherub tomatoes
• thinly sliced red onion
• sliced Kalamata olives
• sliced fresh green bell pepper
• sliced pickled pepperoncini pepper
• crumbled feta cheese
• dried oregano
• cracked sea salt (very little)

- cover and let rest for at least 15 minutes to let flavors mingle -

Finish with...

• Olive Oil and Vinegar salad dressing
• small squeeze of lemon juice (optional)
Last Edit: Jun 09, 2023, 16:07 by Bosco

Looks like a delicious, refreshing meal for a hot summer day!

I made Coconut-Peanutbutter-Banana-Curry today, one of my favourite dishes.Doesn't look that pretty but it's a super savoury and hearty comfort food.

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I don't really have a receipe since I usually make it on the fly but it's something like this:

  • Chop up an onion and fry it in a pan or wok with butter or oil until it browns a little bit
  • Slice three bananas and add them to the onions, stir until they start to caramelize
  • reduce the heat and add coconut milk (200 ml) and cream (250 ml). You can also use more coconut milk and vegetable broth, or a combination of all three.
  • Add 3-4 spoons of peanut butter, creamy or crunchy to your preference (I have a very strong opinion that creamy peanut butter is always the right choice). If the sauce gets to thick, simply add a little bit of vegetable broth, if it gets too thin crank up the heat a little bit and reduce it.
  • Add curry powder (I think 1-2 spoons, but simply try it out by tasting)
  • Season with salt, pepper, chili, nutmeg, piment, coriander
  • Serve with rice, Naan bread is also a great addition. The quantities above should serve around 3 people.

You can also add some vegetables like carrots or edamame beans. If you want to add some meat, I'm sure chicken or shrimp will go great with it.
Last Edit: Jul 16, 2023, 14:11 by Csar

I would totally be down for that Stefan, save me a dish!

Also, I should add detail about this thread that it wasn't just to be about cooking. It's mainly a 'What Are You Eating/Drinking?' thread. " What's Cookin' "was just a fun title. I only posted a recipe/directions for my salad to fill the first post of the thread...

Anyways, I figured it would be fun to see what everyone is munching or sipping on, around the world within our own community. Maybe we'll learn a thing or two about food or drink or perhaps open some other conversations about culture.

Did you order some fast-food from your favorite local place that you love? let's see it. Are you drinking a morning coffee/espresso or a mid day tea? let's see it.

Quote from: Stefan on Jun 09, 2023, 13:32
    (I have a very strong opinion that creamy peanut butter is always the right choice)


Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 02, 2023, 00:10

I agree with enjoyed...but only cause any amount of peanut butter will literally kill me (oh allergies....)
That would have blown my mind. If I had a mind.
"We going up!" and then pogo for the stars
"why yes, yes you are crazy and I love you for it!" Whirly

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 02, 2023, 00:10

But what's the point of mushing them, then? If I want something crunchy I'll just eat peanuts.

Quote from: Stefan on Jul 06, 2023, 20:04
But what's the point of mushing them, then? If I want something crunchy I'll just eat peanuts.

It's the best of both worlds. You can spread peanuts onto an apple, or toast. But you can spread mushed up peanuts WITH DELICIOUS CHUNKY BITS!

Since it's blazing summer, here's a delicious ice cream combination that is totally a thing in Austria:
Vanilla Ice with Pumpkin Seed Oil.
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Last Edit: Jul 16, 2023, 14:10 by Csar

We have a pumpkin spice craze in the United States that I'll never understand. It first started as seasonal thing (autumn) but has become popular enough where you can find food/drink products that include it year round.

I don't think I've ever had pumpkin seed oil, but  I love me some vanilla ice cream!

Haha the Pumpkin Spice craze is also (slowly) adapted here in Austria, and I'm all for it.

Pumpkin seed oil tastes completely different though, I'd say it doesn't even taste very pumpkin-y and nothing like pumpkin spice, it's a very distinct but totally different flavour. Here in Austria, it's most commonly used as salad dressing (it tastes great together with balsamic vinegar) or as garnish in some cream soups but more creative uses (like for instance, on ice cream, or in cake dough) are also not that rare.

Oh yeah, vanilla ice cream is amazing. I don't know why vanilla is often used as a synonym for bland or boring, because the spice is fantastic.

Quote from: Bosco on Jul 16, 2023, 16:54
We have a pumpkin spice craze in the United States that I'll never understand.
Pumpkin Spice Special K is one of the greatest things that has ever existed.

I'm extremely impatiently awaiting their return this Autumn.

Quote from: Bosco on Jul 16, 2023, 16:54
We have a pumpkin spice craze in the United States that I'll never understand. It first started as seasonal thing (autumn) but has become popular enough where you can find food/drink products that include it year round.

Quote from: Stefan on Jul 16, 2023, 17:21
Haha the Pumpkin Spice craze is also (slowly) adapted here in Austria, and I'm all for it.

Quote from: Enjoyed on Jul 17, 2023, 02:22
Pumpkin Spice Special K is one of the greatest things that has ever existed.

I'm extremely impatiently awaiting their return this Autumn.

Somehow I've never tasted "pumpkin spice", but if it tastes like Pumpkin then I'm not in a rush.
Anyway following on from random discussion on this subject, I came across this...
Originally from FlavCity on TikTok

Oh, Tweet error (does not exist). But it does if you click it.

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Sep 14, 2023, 20:16
Somehow I've never tasted "pumpkin spice", but if it tastes like Pumpkin then I'm not in a rush.
Have you ever had cinnamon and nutmeg? Then you've tasted pumpkin spice.

I'm visiting Chicago in a few weeks and will definitely be getting a diabetes cup from Dunkin'. Probably not the 20oz though, that does seem a tad irresponsible.

It's actually really good for my body that Dunkin' doesn't exist in the PNW.

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Well, Pumpkin Spice itself is a blend of certain spices and originally never contained pumpkin, so the the spice itself doesn't taste like it. It just goes great with pretty much any pumpkin dish. And coffee, for that matter.
But yes, the amount of sugar in this milkshake is insane. It reminds me of this scene from Parcs and Rec:

Quote from: Enjoyed on Sep 14, 2023, 20:26
getting a diabetes cup from Dunkin'

Quote from: Csar on Dec 07, 2023, 19:31
It's 237!  That's also the best number because it would make you the Turbo Nutter of the deluxe owners

Quote from: Wolkenkrabber on Sep 14, 2023, 20:16
Oh, Tweet error (does not exist).
Exist, exist. Forgot to turn on the magic button.
Hi Kevin!

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